public async Task KeyExchangeUtility_Compress_Decompress_IdenticalAfterwards()
            string compressedKey = await keyExchange.CompressPublicKeyAsync(publicTestKeyPem);

            string decompressedKey = await keyExchange.DecompressPublicKeyAsync(compressedKey);

            Assert.Equal(publicTestKeyPem, decompressedKey);
예제 #2
#pragma warning restore 1591

        /// <summary>
        /// Submits a user registration request to the Epistle backend and returns the resulting status code.<para> </para>
        /// If the user creation succeeded, the created user's data is applied to the currently active session <see cref="User"/>.
        /// The meaning of the returned status codes is as follows:<para> </para>
        /// 0 = Success! The user was created and the related data was loaded into session <see cref="User"/>.<para> </para>
        /// 1 = Connection to the Epistle server could not be established.<para> </para>
        /// 2 = RSA Key generation failed/incomplete.<para> </para>
        /// 3 = User registration failed server-side.<para> </para>
        /// 4 = User registration failed client-side.<para> </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="password">The user's password (NOT the SHA512!)</param>
        /// <param name="userCreationSecret">The backend's user creation secret.</param>
        /// <returns>A tuple containing the resulting status code and (eventually) the <see cref="UserCreationResponseDto"/></returns>
        public async Task <ValueTuple <int, UserCreationResponseDto> > CreateUser(string password, string userCreationSecret)
            if (!await connectionTest.TestConnection().ConfigureAwait(false))
                return(1, null);

            (string, string)keyPair = await keyGenerationTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            keyGenerationTask = Task.Run(() => keygen.GenerateKeyPair(RSA_KEY_SIZE));

            if (keyPair.Item1.NullOrEmpty() || keyPair.Item2.NullOrEmpty())
                return(2, null);

            string publicKeyPem  = keyPair.Item1;
            string privateKeyPem = keyPair.Item2;

                var userCreationResponse = await userService.CreateUser(new UserCreationRequestDto
                    PasswordSHA512 = password.SHA512(),
                    CreationSecret = userCreationSecret,
                    PublicKey      = await keyExchange.CompressPublicKeyAsync(publicKeyPem).ConfigureAwait(false),
                    PrivateKey     = await keyExchange.EncryptAndCompressPrivateKeyAsync(privateKeyPem, password).ConfigureAwait(false),

                if (userCreationResponse is null)
                    logger?.LogError("The user creation process failed server-side. Reason unknown; please make an admin check out the server's log files!");
                    return(3, null);

                appSettings.LastUserId = userCreationResponse.Id;

                // Handle this event back in the client UI,
                // since it's there where the backup codes + 2FA secret (QR) will be displayed.
                logger?.LogMessage($"Created user {userCreationResponse.Id}.");
                return(0, userCreationResponse);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger?.LogError($"The user creation process failed. Thrown exception: {e.Message}");
                return(4, null);