예제 #1
 public Mode[] GetModesMassReduced(bool delhess, ILinAlg la)
     Mode[] modes;
     modes = GetModesMassWeighted(delhess, la);  // mass-weighted modes
     modes.UpdateMassReduced(mass.ToArray());    // mass-reduced modes
예제 #2
        public static Mode[] GetModeCoarseBlkmat(Matrix hess, IList <int> idx_heavy, ILinAlg ila)
            HDebug.Depreciated("use GetHessCoarseBlkmat() and GetModesFromHess() separately");
            Matrix hess_HH = GetHessCoarseBlkmat(hess, idx_heavy, ila);

            //    Matlab.PutMatrix("H", hess);
            //    Matlab.Execute("H = (H + H')/2;");
            //    Matlab.PutVector("idx0", idx_heavy.ToArray());
            //    Matlab.Execute("idx0 = sort([idx0*3+1; idx0*3+2; idx0*3+3]);");
            //    Matlab.PutValue("idx1", hess.ColSize);
            //    Matlab.Execute("idx1 = setdiff(1:idx1, idx0)';");
            //    HDebug.Assert(Matlab.GetValueInt("length(union(idx0,idx1))") == hess.ColSize*3);
            //    Matlab.Execute("A = full(H(idx0,idx0));");
            //    Matlab.Execute("B =      H(idx0,idx1) ;");
            //    Matlab.Execute("C =      H(idx1,idx0) ;");
            //    Matlab.Execute("D = full(H(idx1,idx1));");
            //    Matlab.Execute("clear H;");
            //    Matlab.Execute("bhess = A - B * inv(D) * C;");
            //    Matlab.Execute("bhess = (bhess + bhess')/2;");
            Mode[] modes = GetModesFromHess(hess_HH, ila);
예제 #3
        public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_BlockWise
            (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
            , Vector[] coords
            , ILinAlg ila
            , int clus_width       ///= 18    | (18,500) is good for large sparse proteins
            , int num_atom_merge   ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
            , double thres_zeroblk ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
            , IList <Universe.Atom> keeps
            , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption iteropt
            , params string[] options
            if (clus_width <= 0)
                throw new Exception("clus_width should be > 0");

            HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv = delegate(object[] latoms, Vector[] lcoords)
                Universe.Atom[] lunivatoms = latoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
                return(HessCoarseResiIter.GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster2(lunivatoms, lcoords, clus_width, num_atom_merge, keeps));
                       (hessinfo, coords, GetIdxKeepListRemv, ila, thres_zeroblk
                       , iteropt
                       , options: options
예제 #4
            public HessInfo GetSubHessInfoByBlockHess(IList <int> idxs, ILinAlg ila)
                // GetSubHessInfoByBlockHess(idxSele, ila, "pinv")
                Vector idxmass = mass.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs);

                object[]   idxatoms  = atoms.HSelectByIndex(idxs);
                Vector[]   idxcoords = coords.HSelectByIndex(idxs);
                HessMatrix idxhess   = null;

                if (ila != null)
                    idxhess = Hess.GetHessCoarseBlkmat(hess, idxs, ila);
                    idxhess = Hess.GetHessCoarseBlkmat(hess, idxs);

                return(new HessInfo
                    mass = idxmass,
                    atoms = idxatoms,
                    coords = idxcoords,
                    hess = idxhess,
                    numZeroEigval = numZeroEigval,
예제 #5
            public static double[] GetRotAngles(Universe univ
                                                , Vector[] coords
                                                , Vector[] dcoords
                                                , MatrixByArr J
                                                , ILinAlg ila
                Vector dangles;

                using (ila.NewDisposables())
                    Vector R      = Vector.FromBlockvector(dcoords);
                    Vector M      = univ.GetMasses(3);
                    var    RR     = ila.ToILMat(R).AddDisposable();
                    var    MM     = ila.ToILMat(M).Diag().AddDisposable();
                    var    JJ     = ila.ToILMat(J).AddDisposable();
                    var    invJMJ = ila.Inv(JJ.Tr * MM * JJ).AddDisposable();
                    var    AA     = invJMJ * JJ.Tr * MM * RR;
                    dangles = AA.ToArray().HToArray1D();

                if (HDebug.False && HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector tdangles = GetRotAngles(univ, coords, dcoords, J);

                    HDebug.Assert(0.9999 < (tdangles.Dist / dangles.Dist), (tdangles.Dist / dangles.Dist) < 1.0001);
                    HDebug.Assert(LinAlg.DotProd(tdangles, dangles) / (tdangles.Dist * dangles.Dist) > 0.9999);
                    HDebug.Assert((tdangles - dangles).Dist / tdangles.Dist < 0.0001);

예제 #6
            public Mode[] GetModesMassWeighted(bool delhess, ILinAlg la)
                Matrix mwhess = GetHessMassWeighted(delhess);

                Mode[] mwmodes = Hess.GetModesFromHess(mwhess, la);
예제 #7
        public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_SymrcmBlockWise
            (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
            , Vector[] coords
            , double?symrcm_filter_blckwise_interact // null (use 1 as default)
            , ILinAlg ila
            , int clus_width                         ///= 18    | (18,500) is good for large sparse proteins
            , int num_atom_merge                     ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
            , double thres_zeroblk                   ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
            , string[] nameToKeep
            if (clus_width <= 0)
                throw new Exception("clus_width should be > 0");

            HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv = delegate(object[] latoms, Vector[] lcoords)
                Universe.Atom[] lunivatoms = latoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
                return(HessCoarseResiIter.GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster_SymrcmBlockWise(lunivatoms, lcoords, hessinfo.hess, clus_width, num_atom_merge, symrcm_filter_blckwise_interact, nameToKeep));
                       (hessinfo, coords, GetIdxKeepListRemv, ila, thres_zeroblk
                       , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption.Matlab_experimental
예제 #8
 public Mode[] GetModes(ILinAlg la)
     if (_modes == null)
         _modes = Hess.GetModesFromHess(hess, la);
                public static void Main(string[] args, ILinAlg la)
                    SelfTest_Program20150111_SparsityVsAccuracy.la = la;

                    string[] hesstypes     = new string[] { "NMA", "scrnNMA", "sbNMA", "ssNMA", "eANM", "AA-ANM" };
                    double[] threszeroblks = new double[] { 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 };

                    Main(args, hesstypes, threszeroblks);
예제 #10
            public bool CheckModeWithHess(MatrixByArr hess, double[] masses, ILinAlg la, Mode[] modes = null, double tolerance = 0.00001)
                if (modes == null)
                    modes = ToModes(masses);

                HessMatrix ohess = new HessMatrixDense
                    hess = modes.GetHessian(masses, la),
                double corr = HMath.HCorr(hess.ToArray().HToArray1D(), ohess.ToArray().HToArray1D());

                System.Console.Write("corr(TestHess,HessVibr:{0}  ", corr);

                    HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize == ohess.ColSize);
                    HDebug.Assert(hess.RowSize == ohess.RowSize);
                    double ltolerance = hess.ToArray().HAbs().HMax() * tolerance;
                    ltolerance = tolerance;
                    for (int c = 0; c < ohess.ColSize; c++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < ohess.RowSize; r++)
                            double v    = hess[c, r];
                            double mwv  = ohess[c, r];
                            double diff = Math.Abs(v - mwv);
                            if (diff >= ltolerance)
                //    Matrix vhess  =  hess /  hess.ToArray().HToArray1D().HVar();
                //    Matrix vohess = ohess / ohess.ToArray().HToArray1D().HVar();
                //    HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize == ohess.ColSize);
                //    HDebug.Assert(hess.RowSize == ohess.RowSize);
                //    HDebug.Assert(vhess.Size == vohess.Size);
                //    for(int c=0; c<vhess.ColSize; c++)
                //    for(int r=0; r<vhess.RowSize; r++)
                //    {
                //        double v = vhess[c,r];
                //        double vo = vohess[c,r];
                //        double diff = Math.Abs(v - vo);
                //        if(diff >= tolerance)
                //        {
                //            HDebug.Assert(false);
                //            return false;
                //        }
                //    }
예제 #11
        public static Mode[] PCA(IList <Vector[]> confs, ref Vector[] meanconf, ILinAlg ila)
            if (meanconf == null)
                meanconf = new Vector[confs[0].Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < meanconf.Length; i++)
                    Vector meancoord = new double[3];
                    foreach (Vector[] conf in confs)
                        meancoord += conf[i];
                    meancoord  /= confs.Count;
                    meanconf[i] = meancoord;

            int    size      = meanconf.Length;
            int    size3     = size * 3;
            int    num       = confs.Count;
            Matrix mconfs    = Matrix.Zeros(size3, num);
            Vector vmeanconf = Vector.FromBlockvector(meanconf);

            for (int r = 0; r < num; r++)
                Vector vconf  = Vector.FromBlockvector(confs[r]);
                Vector dvconf = vconf - vmeanconf;
                for (int c = 0; c < size3; c++)
                    mconfs[c, r] = dvconf[c];

            Matrix cov = null;
                var CONFS = ila.ToILMat(mconfs);
                var COV   = CONFS * CONFS.Tr;
                cov = COV.ToArray();

            Func <Matrix, Tuple <Matrix, Vector> > fnEig = delegate(Matrix A)
                var    AA   = ila.ToILMat(A);
                var    VVDD = ila.EigSymm(AA);
                var    VV   = VVDD.Item1;
                Vector D    = VVDD.Item2;
                Matrix V    = VV.ToArray();
                return(new Tuple <Matrix, Vector>(V, D));

            return(PCA(cov, confs.Count, fnEig));
예제 #12
        public static HessMatrix GetMulImpl(ILinAlg ila, bool warning, params HessMatrix[] mats)
            if (ila != null)
                if (HDebug.Selftest())
                    Matrix h0 = new double[, ] {
                        { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
                        , { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
                        , { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }
                        , { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }
                        , { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
                        , { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }
                    HessMatrix h1 = HessMatrixDense.FromMatrix(h0);
                    HessMatrix h2 = HessMatrixSparse.FromMatrix(h0);
                    Matrix     t0 = Matrix.GetMul(Matrix.GetMul(h1, h1), h1);
                        Matrix t1 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h1, h1, h1); double d1 = (t0 - t1).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d1);
                        Matrix t2 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h1, h1, h2); double d2 = (t0 - t2).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d2);
                        Matrix t3 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h1, h2, h1); double d3 = (t0 - t3).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d3);
                        Matrix t4 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h1, h2, h2); double d4 = (t0 - t4).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d4);
                        Matrix t5 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h2, h1, h1); double d5 = (t0 - t5).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d5);
                        Matrix t6 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h2, h1, h2); double d6 = (t0 - t6).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d6);
                        Matrix t7 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h2, h2, h1); double d7 = (t0 - t7).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d7);
                        Matrix t8 = GetMulImpl(ila, false, h2, h2, h2); double d8 = (t0 - t8).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d8);
                        Matrix t1 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h1, h1, h1); double d1 = (t0 - t1).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d1);
                        Matrix t2 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h1, h1, h2); double d2 = (t0 - t2).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d2);
                        Matrix t3 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h1, h2, h1); double d3 = (t0 - t3).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d3);
                        Matrix t4 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h1, h2, h2); double d4 = (t0 - t4).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d4);
                        Matrix t5 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h2, h1, h1); double d5 = (t0 - t5).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d5);
                        Matrix t6 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h2, h1, h2); double d6 = (t0 - t6).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d6);
                        Matrix t7 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h2, h2, h1); double d7 = (t0 - t7).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d7);
                        Matrix t8 = GetMulImpl(null, false, h2, h2, h2); double d8 = (t0 - t8).HAbsMax(); HDebug.Assert(0 == d8);

            HessMatrix mul = null;

            foreach (HessMatrix mat in mats)
                if (mul == null)
                    mul = mat;
                    mul = GetMulImpl(mul, mat, ila, warning);
예제 #13
        public static Mode[] GetModesFromHess(Matrix hess, ILinAlg la)
            List <Mode> modes;

                Matrix V;
                Vector D;
                switch (la)
                case null:
                    using (new Matlab.NamedLock(""))
                        Matlab.PutMatrix("H", hess, true);
                        Matlab.Execute("H = (H + H')/2;");
                        Matlab.Execute("[V,D] = eig(H);");
                        Matlab.Execute("D = diag(D);");
                        V = Matlab.GetMatrix("V", true);
                        D = Matlab.GetVector("D", true);

                    var H = la.ToILMat(hess);
                    H = (H + H.Tr) / 2;
                    var VD = la.EigSymm(H);
                    V = VD.Item1.ToMatrix();
                    D = VD.Item2;

                int[] idxs = D.ToArray().HAbs().HIdxSorted();
                modes = new List <Mode>(idxs.Length);
                //foreach(int idx in idxs)
                for (int th = 0; th < idxs.Length; th++)
                    int  idx  = idxs[th];
                    Mode mode = new Mode
                        th     = (th + 1),
                        eigval = D[idx],
                        eigvec = V.GetColVector(idx)
예제 #14
        public static Mode[] GetModeMixAnm(IList <Vector> coords
                                           , IList <int> lstIdxCa
                                           , IList <int> lstIdxAll
                                           , ILinAlg la
            double AaCutoff = 6.0; double AaSprcst = 0.64;
            double CaCutoff = 13.0; double CaSprcst = 3.10;

            return(GetModeMixAnm(coords, lstIdxCa, lstIdxAll
                                 , CaCutoff, CaSprcst
                                 , AaCutoff, AaSprcst
                                 , la
예제 #15
        public static MatrixByArr GetHessian(this IList <Mode> modes, ILinAlg la)
            Vector[]    eigvecs = modes.ListEigvec().ToArray();
            Vector      eigvals = modes.ListEigval().ToArray();
            MatrixByArr hess;

                var V = la.ToILMat(eigvecs.ToMatrix());
                var D = la.ToILMat(eigvals).Diag();
                var H = la.Mul(V, D, V.Tr);
                hess = H.ToArray();
예제 #16
 public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_SymrcmAtomWise
     (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
     , Vector[] coords
     , ILinAlg ila
     , int num_atom_merge   ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
     , double thres_zeroblk ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
     , string[] nameToKeep
     HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv = delegate(object[] latoms, Vector[] lcoords)
         Universe.Atom[] lunivatoms = latoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
         return(HessCoarseResiIter.GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster_SymrcmAtomWise(lunivatoms, lcoords, hessinfo.hess, num_atom_merge, thres_zeroblk, nameToKeep));
                (hessinfo, coords, GetIdxKeepListRemv, ila, thres_zeroblk
                , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption.Matlab_experimental
예제 #17
        public static Matrix GetInvSprTensorSymm(Matrix H, Matrix S, ILinAlg ila)
            // check H be symmetric
            HDebug.AssertToleranceMatrix(0.00000001, H - H.Tr());

            Matrix invK = GetInvSprTensor(H, S, ila);

            if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && ila != null)
                HDebug.AssertToleranceMatrix(0.00000001, invK - invK.Tr()); // check symmetric
                var invKK = ila.ToILMat(invK);
                var VVDD  = ila.EigSymm(invKK);
                foreach (double d in VVDD.Item2)
                    HDebug.Assert(d > -0.00000001);
예제 #18
 public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_BlockWise
     (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
     , Vector[] coords
     , ILinAlg ila
     , int clus_width       ///= 18    | (18,500) is good for large sparse proteins
     , int num_atom_merge   ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
     , double thres_zeroblk ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
     string[] nameToKeep = new string[] { "CA" };
                , coords
                , ila
                , clus_width
                , num_atom_merge
                , thres_zeroblk
                , nameToKeep
예제 #19
 public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter
     (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
     , Vector[] coords
     , HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv
     , ILinAlg ila
     , double thres_zeroblk = 0.001
     , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption iteropt = HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption.Matlab_experimental
     , string[] options = null
                (hessinfo: hessinfo
                , coords: coords
                , GetIdxKeepListRemv: GetIdxKeepListRemv
                , ila: ila
                , thres_zeroblk: thres_zeroblk
                , iteropt: iteropt
                , options: options
예제 #20
        public static Mode[] GetModeMixAnm(IList <Vector> coords
                                           , IList <int> lstIdxCa
                                           , IList <int> lstIdxAll
                                           , double CaCutoff, double CaSprcst
                                           , double AaCutoff, double AaSprcst
                                           , ILinAlg la
            HessInfo hessinfo = GetHessMixAnm(coords, lstIdxCa, lstIdxAll
                                              , CaCutoff, CaSprcst
                                              , AaCutoff, AaSprcst

            int[] idxMixed = lstIdxCa.HUnionWith(lstIdxAll);

            var hessinfoMixed = hessinfo.GetSubHessInfo(idxMixed);

            Mode[] modesMixed = hessinfoMixed.GetModesMassReduced(true, la);
            Mode[] modes      = modesMixed.ToModeEigvecResized(coords.Count, idxMixed);
예제 #21
        //public static OOverlapWeighted OverlapWeightedByFreq(IList<Mode> modes1, IList<Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector, string optSelectOverlap)
        //    Vector weights = new double[modes1.Count];
        //    for(int i=0; i<weights.Size; i++)
        //        weights[i] = 1/Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(modes1[i].eigval));
        //    weights /= weights.Sum();
        //    return OverlapWeighted(modes1, modes2, weights.ToArray(), ila, bResetUnitVector, optSelectOverlap);
        public static OOverlapWeighted OverlapWeighted(IList <Mode> modes1, double[] mass1, double[] mass2, IList <Mode> modes2, IList <double> weights, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector, string optSelectOverlap)
            Matrix soverlap = OverlapSigned(modes1, mass1, mass2, modes2, ila, bResetUnitVector);

            HDebug.Exception(modes1.Count == weights.Count);

            int[] idxOverlap1to2;
            switch (optSelectOverlap)
            case "corresponding index":
                if (modes1.Count != modes2.Count)
                    throw new HException();
                idxOverlap1to2 = HEnum.HEnumCount(modes1.Count).ToArray();

            case "best matching overlap":
                idxOverlap1to2 = new int[modes1.Count];
                for (int im = 0; im < modes1.Count; im++)
                    idxOverlap1to2[im] = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < modes2.Count; k++)
                        if (Math.Abs(soverlap[im, idxOverlap1to2[im]]) < Math.Abs(soverlap[im, k]))
                            idxOverlap1to2[im] = k;

                throw new HException();

            Vector overlap1to2       = new double[modes1.Count];
            Vector overlap1to2signed = new double[modes1.Count];
            double woverlap          = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++)
                overlap1to2      [i] = Math.Abs(soverlap[i, idxOverlap1to2[i]]);
                overlap1to2signed[i] = soverlap[i, idxOverlap1to2[i]];
                woverlap            += weights[i] * overlap1to2[i];

            return(new OOverlapWeighted
                soverlap1to2 = soverlap,
                woverlap = woverlap,
                weights = weights.ToArray(),
                overlaps = overlap1to2.ToArray(),
                sgnoverlaps = overlap1to2signed.ToArray(),
                idxOverlap1to2 = idxOverlap1to2,
                modes1 = modes1.ToArray(),
                modes2 = modes2.ToArray(),
예제 #22
        public static OOverlapWeighted OverlapWeightedByEigval(IList <Mode> modes1, double[] mass1, double[] mass2, IList <Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector, string optSelectOverlap)
            Vector weights = new double[modes1.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < weights.Size; i++)
                weights[i] = 1 / Math.Abs(modes1[i].eigval);
            weights /= weights.Sum();

            return(OverlapWeighted(modes1, mass1, mass2, modes2, weights.ToArray(), ila, bResetUnitVector, optSelectOverlap));
예제 #23
 public static OOverlapWeighted OverlapWeightedByEigval(IList <Mode> modes1, IList <Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector, string optSelectOverlap)
     return(OverlapWeightedByEigval(modes1, null, null, modes2, ila, bResetUnitVector, optSelectOverlap));
예제 #24
        public static Matrix OverlapSigned(IList <Mode> modes1, double[] mass1, double[] mass2, IList <Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector)
            Matrix mat1;
            Matrix mat2;
            string mat12opt = "memory-save";

            switch (mat12opt)
            case "initial":
                Vector[] eigvecs1 = new Vector[modes1.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++)
                    eigvecs1[i] = modes1[i].eigvec.Clone();
                Vector[] eigvecs2 = new Vector[modes2.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < modes2.Count; i++)
                    eigvecs2[i] = modes2[i].eigvec.Clone();
                    // 1. Hess
                    // 2. mwHess <- M^-0.5 * H * M^-0.5
                    // 3. [V,D]  <- eig(mwHess)
                    // 4. mrMode <- M^-0.5 * V
                    // overlap: vi . vj
                    // 1. vi <- M^0.5 * mrMode_i
                    // 2. vj <- M^0.5 * mrMode_j
                    // 3. vi.vj <- dot(vi,vj)
                    //         [ 2           ]   [4]   [2*4]   [ 8]
                    //         [   2         ]   [5]   [2*5]   [10]
                    // M * v = [     2       ] * [6] = [2*6] = [12]
                    //         [       3     ]   [7]   [3*7]   [21]
                    //         [         3   ]   [8]   [3*8]   [24]
                    //         [           3 ]   [9]   [3*9]   [27]
                    // V1 <- sqrt(M1) * V1
                    // V2 <- sqrt(M2) * V2
                    //                           1. get sqrt(mass)          2. for each eigenvector              3 eigveci[j] = eigvec[j] * sqrt_mass[j/3]
                    if (mass1 != null)
                        double[] mass1sqrt = mass1.HSqrt(); for (int i = 0; i < eigvecs1.Length; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs1[i].Size; j++)
                                eigvecs1[i][j] *= mass1sqrt[j / 3];
                    if (mass2 != null)
                        double[] mass2sqrt = mass2.HSqrt(); for (int i = 0; i < eigvecs2.Length; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs2[i].Size; j++)
                                eigvecs2[i][j] *= mass2sqrt[j / 3];
                if (bResetUnitVector)
                    for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++)
                        eigvecs1[i] = eigvecs1[i].UnitVector();
                    for (int i = 0; i < modes2.Count; i++)
                        eigvecs2[i] = eigvecs2[i].UnitVector();

                mat1 = eigvecs1.ToMatrix(false); HDebug.Assert(mat1.ColSize == eigvecs1.Length); eigvecs1 = null; GC.Collect(0);
                mat2 = eigvecs2.ToMatrix(true); HDebug.Assert(mat2.RowSize == eigvecs2.Length); eigvecs2 = null; GC.Collect(0);

            case "memory-save":
                int vecsize = modes1[0].eigvec.Size;
                HDebug.Exception(vecsize == modes1[0].eigvec.Size);
                HDebug.Exception(vecsize == modes2[0].eigvec.Size);

                //Vector[] eigvecs1 = new Vector[modes1.Count]; for(int i=0; i<modes1.Count; i++) eigvecs1[i] = modes1[i].eigvec.Clone();
                //if(mass1 != null) { double[] mass1sqrt = mass1.HSqrt(); for(int i=0; i<modes1.Count; i++) for(int j=0; j<eigvecs1[i].Size; j++) eigvecs1[i][j] *= mass1sqrt[j/3]; }
                //if(bResetUnitVector) for(int i=0; i<modes1.Count; i++) eigvecs1[i] = eigvecs1[i].UnitVector();
                //mat1 = eigvecs1.ToMatrix(false); HDebug.Assert(mat1.ColSize == modes1.Count); eigvecs1 = null; GC.Collect(0);
                mat1 = Matrix.Zeros(modes1.Count, vecsize);
                double[] mass1sqrt = null; if (mass1 != null)
                    mass1sqrt = mass1.HSqrt();
                for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Count; i++)
                    Vector eigvecs1i = modes1[i].eigvec.Clone();
                    if (mass1 != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs1i.Size; j++)
                            eigvecs1i[j] *= mass1sqrt[j / 3];
                    if (bResetUnitVector)
                        eigvecs1i = eigvecs1i.UnitVector();
                    for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs1i.Size; j++)
                        mat1[i, j] = eigvecs1i[j];
                HDebug.Assert(mat1.ColSize == modes1.Count);

                //Vector[] eigvecs2 = new Vector[modes2.Count]; for(int i=0; i<modes2.Count; i++) eigvecs2[i] = modes2[i].eigvec.Clone();
                //if(mass2 != null) { double[] mass2sqrt = mass2.HSqrt(); for(int i=0; i<modes2.Count; i++) for(int j=0; j<eigvecs2[i].Size; j++) eigvecs2[i][j] *= mass2sqrt[j/3]; }
                //if(bResetUnitVector) for(int i=0; i<modes2.Count; i++) eigvecs2[i] = eigvecs2[i].UnitVector();
                //mat2 = eigvecs2.ToMatrix(true ); HDebug.Assert(mat2.RowSize == modes2.Count); eigvecs2 = null; GC.Collect(0);
                mat2 = Matrix.Zeros(vecsize, modes2.Count);
                double[] mass2sqrt = null; if (mass2 != null)
                    mass2sqrt = mass2.HSqrt();
                for (int i = 0; i < modes2.Count; i++)
                    Vector eigvecs2i = modes2[i].eigvec.Clone();
                    if (mass2 != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs2i.Size; j++)
                            eigvecs2i[j] *= mass2sqrt[j / 3];
                    if (bResetUnitVector)
                        eigvecs2i = eigvecs2i.UnitVector();
                    for (int j = 0; j < eigvecs2i.Size; j++)
                        mat2[j, i] = eigvecs2i[j];
                HDebug.Assert(mat2.RowSize == modes2.Count);

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            HDebug.Assert(mat1.RowSize == mat2.ColSize);
            Matrix overlap = null;

            if (ila != null)
                overlap = ila.Mul(mat1, mat2);
                overlap = Matlab.ila.Mul(mat1, mat2);
            mat1 = mat2 = null;

            if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                double[] sum_c2 = new double[overlap.ColSize];
                double[] sum_r2 = new double[overlap.RowSize];
                for (int c = 0; c < overlap.ColSize; c++)
                    for (int r = 0; r < overlap.RowSize; r++)
                        double v  = overlap[c, r];
                        double v2 = v * v;
                        HDebug.Assert(v2 <= 1.00000000001);
                        sum_c2[c] += v2;
                        sum_r2[r] += v2;
                for (int c = 0; c < overlap.ColSize; c++)
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, sum_c2[c] - 1.0);
                for (int r = 0; r < overlap.RowSize; r++)
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, sum_r2[r] - 1.0);

예제 #25
 public static Matrix OverlapSigned(IList <Mode> modes1, IList <Mode> modes2, ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector)
     return(OverlapSigned(modes1, null, null, modes2, ila, bResetUnitVector));
예제 #26
        public static (List <(double freq, double dovlp)> freq1_dovlp, List <(double freq, double dovlp)> freq2_dovlp) DegeneratcyOverlap
            (IList <Mode> modes1, double[] mass1, double[] mass2, IList <Mode> modes2
            , ILinAlg ila, bool bResetUnitVector
            , double degeneracy_tolerance     // 3.0
            , Matrix overlapsigned = null
            if (overlapsigned == null)
                overlapsigned = HBioinfo.OverlapSigned(modes1, mass1, mass2, modes2, ila, bResetUnitVector);

            double[] freqs1 = modes1.ListFreq();
            double[] freqs2 = modes2.ListFreq();

            bool isfreqssorted = true;

                for (int i = 1; i < freqs1.Length; i++)
                    isfreqssorted = isfreqssorted && (freqs1[i - 1] <= freqs1[i]);                              // ( sorted ) or ( freqs1[i-1] is close to zero )
                for (int i = 1; i < freqs2.Length; i++)
                    isfreqssorted = isfreqssorted && (freqs2[i - 1] <= freqs2[i]);                              // ( sorted ) or ( freqs2[i-1] is close to zero )
            int[] idx1sorted = null;
            int[] idx2sorted = null;
            if (isfreqssorted == false)
                idx1sorted = freqs1.HIdxSorted();
                idx2sorted = freqs2.HIdxSorted();
                modes1     = modes1.HSelectByIndex(idx1sorted);
                modes2     = modes2.HSelectByIndex(idx2sorted);
                if (mass1 != null)
                    HDebug.Assert(mass1.Length == idx1sorted.Length); mass1 = mass1.HSelectByIndex(idx1sorted);
                if (mass2 != null)
                    HDebug.Assert(mass2.Length == idx2sorted.Length); mass2 = mass2.HSelectByIndex(idx2sorted);
                freqs1        = modes1.ListFreq();
                freqs2        = modes2.ListFreq();
                overlapsigned = HBioinfo.OverlapSigned(modes1, mass1, mass2, modes2, ila, bResetUnitVector);

            if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                for (int i = 1; i < freqs1.Length; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(freqs1[i - 1] <= freqs1[i]);
                for (int i = 1; i < freqs2.Length; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(freqs2[i - 1] <= freqs2[i]);

            List <(double freq, double dovlp)> freq1_dovlp = new List <(double, double)>();

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < freqs1.Length; i1++)
                double freq = freqs1[i1];
                int    i2a  = Array.BinarySearch(freqs2, freq - degeneracy_tolerance);
                int    i2b  = Array.BinarySearch(freqs2, freq + degeneracy_tolerance);
                if (i2a == i2b)
                    freq1_dovlp.Add((freqs1[i1], 0));
                if (i2a < 0)
                    i2a = ~i2a;
                if (i2b < 0)
                    i2b = ~i2b;

                HDebug.Assert(i2a < i2b);

                double dovlp = 0;
                for (int i2 = i2a; i2 < i2b; i2++)
                    dovlp += overlapsigned[i1, i2] * overlapsigned[i1, i2];
                freq1_dovlp.Add((freqs1[i1], dovlp));

            List <(double freq, double dovlp)> freq2_dovlp = new List <(double, double)>();

            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < freqs2.Length; i2++)
                double freq = freqs2[i2];
                int    i1a  = Array.BinarySearch(freqs1, freq - degeneracy_tolerance);
                int    i1b  = Array.BinarySearch(freqs1, freq + degeneracy_tolerance);
                if (i1a == i1b)
                    freq2_dovlp.Add((freqs2[i2], 0));
                if (i1a < 0)
                    i1a = ~i1a;
                if (i1b < 0)
                    i1b = ~i1b;

                HDebug.Assert(i1a < i1b);

                double dovlp = 0;
                for (int i1 = i1a; i1 < i1b; i1++)
                    dovlp += overlapsigned[i1, i2] * overlapsigned[i1, i2];
                freq2_dovlp.Add((freqs2[i2], dovlp));

            if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                HDebug.Assert(freqs1.Length == freq1_dovlp.Count);
                HDebug.Assert(freqs2.Length == freq2_dovlp.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < freqs1.Length; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(freqs1[i] == freq1_dovlp[i].freq);
                for (int i = 0; i < freqs2.Length; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(freqs2[i] == freq2_dovlp[i].freq);

            return(freq1_dovlp, freq2_dovlp);
예제 #27
        public static MatrixByArr GetHessian(this IList <Mode> modes, IList <double> masses, ILinAlg la)
            /// mode.eigval =             mweigval
            /// mode.eigvec = mass^-0.5 * mweigvec
            /// W = [mode(1).eigvec, mode(2).eigvec, ... ]
            /// M = masses
            /// D = diag([mode(1).eigval, mode(2).eigval, ...])
            /// mwH = M^-0.5 H M^-0.5
            /// [V,D] = eig(mwH)
            /// mode.eigval == D
            /// mode.eigvec == M^-0.5 V = W
            /// W D W' = M^-0.5       V D V       M^-0.5
            ///        = M^-0.5        mwH        M^-0.5
            ///        = M^-0.5 (M^-0.5 H M^-0.5) M^-0.5
            ///        = M^-1           H         M^-1
            /// H = M (M^-1 H M^-1) M
            ///   = M (W    D   W') M
            ///   = (M W)   D   (M W)'
            HDebug.Assert(modes.CheckModeMassReduced(masses.ToArray(), la, 0.000001));

            Vector[] mws = modes.ListEigvec().ToArray();
            for (int iv = 0; iv < mws.Length; iv++)
                for (int i = 0; i < mws[iv].Size; i++)
                    mws[iv][i] = mws[iv][i] * masses[i / 3];
            Vector      ds = modes.ListEigval().ToArray();
            MatrixByArr hess;

                var MW = la.ToILMat(mws.ToMatrix());
                var D  = la.ToILMat(ds).Diag();
                var H  = la.Mul(MW, D, MW.Tr);
                hess = H.ToArray();
                public static CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl Do
                    (object[] atoms
                    , HessMatrix H
                    , List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv
                    , double thres_zeroblk
                    , ILinAlg ila
                    , bool cloneH
                    , string[] options

                    ila    = null;
                    cloneH = true;
                    if (cloneH)
                        H = H.CloneHess();

                    bool process_disp_console = true;

                    if (options != null && options.Contains("print process"))
                        process_disp_console = true;

                    bool parallel = false;

                    /// keep only lower triangle of H (lower block triangles)
                        HashSet <Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > lstUppTrig = new HashSet <Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> >();
                        foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocks())
                            int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int br = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            if (bc < br)
                        foreach (Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in lstUppTrig)
                            int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int br = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            HDebug.Assert(bc < br);
                            H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);

                    DateTime[] process_time = new DateTime[6];

                    //System.Console.WriteLine("begin coarse-graining");
                    List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = new List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo>();

                    for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--)
                        bool lprocess_disp_console = (process_disp_console && iter % 5 == 0);
                        lprocess_disp_console = true;
                        if (lprocess_disp_console)
                            process_time[0] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            System.Console.Write(" - {0:000} : ", iter);

                        //int[] ikeep = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Item1;

                        HessCoarseResiIterInfo iterinfo = new HessCoarseResiIterInfo();
                        iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat  = 1;
                        iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = 1;
                        iterinfo.time0           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        int _count_update = 0;
                            HDebug.Assert(lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Count == 1);
                            int iremv = lstNewIdxRemv[iter][0];

                            HessMatrix         A         = H;
                            MatrixByArr        D         = null;
                            double             D_absmin  = 0;
                            List <int>         C_lstbr   = new List <int>();
                            List <MatrixByArr> C_lstbval = new List <MatrixByArr>();
                                // get C and D
                                foreach (var(bc, br, bval) in H.EnumBlocksInCols(new int[] { iremv }))
                                    HDebug.Assert(iremv == bc);
                                    if (bc == br)
                                        HDebug.Assert(D == null);
                                        D        = bval;
                                        D_absmin = D.HAbsMin();
                                        if (bval.HAbsMin() >= thres_zeroblk)
                                // remove C and D
                                    int bc = iremv;
                                    H.SetBlock(bc, bc, null);
                                    foreach (int br in C_lstbr)
                                        H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);
                            if (lprocess_disp_console)
                                process_time[1] = process_time[2] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                System.Console.Write("CD({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[2] - process_time[0]).TotalMinutes);

                            double threshold = thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length;

                            //  DD ={ { d00,d01,d02},{ d10,d11,d12},{ d20,d21,d22} }; MatrixForm[DD]
                            //  BB ={ { b00,b01,b02},{ b10,b11,b12},{ b20,b21,b22} }; MatrixForm[BB]
                            //  CC ={ { c00,c01,c02},{ c10,c11,c12},{ c20,c21,c22} }; MatrixForm[CC]
                            //  object[]    dbginfo = null; // new object[] { iremv, atoms, H, D, C_lstbr, C_lstbval };

                            Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr, MatrixByArr> > Update_A_B_invD_C = delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr, MatrixByArr> info)
                                int         bc = info.Item1; // bc
                                int         br = info.Item2; // br
                                MatrixByArr DC = info.Item3; // invDD_CC  // XX ={ { x00,x01,x02},{ x10,x11,x12},{ x20,x21,x22} }; MatrixForm[CC]
                                MatrixByArr B  = info.Item4; // BB        // BB ={ { b00,b01,b02},{ b10,b11,b12},{ b20,b21,b22} }; MatrixForm[BB]
                                //var _iremv                      = (int)dbginfo[0];
                                //var _atoms                      = dbginfo[1] as Universe.Atom[]  ;
                                //var _H                          = dbginfo[2] as HessMatrix       ;
                                //var _D                          = dbginfo[3] as MatrixByArr      ;
                                //var _C_lstbr                    = dbginfo[4] as List<int>        ;
                                //var _C_lstbval                  = dbginfo[5] as List<MatrixByArr>;

                                //MatrixByArr BB_invDD_CC = BB * invDD_CC;
                                double _BDC00 = 0 - B[0, 0] * DC[0, 0] - B[0, 1] * DC[1, 0] - B[0, 2] * DC[2, 0]; // { { b00 x00 +b01 x10 + b02 x20
                                double _BDC01 = 0 - B[0, 0] * DC[0, 1] - B[0, 1] * DC[1, 1] - B[0, 2] * DC[2, 1]; //   , b00 x01 +b01 x11 + b02 x21
                                double _BDC02 = 0 - B[0, 0] * DC[0, 2] - B[0, 1] * DC[1, 2] - B[0, 2] * DC[2, 2]; //   , b00 x02 +b01 x12 + b02 x22
                                double _BDC10 = 0 - B[1, 0] * DC[0, 0] - B[1, 1] * DC[1, 0] - B[1, 2] * DC[2, 0]; // },{ b10 x00 +b11 x10 + b12 x20
                                double _BDC11 = 0 - B[1, 0] * DC[0, 1] - B[1, 1] * DC[1, 1] - B[1, 2] * DC[2, 1]; //   , b10 x01 +b11 x11 + b12 x21
                                double _BDC12 = 0 - B[1, 0] * DC[0, 2] - B[1, 1] * DC[1, 2] - B[1, 2] * DC[2, 2]; //   , b10 x02 +b11 x12 + b12 x22
                                double _BDC20 = 0 - B[2, 0] * DC[0, 0] - B[2, 1] * DC[1, 0] - B[2, 2] * DC[2, 0]; // },{ b20 x00 +b21 x10 + b22 x20
                                double _BDC21 = 0 - B[2, 0] * DC[0, 1] - B[2, 1] * DC[1, 1] - B[2, 2] * DC[2, 1]; //   , b20 x01 +b21 x11 + b22 x21
                                double _BDC22 = 0 - B[2, 0] * DC[0, 2] - B[2, 1] * DC[1, 2] - B[2, 2] * DC[2, 2]; //   , b20 x02 +b21 x12 + b22 x22 }}

                                if (A.HasBlockLock(bc, br))
                                    MatrixByArr A_bc_br = A.GetBlockLock(bc, br);
                                    A_bc_br[0, 0] += _BDC00; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[0, 1] += _BDC01; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[0, 2] += _BDC02; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[1, 0] += _BDC10; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[1, 1] += _BDC11; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[1, 2] += _BDC12; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[2, 0] += _BDC20; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[2, 1] += _BDC21; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    A_bc_br[2, 2] += _BDC22; // A = A + (-B.invD.C)
                                    // (small && small && small) == !(large || large || large)
                                    bool toosmall = !(Math.Abs(A_bc_br[0, 0]) > threshold || Math.Abs(A_bc_br[0, 1]) > threshold || Math.Abs(A_bc_br[0, 2]) > threshold ||
                                                      Math.Abs(A_bc_br[1, 0]) > threshold || Math.Abs(A_bc_br[1, 1]) > threshold || Math.Abs(A_bc_br[1, 2]) > threshold ||
                                                      Math.Abs(A_bc_br[2, 0]) > threshold || Math.Abs(A_bc_br[2, 1]) > threshold || Math.Abs(A_bc_br[2, 2]) > threshold);
                                    if (toosmall)
                                        HDebug.Assert(bc != br);
                                        A.SetBlockLock(bc, br, null);
                                    // (small && small && small) == !(large || large || large)
                                    bool toosmall = !(Math.Abs(_BDC00) > threshold || Math.Abs(_BDC01) > threshold || Math.Abs(_BDC02) > threshold ||
                                                      Math.Abs(_BDC10) > threshold || Math.Abs(_BDC11) > threshold || Math.Abs(_BDC12) > threshold ||
                                                      Math.Abs(_BDC20) > threshold || Math.Abs(_BDC21) > threshold || Math.Abs(_BDC22) > threshold);
                                    if (!toosmall)
                                        MatrixByArr A_bc_br = new double[3, 3]
                                            { _BDC00, _BDC01, _BDC02 }   // A = 0 + (-B.invD.C)
                                            , { _BDC10, _BDC11, _BDC12 } // A = 0 + (-B.invD.C)
                                            , { _BDC20, _BDC21, _BDC22 } // A = 0 + (-B.invD.C)
                                        A.SetBlockLock(bc, br, A_bc_br);

                                System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _count_update);

                            var lstCompInfo = EnumComput(D, C_lstbr, C_lstbval, threshold);
                            if (parallel)
                                Parallel.ForEach(lstCompInfo, Update_A_B_invD_C);
                                foreach (var info in lstCompInfo)


                            if (lprocess_disp_console)
                                process_time[4] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                System.Console.Write("B.invD.C({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[4] - process_time[3]).TotalMinutes);

                            H = A;
                        iterinfo.usedMemoryByte = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
                        iterinfo.time1          = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        if (lprocess_disp_console)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("summary(makezero {0,5}, nonzero {1,5}, numIgnMul {2,7}, numRemvAtoms {3,3}, {4,5:0.00} sec, {5} mb, {6}x{6}, nzeroBlk/Atom {7:0.00}, cntUpdateBlk({8}))"
                                                     , iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock
                                                     , iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock
                                                     , iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock
                                                     , iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved
                                                     , iterinfo.compSec
                                                     , iterinfo.usedMemoryByte / (1024 * 1024)
                                                     , (0 * 3)
                                                     , 0//((double)iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock / idxremv.Length)
                                                     , _count_update
                    int numca = H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum();

                    //System.Console.WriteLine("finish coarse-graining");
                        int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray();
                        H = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep, false);
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("finish resizing");

                    return(new CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl
                        iterinfos = iterinfos,
                        H = H,
            public static CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri
                (object[] atoms
                , HessMatrix H
                , List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv
                , double thres_zeroblk
                , ILinAlg ila
                , bool cloneH
                , string[] options // { "pinv(D)" }
                ila = null;
                if (cloneH)
                    H = H.CloneHess();

                bool process_disp_console = true;

                if (options != null && options.Contains("print process"))
                    process_disp_console = true;

                bool parallel = true;

                /// keep only lower triangle of H (lower block triangles)
                    HashSet <Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > lstUppTrig = new HashSet <Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> >();
                    foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocks())
                        int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                        int br = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                        if (bc < br)
                    foreach (Tuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in lstUppTrig)
                        int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                        int br = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                        HDebug.Assert(bc < br);
                        H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);

                List <DateTime> process_time = new List <DateTime>();

                //System.Console.WriteLine("begin coarse-graining");
                List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = new List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo>();

                for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--)
                    if (process_disp_console)
                        System.Console.Write(" - {0:000} : ", iter);

                    //int[] ikeep = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Item1;
                    int[] iremv     = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].ToArray();
                    int   iremv_min = iremv.Min();
                    int   iremv_max = iremv.Max();

                    HDebug.Assert(H.ColBlockSize == H.RowBlockSize);
                    int blksize = H.ColBlockSize;
                    //HDebug.Assert(ikeep.Max() < blksize);
                    //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() < blksize);
                    //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max()+1 == blksize);
                    //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() - iremv.Min() + 1 == iremv.Length);

                    int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(0, iremv_min - 1).ToArray();
                    int[] idxremv = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(iremv_min, iremv_max).ToArray();
                    //HDebug.Assert(idxkeep.HUnionWith(idxremv).Length == blksize);

                    HessCoarseResiIterInfo iterinfo = new HessCoarseResiIterInfo();
                    iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat  = idxremv.Max() + 1; // H.ColBlockSize;
                    iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = idxremv.Length;
                    iterinfo.time0           = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // make C sparse
                    double C_density0;
                    double C_density1;
                        double thres_absmax = thres_zeroblk;

                        C_density0 = 0;
                        List <Tuple <int, int> > lstIdxToMakeZero = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
                        foreach (var bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv))
                            int bc   = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int br   = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3;
                            if (br >= iremv_min)
                                // bc_br is in D, not in C

                            double absmax_bval = bval.HAbsMax();
                            if (absmax_bval < thres_absmax)
                                lstIdxToMakeZero.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(bc, br));
                        C_density1 = C_density0 - lstIdxToMakeZero.Count;
                        foreach (var bc_br in lstIdxToMakeZero)
                            int bc = bc_br.Item1;
                            int br = bc_br.Item2;
                            HDebug.Assert(bc > br);
                            var Cval = H.GetBlock(bc, br);
                            var Dval = H.GetBlock(bc, bc);
                            var Aval = H.GetBlock(br, br);
                            var Bval = Cval.Tr();
                            H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);           // nCval = Cval    -Cval
                            H.SetBlock(bc, bc, Dval + Cval);    // nDval = Dval - (-Cval) = Dval + Cval
                                                                // nBval = Bval    -Bval
                            H.SetBlock(br, br, Aval + Bval);    // nAval = Aval - (-Bval) = Aval + Bval
                        iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = lstIdxToMakeZero.Count;
                        iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock = (int)C_density1;
                        C_density0 /= (idxkeep.Length * idxremv.Length);
                        C_density1 /= (idxkeep.Length * idxremv.Length);

                    // get A, B, C, D
                    HessMatrix A = H;       // HessMatrix    A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep);
                                            // HessMatrix    B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxremv);
                    HessMatrix C;           // HessMatrix    C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxkeep, parallel:parallel);
                    HessMatrix D;           // HessMatrix    D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxremv, parallel:parallel);
                        C = H.Zeros(idxremv.Length * 3, idxkeep.Length * 3);
                        D = H.Zeros(idxremv.Length * 3, idxremv.Length * 3);

                        //List<Tuple<int, int, MatrixByArr>> lst_bc_br_bval = H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv).ToList();
                        //foreach(var bc_br_bval in lst_bc_br_bval)
                        foreach (var bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv))
                            int bc   = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int br   = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3;

                            H.SetBlock(bc, br, null);
                            if (bc > iremv_max)
                                HDebug.Assert(false); continue;
                            if (br > iremv_max)
                                HDebug.Assert(false); continue;
                            if (br < iremv_min)
                                int nc = bc - iremv_min;
                                int nr = br;
                                HDebug.Assert(C.HasBlock(nc, nr) == false);
                                C.SetBlock(nc, nr, bval.CloneT());
                                int nc = bc - iremv_min;
                                int nr = br - iremv_min;
                                HDebug.Assert(D.HasBlock(nc, nr) == false);
                                D.SetBlock(nc, nr, bval);
                                if (nc != nr)
                                    HDebug.Assert(D.HasBlock(nr, nc) == false);
                                    D.SetBlock(nr, nc, bval.Tr());
                        HDebug.Assert(H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv).Count() == 0);
                    if (process_disp_console)
                        int ptc = process_time.Count;
                        System.Console.Write("CD({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[ptc - 1] - process_time[ptc - 2]).TotalMinutes);

                    // Get B.inv(D).C
                    HessMatrix B_invD_C;
                            B_invD_C = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri_Get_BInvDC(A, C, D, process_disp_console
                                                                                                , options
                                                                                                , thld_BinvDC: thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length
                                                                                                , parallel: parallel
                        if (process_disp_console)
                            int ptc = process_time.Count;
                            System.Console.Write("B.invD.C({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[ptc - 1] - process_time[ptc - 2]).TotalMinutes);

                    // Get A - B.inv(D).C
                    /// iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = A.UpdateAdd(B_invD_C, -1, null, thres_zeroblk/lstNewIdxRemv.Length, parallel:parallel);
                        HessMatrix __this = A;
                        HessMatrix other  = B_invD_C;
                        double     _thres_NearZeroBlock = thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length;

                        int[] _count         = new int[1];
                        int[] _count_ignored = new int[1];

                        //foreach(var bc_br_bval in other.EnumBlocks())
                        Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > func = delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval)
                            int         bc         = bc_br_bval.Item1;
                            int         br         = bc_br_bval.Item2;
                            MatrixByArr other_bmat = bc_br_bval.Item3;
                            if (bc < br)
                                return; // continue;
                            if (other_bmat.HAbsMax() <= _thres_NearZeroBlock)
                                /// other_bmat = other_bmat    -other_bmat;
                                /// other_diag = other_diag - (-other_bmat) = other_diag + other_bmat;
                                ///  this_diag =  this_diat - B_invD_C
                                ///            =  this_diat - other_diag
                                ///            =  this_diat - (other_diag + other_bmat)
                                ///            =  this_diat - other_diag  - other_bmat
                                ///            = (this_diat - other_bmat) - other_diag
                                ///            = (this_diat - other_bmat) - (processed later)
                                ///            = (this_diat - other_bmat)
                                MatrixByArr this_diag = __this.GetBlock(bc, bc);
                                MatrixByArr new_diag  = this_diag - other_bmat;
                                __this.SetBlockLock(bc, bc, new_diag);
                                other_bmat = null;
                                lock (_count_ignored)
                            if (other_bmat != null)
                                MatrixByArr this_bmat = __this.GetBlock(bc, br);
                                if (this_bmat == null)
                                    this_bmat = new double[3, 3];
                                MatrixByArr new_bmat = this_bmat - other_bmat;
                                __this.SetBlockLock(bc, br, new_bmat);
                        if (parallel)
                            HParallel.ForEach(other.EnumBlocks(), func);
                            foreach (var bc_br_bval in other.EnumBlocks())

                        iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = _count_ignored[0];
                    if (process_disp_console)
                        int ptc = process_time.Count;
                        System.Console.Write("A-BinvDC({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[ptc - 1] - process_time[ptc - 2]).TotalMinutes);
                    //HessMatrix nH = A - B_invD_C;
                    //nH = ((nH + nH.Tr())/2).ToHessMatrix();
                    // Replace A -> H
                    H = A;

                    // print iteration log
                    iterinfo.usedMemoryByte = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
                    iterinfo.time1          = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (process_disp_console)
                        System.Console.Write("summary(makezero {0,5}, nonzero {1,5}, numIgnMul {2,7}, numRemvAtoms {3,3}, {4,5:0.00} min, {5} mb, {6}x{6}, nzeroBlk/Atom {7:0.00}), GC("
                                             , iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock
                                             , iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock
                                             , iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock
                                             , iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved
                                             , iterinfo.compTime.TotalMinutes
                                             , iterinfo.usedMemoryByte / (1024 * 1024)
                                             , (idxkeep.Length * 3)
                                             , ((double)iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock / idxremv.Length)
                    if (process_disp_console)

                int numca = H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum();

                //System.Console.WriteLine("finish coarse-graining");
                    int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray();
                    H = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep, false);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("finish resizing");

                return(new CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl
                    iterinfos = iterinfos,
                    H = H,
예제 #30
        public static bool CheckModeMassReduced(this IList <Mode> modes, double[] masses, ILinAlg la, double tolerance = 0.000000001)
            Vector[]    mweigvecs = modes.GetMassReduced(masses.HInv()).ListEigvec().ToArray();
            MatrixByArr chkmat;

                var V  = la.ToILMat(mweigvecs.ToMatrix());
                var VV = V.Tr * V;
                chkmat = VV.ToArray();
            HDebug.Assert(chkmat.ColSize == chkmat.RowSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < chkmat.ColSize; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(chkmat[i, i] - 1) >= tolerance)
                    /// not normal
                chkmat[i, i] = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c < chkmat.ColSize; c++)
                if (modes[c].eigval == 0)
                for (int r = 0; r < chkmat.RowSize; r++)
                    if (modes[r].eigval == 0)
                    double v = chkmat[c, r];
                    if (Math.Abs(v) >= tolerance)
                        /// not orthogonal