예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 拉起main请单另拉起,加载用户代码请单另加载
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heads"></param>
        /// <param name="codes"></param>
        public static void StartGas(Dictionary <string, ILib> heads)
            libs.Add("System", new System_Lib());
            libs.Add("String", new String_Lib());
            libs.Add("Math", new Math_Lib());
            libs.Add("List", new List_Lib());
            libs.Add("Socket", new Socket_Lib());
            libs.Add("Thread", new Thread_Lib());
            libs.Add("File", new File_Lib());
            libs.Add("Xml", new Xml_Lib());
            foreach (var i in heads)
                libs.Add(i.Key, i.Value);

            foreach (var lib in libs)
                foreach (string s_delib in lib.Value.waittoadd)
                    ILib delib = null;
                        delib = libs[s_delib];
                        throw new Exceptions.RunException(Exceptions.EXID.类库引用异常);
                    foreach (var i in delib.myThing)
                        if (!lib.Value.otherThing.ContainsKey(i.Key))
                            lib.Value.otherThing.Add(i.Key, i.Value);
                lib.Value.otherThing.Add("true", new Variable(true));
                lib.Value.otherThing.Add("false", new Variable(false));
            //await StartMain();
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("\n  Demonstrate Loading DLLs ");
            Console.Write("\n ==========================\n");

            Console.Write("\n  implicitly loading Libraries");
            Console.Write("\n ------------------------------\n");

            // Note that there is no code to load the library.  When the reference,
            // below is encountered, the library is automatically loaded from the
            // application's directory, or from a subdirectory.  If the subdirectory
            // has the name of the Library, then loading will happen automatically.
            // If it has some other name, we will need a configuration file:
            // ApplicationName.exe.config, that specifies where the assembly should
            // be loaded from.

            Console.Write("\n  Using creation with new:");
            Console.Write("\n --------------------------");

            Library1 lib1 = new Library1();

            Library2 lib2 = new Library2();


            Console.Write("\n  Using factory creation so user doesn't need concrete type names:");
            Console.Write("\n ------------------------------------------------------------------");

            ILib lib1b = Factory1.create();

            ILib lib2b = Factory2.create();



            Console.Write("\n  explicitly loading Libraries");
            Console.Write("\n ------------------------------\n");

            // Use known Types from known Libraries
            // In the next few lines of code the library is explicitly loaded,
            // an instance of type Library1 is created and exercised.

            // The code, below, uses hard-coded knowledge of library names and
            // type names, as you see by studying the code.  This results in code
            // that is likely to break if we make any changes.  We say that the
            // code is brittle (easily broken).

            Console.Write("\n  Construct instances and invoke their members");
                "\n  using specific knowledge of library and type names:"
            Console.Write("\n -----------------------------------------------------");

            Assembly assem = Assembly.LoadFrom("Library-1.dll");
            ILib     libr  = Library1.create();

            assem = Assembly.LoadFrom("Library-2.dll");
            libr  = Library2.create();

            // Discover Libraries and Types that implement a known Interface
            // In the next set of code lines, we explicitly load all assemblies
            // from some directory, and create instances of all types that
            // implement a specific interface, and then make calls on the
            // interface methods.

            // We don't use any knowledge of the specific libraries and types
            // contained in them.  We say that we have loosely coupled to the
            // code in those libraries.

            Console.Write("\n  Construct instances and invoke their members using knowledge of interface");
                "\n  type, but no prior knowledge of library  or type names, through reflection:"
            Console.Write("\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------");

            string path
                = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

            string[] Libraries = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.dll");
            foreach (string library in Libraries)
                assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(library);
                Type[] types = assem.GetExportedTypes();
                foreach (Type t in types)
                    // Using the interface

                    ILib lib = null;
                    if (t.IsClass && typeof(ILib).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                        lib = (ILib)Activator.CreateInstance(t);

                    //// This works, but requires we know the Factory names
                    //  ILib lib = null;
                    //  if (t.IsClass && typeof(absFactory).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                    //  {
                    //    // attempt to use static create function
                    //    if (t.Name == "Factory1")
                    //      lib = Factory1.create();
                    //    else if (t.Name == "Factory2")
                    //      lib = Factory2.create();
                    //    else
                    //      continue;
                    //    lib.say();
                    //  }

            // Note:
            // This is one of two methods of using DLLs recommended for Projects
            // you will implement in CSE681 and CSE784.  The other is implicit
            // loading.

            // Discover Libraries, Types, and Methods using Reflection
            // In this last set of code, we load all available libraries from
            // a specified path, construct instances of all classes defined within
            // and discover, using reflection, the names of all their methods.
            // Then we call all methods that have no arguments, using dynamic
            // invocation.

            // Note that we could, using reflection, find the types and order of
            // all parameters of each function, but it is unlikely that we would
            // know what values to supply.  For that reason, we stick to the
            // simpler scenario of parameterless methods.

            Console.Write("\n  Construct instances and invoke their members using no");
            Console.Write("\n  prior knowledge, via dynamic invocation and reflection:"
            Console.Write("\n ---------------------------------------------------------");

            foreach (string library in Libraries)
                assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(library);
                Type[] types = assem.GetExportedTypes();
                foreach (Type t in types)
                    if (t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract)
                        object       obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
                        MethodInfo[] mis = t.GetMethods();
                        foreach (MethodInfo mi in mis)
                            // don't call base members

                            if (mi.DeclaringType != typeof(object))
                                // don't call if method has arguments
                                    if (mi.GetParameters().Length == 0 /* && mi.Name != "create"*/)
                                        const BindingFlags bf =
                                            BindingFlags.Public |
                                            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod |
                                        t.InvokeMember(mi.Name, bf, null, obj, null);
                                catch { /* continue on error - calling factory function create throws */ }