async Task RunLoopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) // throws Exception, ExceptionWithAction { while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { ILeaseManager leaseManager =; Dictionary <string, Lease> allLeases = new Dictionary <string, Lease>(); // Inspect all leases. // Acquire any expired leases. // Renew any leases that currently belong to us. IEnumerable <Task <Lease> > gettingAllLeases = leaseManager.GetAllLeases(); List <Lease> leasesOwnedByOthers = new List <Lease>(); int ourLeaseCount = 0; foreach (Task <Lease> getLeaseTask in gettingAllLeases) { try { Lease possibleLease = await getLeaseTask.ConfigureAwait(false); allLeases[possibleLease.PartitionId] = possibleLease; if (await possibleLease.IsExpired().ConfigureAwait(false)) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpInfo(, possibleLease.PartitionId, "Trying to acquire lease."); if (await leaseManager.AcquireLeaseAsync(possibleLease).ConfigureAwait(false)) { ourLeaseCount++; } else { // Probably failed because another host stole it between get and acquire leasesOwnedByOthers.Add(possibleLease); } } else if (possibleLease.Owner == { ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpInfo(, possibleLease.PartitionId, "Trying to renew lease."); // Try to renew the lease. If successful then this lease belongs to us, // if throws LeaseLostException then we don't own it anymore. try { await leaseManager.RenewLeaseAsync(possibleLease).ConfigureAwait(false); ourLeaseCount++; } catch (LeaseLostException) { // Probably failed because another host stole it between get and renew leasesOwnedByOthers.Add(possibleLease); } } else { leasesOwnedByOthers.Add(possibleLease); } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostWarning(, "Failure during getting/acquiring/renewing lease, skipping", e.ToString());, "N/A", e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CheckingLeases); } } // Grab more leases if available and needed for load balancing if (leasesOwnedByOthers.Count > 0) { Lease stealThisLease = WhichLeaseToSteal(leasesOwnedByOthers, ourLeaseCount); if (stealThisLease != null) { try { ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpStealLeaseStart(, stealThisLease.PartitionId); if (await leaseManager.AcquireLeaseAsync(stealThisLease).ConfigureAwait(false)) { // Succeeded in stealing lease ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpStealLeaseStop(, stealThisLease.PartitionId); } else { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostWarning(, "Failed to steal lease for partition " + stealThisLease.PartitionId, null); } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostError(, "Exception during stealing lease for partition " + stealThisLease.PartitionId, e.ToString());, stealThisLease.PartitionId, e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.StealingLease); } } } // Update pump with new state of leases. foreach (string partitionId in allLeases.Keys) { try { Lease updatedLease = allLeases[partitionId]; ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostInfo(, $"Lease on partition {updatedLease.PartitionId} owned by {updatedLease.Owner}"); if (updatedLease.Owner == { await this.CheckAndAddPumpAsync(partitionId, updatedLease).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await this.RemovePumpAsync(partitionId, CloseReason.LeaseLost).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostError(, $"Exception during add/remove pump on partition {partitionId}", e.Message);, partitionId, e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.PartitionPumpManagement); } } try { await Task.Delay(leaseManager.LeaseRenewInterval, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Bail on the async work if we are canceled. } } }
async Task RunLoopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) // throws Exception, ExceptionWithAction { var loopStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { // Mark start time so we can use the duration taken to calculate renew interval. loopStopwatch.Restart(); ILeaseManager leaseManager =; Dictionary <string, Lease> allLeases = new Dictionary <string, Lease>(); // Inspect all leases. // Acquire any expired leases. // Renew any leases that currently belong to us. IEnumerable <Task <Lease> > gettingAllLeases = leaseManager.GetAllLeases(); List <Lease> leasesOwnedByOthers = new List <Lease>(); var renewLeaseTasks = new List <Task>(); int ourLeaseCount = 0; // First thing is first, renew owned leases. foreach (Task <Lease> getLeaseTask in gettingAllLeases) { try { var lease = await getLeaseTask.ConfigureAwait(false); allLeases[lease.PartitionId] = lease; if (lease.Owner == { ourLeaseCount++; ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpInfo(, lease.PartitionId, "Trying to renew lease."); renewLeaseTasks.Add(leaseManager.RenewLeaseAsync(lease).ContinueWith(renewResult => { if (renewResult.IsFaulted || !renewResult.Result) { // Might have failed due to intermittent error or lease-lost. // Just log here, expired leases will be picked by same or another host anyway. ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpError(, lease.PartitionId, "Failed to renew lease.", renewResult.Exception?.Message);, lease.PartitionId, renewResult.Exception, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.RenewingLease); } })); } else { leasesOwnedByOthers.Add(lease); } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostError(, "Failure during checking lease.", e.ToString());, "N/A", e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CheckingLeases); } } // Wait until we are done with renewing our own leases here. // In theory, this should never throw, error are logged and notified in the renew tasks. await Task.WhenAll(renewLeaseTasks.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false); ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostInfo(, "Lease renewal is finished."); // Check any expired leases that we can grab here. foreach (var possibleLease in allLeases.Values) { try { if (await possibleLease.IsExpired().ConfigureAwait(false)) { bool isExpiredLeaseOwned = possibleLease.Owner ==; ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpInfo(, possibleLease.PartitionId, "Trying to acquire lease."); if (await leaseManager.AcquireLeaseAsync(possibleLease).ConfigureAwait(false)) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpInfo(, possibleLease.PartitionId, "Acquired lease."); // Don't double count if we have already counted this lease at the beginning of the loop. if (!isExpiredLeaseOwned) { ourLeaseCount++; } } } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpError(, possibleLease.PartitionId, "Failure during acquiring lease", e.ToString());, possibleLease.PartitionId, e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.CheckingLeases); } } // Grab more leases if available and needed for load balancing if (leasesOwnedByOthers.Count > 0) { Lease stealThisLease = WhichLeaseToSteal(leasesOwnedByOthers, ourLeaseCount); if (stealThisLease != null) { try { ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpStealLeaseStart(, stealThisLease.PartitionId); if (await leaseManager.AcquireLeaseAsync(stealThisLease).ConfigureAwait(false)) { // Succeeded in stealing lease ProcessorEventSource.Log.PartitionPumpStealLeaseStop(, stealThisLease.PartitionId); } else { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostWarning(, "Failed to steal lease for partition " + stealThisLease.PartitionId, null); } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostError(, "Exception during stealing lease for partition " + stealThisLease.PartitionId, e.ToString());, stealThisLease.PartitionId, e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.StealingLease); } } } // Update pump with new state of leases. foreach (string partitionId in allLeases.Keys) { try { Lease updatedLease = allLeases[partitionId]; ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostInfo(, $"Lease on partition {updatedLease.PartitionId} owned by {updatedLease.Owner}"); if (updatedLease.Owner == { await this.CheckAndAddPumpAsync(partitionId, updatedLease).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await this.RemovePumpAsync(partitionId, CloseReason.LeaseLost).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessorEventSource.Log.EventProcessorHostError(, $"Exception during add/remove pump on partition {partitionId}", e.Message);, partitionId, e, EventProcessorHostActionStrings.PartitionPumpManagement); } } try { // Consider reducing the wait time with last lease-walkthrough's time taken. var elapsedTime = loopStopwatch.Elapsed; if (leaseManager.LeaseRenewInterval > elapsedTime) { await Task.Delay(leaseManager.LeaseRenewInterval.Subtract(elapsedTime), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Bail on the async work if we are canceled. } } }