protected override Quaternion[] UpdateElementImpl(bool useLocal)
        if (Object)
            Vector3 pole   = _polePosition - Object.position;
            var     angles = Quaternion.LookRotation(Target.position - Object.position, pole).eulerAngles;
            angles.z = 0;

            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(angles);

            if (useLocal)
                rot = IKRigging_Utils.GetLocalRotation(Object, rot);

            return(new Quaternion[] { rot });
        return(new Quaternion[] { new Quaternion() });
예제 #2
    protected override Quaternion[] UpdateElementImpl(bool useLocal)
        if (_points.Count < 2)
            throw new UnityException("Points must be at least two trasforms");

        _wasUpdated = true;

        var target = _target.position;
        var begin  = _points[0].position;
        var pole   = _pole != null ? _pole.position : begin + new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

        if (target == _lastTargetPos && pole == _lastPolePos && _lastStartPos == begin)
        _lastTargetPos = target;
        _lastPolePos   = pole;
        _lastStartPos  = begin;

        var planeToSpaceMat = Matrix4x4.TRS(begin, Quaternion.LookRotation(target - begin, pole - begin), new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
        var spaceToPlaneMat = planeToSpaceMat.inverse;

        var targetPlane = spaceToPlaneMat.MultiplyPoint(target);

        double[] lengths = null;
        Vector[] positionsPlane;
        if (_points.Count >= 3)
            _IK.Target = new Vector(targetPlane.z, targetPlane.y);

            lengths = new double[_points.Count - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i < _points.Count; i++)
                lengths[i - 1] = (_points[i - 1].position - _points[i].position).magnitude;
            _IK.Lengths = lengths;

            positionsPlane = _IK.GetPositions();
        else //must be 2 then
            lengths        = new double[] { (_points[1].position - _points[0].position).magnitude };
            positionsPlane = new Vector[] { new Vector(), new Vector(lengths[0], 0) };

        if (positionsPlane == null)
            throw new UnityException(string.Format("IK - acquired points were NULL\r\n legths:{0} \r\n target:{1}", string.Join(", ", lengths.Select(o => o.ToString()).ToArray()), targetPlane.z));

        if (_positionsSpaceCache == null)
            _positionsSpaceCache = new Vector3[positionsPlane.Length];
        Vector3[] positionsSpace = _positionsSpaceCache;
        for (int i = 0; i < positionsSpace.Length; i++)
            var planePoint = positionsPlane[i];

            positionsSpace[i] = planeToSpaceMat.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(0, (float)planePoint.Y, (float)planePoint.X));

        if (_resultCache == null)
            _resultCache = new Quaternion[positionsSpace.Length - 1];
        Quaternion[] rotations = _resultCache;

        for (int i = 0; i < positionsSpace.Length - 1; i++)
            var localPole = positionsSpace[(i + 2) % positionsSpace.Length] - positionsSpace[i + 1];
            var localDir = positionsSpace[i + 1] - positionsSpace[i];

            var localPoleQuality = Mathf.Min((localPole - localDir).sqrMagnitude, (localPole + localDir).sqrMagnitude);
            if (localPoleQuality < 0.01)
                localPole = -(pole - positionsSpace[i]);

            rotations[i] = Quaternion.LookRotation(localDir, localPole);

        //MonoBehaviour.print(string.Join("<->", _boundPoints.Select(o =>;

        //return rotations;

        //MonoBehaviour.print("global:"+string.Join(";", rotations.Select(o => o.eulerAngles.ToString()).ToArray()));
        if (useLocal)
            rotations = IKRigging_Utils.GetLocalRotations(BoundObjects, rotations);

            //MonoBehaviour.print("local:" + string.Join(";", rotations.Select(o => o.eulerAngles.ToString()).ToArray()));
        _resultCache = rotations;