예제 #1
        public AuthenticationTicket Unprotect(string protectedText, string purpose)
            var authenticatedUser = JWT.CrackJwt(protectedText);

            if (authenticatedUser == null)
            return(new AuthenticationTicket(authenticatedUser, "Cookie"));
예제 #2
        public AuthenticationTicket Unprotect(string protectedText, string purpose)
            var authenticatedUser = jwt.CrackJwt(protectedText);

            if (authenticatedUser == null)
                throw new InvalidCredentialException("Sorry, you've been logged out, please log in again!");

            return(new AuthenticationTicket(authenticatedUser, "Cookie"));
예제 #3
        public async Task <GameScoreResult> SubmitScore(User activeUser, GameType gameId, int score, string scoreToken)
            var key = await GameRepo.GetGameSigningKey(gameId, activeUser.Id);

            GameRepo.DeleteGameSigningKey(gameId, activeUser.Id);

            bool            succeeded   = false;
            ClaimsPrincipal token       = null;
            bool            validClaims = false;

            if (key != null)
                token = JwtProvider.CrackJwt(scoreToken, key);

                validClaims  = token?.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "g").FirstOrDefault().Value == ((int)gameId).ToString();//don't forget about GUS
                validClaims &= token?.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "u").FirstOrDefault().Value == activeUser.Username;
                validClaims &= token?.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "s").FirstOrDefault().Value == score.ToString();
            if (!validClaims)
                throw new CritterException("Sorry, we couldn't record this score! Something went wrong.",
                                           $"Potential cheating: user {activeUser.Id} at game {gameId} with score {score} and token: {scoreToken}",
                                           System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LogLevel.Warning);

            GameScoreResult result = new GameScoreResult();

            using (var trans = TransactionScopeFactory.Create())
                GameConfig gameCfg = (await ConfigRepo.RetrieveGamesConfigByIds(true, gameId)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (gameCfg == null)
                    throw new CritterException("Sorry, we couldn't record this score because this game doesn't exist!",
                                               $"Invalid game ID entered by user {activeUser.Id} for game {gameId} with score {score} and token: {scoreToken}",
                                               System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound, LogLevel.Error);

                var previousSubmissions = await GameRepo.GetScoreSubmissionCount(gameId, activeUser.Id);

                if (gameCfg.DailyCashCountCap <= previousSubmissions)
                    throw new CritterException("Sorry, we couldn't record this score, you have submitted your score too many times for this game today!",
                                               gameCfg.DailyCashCountCap < previousSubmissions ? $"User {activeUser.Id} over-submitted at game {gameId} with token: {scoreToken} somehow" : null,
                                               System.Net.HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests, gameCfg.DailyCashCountCap < previousSubmissions ? LogLevel.Error : LogLevel.Debug);

                bool success = await GameRepo.UpsertGameScoreForLeaderboard(activeUser.Id, gameId, score);

                if (gameCfg.ScoreToCashFactor.HasValue)
                    int cashVal = (int)((gameCfg.ScoreToCashFactor ?? 1) * score);
                    cashVal        = Math.Min(cashVal, gameCfg.CashCap ?? Int32.MaxValue);
                    result.CashWon = cashVal;
                    activeUser     = await UserDomain.ChangeUserCash(cashVal, activeUser);
                result.RemainingSubmissions = (gameCfg.DailyCashCountCap ?? 100) - (previousSubmissions + 1);
                await GameRepo.SetScoreSubmissionCount(gameId, activeUser.Id, previousSubmissions + 1);

                succeeded = true;
            if (!succeeded)
                GameRepo.SaveGameSigningKey(gameId, activeUser.Id, key); //let em try again if we Db fail
                throw new CritterException("We failed to record your score. Please try and submit again! Contact an admin if this continues.",
                                           $"Failed to record good score for user {activeUser.Id} at game {gameId} with score {score} and token: {scoreToken}",
                                           System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, LogLevel.Error);