public AccountController(EyadtakContext eyadtakDbContext, IJwt jwt, IEmail email, IConfiguration configuration) { _eyadtakDbContext = eyadtakDbContext; _jwt = jwt; _email = email; _configuration = configuration; }
public Authorize(IOptions <AuthSettings> settings, IJwt jwt, IAccountService service) { _settings = settings; _jwt = jwt; _service = service; _tokens = new List <AuthorizeModel>(); }
public AccountController(FacebookDataContext _myDbContext, IUserData _userData, IConfiguration _Configuration, IEmail _email, IJwt _jwt) { db = _myDbContext; userData = _userData; Configuration = _Configuration; email = _email; jwt = _jwt; }
public SignUpController(IUsuarioService usuarioService, ICustomMessage customMessasge, ICriptografia criptografia, IJwt jwt, IUnitOfWork uokOfWork) { _customMessasge = customMessasge; _criptografia = criptografia; _jwt = jwt; _uokOfWork = uokOfWork; _usuarioService = usuarioService; }
public IdentityService(IConfiguration configuration, UserManager <AppUser> userManager, SignInManager <AppUser> signInManager, IJwt jwt, ApplicationDbContext dbContext, IUserAccessor userAccessor) { _configuration = configuration; _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; _jwt = jwt; _dbContext = dbContext; _userAccessor = userAccessor; }
public AccountController( UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager, INotificationHandler <DomainNotification> notifications, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IJwt jwt, IMediatorHandler mediator) : base(notifications, mediator) { _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <AccountController>(); _jwt = jwt; }
private static void AddByClaim(List <string> target, IJwt jwt, string claimName) { if (!jwt.Body.ContainsClaim(claimName)) { return; } var value = jwt.Body.GetClaim(claimName).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { target.Add(value); } }
public bool IsValid(IJwt jwt) { if (jwt == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jwt)); } if (!this.signatureValidator.IsValid(jwt)) { return false; } // During parsing, the JWT is validated for expiration/lifetime, signature, and tampering throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool IsValid(IJwt jwt) { if (jwt == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jwt)); } if (!this.signatureValidator.IsValid(jwt)) { return(false); } // During parsing, the JWT is validated for expiration/lifetime, signature, and tampering throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void ValidateExpectedClaims(IJwt jwt) { var expected = this.expectedClaims.Build().ToDictionary(); var actual = jwt.Body.ToDictionary(); foreach (var claim in expected) { object actualValue = null; if (!actual.TryGetValue(claim.Key, out actualValue)) { throw new MissingClaimException($"The claim '{claim.Key}' was expected, but was not found in the JWT."); } // Special handling of integer comparisons. This fails for .Equals() because // one value may be type Int64 and the other type Int32 (for example). if (claim.Value.GetType() == typeof(long) || claim.Value.GetType() == typeof(int) || claim.Value.GetType() == typeof(short)) { long unboxedExpectedValue = default(long); long unboxedActualValue = default(long); try { unboxedExpectedValue = Convert.ToInt64(claim.Value); unboxedActualValue = Convert.ToInt64(actualValue); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidJwtException($"Could not decode the claim '{claim.Key}'.", e); } if (unboxedExpectedValue != unboxedActualValue) { throw new MismatchedClaimException($"The claim '{claim.Key}' should have a value of '{claim.Value}', but instead was '{actualValue}'."); } continue; } if (!claim.Value.Equals(actualValue)) { throw new MismatchedClaimException($"The claim '{claim.Key}' should have a value of '{claim.Value}', but instead was '{actualValue}'."); } } }
private bool IsValidJwt(string jwt, out IJwt parsedJwt) { parsedJwt = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jwt)) { return(false); } try { parsedJwt = _client.NewJwtParser() .SetSigningKey(_client.Configuration.Client.ApiKey.Secret, Encoding.UTF8) .Parse(jwt); return(true); } catch (InvalidJwtException) { return(false); } }
public TokenRevoker AddToken(string jwt) { IJwt parsedJwt = null; if (!IsValidJwt(jwt, out parsedJwt)) { return(this); } object rawTokenType = null; parsedJwt.Header.TryGetValue("stt", out rawTokenType); var tokenType = rawTokenType?.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenType)) { // Assume it's an access token AddByClaim(_accessTokenIdsToDelete, parsedJwt, "jti"); return(this); } if (tokenType.Equals("access", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { AddByClaim(_accessTokenIdsToDelete, parsedJwt, "jti"); // Add the accompanying refresh token, if it exists AddByClaim(_refreshTokenIdsToDelete, parsedJwt, "rti"); } if (tokenType.Equals("refresh", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { AddByClaim(_refreshTokenIdsToDelete, parsedJwt, "jti"); } return(this); }
public bool IsValid(IJwt jwt) => this.IsValid(jwt.Base64Header, jwt.Base64Payload, jwt.Base64Digest);
public AuthorizedAbility(IJwt jwt, EyadtakContext eyadtakDbContext) { _jwt = jwt; _eyadtakDbContext = eyadtakDbContext; }
private void VerifyCommon(IJwt jwt) { jwt.Body.Issuer.ShouldBe(FakeApiKeyId); jwt.Body.Subject.ShouldBe(FakeApplicationHref); jwt.Body.GetClaim("cb_uri").ShouldBe(FakeCallbackUri); }
private async Task <IOauthGrantAuthenticationResult> ExchangeTokenAsync(IApplication application, IJwt jwt, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var tokenExchangeAttempt = OauthRequests.NewIdSiteTokenAuthenticationRequest() .SetJwt(jwt.ToString()) .Build(); var grantResult = await application.NewIdSiteTokenAuthenticator() .AuthenticateAsync(tokenExchangeAttempt, cancellationToken); return(grantResult); } catch (ResourceException rex) { _logger.Warn(rex, source: nameof(ExchangeTokenAsync)); throw; // json response } }
/// <summary> /// 注入jwt /// </summary> /// <param name="jwt"></param> public IdentityController(IJwt jwt) { _jwt = jwt; }
public AuthController(IAuth authService, IJwt jwtService, IUser userService) { _authService = authService; _jwtService = jwtService; _userService = userService; }
internal static void ThrowIfJwtSignatureInvalid(string jwtApiKey, IClientApiKey clientApiKey, IJwt jwt) { if (!clientApiKey.GetId().Equals(jwtApiKey, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw new JwtSignatureException("The client used to sign the response is different than the one used in this DataStore."); } var signingKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clientApiKey.GetSecret()); if (!new JwtSignatureValidator(signingKey).IsValid(jwt)) { throw new JwtSignatureException("The JWT signature is invalid."); } }
public AuthActionFilter(IConfiguration configration, IJwt jwt) { this._jwt = jwt; configration.GetSection("Jwt").Bind(_jwtConfig); }
/// <summary> /// Controller constructor /// </summary> public LoginController(ILoginService service, IJwt jwt) { _service = service; _jwt = jwt; }
private async Task <bool> HandleCallbackAsync( IOwinEnvironment context, IClient client, IApplication application, IJwt jwt, string nextPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var isNewSubscriber = false; if (jwt.Body.ContainsClaim("isNewSub")) { isNewSubscriber = (bool)jwt.Body.GetClaim("isNewSub"); } var status = jwt.Body.GetClaim("status").ToString(); var isLogin = status.Equals("authenticated", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var isLogout = status.Equals("logout", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var isRegistration = isNewSubscriber || status.Equals("registered", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (isRegistration) { var grantResult = await ExchangeTokenAsync(application, jwt, cancellationToken); var registrationExecutor = new RegisterExecutor(client, _configuration, _handlers, _logger); var account = await(await grantResult.GetAccessTokenAsync(cancellationToken)).GetAccountAsync(cancellationToken); await registrationExecutor.HandlePostRegistrationAsync(context, account, cancellationToken); return(await LoginAndRedirectAsync( context, client, grantResult, true, nextPath, cancellationToken)); } if (isLogin) { var grantResult = await ExchangeTokenAsync(application, jwt, cancellationToken); return(await LoginAndRedirectAsync( context, client, grantResult, false, nextPath, cancellationToken)); } if (isLogout) { var executor = new LogoutExecutor(client, _configuration, _handlers, _logger); await executor.HandleLogoutAsync(context, cancellationToken); await executor.HandleRedirectAsync(context); return(true); } // json response throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown assertion status '{status}'"); }
public UserService(IJwt jwt, IPasswordHasher <BlogUser> passwordHasher, BlogDbContext context) { _jwt = jwt; _passwordHasher = passwordHasher; _context = context; }
public UserHandler(AppDbContext context, IPasswordHashProvider passwordHashProvider, IJwt jwtService) { _context = context; _passwordHashProvider = passwordHashProvider; _jwtService = jwtService; }
public UseJwtMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IConfiguration configration, IJwt jwt) { _next = next; _jwt = jwt; configration.GetSection("Jwt").Bind(_jwtConfig); }
public AuthController(IJwt jwt, IUserAppService userAppService, ICacheManager redis) { this._jwt = jwt; _userAppService = userAppService; _redis = redis; }
public TokenController(IJwt _jwtRepository, ILogger <TokenController> _logger, IUser _userResearchRepository) { jwtRepository = _jwtRepository; logger = _logger; userResearchRepository = _userResearchRepository; }
public AuthService(IEfRepository <ClientApi, Guid> clientApiRepository, IJwt jwt) { _clientApiRepository = clientApiRepository; _jwt = jwt; }
public AccountController(UniversityContext context, IJwt token) { jwt = token; db = context; }
/// <summary> /// 注入jwt /// </summary> /// <param name="jwt"></param> public LoginController(IJwt jwt) { _jwt = jwt; }
public AuthController(IJwt jwt) { this._jwt = jwt; }
public AuthController(IJwt jwt, IConfiguration configration) { _jwt = jwt; _configration = configration; projectInfos = _configration.GetSection("ProjectInfo").Get <List <ProjectInfo> >(); }