예제 #1
        public static ValueSet GetValueSetForSinglePixel(this ILCCColorSpace cs, ColorF color, bool useChroma)
            // a value set normally consists of multiple luma & chroma components for a char (for example 5 luma + 2 chroma)
            // for this we just have the normal default 3-component. all our colorspaces are LCC (luma chroma chroma).
            LCCColorDenorm denorm = cs.RGBToLCC(color);
            ValueSet       src    = new ValueSet();

            float[] normArray = new float[]
            ValueSet.Init(ref src, useChroma ? 3 : 1, 0, normArray);
            src.DenormalizedValues[0] = (float)denorm.L;
            src.DenormalizedValues[1] = (float)denorm.C1;
            src.DenormalizedValues[2] = (float)denorm.C2;
예제 #2
        public static ILCCColorSpace ParseRequiredLCCColorSpaceArgs(string[] args, bool allowDefault = false)
            ILCCColorSpace ret = null;

            args.ProcessArg("-cs", o =>
                switch (o.ToLowerInvariant())
                case "jpeg":
                    ret = new JPEGColorspace();

                case "nyuv":
                    ret = new NaiveYUVColorspace();

                case "lab":
                    ret = new LABColorspace();

                case "hsl":
                    ret = new HSLColorspace();

                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown LCC colorspace: {0}", o));
            if (ret == null)
                if (allowDefault)
                    ret = new LABColorspace();
                    throw new Exception("Colorspace not specified");
예제 #3
        static void CreateLUT(string paletteName, System.Drawing.Color[] palette, string outfile, ILCCColorSpace cs, int levels, bool useChroma, bool neutral)
            Log.WriteLine("Creating LUT...");
            Log.WriteLine("  Palette: {0} ({1} colors)", paletteName, palette.Length);
            Log.WriteLine("  Colorspace: {0}", cs.ToString());
            Log.WriteLine("  Output file: {0}", outfile);
            Log.WriteLine("  {0}", useChroma ? "COLOR" : "GREY");
            int imageWidth  = levels * levels;
            int imageHeight = levels;

            Log.WriteLine("  Image size: {0} x {1}", imageWidth, imageHeight);


            var        bmp          = new Bitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            BitmapData destFontData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            int chromaComponents = useChroma ? 2 : 0;

            for (double ir = 0; ir < levels; ++ir)
                for (double ig = 0; ig < levels; ++ig)
                    for (double ib = 0; ib < levels; ++ib)
                        // Y coord = green (top = 0, bottom = 1)
                        // X coord = red (left = 0; right = 1)
                        // X cell = blue (left = 0; right = 1)
                        ColorF srcColor = ColorF.FromRGB(ir / levels, ig / levels, ib / levels);
                        //srcColor = ColorF.FromRGB(.5,.3,.2);
                        int y = levels - (int)ig - 1;
                        int x = (int)ib * levels;
                        x += (int)ir;

                        if (neutral)
                            destFontData.SetPixel(x, y, srcColor);
                            // find the nearest color in the palette.
                            // a value set normally consists of multiple luma & chroma components for a char (for example 5 luma + 2 chroma)
                            // for this we just have the normal default. all our colorspaces are LCC (luma chroma chroma).
                            ValueSet             srcValueSet  = cs.GetValueSetForSinglePixel(srcColor, useChroma);
                            System.Drawing.Color closestColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                            double closestDistance            = 1e6;

                            foreach (var pc in palette)
                                ColorF   paletteColor = pc.ToColorF();
                                ValueSet palValueSet  = cs.GetValueSetForSinglePixel(paletteColor, useChroma);
                                double   dist         = cs.ColorDistance(srcValueSet, palValueSet, 1 /*luma L*/, chromaComponents);
                                if (dist < closestDistance)
                                    closestDistance = dist;
                                    closestColor    = pc;

                            //closestColor = srcColor;
                            destFontData.SetPixel(x, y, closestColor);
                            //destFontData.SetPixel(x, y, srcColor);


            bmp = null;