예제 #1
파일: NewArr.cs 프로젝트: kztao/FlingOS
        /// <summary>
        /// See base class documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anILOpInfo">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <param name="aScannerState">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <returns>See base class documentation.</returns>
        public override string Convert(ILOpInfo anILOpInfo, ILScannerState aScannerState)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            //Load the metadata token used to get the type info
            int metadataToken = Utils.ReadInt32(anILOpInfo.ValueBytes, 0);
            //Get the type info for the element type
            Type elementType = aScannerState.CurrentILChunk.Method.Module.ResolveType(metadataToken);
            //New array must:
            // - Allocate memory on the heap for the object
            //          - If no memory is left, throw a panic attack because we're out of memory...
            // - Call the specified constructor

            //The label to jump to if allocated memory isn't null
            //i.e. not out of memory.
            string NotNullLabel = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_NotNullMem",

            //Attempt to allocate memory on the heap for the new array
            //This involves:
            // - (Number of elements is already on the stack)
            // - Pushing the element type reference onto the stack
            // - Calling GC NewArr method
            // - Check the pointer == 0, if so, out of memory

            //Push type reference
            string typeIdStr = aScannerState.GetTypeIdString(aScannerState.GetTypeID(elementType));
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("push dword {0}", typeIdStr));
            //Push a dword for return value (i.e. new array pointer)
            result.AppendLine("push dword 0");
            //Get the GC.NewArr method ID (i.e. ASM label)
            string methodLabel = aScannerState.GetMethodID(aScannerState.NewArrMethod);
            //Call GC.NewArr
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("call {0}", methodLabel));
            //Pop the return value (i.e. new array pointer)
            result.AppendLine("pop dword eax");
            //Remove args from stack
            result.AppendLine("add esp, 8");
            //Check if pointer == 0?
            result.AppendLine("cmp eax, 0");
            //If it isn't 0, not out of memory so continue execution
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("jnz {0}", NotNullLabel));
            //If we are out of memory, we have a massive problem
            //Because it means we don't have space to create a new exception object
            //So ultimately we just have to throw a kernel panic
            //Throw a panic attack... ( :/ ) by calling kernel Halt(uint lastAddress)
            //result.AppendLine("call GetEIP");
            //result.AppendLine("push dword esp");
            //result.AppendLine("push dword ebp");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword eax, 0xDEADBEEF");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword ebx, 0x2");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword ecx, 1");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword [staticfield_System_Boolean_Kernel_FOS_System_GC_Enabled], 1");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword [staticfield_System_Boolean_Kernel_FOS_System_Heap_PreventAllocation], 0");
            //result.AppendLine("jmp method_System_Void_RETEND_Kernel_PreReqs_DECLEND_PageFaultDetection_NAMEEND___Fail");

            result.AppendLine("call GetEIP");
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("call {0}", aScannerState.GetMethodID(aScannerState.HaltMethod)));
            //Insert the not null label
            result.AppendLine(NotNullLabel + ":");

            //Push new array pointer
            result.AppendLine("push dword eax");

            aScannerState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Push(new StackItem()
                isFloat = false,
                sizeOnStackInBytes = 4,
                isNewGCObject = true,
                isGCManaged = true

            return result.ToString().Trim();
예제 #2
파일: NewObj.cs 프로젝트: kztao/FlingOS
        /// <summary>
        /// See base class documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anILOpInfo">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <param name="aScannerState">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <returns>See base class documentation.</returns>
        public override string Convert(ILOpInfo anILOpInfo, ILScannerState aScannerState)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            MethodBase constructorMethod = anILOpInfo.MethodToCall;
            Type objectType = constructorMethod.DeclaringType;
            //New obj must:
            // - Ignore for creation of Delegates
            // - Allocate memory on the heap for the object
            //          - If no memory is left, throw a panic attack because we're out of memory...
            // - Call the specified constructor

            if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
                result.AppendLine("; Ignore newobj calls for Delegates");
                //Still need to: 
                // - Remove the "object" param but preserve the "function pointer"
                GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "esp", 0, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
                result.AppendLine("mov dword eax, [esp]");
                GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "esp", 4, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
                result.AppendLine("mov dword [esp+4], eax");
                result.AppendLine("add esp, 4");
                return result.ToString().Trim();

            //The label to jump to if allocated memory isn't null
            //i.e. not out of memory.
            string NotNullLabel = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_NotNullMem",

            //Attempt to allocate memory on the heap for the new object
            //This involves:
            // - Pushing the type reference onto the stack
            // - Calling GC NewObj method
            // - Check the pointer == 0, if so, out of memory

            //Push type reference
            string typeIdStr = aScannerState.GetTypeIdString(aScannerState.GetTypeID(objectType));
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("push dword {0}", typeIdStr));
            //Push a dword for return value (i.e. new object pointer)
            result.AppendLine("push dword 0");
            //Get the GC.NewObj method ID (i.e. ASM label)
            string methodLabel = aScannerState.GetMethodID(aScannerState.NewObjMethod);
            //Call GC.NewObj
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("call {0}", methodLabel));
            //Pop the return value (i.e. new object pointer)
            result.AppendLine("pop dword eax");
            //Remove arg 0 from stack
            result.AppendLine("add esp, 4");
            //Check if pointer == 0?
            result.AppendLine("cmp eax, 0");
            //If it isn't 0, not out of memory so continue execution
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("jnz {0}", NotNullLabel));
            //If we are out of memory, we have a massive problem
            //Because it means we don't have space to create a new exception object
            //So ultimately we just have to throw a kernel panic
            //Throw a panic attack... ( :/ ) by calling kernel Halt(uint lastAddress)
            //result.AppendLine("call GetEIP");
            //result.AppendLine("push dword esp");
            //result.AppendLine("push dword ebp");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword eax, 0xDEADBEEF");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword ebx, 0x1");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword ecx, 1");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword [staticfield_System_Boolean_Kernel_FOS_System_GC_Enabled], 1");
            //result.AppendLine("mov dword [staticfield_System_Boolean_Kernel_FOS_System_Heap_PreventAllocation], 0");
            //result.AppendLine("jmp method_System_Void_RETEND_Kernel_PreReqs_DECLEND_PageFaultDetection_NAMEEND___Fail");

            result.AppendLine("call GetEIP");
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("call {0}", aScannerState.GetMethodID(aScannerState.HaltMethod)));
            //Insert the not null label
            result.AppendLine(NotNullLabel + ":");

            //Call the specified constructor
            //This involves:
            // - Push empty dword onto stack
            // - Move all args down by one dword
            // - Move object reference into dword as first arg
            // - Call constructor
            result.AppendLine("push dword 0");
            int sizeOfArgs = 0;
            ParameterInfo[] allParams = constructorMethod.GetParameters();
            foreach(ParameterInfo aParam in allParams)
                sizeOfArgs += Utils.GetNumBytesForType(aParam.ParameterType);
            result.AppendLine("mov dword ebx, esp");
            if (sizeOfArgs > 0)
                if (sizeOfArgs % 4 != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("sizeOfArgs not exact multiple of 4!");

                result.AppendLine(string.Format("mov dword ecx, {0}", sizeOfArgs / 4));
                string ShiftArgsLoopLabel = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_ShiftArgsLoop",
                result.AppendLine(ShiftArgsLoopLabel + ":");
                GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "ebx", 4, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
                result.AppendLine("mov dword edx, [ebx+4]");
                GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "ebx", 0, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
                result.AppendLine("mov dword [ebx], edx");
                result.AppendLine("add ebx, 4");
                result.AppendLine(string.Format("loop {0}", ShiftArgsLoopLabel));
            GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "ebx", 0, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
            result.AppendLine("mov dword [ebx], eax");
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("call {0}", aScannerState.GetMethodID(constructorMethod)));
            //Only remove args from stack - we want the object pointer to remain on the stack
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("add esp, {0}", sizeOfArgs));

            aScannerState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Push(new StackItem()
                isFloat = false,
                sizeOnStackInBytes = 4,
                isNewGCObject = true,
                isGCManaged = true

            return result.ToString().Trim();
예제 #3
파일: Isinst.cs 프로젝트: kztao/FlingOS
        /// <summary>
        /// See base class documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anILOpInfo">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <param name="aScannerState">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <returns>See base class documentation.</returns>
        public override string Convert(ILOpInfo anILOpInfo, ILScannerState aScannerState)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            string Label_3 = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_Point3",

            string Label_False1 = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_False1",
            string Label_False2 = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_False2",

            string Label_End = string.Format("{0}.IL_{1}_End",

            // Test if the object provided inherits from the specified class
            // 1. Pop object ref
            // 1.1. Test if object ref is null:
            // 1.1.1 True: Push null and continue
            // 1.1.2 False: Go to 2
            // 2. Load object type
            // 3. Test if object type == provided type:
            //      3.1 True: Push object ref and continue
            //      3.2 False: 
            //      3.2.1. Move to base type
            //      3.2.2. Test if base type null:
            //   True: Push null and continue
            //   False: Jump back to (3)

            // 1. Pop object ref
            result.AppendLine("pop dword eax");

            // 1.1. Test if object ref is null:
            result.AppendLine("cmp eax, 0");

            result.AppendLine("jne " + Label_False1);

            // 1.1.1 True: Push null and continue
            result.AppendLine("push dword 0");
            result.AppendLine("jmp " + Label_End);

            // 1.1.2 False: Go to 2
            result.AppendLine(Label_False1 + ":");

            // 2. Load object type
            GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "eax", 0, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
            result.AppendLine("mov dword ebx, [eax]");

            // 3. Test if object type == provided type:
            int metadataToken = Utils.ReadInt32(anILOpInfo.ValueBytes, 0);
            Type theType = aScannerState.CurrentILChunk.Method.Module.ResolveType(metadataToken);
            string TestTypeId = aScannerState.GetTypeIdString(aScannerState.GetTypeID(theType));

            result.AppendLine("mov dword ecx, " + TestTypeId);

            result.AppendLine(Label_3 + ":");
            result.AppendLine("cmp ebx, ecx");

            result.AppendLine("jne " + Label_False2);

            //      3.1 True: Push object ref and continue
            result.AppendLine("push dword eax");
            result.AppendLine("jmp " + Label_End);

            //      3.2 False: 
            result.AppendLine(Label_False2 + ":");

            //      3.2.1. Move to base type
            int baseTypeOffset = aScannerState.GetTypeFieldOffset("TheBaseType");
            GlobalMethods.InsertPageFaultDetection(result, aScannerState, "ebx", baseTypeOffset, (OpCodes)anILOpInfo.opCode.Value);
            result.AppendLine(string.Format("mov dword ebx, [ebx+{0}]", baseTypeOffset));

            //      3.2.2. Test if base type null:
            result.AppendLine("cmp ebx, 0");
            //   False: Jump back to (3)
            result.AppendLine("jne " + Label_3);
            //   True: Push null and continue
            result.AppendLine("push dword 0");
            result.AppendLine(Label_End + ":");

            return result.ToString().Trim();