private static bool InitAsr(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, eAsrType i_eAsrType, out IASR o_Asr) { bool bRet = true; o_Asr = null; try { switch (i_eAsrType) { case eAsrType.lumenvox: // bRet = Init_Lumenvox(i_Logger, out o_Asr); break; case eAsrType.lumenvox2: // bRet = Init_Lumenvox2(i_Logger, out o_Asr); break; case eAsrType.vestec: i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "InitAsr: That ASR is not yet implemented"); break; default: i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "InitAsr: That ASR is not yet implemented"); break; } } catch (Exception exc) { bRet = false; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "InitAsr caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } return(bRet); }
public bool Log(Level i_Level, string i_sLogStr) { bool bRet = true; try { if (i_sLogStr != m_sLastLog) // This reference compare doesn't seem to work on Mono, there must be a problem with their hashtable. //if(i_sLogStr.CompareTo(m_sLastLog) != 0) // This is a more expensive operation... { // Been having an issue with AudioMgr logs stopping, so write non-LV exceptions to stderr, so we don't miss them. // Skipping LV errors, because when testing with more ports than licenses will flood us with known errors. if (((i_Level == Level.Exception) || (i_Level == Level.Warning)) && (i_sLogStr.IndexOf("LV_SRE") == -1) && (i_sLogStr.IndexOf("Didn't get any results") == -1)) { Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + i_sLogStr); } // Log to logger(s) m_Logger.Log(i_Level, i_sLogStr); m_sLastLog = i_sLogStr; } } catch (Exception exc) { bRet = false; Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " ARMsgListenerThread.Log exception: " + exc.ToString()); } return(bRet); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the document from the requested URL. (We're assuming that it is XML.) /// </summary> /// <param name="i_sURL">URL of the requested document.</param> /// <param name="o_sXml">String containing the document.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool GetXmlString(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sURL, out string o_sXml) { bool bRet = true; o_sXml = ""; // Had to be moved before try{} to shut compiler up. try { WebRequest wrReq = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(i_sURL)); WebResponse wrResp = wrReq.GetResponse(); using (StreamReader srXml = new StreamReader(wrResp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8)) { o_sXml = srXml.ReadToEnd(); } i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, String.Format("XmlDocParser.GetXmlString({0}) read {1} chars.", i_sURL, o_sXml.Length)); } catch (Exception e) { bRet = false; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, String.Format("ERROR: XmlDocParser.GetXmlString({0}) caught exception '{1}'.", i_sURL, e.ToString())); } return(bRet); }
} // UdpMsgListenerThread contstructor public void ThreadProc() { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "LRMListenerT"; m_Logger.Init(m_IPEndPoint.Address.ToString(), "", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, "", "", ""); m_Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "UdpMsgListenerThread started."); NetLoop(); m_Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "UdpMsgListenerThread exiting."); } // ThreadProc
public static string ScriptExtractElement(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, string i_sStatement) { string sRet = "", sTmp = ""; int ii = 0, iIndexStop = 0; bool bDone = false; char cQuote; try { sTmp = i_sStatement.Trim(); if ((sTmp[0] == '\'') || (sTmp[0] == '\"')) { cQuote = sTmp[0]; for (ii = 1, bDone = false; ((ii < sTmp.Length) && (!bDone)); ii++) { if (sTmp[ii] == cQuote) { iIndexStop = ii; bDone = true; } } if (!bDone) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptExtractElement - Malformed quoted string '" + i_sStatement + "'."); sRet = sTmp; } else { //sRet = sTmp.Substring(1, iIndexStop - 1); // Return string without quotes sRet = sTmp.Substring(0, iIndexStop + 1); // Return string with quotes } } else { iIndexStop = sTmp.IndexOfAny(DialogEngine.VoiceXmlParser.s_acBreakNonVar); if (iIndexStop < 0) { sRet = sTmp; } else { sRet = sTmp.Substring(0, iIndexStop); } } } catch (Exception exc) { sRet = ""; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptExtractElement: " + exc.ToString()); } return(sRet); }
private static bool LoadCustomAssemblies(ILegacyLogger i_Logger) { bool bRet = true, bRes = true; string sConfigLine = ""; StringCollection asCustAssys = null; Assembly aAssy = null; try { sConfigLine = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CustomAssemblies"]; sConfigLine = (sConfigLine == null) ? "" : sConfigLine; if (sConfigLine.Length > 0) { asCustAssys = new StringCollection(); bRes = Utilities.GetItemsFromString(sConfigLine, ';', asCustAssys); if (bRes) { foreach (string sAssyName in asCustAssys) { try { aAssy = Assembly.Load(sAssyName); // Note: there is no corresponding 'Unload' in the FCL. See if (aAssy == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "LoadCustomAssemblies: Load of '" + sAssyName + "' failed!"); } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "LoadCustomAssemblies: Loaded '" + aAssy.FullName + "' from '" + aAssy.Location + "'."); } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "LoadCustomAssemblies: Load of '" + sAssyName + "' failed! Exception: " + exc.ToString()); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { bRet = false; //Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR DialogEngine.RemotingInit: Caught exception '{0}'.", e.ToString()); i_Logger.Log(e); } return(bRet); } // LoadCustomAssemblies
public static string ScriptExtractValue(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, string i_sString) { string sRet = ""; // FIX - Should also check for integers if ((i_sString[0] == '\"') || (i_sString[0] == '\'')) { sRet = ScriptExtractStringValue(i_sString); } else { DVariable dvTmp = DialogEngine.DialogEngine.FindVariableByName(i_SubdocContext, i_sString); if (dvTmp == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, String.Format("[{0}]DialogEngine.ScriptExtractValue - Couldn't find variable named '{1}' in {2} '{3}'.", i_sVmcId, i_sString, ((i_SubdocContext.GetType() == typeof(DForm)) ? "form" : "field"), i_SubdocContext.ID)); } else { sRet = dvTmp.SValue; } } return(sRet); }
public ResourceMgr_local(ILegacyLogger i_Logger) { int ii; ISMVMC vmc; try { m_Logger = i_Logger; m_iMaxSessions = ConfigParams.GetNumExt(); m_VMCs = new VMCList(); Monitor.Enter(m_Lock); for (ii = 0; ii < m_iMaxSessions; ii++) { vmc = new ISMVMC(); vmc.Clear(); m_VMCs.Add(new VMCInfo(ref vmc)); } } catch (Exception exc) { m_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "RMl ctor caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } finally { Monitor.Exit(m_Lock); } } // ctor
private static bool RemotingConfig(ILegacyLogger i_Logger) { bool bRet = true; //string sHostCfgFile, sAECfgFile; string sTmp; try { /* Mono doesn't yet support reading remoting config files (as of 1.1.10). Change this back when they do. * // Load the server configuration file * sHostCfgFile = "DialogMgr_host.Config"; * RemotingConfiguration.Configure(sHostCfgFile); * * // Load the client configuration files * sAECfgFile = "AudioEngine_client.Config"; // The AudioEngine config file * RemotingConfiguration.Configure(sAECfgFile); */ // Mono compatible remoting configuration // Server config sTmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RemotingServerPort"]; sTmp = (sTmp == null) ? "" : sTmp; if (sTmp.Length <= 0) { bRet = false; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "DialogMgr.RemotingConfig: Invalid 'RemotingServerPort'."); } else { ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(new TcpChannel(int.Parse(sTmp)), false); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(DialogMgr_Console.DMMessaging), "DialogMgr.rem", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall); // Client config sTmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RemotingAudioMgrUrl"]; RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType(typeof(ISMessaging.Delivery.ISMReceiverImpl), sTmp); } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "DialogMgr.RemotingConfig: Exception:" + exc.ToString()); bRet = false; } return(bRet); }
private void Log(Level i_Level, string i_sMessage) { if (m_Logger != null) { m_Logger.Log(i_Level, i_sMessage); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}: {2}", DateTime.Now, i_Level, i_sMessage)); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="i_Level"></param> /// <param name="i_sLogStr"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void Log(Level i_Level, string i_sLogStr) { if (m_Logger != null) { m_Logger.Log(i_Level, i_sLogStr); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] AMSockData: {i_sLogStr}"); } }
private void Log(Level i_Level, string i_sMessage) { if (m_Logger != null) { m_Logger.Log(i_Level, String.Format("[{0}]{1} - {2}", m_iThreadIndex, m_sTimerName, i_sMessage)); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1} [{2}]{3} - {4}", DateTime.Now, i_Level, m_iThreadIndex, m_sTimerName, i_sMessage)); } }
public void ThreadProc() { string sThreadName = Thread.CurrentThread.Name = m_iIndex.ToString(); // m_Log.Init("", "", m_iIndex.ToString(), "", "LoggingThread", ""); // m_Log.Init("", "", sThreadName, "VMC-" + sThreadName, "LoggingThread", ""); m_Log.Init("", "", sThreadName, "VMC-" + sThreadName, "", ""); // Let logger look up the component name for (int ii = 0; ii < m_iNumIterations; ii++) { m_Log.Log(Level.Info, string.Format("Thread #{0}, iteration {1}.", sThreadName, ii)); if (m_iSleep > 0) { Thread.Sleep(m_iSleep); } } }
} // Start Loggers protected static Thread StartListenerThread(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, MsgQueue i_aqMsgIn) { Thread tRet = null; UdpMsgListenerThread listener = null; try { listener = new UdpMsgListenerThread(i_Logger, i_aqMsgIn); tRet = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listener.ThreadProc)); tRet.Start(); } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "SBLocalRM.StartListenerThread caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } return(tRet); } // StartListenerThread
} // StartListenerThread protected static Thread StartWorkerThread(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, MsgQueue i_aqMsgIn, bool i_bDesktopRuntime) { Thread tRet = null; LRMWorkerThread worker = null; try { worker = new LRMWorkerThread(i_Logger, i_aqMsgIn, i_bDesktopRuntime); tRet = new Thread(new ThreadStart(worker.ThreadProc)); tRet.Start(); } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "SBLocalRM.StartWorkerThread caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } return(tRet); } // StartWorkerThread
// private static StringCollection ScriptGetParams(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, DField i_dfField, string i_sParams) private static StringCollection ScriptGetParams(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, string i_sParams) { StringCollection scRet = null; int iIndex = 0; string sParams = "", sTmp = "";; try { sParams = i_sParams; scRet = new StringCollection(); while (sParams.Length > 0) { iIndex = sParams.IndexOf(','); if (iIndex < 0) { sTmp = sParams; sParams = ""; } else { sTmp = sParams.Substring(0, iIndex); sParams = sParams.Substring(iIndex + 1).Trim(); } sTmp.Trim(); sTmp = ScriptExtractValue(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, sTmp); scRet.Add(sTmp); } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptGetParams: " + exc.ToString()); } return(scRet); }
private static bool RemotingConfig(ILegacyLogger i_Logger) { //string sHostCfgFile, sDMCfgFile; bool bRet = true; string sTmp; try { /* * // Load the server configuration file * sHostCfgFile = "AudioEngine_host.Config"; * RemotingConfiguration.Configure(sHostCfgFile); * * // Load the client configuration files * sDMCfgFile = "DialogMgr_client.Config"; // The DialogMgr config file * RemotingConfiguration.Configure(sDMCfgFile); */ // Mono compatible remoting configuration // Server config sTmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[cs_RemotingServerPort]; sTmp = (sTmp == null) ? "" : sTmp; ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(new TcpChannel(int.Parse(sTmp)), false); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(AudioMgr.AEMessaging), "AudioEngine.rem", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall); // Client config sTmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[cs_RemotingDialogMgrUrl]; sTmp = (sTmp == null) ? "" : sTmp; RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType(typeof(ISMessaging.Delivery.ISMReceiverImpl), sTmp); } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(exc); bRet = false; } return(bRet); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="i_Logger"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool LoadASR(ILegacyLogger i_Logger) { bool bRet = true, bRes = true; string sConfigLine = ""; StringCollection asASRs = null; Assembly aASR = null; try { asASRs = new StringCollection(); sConfigLine = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AudioEngine.cs_AsrToLoad]; sConfigLine = (sConfigLine == null) ? "" : sConfigLine; if (sConfigLine.Length == 0) { // No ASR was specified, load the default by adding it to the string collection. (Roundabout, but didn't want to duplicate the Assembly.Load() code.) i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, string.Format(" AudioInThread.LoadASR No ASR was specified in config file, loading default '{0}'.", m_csDefaultAsr)); asASRs.Add(m_csDefaultAsr); bRes = true; } else { // Parse out the entries from the semicolon separated string bRes = Utilities.GetItemsFromString(sConfigLine, ';', asASRs); } if (bRes) { // FIX - This loads multiple ASR facades if specified, but will need more work to know how to handle more than one. if (asASRs.Count > 1) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "AudioInThread.LoadASR More than one ASR in config file."); } foreach (string sAsrName in asASRs) { try { aASR = Assembly.Load(sAsrName); // Note: there is no corresponding 'Unload' in the FCL, you have to unload all appdomains that contain it. See, if (aASR == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, string.Format(" AudioInThread.LoadASR Load of '{0}' failed!", sAsrName)); } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, string.Format(" AudioInThread.LoadASR Loaded '{0}' from '{1}'.", aASR.FullName, aASR.Location)); // Save identifier to a list to be used to create instance of ASR m_aASRs.Add(aASR); } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, string.Format(" AudioInThread.LoadASR Load of '{0}' failed! Exception: {1}", sAsrName, exc.ToString())); } } } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, " AudioInThread.LoadASR No ASRs in config file to load."); } } catch (Exception exc) { bRet = false; //Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR AudioInThread.LoadASR: Caught exception '{0}'.", e.ToString()); i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, string.Format(" AudioInThread.LoadASR Exception: {0}", exc.ToString())); } return(bRet); } // LoadASR
public void NewMsg(Object i_sender, ISMessaging.Delivery.ISMDistributer.ISMDistributerEventArgs i_args) { ISMessaging.ISMsg mMsg = null; lock (this) { try { //Console.WriteLine("AudioMgr_srv.NewMsg received on TID {0}.", AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId()); // Copy and release the original message (so that we don't have to call back to the remote client.) switch (i_args.m_Msg.GetType().ToString()) // FIX - There has to be a better way to do this... { ///////////////////////////////////// // Audio in messages case "ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMResults": { ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMResults mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMResults)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMResults)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioIn[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; case "ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadPhrases": { ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadPhrases mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadPhrases)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadPhrases)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioIn[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; case "ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadGrammarFile": { ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadGrammarFile mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadGrammarFile)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.SpeechRec.ISMLoadGrammarFile)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioIn[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; case "ISMessaging.Audio.ISMSetProperty": { ISMessaging.Audio.ISMSetProperty mTmp = (ISMessaging.Audio.ISMSetProperty)i_args.m_Msg; ISMessaging.Audio.ISMSetProperty mClone = (ISMessaging.Audio.ISMSetProperty)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = mClone; m_aqAudioIn[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; ///////////////////////////////////// // Audio out messages case "ISMessaging.Audio.ISMPlayPrompts": { ISMessaging.Audio.ISMPlayPrompts mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.Audio.ISMPlayPrompts)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.Audio.ISMPlayPrompts)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioOut[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; ///////////////////////////////////// // Audio out messages case "ISMessaging.Session.ISMTransferSession": { ISMessaging.Session.ISMTransferSession mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMTransferSession)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMTransferSession)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioOut[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; // Other session messages (always Audio Out messages?) case "ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSession": { ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSession mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSession)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSession)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioOut[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; case "ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSessionAfterPrompts": { ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSessionAfterPrompts mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSessionAfterPrompts)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMTerminateSessionAfterPrompts)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioOut[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; case "ISMessaging.Session.ISMDialogManagerIdle": { ISMessaging.Session.ISMDialogManagerIdle mTmp, mClone; mTmp = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMDialogManagerIdle)i_args.m_Msg; mClone = (ISMessaging.Session.ISMDialogManagerIdle)mTmp.Clone(); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)mClone; m_aqAudioOut[mMsg.m_Dest.m_VMC.m_iKey].Push(mMsg); } break; ///////////////////////////////////// // Unknown destination messages case "ISMessaging.ISMsg": { //Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: AudioMgr_Srv.NewMsg() - Message type was ISMsg."); m_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "AudioMgr_Srv.NewMsg() - Message type was ISMsg."); mMsg = (ISMessaging.ISMsg)i_args.m_Msg.Clone(); // Where would this message go? } break; default: { //Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: AudioMgr_Srv.NewMsg() - Message type was not recognized: '{0}'.", i_args.m_Msg.GetType().ToString()); m_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "AudioMgr_Srv.NewMsg() - Message type was not recognized: " + i_args.m_Msg.GetType().ToString()); } break; } // switch // Release remote object i_args = null; } catch (Exception exc) { m_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "AudioMgr_Srv.NewMsg() caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } } // lock }
} // GetMaxSessions public virtual int GetNumSessions() { int iRes = 0; try { // Probably unnecessary to lock, but just in case... Monitor.Enter(m_Lock); iRes = m_iNumSessions; } catch (Exception exc) { m_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "RMl GetNumSessions caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } finally { Monitor.Exit(m_Lock); } return(iRes); } // GetNumSessions
} // LRMWorkerThread constructor public void ThreadProc() { string sTmp = ""; bool bRes = true; Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "LRMWorkerT"; m_Logger.Init("", "", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, "", "", ""); m_Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "LRMWorkerThread started."); // Check cfg file if we are to auto-start sTmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AutoStart"]; if (sTmp.ToLower() == true.ToString().ToLower()) { bRes = StartSBComponents(); } MsgLoop(); m_Logger.Log(Level.Verbose, "LRMWorkerThread exiting."); } // ThreadProc
/// <summary> /// Parses the XML into a more easily accessible node tree. /// </summary> /// <param name="i_sFileName">The file from which XML was obtained (used for error reporting only).</param> /// <param name="i_sXml">The XML string</param> /// <param name="io_xeRootElem">The root node of the tree.</param> public static bool ParseXml(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sFileName, string i_sXml, ref XElement io_xeRootElem) { bool bRet = true; int iCurrDepth = 0; XElement xeCurrElem, xeParentElem; try { // Create the XmlNamespaceManager. NameTable nt = new NameTable(); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); // Create the XmlParserContext. XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, nsmgr, null, XmlSpace.None); // Create the reader. using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(i_sXml, XmlNodeType.Element, context)) { // Set up the node tree xeParentElem = xeCurrElem = io_xeRootElem; io_xeRootElem.Name = "ROOTNAME - IGNORE"; int lineNumber = 1; // Parse the XML and display each node. while (reader.Read()) { ++lineNumber; switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: { // Ignore for now. } break; case XmlNodeType.Element: { xeCurrElem = new XElement(i_sFileName, lineNumber); if (reader.Depth > iCurrDepth) { // Add the element xeParentElem.m_alElements[xeParentElem.m_alElements.Count - 1].m_alElements.Add(xeCurrElem); // Go down a level xeParentElem = xeParentElem.m_alElements[xeParentElem.m_alElements.Count - 1]; } else if (reader.Depth < iCurrDepth) { // Go back up while (iCurrDepth >= reader.Depth) { xeParentElem = xeParentElem.m_xeParentElem; iCurrDepth = xeParentElem.Depth; } // Add the element xeParentElem.m_alElements.Add(xeCurrElem); } else { // Add the element xeParentElem.m_alElements.Add(xeCurrElem); } xeCurrElem.m_xeParentElem = xeParentElem; xeCurrElem.Name = reader.Name; iCurrDepth = xeCurrElem.Depth = reader.Depth; if (reader.HasAttributes) { XAttribute xeTmpAttr; for (int ii = 0; ii < reader.AttributeCount; ii++) { reader.MoveToAttribute(ii); xeTmpAttr = new XAttribute(i_sFileName, lineNumber); xeTmpAttr.Name = reader.Name; xeTmpAttr.Value = reader.Value; xeCurrElem.m_alAttributes.Add(xeTmpAttr); } } } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: { xeCurrElem.Value = reader.Value; } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: { --lineNumber; } break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: { // It's safe/desired to ignore whitespace and comments. --lineNumber; } break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: { // It's safe/desired to ignore whitespace and comments. } break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: { xeCurrElem.Value = reader.Value; } break; default: { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "XmlDocParser.XmlParser read unexpected XmlNodeType: " + reader.NodeType.ToString()); } break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { bRet = false; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "XmlDocParser.XmlParser caught exception: " + e.ToString()); } return(bRet); }
// private static bool ScriptAssignVariable(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, DField i_dfField, DVariable io_dvVar, string i_sStatement) private static bool ScriptAssignVariable(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, DVariable io_dvVar, string i_sStatement) { bool bRet = true, bRes = true; int iTmp = 0, iIndexNew = 0, iIndexOpen = 0, iIndexClose = 0; string sTmp; try { // Assign variable's value (string, integer or new object) iIndexNew = i_sStatement.IndexOf("new "); // Indicates an object instantiation if (iIndexNew >= 0) { // Object instantiation sTmp = i_sStatement.Substring(iIndexNew + 4).Trim(); sTmp = sTmp.TrimEnd(DialogEngine.VoiceXmlParser.s_acTerminator); io_dvVar.OValue = ScriptCreateObject(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, sTmp); } else { iIndexOpen = i_sStatement.IndexOf('('); if (iIndexOpen >= 0) { // Function call io_dvVar.SValue = ScriptCallFunction(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, i_sStatement.TrimEnd(DialogEngine.VoiceXmlParser.s_acTerminator)); } else { // Variable, string, or integer assignment iIndexOpen = i_sStatement.IndexOf('\"'); if (iIndexOpen >= 0) { // String literal iIndexOpen++; iIndexClose = i_sStatement.IndexOf('\"', iIndexOpen); io_dvVar.SValue = i_sStatement.Substring(iIndexOpen, iIndexClose - iIndexOpen); } else { // Variable or integer sTmp = i_sStatement.TrimStart(null).TrimEnd(DialogEngine.VoiceXmlParser.s_acTerminator); try { iTmp = System.Int32.Parse(sTmp); bRes = true; } catch (FormatException) { bRes = false; } if (bRes) { // Integer literal io_dvVar.IValue = iTmp; } else { // variable to variable assignment sTmp = ScriptEvaluateExpression(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, i_sStatement); try { iTmp = System.Int32.Parse(sTmp); io_dvVar.IValue = iTmp; } catch (Exception) { io_dvVar.SValue = sTmp; } } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { bRet = false; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptAssignVariable: " + exc.ToString()); } return(bRet); }
static int Main(string[] args) { bool bRes = true; ILegacyLogger logger = null; string sDisableKeyboard = ""; string sPrompt = "LRM> ", sCmd = ""; string sMonoBinPath = "", sBinPath = "", sArgs = ""; bool bDesktopRuntime = false; Process oProc = null; try { Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": In main."); if ((RunningSystem.RunningPlatform == CLRPlatform.Mono) && (args != null) && (args.Length > 0)) { foreach (string sArg in args) { if (sArg.IndexOf(g_sDesktopArg) >= 0) { bDesktopRuntime = true; } } } if ((args != null) && (args.Length > 0) && (args[0].IndexOf(g_sConsoleArg) >= 0)) { // This is the forked copy, carry on... try { Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": (F) Setting up event handlers..."); // Set up abnormal shutdown handlers AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_DomainUnload); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": (F) Setting up logging..."); // Name the main thread Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "LocalRM-ForkedT"; // Start logging bRes = StartLoggers(out logger); logger.Log(Level.Info, "LRM logger started."); // Check if IP address should be auto-saved to DB and config files. bRes = CheckIPAutoSave(logger); m_aqMsgIn = new MsgQueue(0); // Start threads m_tListener = StartListenerThread(logger, m_aqMsgIn); m_tWorker = StartWorkerThread(logger, m_aqMsgIn, bDesktopRuntime); // Start CLI sDisableKeyboard = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DisableKeyboard"]; if (sDisableKeyboard == "false") { Console.Write(sPrompt); sCmd = Console.ReadLine(); while (bRes) { // bRes = ProcessCmdString(sCmd); if (bRes) { Console.Write(sPrompt); sCmd = Console.ReadLine(); } } } if (m_tListener == null) { logger.Log(Level.Exception, "LRM(F): Listener thread didn't start!"); } else if (m_tWorker == null) { logger.Log(Level.Exception, "LRM(F): Worker thread didn't start!"); } else { // Wait for threads to complete m_tListener.Join(); m_tWorker.Join(); } } catch (Exception exc) { if (logger != null) { logger.Log(exc); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": (F) " + exc.ToString()); } } if (logger != null) { logger.Log(Level.Info, "(F) LRM shutdown."); logger.Close(); } } else { // This is the parent, so "fork". // Is MainWindowTitle the only way that works to get the current program file??? Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": (P) Setting up logging..."); // Name the main thread Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "LocalRMT-Parent"; // Start logging bRes = StartLoggers(out logger); logger.Log(Level.Info, "LRM (P) logger started."); if (RunningSystem.RunningPlatform == CLRPlatform.DotNet) { logger.Log(Level.Info, "LRM (P) Windows start."); sBinPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultBinPath"]; if (!(sBinPath.EndsWith("/")) && !(sBinPath.EndsWith("\\"))) { sBinPath += "/"; } sBinPath += "SBLocalRM.exe"; //Process.Start(sBinPath, g_sConsoleArg); sArgs = g_sConsoleArg; } else if (RunningSystem.RunningPlatform == CLRPlatform.Mono) { logger.Log(Level.Info, "LRM (P) Mono start."); sMonoBinPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MonoBinPath"]; if (!(sMonoBinPath.EndsWith("/")) && !(sMonoBinPath.EndsWith("\\"))) { sMonoBinPath += "/"; } sMonoBinPath += "mono"; if (bDesktopRuntime) { sBinPath = g_sDesktopArg + " "; } else { sBinPath = ""; } sBinPath += ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultBinPath"]; if (!(sBinPath.EndsWith("/")) && !(sBinPath.EndsWith("\\"))) { sBinPath += "/"; } sBinPath += "SBLocalRM.exe "; if (bDesktopRuntime) { logger.Log(Level.Info, "LRM (P) Desktop run."); //Process.Start(sMonoBinPath, sBinPath + g_sConsoleArg + " " + g_sDesktopArg); sArgs = sBinPath + g_sConsoleArg + " " + g_sDesktopArg; sBinPath = sMonoBinPath; } else { logger.Log(Level.Info, "LRM (P) Daemon run."); //Process.Start(sMonoBinPath, sBinPath + g_sConsoleArg); sArgs = sBinPath + g_sConsoleArg; sBinPath = sMonoBinPath; } } else { sBinPath = ""; sArgs = ""; logger.Log(Level.Exception, "(P) Main Start: Unknown platform '" + RunningSystem.RunningPlatform + "'."); } if (sBinPath.Length > 0) { logger.Log(Level.Info, "(P) Main Start-ing('" + sBinPath + "', '" + sArgs + "')..."); oProc = Process.Start(sBinPath, sArgs); if (oProc == null) { logger.Log(Level.Exception, "(P) Main Failed to Start('" + sBinPath + "', '" + sArgs + "')!"); } else { logger.Log(Level.Info, "(P) Main Start-ed('" + sBinPath + "', '" + sArgs + "')."); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { Console.Error.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + exc.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); } return(0); } // Main
// private static object ScriptCreateObject(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, DField i_dfField, string i_sStatement) private static object ScriptCreateObject(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, string i_sStatement) { object oRet = null; string sObjName = ""; StringCollection scParams = null; int ii, iIndex = 0; string sParams = ""; object[] aoParams = null; Type tObj; try { sObjName = ScriptGetFuncName(i_sStatement); // Format .NET assembly qualified name // The convention required for plugins is that the namespace is the same as the assembly name. // Thus, if the namespace is xxx.yyy and the class is zzz then this method is called for a line that reads // // variable = new xxx.yyy.zzz(); // // where the class definition is contained in an assembly called xxx.yyy (which means there exists a file called xxx.yyy.dll). // In this case ScriptGetFuncName() will return "xxx.yyy.zzz" and thus the namespace (and assembly name) is everything up to the last period. iIndex = sObjName.LastIndexOf('.'); if (iIndex >= 0) { sObjName = sObjName + "," + sObjName.Substring(0, iIndex); } iIndex = i_sStatement.IndexOf('('); sParams = i_sStatement.Substring((iIndex + 1), (i_sStatement.Length - iIndex - 2)); scParams = ScriptGetParams(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, sParams); if (scParams.Count > 0) { aoParams = new object[scParams.Count]; } tObj = Type.GetType(sObjName); if (tObj == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "The type '" + sObjName + "' could not be found."); } else { for (ii = 0; ii < scParams.Count; ii++) { aoParams[ii] = scParams[ii]; } oRet = tObj.InvokeMember("", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, aoParams); } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCreateObject: " + exc.ToString()); } return(oRet); } // ScriptCreateObject
} // StartWorkerThread protected static bool CheckIPAutoSave(ILegacyLogger i_Logger) { // FIX - As with the constants in GetPbxValue(), these constants should be pulled out. const string csProxyServer = "SpeechBridge SIP Proxy"; const string csAudiomgrAddr = "AudioMgr IP address"; bool bRet = true, bRes = true; string sCheck = "", sPath = "", sCurrAddr = ""; System.Net.IPHostEntry tmpIpHost = null; System.Net.IPAddress[] tmpIpAddrs = null; string[] asAddrs = null; int ii = 0, iNumAddrs = 0; ConfigParams cfgs = null; SBConfigStor.SIP sipTmp = null; int iNumElems = 0; string sProxyAddr = "", sAMAddr = ""; try { sCheck = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CheckIpOnStartup"]; if ((sCheck == null) || (sCheck.Length == 0) || (sCheck.ToLower() == false.ToString().ToLower())) { // Default or 'false' is to do nothing. i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "CheckIPAutoSave - Not checking/saving IP address."); } else { // Get current IP address and compare it against what is stored in the DB. tmpIpHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()); tmpIpAddrs = tmpIpHost.AddressList; iNumAddrs = tmpIpAddrs.Length; asAddrs = new string[iNumAddrs]; for (ii = 0; ii < iNumAddrs; ii++) { asAddrs[ii] = tmpIpAddrs[ii].ToString(); } sCurrAddr = asAddrs[0]; // FIX - Assumes active NIC is 1'st one cfgs = new ConfigParams(); cfgs.LoadFromTableByComponent(ConfigParams.e_Components.SIP.ToString()); iNumElems = cfgs.Count; if (iNumElems <= 0) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "SBLocalRM.CheckIPAutoSave Couldn't load settings from DB."); } else { sProxyAddr = cfgs[csProxyServer].Value; sAMAddr = cfgs[csAudiomgrAddr].Value; // If address is different, save it to SIP Proxy and AudioMgr values, and save config files. if ((sCurrAddr != sProxyAddr) || (sCurrAddr != sAMAddr)) { sPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultConfigPath"]; cfgs[csProxyServer].Value = sCurrAddr; cfgs[csAudiomgrAddr].Value = sCurrAddr; bRes = cfgs.SaveToTableByComponent(ConfigParams.e_Components.SIP.ToString()); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "SBLocalRM.CheckIPAutoSave Error saving settings to DB."); } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "CheckIPAutoSave Saved settings to DB."); } // Get the PBX Type information and append it to the other configuration data before // regenerating the configuration files for the Proxy Server and the Audio Routers. // // NOTE: This code is very similar to what exists in ServerSettings.aspx.cs (m_buttonUpdate_Click()) // so it should be refactored to a common location. // Also, as per the comment in ServerSettings.aspx.cs, if more elements are added to SIP2 then // those will also have to be added to the configuration data passed to SIP.Persist(). ConfigParams cfgs2 = new ConfigParams(); cfgs2.LoadFromTableByComponent(ConfigParams.e_Components.SIP2.ToString()); cfgs.Add(GetPbxValue(cfgs2)); // Get the load-balancing/failover information and append it to the other configuration data before // regenerating the configuration files for the Proxy Server and the Audio Routers. ConfigParams cfgs3 = new ConfigParams(); cfgs3.LoadFromTableByComponent(ConfigParams.e_Components.SIP3.ToString()); foreach (ConfigParams.ConfigParam cfg in cfgs3) { cfgs.Add(cfg); } sipTmp = new SIP(); bRes = sipTmp.Persist(cfgs, sPath); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "SBLocalRM.CheckIPAutoSave Error saving settings to config files."); } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "CheckIPAutoSave Saved settings to config files."); } // Write addr to /etc/hosts, hostname to /etc/sysconfig/network } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "CheckIPAutoSave - IP addresses matched."); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "SBLocalRM.CheckIPAutoSave caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); bRet = false; } return(bRet); } // CheckIPAutoSave
/// <summary> /// Note: Until javascript in Mono is complete and stable, this will interpret the script code. /// For simplicity's sake, the only supported format is: /// variable = FullQualifiedObject(param0, param1, ...); /// The variable is expected to be in field scope, and is optional. Parameters can only be of /// type string, and are always passed by value. /// </summary> /// <param name="i_dfActive"></param> /// <param name="i_iOptionIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> // public static bool ScriptExecute(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, DField i_dfField, DAction i_daAction) public static bool ScriptExecute(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, DAction i_daAction) { bool bRet = true, bRes = true; int ii = 0, iIndexStart = 0; System.Int32 iTmp = 0; // I know, same as 'int', but... DScript dsCode; string sStatement, sVarName, sVarNameShort, sRes = ""; DVariable dvTmp = null; try { // FIX - The parsing code is currently a hack to get a demo working. // FIX - The variables we look for in the javascript may be VoiceXML variables. // Right now we only handle two types of statements: variable declarations (with or // without assignment) and function calls (w/ or w/out assignment.) All parameters and // return values from function calls are of type string. Any text results to be TTSed // need to be done through the reserved statement 'document.writeln(svar);'. // dsCode = (DScript)i_daAction.m_oValue; for (ii = 0; ii < dsCode.Code.Count; ii++) { dvTmp = null; sStatement = dsCode.Code[ii]; // Check if there is a variable declared if (sStatement.IndexOf("var ") >= 0) { sVarName = ScriptExtractVariableName(sStatement.Substring(4)); iTmp = sVarName.IndexOf('.'); if (iTmp < 0) { sVarNameShort = sVarName; } else { sVarNameShort = sVarName.Substring(iTmp + 1); } dvTmp = DialogEngine.DialogEngine.FindVariableByName(i_SubdocContext, sVarName); // Reuse variable if it exists, even though script has (erroneously) declared a new one. if (dvTmp == null) { // Allocate variable and put it in proper scope. dvTmp = new DVariable(); dvTmp.Name = sVarNameShort; iIndexStart = sStatement.IndexOf("var ") + 4; if (i_SubdocContext.GetType() == typeof(DField)) { DField dfField = (DField)i_SubdocContext; if (sVarName.IndexOf("session.") >= 0) { dfField.m_dfParentForm.m_ddParentDocument.m_dsParentSession.m_DVariables.Add(dvTmp); } else if (sVarName.IndexOf("application.") >= 0) { // FIX - Keep it in session since we don't currently have an "application" in USCs? dfField.m_dfParentForm.m_ddParentDocument.m_dsParentSession.m_DVariables.Add(dvTmp); } else if (sVarName.IndexOf("document.") >= 0) { dfField.m_dfParentForm.m_ddParentDocument.m_DVariables.Add(dvTmp); } else if (sVarName.IndexOf("dialog.") >= 0) { dfField.m_dfParentForm.Variables.Add(dvTmp); } else { i_SubdocContext.Variables.Add(dvTmp); } } else if (i_SubdocContext.GetType() == typeof(DForm)) { DForm dfForm = (DForm)i_SubdocContext; if (sVarName.IndexOf("session.") >= 0) { dfForm.m_ddParentDocument.m_dsParentSession.m_DVariables.Add(dvTmp); } else if (sVarName.IndexOf("application.") >= 0) { // FIX - Keep it in session since we don't currently have an "application" in USCs? dfForm.m_ddParentDocument.m_dsParentSession.m_DVariables.Add(dvTmp); } else if (sVarName.IndexOf("document.") >= 0) { dfForm.m_ddParentDocument.m_DVariables.Add(dvTmp); } else if (sVarName.IndexOf("dialog.") >= 0) { dfForm.Variables.Add(dvTmp); } else { i_SubdocContext.Variables.Add(dvTmp); } } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, string.Format("[{0}]DialogEngine.ScriptExecute - invalid type '{1}'.", i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext.GetType().ToString())); } } } else if (sStatement.IndexOf(m_csBoolEqual) >= 0) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptExecute - Boolean conditions not yet supported."); } else if (sStatement.IndexOf('=') >= 0) { sVarName = sStatement.Substring(0, sStatement.IndexOfAny(DialogEngine.VoiceXmlParser.s_acBreakNonVar)); dvTmp = DialogEngine.DialogEngine.FindVariableByName(i_SubdocContext, sVarName); if (dvTmp == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptExecute - Variable named '" + sVarName + "' was not found, line " + ii + " '" + sStatement + "'."); // Create a new temporary variable so we can keep going // FIX - probably ought to return a failure if we get here... dvTmp = new DVariable(); dvTmp.Name = sVarName; } } else { // No variable assigned to the return value, so create a temporary variable dvTmp = new DVariable("TEMPORARY", ""); } // if 'var' // Check if there is an assignment iIndexStart = sStatement.IndexOf('='); if (iIndexStart >= 0) { iIndexStart++; bRes = ScriptAssignVariable(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, dvTmp, sStatement.Substring(iIndexStart).Trim()); } else { // Check for a function call that doesn't assign a return value to a variable if (sStatement.IndexOf('(') >= 0) { sRes = ScriptCallFunction(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, sStatement.TrimEnd(DialogEngine.VoiceXmlParser.s_acTerminator)); } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ExecuteScript - Seem to have found a no-op on line " + ii + ": '" + sStatement + "'."); } } } // for } catch (Exception e) { bRet = false; i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptExecute: " + e.ToString()); } return(bRet); }
} // ScriptCreateObject // private static string ScriptEvaluateExpression(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, DField i_dfField, string i_sStatement) private static string ScriptEvaluateExpression(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, string i_sStatement) { string sRet = "", sVar = ""; DVariable dvTmp = null; int iIndex, iTmp; try { // For now, just look for integer increments. iIndex = i_sStatement.IndexOfAny(s_acOperators); if (iIndex < 0) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Unsupported syntax: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } else { // FIX - Here begins the hack iIndex = i_sStatement.IndexOf(" + 1"); if (iIndex < 0) { iIndex = i_sStatement.IndexOf(" - 1"); if (iIndex < 0) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Unsupported syntax: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } else { sVar = ScriptExtractVariableName(i_sStatement); dvTmp = DialogEngine.DialogEngine.FindVariableByName(i_SubdocContext, sVar); if (dvTmp == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Couldn't find variable named '" + sVar + "' in field '" + i_SubdocContext.ID + "'."); } else { if (dvTmp.Type == DVariable.eType.USCInt) { iTmp = dvTmp.IValue; iTmp--; sRet = iTmp.ToString(); } else if (dvTmp.Type == DVariable.eType.USCString) { try { iTmp = System.Int32.Parse(dvTmp.SValue); iTmp--; sRet = iTmp.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Unsupported syntax: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Unsupported syntax: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } } } } else { sVar = ScriptExtractVariableName(i_sStatement); dvTmp = DialogEngine.DialogEngine.FindVariableByName(i_SubdocContext, sVar); if (dvTmp == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Couldn't find variable named '" + sVar + "' in field '" + i_SubdocContext.ID + "'."); } else { if (dvTmp.Type == DVariable.eType.USCInt) { iTmp = dvTmp.IValue; iTmp++; sRet = iTmp.ToString(); } else if (dvTmp.Type == DVariable.eType.USCString) { try { iTmp = System.Int32.Parse(dvTmp.SValue); iTmp++; sRet = iTmp.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Unsupported syntax: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } } else { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression - Unsupported syntax: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptEvaluateExpression: " + exc.ToString()); } return(sRet); } // ScriptEvaluateExpression
} // ScriptEvaluateExpression // private static string ScriptCallFunction(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, DField i_dfField, string i_sStatement) private static string ScriptCallFunction(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, string i_sVmcId, ISubdocContext i_SubdocContext, string i_sStatement) { string sRet = ""; string sFuncNameFull = "", sInstanceName = "", sFuncName = "", sParams = ""; StringCollection scParams = null; object[] aoParams = null; object oRes = null; int ii, iIndex = 0; DVariable dvObject = null; try { sFuncNameFull = ScriptGetFuncName(i_sStatement); iIndex = sFuncNameFull.IndexOf('.'); if (iIndex < 0) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCallFunction - Can't currently call a non-object based function. From: '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } else { sInstanceName = sFuncNameFull.Substring(0, iIndex); sFuncName = sFuncNameFull.Substring(iIndex + 1); dvObject = DialogEngine.DialogEngine.FindVariableByName(i_SubdocContext, sInstanceName); if (dvObject == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCallFunction - Can't find instance variable '" + sInstanceName + "'."); } else { iIndex = i_sStatement.IndexOf('('); sParams = i_sStatement.Substring((iIndex + 1), (i_sStatement.Length - iIndex - 2)); scParams = ScriptGetParams(i_Logger, i_sVmcId, i_SubdocContext, sParams); if (scParams.Count > 0) { aoParams = new object[scParams.Count]; for (ii = 0; ii < scParams.Count; ii++) { aoParams[ii] = scParams[ii]; } } try { oRes = dvObject.OValue.GetType().InvokeMember(sFuncName, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, dvObject.OValue, aoParams); if (oRes == null) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Warning, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCallFunction - There was no return value in the call to '" + i_sStatement + "'."); } else { sRet = oRes.ToString(); } } catch (TargetInvocationException exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCallFunction: " + exc.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCallFunction: " + exc.ToString()); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "[" + i_sVmcId + "]" + "DialogEngine.ScriptCallFunction: " + exc.ToString()); } return(sRet); }
private static int RunTestBuffer(ILegacyLogger i_Logger, eAsrType i_eAsrType, string i_sGramPath, string i_sUttPath, int i_iNumIt, int i_iPause) { StreamReader srGram = null; FileInfo fiUtt = null; FileStream fsUtt = null; byte[] abUtt = null; StringBuilder sbGram = null; string sTmp = "", sGram = ""; int ii = 0, iRead = 0, iLen = 0, iRem = 0, jj = 0; bool bRes = true; IASR oAsr = null; RecognitionResult[] aResults = null; try { // Load grammar file and utterance WAV into buffers sbGram = new StringBuilder(); srGram = new StreamReader(i_sGramPath, Encoding.UTF8); while ((sTmp = srGram.ReadLine()) != null) { sbGram.Append(sTmp + System.Environment.NewLine); } sGram = sbGram.ToString(); i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Grammar: " + sGram + ""); fiUtt = new FileInfo(i_sUttPath); fsUtt = fiUtt.OpenRead(); abUtt = new byte[fsUtt.Length]; iLen = iRem = (int)fsUtt.Length; do { iRead = fsUtt.Read(abUtt, 0, iRem); iRem -= iRead; } while (iRem > 0); // Do ASR init bRes = InitAsr(i_Logger, i_eAsrType, out oAsr); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "InitAsr failed."); } else { // Run test for (ii = 0; ii < i_iNumIt; ii++) { bRes = oAsr.Open(); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "Asr.Open failed."); } bRes = oAsr.ResetGrammar(); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "Asr.ResetGrammar failed."); } bRes = oAsr.LoadGrammar(false, "main", sGram); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "Asr.LoadGrammar failed."); bRes = oAsr.Close(); return(ii); } SendData(oAsr, abUtt, true); // Use streaming // SendData(oAsr, abUtt, false); // Doesn't stream bRes = oAsr.Results(out aResults); if (!bRes) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "Asr.Results failed."); } else { for (jj = 0; jj < aResults.Length; jj++) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Info, "Iteration #" + ii.ToString() + ", result #" + jj.ToString() + ", decoded '" + aResults[jj].Result + "' with confidence " + aResults[jj].Probability + "%."); } } // Pause between iterations if ((i_iNumIt > 0) && (i_iPause > 0)) { Thread.Sleep(i_iPause * 1000); } } // for } } catch (Exception exc) { i_Logger.Log(Level.Exception, "RunTestBuffer Iteration #" + ii + ", caught exception: " + exc.ToString()); } return(ii); } // RunTestBuffer