예제 #1
        public IActionResult GetById(short id)
            var item = interfaceInfoRepository.Get(id);

            if (item == null)

예제 #2
        public SessionInfoType(
            IInterfaceInfoRepository interfaceInfoRepository,
            IImportLogRepository importLogRepository)
            Name = nameof(SessionInfo);

            Field(x => x.SessionID).Description("The id of the Session.");
            Field(x => x.UserID, true, typeof(IntGraphType)).Description("The id of the user which started the Session.");
            Field(x => x.JobID, true).Description("The id of the job in which Session has been started.");
            Field(x => x.FileName, true).Description("Name of the file which was processed during Session.");
            Field(x => x.ObjectType).Description("Type of the processed object.");
            Field(x => x.VerboseLevel, type: typeof(LogLevelEnum)).Description("Logging verbose level.");
            Field(x => x.ImportMode, true).Description("Mode of the import.");
            Field(x => x.MessageCount, true, typeof(IntGraphType)).Description("Number of processed messages.");
            Field(x => x.SessionStart).Description("Start time of the Session.");
            Field(x => x.ValidationStart, true, typeof(DateGraphType)).Description("Start time of the validation phase.");
            Field(x => x.ValidationEnd, true, typeof(DateGraphType)).Description("End time of the validation phase.");
            Field(x => x.ImportStart, true, typeof(DateGraphType)).Description("Start time of the import phase.");
            Field(x => x.ImportEnd, true, typeof(DateGraphType)).Description("End time of the import phase.");
            Field(x => x.SessionEnd, true, typeof(DateGraphType)).Description("End time of the Session.");
            Field(x => x.SessionResult, type: typeof(SessionResultEnum)).Description("The result of the Session.");
            Field(x => x.ExportDownloaded, true, typeof(BooleanGraphType)).Description("Determines if export file has been downloaded.");
            Field(x => x.InterfaceInfoID, type: typeof(IntGraphType)).Description("The id of the Interface.");
            Field(x => x.StorageFileName, true).Description("Name of the file with processed data which is stored in blob storage.");

            Field <InterfaceInfoType>(nameof(InterfaceInfo),
                                      resolve: context => interfaceInfoRepository.Get(context.Source.InterfaceInfoID));

            Field <ListGraphType <ImportLogType> >(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <ProjectionType>
                Name        = nameof(Projection),
                Description = "Data projection."
                resolve: context =>
                var projection = context.GetArgument <Projection>(nameof(Projection));
                var logs       = importLogRepository.GetAll(context.Source.SessionID).ProjectData(projection);
        private void InitializeInterfaceInfoQuery(IInterfaceInfoRepository interfaceInfoRepository)
            Field <InterfaceInfoType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IntGraphType> >
                Name        = "id",
                Description = "id of the interface"
                resolve: context =>
                var id = context.GetArgument <short>("id");

            Field <ListGraphType <InterfaceInfoType> >(
                resolve: context => interfaceInfoRepository.GetAllQueryable()