public async Task <IActionResult> GetAuthor(int id) { try { _logger.LogInfo($"Trying to get all of Flys Book store Author by ID: {id}"); var author = await _authorRepository.FindByID(id); if (author == null) { _logger.LogWarn($"Author with id:{id} was not found"); return(NotFound()); } var response = _mapper.Map <AuthorDTO>(author); _logger.LogInfo("Bingo got flys BookStore Author by ID with no issues"); return(Ok(response)); } catch (Exception e) { return(InternalError($"{e.Message } - {e.StackTrace }")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAuthors() { try { _logger.LogInfo("Attemped get all Authors"); var authors = await _authorRepository.FindAll(); if (authors == null) { _logger.LogWarn("No authors Avalible"); return(NotFound()); } var response = _map.Map <IList <AuthorDTO> >(authors); _logger.LogInfo("Succesfully Got All Authors"); return(Ok(response)); } catch (Exception e) { return(internalError($"{e.Message}-{e.InnerException}")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int id) { var location = GetControllerActionNames(); try { if (id < 1) { _logger.LogWarn($"Empty Request was submitted"); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { _logger.LogWarn($"Bad Data Dude"); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var book = await _bookRepository.FindByID(id); if (book == null) { return(NotFound()); } //ToDo: add isExists logic //Todo: Refactor Errors and messages var isSuccess = await _bookRepository.Delete(book); if (!isSuccess) { // _logger.LogIError($"{location} {e.Message } - {e.StackTrace }"); _logger.LogWarn($"Bad Data Dude"); return(InternalError($"Did not Delete from Flys Book store ")); } return(NoContent()); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogIError($"{location} {e.Message } - {e.StackTrace }"); return(InternalError($"{e.Message } - {e.StackTrace }")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetBooksById(int id) { var location = GetControllerActionNames(); try { _logger.LogInfo($"{location}: Attemped Call for id {id}"); var book = await _bookRepository.FindById(id); var response = _map.Map <BookDTO>(book); if (book == null) { _logger.LogWarn($"{location} Faild to Find id {id}"); return(NotFound()); } _logger.LogInfo($"{location}: Attempet Call Succesful"); return(Ok(response)); } catch (Exception e) { return(internalError($"{location}:{e.Message}-{e.InnerException}")); } }
public void Delete(int id) { _logger.LogWarn("This Is An Warrning"); }