public void SendLockStepAction(ILockStepAction action)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #2
    //public IAction[] CurrentActions;
    //private IAction[] NextActions;
    //private IAction[] NextNextActions;
    ////incase other players advance to the next step and send their action before we advance a step
    //private IAction[] NextNextNextActions;

    //private int currentActionsCount;
    //private int nextActionsCount;
    //private int nextNextActionsCount;
    //private int nextNextNextActionsCount;

    //LockStepManager lsm;

    //public PendingActions(LockStepManager lsm)
    //    this.lsm = lsm;

    //    //CurrentActions = new IAction[lsm.numberOfPlayers];
    //    //NextActions = new IAction[lsm.numberOfPlayers];
    //    //NextNextActions = new IAction[lsm.numberOfPlayers];
    //    //NextNextNextActions = new IAction[lsm.numberOfPlayers];

    //    //currentActionsCount = 0;
    //    //nextActionsCount = 0;
    //    //nextNextActionsCount = 0;
    //    //nextNextNextActionsCount = 0;

    //public void NextTurn()
    //    ////Finished processing this turns actions - clear it
    //    //for (int i = 0; i < CurrentActions.Length; i++)
    //    //{
    //    //    CurrentActions[i] = null;
    //    //}
    //    //IAction[] swap = CurrentActions;

    //    ////last turn's actions is now this turn's actions
    //    //CurrentActions = NextActions;
    //    //currentActionsCount = nextActionsCount;

    //    ////last turn's next next actions is now this turn's next actions
    //    //NextActions = NextNextActions;
    //    //nextActionsCount = nextNextActionsCount;

    //    //NextNextActions = NextNextNextActions;
    //    //nextNextActionsCount = nextNextNextActionsCount;

    //    ////set NextNextNextActions to the empty list
    //    //NextNextNextActions = swap;
    //    //nextNextNextActionsCount = 0;

    //public void AddAction(IAction action, int playerID, int currentLockStepTurn, int actionsLockStepTurn)
    //    ////add action for processing later
    //    //if (actionsLockStepTurn == currentLockStepTurn + 1)
    //    //{
    //    //    NextNextNextActions[playerID] = action;
    //    //    nextNextNextActionsCount++;
    //    //}
    //    //else if (actionsLockStepTurn == currentLockStepTurn)
    //    //{

    //    //    if (playerID == this.lsm.virtualClient.ID && NextNextActions[playerID] != null)
    //    //    {
    //    //        Debug.Log("add self action multiple times");
    //    //    }

    //    //    //if recieved action during our current turn
    //    //    //add for processing 2 turns away

    //    //    NextNextActions[playerID] = action;
    //    //    nextNextActionsCount++;
    //    //}
    //    //else if (actionsLockStepTurn == currentLockStepTurn - 1)
    //    //{
    //    //    //if recieved action for last turn
    //    //    //add for processing 1 turn away

    //    //    NextActions[playerID] = action;
    //    //    nextActionsCount++;
    //    //}
    //    //else
    //    //{
    //    //    return;
    //    //}

    //public bool ReadyForNextTurn()
    //    if (nextNextActionsCount == lsm.numberOfPlayers) // 收到当前帧数据 下下帧执行
    //    {
    //        return true;
    //    }

    //    //if this is the 1st turn, no actions had the chance to be recieved yet
    //    if (lsm.LockStepTurnID == LockStepManager.FirstLockStepTurnID)
    //    {
    //        return true;
    //    }
    //    //if none of the conditions have been met, return false
    //    return false;
    public void AddAction(ILockStepAction action, int actionLockStepTurn, int playerId, int currentLockStepTurn)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
 public void OnReceiveLockStepAction(ILockStepAction action)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public void RelayLockStepActionToOthers(int playerId, int lockStepTurn, ILockStepAction action)
     throw new NotImplementedException();