예제 #1
 public LocPocQuery(ILocationsRepositoryAsync repository)
     Field <ListGraphType <LocationType> >(
         resolve: context => repository.GetAllAsync()
예제 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <DTOs.Location> > > Get()
            var locations = await _locationsRepository.GetAllAsync();

            var locationDTOs = locations.Select(loc => loc.ToLocationDto());

        public async Task <IEnumerable <LocationWithDistanceFromStartingPoint> > GetNearestLocations(StartingLocation startingLocation, int maxDistance, int maxResults)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(startingLocation, nameof(startingLocation));
            EnsureArg.IsGte(maxDistance, 0, nameof(maxDistance));
            EnsureArg.IsGt(maxResults, 0, nameof(maxResults));

            // In the case of an actual database with lots of records, we can use caching to save time when
            // fetching al the records.
            var allLocations = await _locationsRepository.GetAllAsync();

            var startLoc = new Location(startingLocation.Latitude, startingLocation.Longitude);

            // Time complexity depends on the size of M. Worst case if M is big then TC=O(M log M), else Omega(N)
            var res = allLocations
                      .Select(l => new LocationWithDistanceFromStartingPoint(l, l.CalculateDistance(startLoc))) // Select: O(N)
                      .Where(l => l.DistanceFromStartingPoint <= maxDistance)                                   // Where: O(N)
                      .OrderBy(l => l.DistanceFromStartingPoint)                                                //O(M log M)
                      .Take(maxResults);                                                                        // Take: O(M)
