public async Task <IActionResult> CreateLoad([FromBody] OrderEntryViewModel orderEntryVM)
                if (!_userContext.UserId.HasValue)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid UserId");

                // LoadService.CreateLoad expects the Customer.IdentUserId, not the Customer.CustomerId
                var customerIdentUserId = await _userProfileService.GetPrimaryCustomerIdentUserId(_userContext.UserId.Value);

                if (!customerIdentUserId.HasValue)
                    throw new Exception("User does not have a primary customer.");

                // Saving locations requires FK to CustomerID
                var customerId = await _userProfileService.GetPrimaryCustomerId(_userContext.UserId.Value);

                if (!customerId.HasValue)
                    throw new Exception("User does not have a primary customer.");

                 * The UI allows entering an Order Number, which is effectively the ReferenceLoadDisplay, so in order
                 * to generate a ReferenceLoadId, we need to get the user's primary customer's TOPS Owner ID and then
                 * prepend that to the ReferenceLoadDisplay to get the ReferenceLoadId
                var customerOwnerId = await _userProfileService.GetPrimaryCustomerOwner(_userContext.UserId.Value);

                orderEntryVM.ReferenceLoadId = CalculateReferenceLoadId(customerOwnerId, orderEntryVM.ReferenceLoadDisplay);


                var load = _mapper.Map <LoadDetailData>(orderEntryVM);
                load.LoadTransaction = new LoadTransactionData()
                    TransactionType = TransactionTypeData.PendingAdd

                 * LoadStop.ApptType is a calculated field, so the logic for doing so and setting its value on
                 * all load stops is kept in the LoadService.  We call it here to update the values before calling
                 * the shared CreateLoad code, so the load stops will pass validation
                load.LoadStops = _loadService.SetApptTypeOnLoadStops(load.LoadStops);

                var options = new CreateLoadOptionsDto()
                    ValidateAddress = OrderAddressValidationEnum.Validate,
                    ManuallyCreated = true

                var createResponse = await _loadService.CreateLoad(load, customerIdentUserId.Value, _userContext.UserName, options);

                if (!createResponse.IsSuccess)
                    var problemDetails = new ValidationProblemDetails(createResponse.ModelState)
                        Title    = "Create Load Error",
                        Detail   = "One or more errors occurred when trying to save this load.  See form for error details",
                        Status   = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                        Instance = $"urn:kbxl:error:{Guid.NewGuid()}"
                    SaveLocations(customerId.Value, load.LoadStops);

            catch (ValidationException exception)
                return(Error <List <LocationViewModel> >(exception));