예제 #1
        public void GetQuery(IHqlQuery query, QueryRecord queryRecord)
            var availableFilters = DescribeFilters().ToList();

            foreach (var group in queryRecord.FilterGroups)
                foreach (var filter in group.Filters)
                    var filterContext = new FilterContext()
                        Query = query,
                        State = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(filter.State)

                    string category = filter.Category;
                    string property = filter.PropertyName;

                    var descriptor = availableFilters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Property == property);

                    if (descriptor == null)

        public IEnumerable <AggregationResult> RunEnumerationAggregation(IHqlQuery query, AggregateMethods aggregateMethod, string fieldName, string partName)
            string groupKey   = "field.Value";
            string groupValue = string.Empty;

            switch (aggregateMethod)
            case AggregateMethods.Count:
                groupValue = "COUNT(*)";

                throw new ArgumentException("Aggregate method is not provided");

            var result = this.RunQuery(query, fieldName, partName, groupKey, groupValue, "StringFieldIndexRecords");

            List <AggregationResult> returnValue = new List <AggregationResult>();

            foreach (var group in result)
                double value = double.Parse(group["GroupValue"].ToString());
                string key   = group["GroupKey"] != null ? group["GroupKey"].ToString() : string.Empty;

                string keyLabel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || key == T("Select an option").Text ? T("[{0}]", "Null").Text : key;

                AggregationResult aggregationResult = new AggregationResult
                    AggregationValue = value,
                    Label            = keyLabel,
                    GroupingField    = key


예제 #3
        private IList <IDictionary> RunQuery(IHqlQuery query, string fieldName, string partName, string groupKey, string groupValue, string fieldTableName)
            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             queryHql     = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            var hql = @"select {0} as GroupKey, {1} as GroupValue
                        from Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord as kiv
                        join kiv.ContentItemRecord as ki
                        join ki.FieldIndexPartRecord as fieldIndexPartRecord
                        join fieldIndexPartRecord.{5} as field
                        where (field.PropertyName = '{2}.{3}.') AND (kiv.Published = True) AND kiv.Id in ({4})
                        group by {0}";

            hql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, hql, groupKey, groupValue, partName, fieldName, queryHql, fieldTableName);

            var session = this.sessionLocator.Value.For(typeof(ContentItem));

                   .List <IDictionary>());
예제 #4
파일: Repository.cs 프로젝트: akhuang/Zing
        public int Count()
            IHqlQuery hqlQuery = HqlQuery();
            //hqlQuery.Where(x => x.Named("a"), y => y.Eq("UserName", "admin"));
            QueryRecord       record = new QueryRecord();
            FilterGroupRecord group  = new FilterGroupRecord();
            var state = new
                Description = "test",
                Operator    = "Equals",
                Value       = "phoenix"

            group.Filters.Add(new FilterRecord()
                Category     = "UserEntity",
                PropertyName = "UserName",
                State        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state)
            _hqlQueryManager.GetQuery(hqlQuery, record);

예제 #5
        public void ApplyFilter(dynamic context)
            var currentUser = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser;

            if (currentUser != null)
                List <Int32> elencoIdQuestionnaires = _userAnswersRecord.Fetch(x => x.User_Id == currentUser.Id).Select(y => y.QuestionnairePartRecord_Id).Distinct().ToList();
                //smarco tutte le lingue
                //foreach (Int32 idquestion in elencoIdQuestionnaires) {
                //    _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<QuestionnairePart,QuestionnairePartRecord>().Where(x=>x.Id==
                IHqlQuery query = context.Query;
                query.Join(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord(typeof(QuestionnairePartRecord)));
                foreach (var id in elencoIdQuestionnaires)
                    var termId = id;
                    Action <IAliasFactory> selector =
                        alias => alias.ContentPartRecord <QuestionnairePartRecord>();
                    Action <IHqlExpressionFactory> filter = x => x.NotEqProperty("Id", id.ToString());
                    context.Query.Where(selector, filter);
                IHqlQuery query = context.Query;
                query.Join(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord(typeof(QuestionnairePartRecord)));
                Action <IAliasFactory> selector =
                    alias => alias.ContentPartRecord <QuestionnairePartRecord>();
                Action <IHqlExpressionFactory> filter = x => x.EqProperty("Id", "-100");
                context.Query.Where(selector, filter);
            //var defaultHqlQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            //query = query.ForType("Questionnarie").ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published);

            //var defaultHqlQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            //var fiJoins = typeof(DefaultHqlQuery).GetField("_joins", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            //var joins = fiJoins.GetValue(defaultHqlQuery) as List<Tuple<IAlias, Join>>;
            //joins.Add(new Tuple<IAlias, Join>(new Alias("Laser.Orchard.Questionnaires.Models"), new Join("UserAnswersRecord", "UserAnswers", ",")));

            //query.Join(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord(typeof(QuestionnairePartRecord)));
            //context.Query = query.Where(
            //alias => alias.Named("UserAnswers"),
            //    //   g=>g.Disjunction(
            //    f => f.Conjunction(
            //    x => x.EqProperty("QuestionnairePartRecord_Id", "questionnairePartRecord.Id"),
            //    predicate => predicate.NotEqProperty("User_Id", currentUser.Id.ToString())
            //    )
            //    //,
            //    // x=>x.

            //    );

            //context.Query = query.Where(
            //alias => alias.Named("UserAnswers"),

            //    g => g.Conjunction(
            //        h => h.EqProperty("QuestionnairePartRecord_Id", "questionnairePartRecord.Id"),
            //        i => i.Not(
            //    f => f.Conjunction(
            //    x => x.EqProperty("QuestionnairePartRecord_Id", "questionnairePartRecord.Id"),
            //    predicate => predicate.EqProperty("User_Id", currentUser.Id.ToString())
            //    )
            //    )
            //        )

            //    );

            //context.Query = query.Where(y => y.ContentPartRecord<QuestionnairePartRecord>(), x => x.NotEqProperty("Id", currentUser.Id.ToString()));

            //       Action<IAliasFactory> s = alias => alias.ContentPartRecord<QuestionnairePartRecord>();
            //       Action<IHqlExpressionFactory> f = y => y.NotEqProperty("UserPartRecord.Id", currentUser.Id.ToString());
            //       context.Query.Where(s, f);

            // query.Join(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord("UserPartRecord"));
            //  query.Join(alias=>alias.
            //    QuestionnairePartRecord_Id
            // context.Query = context.Query.Join(x => x.ContentPartRecord(typeof(QuestionnairePartRecord)));

            //  context.Query = query.Where(x => x.ContentPartRecord<UserPartRecord>(),x=>x.Ge("Id",0));ù

            //   query.Join(alias => alias.ContentItem());

            // var defaultHqlQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            //        context.Query = query.ForType("Push");

            //     context.Query = context.Query.Join(x => x.ContentPartRecord(typeof(UserDeviceRecord)));

            //  context.Query = query.Where(x => x.ContentPartRecord<UserPartRecord>(),x=>x.Ge("Id",0));ù
            //    query.ForPart<UserPart>().ForVersion(VersionOptions.Latest);

            //context.Query = context.Query.Join(x => x.ContentPartRecord(typeof(UserPartRecord)));
            //context.Query = context.Query.Where(y => y.ContentPartRecord(typeof(UserPartRecord)), y => y.Ge("Id", 0));

            //  context.Query = query.Where(x => x.ContentItem(), x => x.Eq("Id", HardCodedId));

            //  query.Join(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord());

            //  Action<IHqlExpressionFactory> joinOn = predicate => predicate.EqProperty("ContentItemRecord", "ci");
            //query = query.Where(
            //alias => alias.Named("UserDevice"),

 /// <summary>
 /// Applies a partitioned IN() clause on the query, taken the collection of IDs. For each partition a new IN() is created, thus the
 /// limitation on the maximal amount of arguments for IN() can be circumvented.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="query"></param>
 /// <param name="ids"></param>
 /// <param name="partitionSize"></param>
 public static void WhereIdIn(this IHqlQuery query, IEnumerable <int> ids, int partitionSize = 1000)
     query.Where(a => a.ContentItem(), p => p.PartitionedExpression((e, i) => e.In("Id", i), ids, partitionSize));
예제 #7
        public static IList <KeyValuePair <int?, double> > RunGroupByQuery(ITransactionManager transactionManager, IHqlQuery query, AggregateMethods aggregation, string propertyPath, string state, string propertyAlias)
            DefaultHqlQuery defaultQuery = query as DefaultHqlQuery;
            var             queryHql     = defaultQuery.ToHql(true);

            string aggregateMethod = string.Empty;

            switch (aggregation)
            case AggregateMethods.Average:
                aggregateMethod = "AVE";

            case AggregateMethods.Sum:
                aggregateMethod = "SUM";

            case AggregateMethods.Minimum:
                aggregateMethod = "MIN";

            case AggregateMethods.Maximum:
                aggregateMethod = "MAX";

            case AggregateMethods.Count:
                aggregateMethod = "COUNT";

            string aggregateField = "*";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
                dynamic stateObj = JObject.Parse(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(state));
                aggregateField = "ki." + stateObj.AggregationField;

            var hql = @"select {4}.Id as GroupKey, {2}({3}) as GroupValue
                        from Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord as kiv
                        join kiv.ContentItemRecord as ki
                        join ki.{0} as {4}
                        where (kiv.Published = True) AND kiv.Id in ({1})
                        group by {4}.Id";

            hql = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, hql, propertyPath, queryHql, aggregateMethod, aggregateField, propertyAlias);

            var session = transactionManager.GetSession();
            var result  = session.CreateQuery(hql)
                          .List <IDictionary>();

            List <KeyValuePair <int?, double> > returnValue = new List <KeyValuePair <int?, double> >();

            foreach (var group in result)
                double value = group["GroupValue"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(group["GroupValue"].ToString()) ?
                               double.Parse(group["GroupValue"].ToString()) :

                int?key = group["GroupKey"] != null ? (int?)int.Parse(group["GroupKey"].ToString()) : null;

                returnValue.Add(new KeyValuePair <int?, double>(key, value));

        public IHqlQuery AddSortCriterion(string category, string type, dynamic state, IHqlQuery groupQuery)
            if (this.availableSortCriteria == null)
                this.availableSortCriteria = this.DescribeSortCriteria().ToList();

            var sortCriterionContext = new SortCriterionContext
                Query = groupQuery,
                State = state

            // look for the specific filter component
            var descriptor = availableSortCriteria.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type);

            // ignore unfound descriptors
            if (descriptor == null)

            // apply alteration
