void Spawn(DudeAnimationInfo LoadedCharacter, Scene.Document LoadedScene) { var ViewSize = new Size { Width = 640, Height = 480 }; var Container = new IHTMLDiv(); Container.AttachToDocument(); Container.style.SetSize(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height + 22); Container.KeepInCenter(); //Container.MakeCSSShaderCrumple(); var Wallpaper = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(Container); Wallpaper.style.SetSize(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height + 22); new power().ToBackground(Wallpaper.style); Wallpaper.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Wallpaper.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; Wallpaper.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; var Margin = 48; var MarginSafe = 72; var CurrentFrame = LoadedScene.Frames.Randomize().First(); //var CurrentFrame = LoadedScene.Frames.Single(f => f.Name == "C"); var Room = new IHTMLDiv(); Room.style.border = "1px solid #00ff00"; Room.style.SetSize(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); Room.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Room.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; Room.AttachTo(Container); Room.style.SetLocation(0, 22); //Room.AttachToDocument(); //Room.KeepInCenter(); var tween = Room.ToOpacityTween(); Action HideRoom = () => tween.Value = 1; Action ShowRoom = () => tween.Value = 0; HideRoom(); //var GroundOverlay2 = new IHTMLDiv(); //GroundOverlay2.style.backgroundColor = Color.Blue; ////GroundOverlay.style.Opacity = 0; //GroundOverlay2.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; //GroundOverlay2.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); //GroundOverlay2.AttachTo(Room); var LostInTime_Images = new ImpAdventures.HTML.Pages.LostInTimeImages().Images; var BackgroundImage = new IHTMLImage(); LostInTime_Images.FirstOrDefault( k => k.src.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") == CurrentFrame.Image.Source.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") ).With( ImageSource => { Console.WriteLine(ImageSource.src); BackgroundImage.src = ImageSource.src; } ); BackgroundImage.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); BackgroundImage.alt = "BackgroundImage"; BackgroundImage.AttachTo(Room); //GroundOverlay2.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + CurrentFrame.Image.Source + ")"; //BackgroundImage.InvokeOnComplete( // delegate // { // //BackgroundImage.style.backgroundColor = Color.Red; // //BackgroundImage.style.SetLocation(0,0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); // BackgroundImage.AttachTo(GroundOverlay2); // } //); var GroundOverlay = new IHTMLDiv(); GroundOverlay.style.backgroundColor = Color.Blue; GroundOverlay.style.Opacity = 0; GroundOverlay.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); GroundOverlay.AttachTo(Room); var Ground = new IHTMLDiv(); Ground.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); Ground.AttachTo(Room); var AnimateRoomChange = default(Action <Action>); #region TryToChangeRooms Func <TryToChangeRoomsArgs, bool> TryToChangeRooms = e => { if (e == null) { return(false); } if (e.NextRoomSelector == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("NextRoomSelector"); } var next = LoadedScene.Frames.SingleOrDefault(e.NextRoomSelector); var r = next != null; if (r) { AnimateRoomChange( delegate { CurrentFrame = next; Console.WriteLine("AnimateRoomChange"); LostInTime_Images.FirstOrDefault( k => k.src.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") == CurrentFrame.Image.Source.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") ).With( ImageSource => { Console.WriteLine(ImageSource.src); BackgroundImage.src = ImageSource.src; } ); //GroundOverlay2.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + CurrentFrame.Image.Source + ")"; //BackgroundImage.src = CurrentFrame.Image.Source; e.ReadyToTeleport(); } ); } return(r); }; #endregion var dude = CreateDude(LoadedCharacter); dude.Control.AttachTo(Ground); #region Doors var Doors = new[] { new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.X > ViewSize.Width - Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Right, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(-MarginSafe, dude.CurrentLocation.Y); dude.LookAt(new Point(MarginSafe, (int)dude.CurrentLocation.Y)); } }, new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.X < Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Left, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(ViewSize.Width + MarginSafe, dude.CurrentLocation.Y); dude.LookAt(new Point(ViewSize.Width - MarginSafe, (int)dude.CurrentLocation.Y)); } }, new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.Y < Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Top, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(dude.CurrentLocation.X, ViewSize.Height + MarginSafe); dude.LookAt(new Point((int)dude.CurrentLocation.X, ViewSize.Height - MarginSafe)); } }, new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.Y > ViewSize.Height - Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Bottom, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(dude.CurrentLocation.X, -Margin); dude.LookAt(new Point((int)dude.CurrentLocation.X, MarginSafe)); } } }; #endregion Console.WriteLine(new { Doors = Doors.Length }); Doors.WithEachIndex( (x, index) => { Console.WriteLine(new { index, x }); Console.WriteLine(new { index, x.Condition }); } ); var ChangeRoom = new ChangeRoom { autobuffer = true }; var Talk = new Talk { autobuffer = true }; var Argh_RChannel = new Argh_RChannel { autobuffer = true }; var Argh_LChannel = new Argh_LChannel { autobuffer = true }; var Argh_Disabled = false; var Argh_VolumeMultiplier = 1.0; #region Argh_Stereo Action <double, double> Argh_Stereo = (volume, balance) => { if (Argh_Disabled) { return; } Argh_RChannel.AttachToDocument(); Argh_LChannel.AttachToDocument(); Argh_RChannel.volume = Argh_VolumeMultiplier * volume * balance; Argh_LChannel.volume = Argh_VolumeMultiplier * volume * (1 - balance); Argh_RChannel.play(); Argh_LChannel.play(); Argh_RChannel = new Argh_RChannel { autobuffer = true }; Argh_LChannel = new Argh_LChannel { autobuffer = true }; Argh_Disabled = true; Argh_VolumeMultiplier /= 2; new Timer(t => Argh_Disabled = false).StartTimeout(800); new Timer(t => Argh_VolumeMultiplier = 1).StartTimeout(5000); }; #endregion #region PrintText Action <string, Action> PrintText = (text, done) => { Talk.AttachToDocument(); Talk.load(); Talk.volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); Talk.play(); Talk = new Talk { autobuffer = true }; text.Length.Range().AsyncForEach( i => { Wallpaper.innerText = text.Left(i + 1); var c = text[i]; if (LoadedScene.SlowText.Contains("" + c)) { return(100.Random()); } return(50.Random()); }, done ); }; #endregion Action <string, Action> PrintRandomText = (text, done) => PrintText(text.Split(LoadedScene.TextDelimiter).Randomize().First(), done); dude.DoneWalking += delegate { // compiler bug: cannot invoke Action<func, action> delegate ? System.Console.WriteLine("done walking in " + CurrentFrame.Name + " at " + dude.CurrentLocation); var xFirstOrDefault = Doors.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Condition()); System.Console.WriteLine("done walking in " + new { xFirstOrDefault }); // Doors null? if (TryToChangeRooms(xFirstOrDefault)) { return; } if (CurrentFrame.Items != null) { var item = CurrentFrame.Items.Where( i => new Point(i.X.ToInt32(), i.Y.ToInt32()).GetRange(dude.CurrentLocation) < i.R.ToInt32() ).FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { dude.IsSelected = false; dude.LookDown(); PrintRandomText(item.Text, delegate { dude.WalkingOnce += delegate { Wallpaper.innerText = ""; }; dude.IsSelected = true; } ); } } }; #region AnimateRoomChange AnimateRoomChange = ReadyToTeleport => { var Step1 = default(System.Action); var Step2 = default(System.Action); var Step3 = default(Action); Step1 = delegate { tween.Done -= Step1; ReadyToTeleport(); tween.Done += Step2; ShowRoom(); }; Step2 = delegate { tween.Done -= Step2; dude.DoneWalking += Step3; dude.IsWalking = true; }; Step3 = delegate { dude.DoneWalking -= Step3; dude.IsSelected = true; }; dude.IsSelected = false; tween.Done += Step1; // go left HideRoom(); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3009888/autoplay-audio-files-on-an-ipad-with-html5 ChangeRoom.AttachToDocument(); ChangeRoom.load(); ChangeRoom.volume = 0.2; ChangeRoom.play(); ChangeRoom = new ChangeRoom(); }; #endregion var pointer_x = 0; var pointer_y = 0; #region onmousemove Container.onmousemove += ev => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Container) { if (dude.IsSelected) { var volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); var balance = dude.CurrentLocation.X / ViewSize.Width; pointer_x += ev.movementX; pointer_y += ev.movementY; pointer_x = Math.Min(ViewSize.Width - 0, Math.Max(0, pointer_x)); pointer_y = Math.Min(ViewSize.Height - 0, Math.Max(0, pointer_y)); var OffsetPosition = new Point(pointer_x, pointer_y ); Console.WriteLine(OffsetPosition); Argh_Stereo(volume, balance); dude.WalkTo(OffsetPosition); } } }; #endregion #region ontouchstart Container.ontouchstart += ev => { ev.PreventDefault(); System.Console.WriteLine(ev.CursorPosition); if (dude.IsSelected) { var volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); var balance = dude.CurrentLocation.X / ViewSize.Width; var ev_OffsetPosition = new Point( ev.touches[0].clientX - Container.Bounds.Left, ev.touches[0].clientY - Container.Bounds.Top ); Argh_Stereo(volume, balance); dude.WalkTo(ev_OffsetPosition); } }; #endregion #region onclick Container.onclick += ev => { ev.PreventDefault(); if (ev.MouseButton == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Middle) { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Container) { Native.Document.exitPointerLock(); return; } pointer_x = (int)dude.CurrentLocation.X; pointer_y = (int)dude.CurrentLocation.Y; //Container.requestFullscreen(); Container.requestPointerLock(); return; } if (ev.Element != Ground) { return; } System.Console.WriteLine(ev.CursorPosition); if (dude.IsSelected) { var volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); var balance = dude.CurrentLocation.X / ViewSize.Width; Argh_Stereo(volume, balance); dude.WalkTo(ev.OffsetPosition); } }; #endregion //GroundOverlay.onclick += // ev => // { // if (ev.Element != GroundOverlay) // return; // System.Console.WriteLine(ev.CursorPosition); // if (dude.IsSelected) // { // new Argh().play(); // dude.WalkTo(ev.OffsetPosition); // } // }; dude.TeleportTo(ViewSize.Width / 2, (ViewSize.Height - MarginSafe) / 2); dude.LookDown(); ShowRoom(); dude.DoneWalkingOnce += delegate { PrintRandomText( LoadedScene.IntroText, delegate { dude.WalkingOnce += delegate { Wallpaper.innerText = ""; }; dude.IsSelected = true; } ); }; dude.WalkToArc(MarginSafe, dude.Direction); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { var n = new MyEditor(); n.Container.AttachToDocument(); //var a = new IHTMLAnchor( // "http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?q=stargate", // "Open 3dwarehouse in another window" //); //a.style.fontSize = "large-xx"; //a.AttachToDocument(); //ii.setAttribute("src", "http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/"); IHTMLDiv Control = new IHTMLDiv(); n.Edit1.parentNode.replaceChild(Control, n.Edit1); //n.Logo.src = "assets/TextEditorDemo2/Preview.png"; //Control.AttachToDocument(); var text = new TextEditor(Control); text.InnerHTML = "Drag images to this frame!<hr />"; // IE error text.Height = 200; text.Width = 400; //text.InnerHTML = n.Edit1.value; text.IsFadeEnabled = false; //var i = new IHTMLImage(21, 20) { src = "assets/TextEditorDemo2/cal.png" }; var CurrentList = new List<InternalExtensions.GoogleThreeDWarehouseImage>(); n.ToLarge.onclick += e => { CurrentList.ForEach(k => k.AnimationZoom = 4); }; n.ToMedium.onclick += e => { CurrentList.ForEach(k => k.AnimationZoom = 1); }; n.ToSmall.onclick += e => { CurrentList.ForEach(k => k.AnimationZoom = 0.5); }; Action<string[], IHTMLButton> ToPreview = (data, button) => { var ii = new IHTMLImage(40, 30) { src = data[0] }; ii.style.verticalAlign = "middle"; var sp = new IHTMLSpan(); sp.style.marginLeft = "1em"; sp.AttachTo(button); ii.AttachTo(button).ToGoogleThreeDWarehouseImage().Animate(); }; n.Nasa.onclick += delegate { text.InnerHTML = NasaSource.Text; }; //n.Houses.onclick += // delegate // { // text.InnerHTML = Pages.Houses.Static.HTML; // }; n.CnC.onclick += delegate { text.InnerHTML = CnCSource.Text; }; n.Ships.onclick += delegate { text.InnerHTML = ShipsSource.Text; }; //ToPreview(Ships..Images, n.Ships); //ToPreview(CnC.Static.Images, n.CnC); ////ToPreview(Houses.Static.Images, n.Houses); //ToPreview(Nasa.Static.Images, n.Nasa); //i.AttachToDocument(); n.OK.onclick += delegate { n.ContainerForImages.removeChildren(); CurrentList.Clear(); //text.Document.getElementsByTagName("img").ToGoogleThreeDWarehouseImages().Animate(); var clones = text.Document.GetClonedImages(); foreach (IHTMLImage iii in clones) { var w = iii.AttachTo(n.ContainerForImages).ToGoogleThreeDWarehouseImage(); w.Animate(); CurrentList.Add(w); } }; //); //OK.Control.style.paddingLeft = "1em"; //text.BottomToolbarContainer.appendChild(OK.Control); text.TopToolbarContainer.Hide(); text.BottomToolbarContainer.Hide(); }
void Spawn(DudeAnimationInfo LoadedCharacter, Scene.Document LoadedScene) { var ViewSize = new Size { Width = 640, Height = 480 }; var Container = new IHTMLDiv(); Container.AttachToDocument(); Container.style.SetSize(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height + 22); Container.KeepInCenter(); //Container.MakeCSSShaderCrumple(); var Wallpaper = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(Container); Wallpaper.style.SetSize(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height + 22); new power().ToBackground(Wallpaper.style); Wallpaper.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Wallpaper.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; Wallpaper.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; var Margin = 48; var MarginSafe = 72; var CurrentFrame = LoadedScene.Frames.Randomize().First(); //var CurrentFrame = LoadedScene.Frames.Single(f => f.Name == "C"); var Room = new IHTMLDiv(); Room.style.border = "1px solid #00ff00"; Room.style.SetSize(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); Room.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; Room.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; Room.AttachTo(Container); Room.style.SetLocation(0, 22); //Room.AttachToDocument(); //Room.KeepInCenter(); var tween = Room.ToOpacityTween(); Action HideRoom = () => tween.Value = 1; Action ShowRoom = () => tween.Value = 0; HideRoom(); //var GroundOverlay2 = new IHTMLDiv(); //GroundOverlay2.style.backgroundColor = Color.Blue; ////GroundOverlay.style.Opacity = 0; //GroundOverlay2.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; //GroundOverlay2.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); //GroundOverlay2.AttachTo(Room); var LostInTime_Images = new ImpAdventures.HTML.Pages.LostInTimeImages().Images; var BackgroundImage = new IHTMLImage(); LostInTime_Images.FirstOrDefault( k => k.src.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") == CurrentFrame.Image.Source.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") ).With( ImageSource => { Console.WriteLine(ImageSource.src); BackgroundImage.src = ImageSource.src; } ); BackgroundImage.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); BackgroundImage.alt = "BackgroundImage"; BackgroundImage.AttachTo(Room); //GroundOverlay2.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + CurrentFrame.Image.Source + ")"; //BackgroundImage.InvokeOnComplete( // delegate // { // //BackgroundImage.style.backgroundColor = Color.Red; // //BackgroundImage.style.SetLocation(0,0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); // BackgroundImage.AttachTo(GroundOverlay2); // } //); var GroundOverlay = new IHTMLDiv(); GroundOverlay.style.backgroundColor = Color.Blue; GroundOverlay.style.Opacity = 0; GroundOverlay.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); GroundOverlay.AttachTo(Room); var Ground = new IHTMLDiv(); Ground.style.SetLocation(0, 0, ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height); Ground.AttachTo(Room); var AnimateRoomChange = default(Action<Action>); #region TryToChangeRooms Func<TryToChangeRoomsArgs, bool> TryToChangeRooms = e => { if (e == null) return false; if (e.NextRoomSelector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("NextRoomSelector"); var next = LoadedScene.Frames.SingleOrDefault(e.NextRoomSelector); var r = next != null; if (r) { AnimateRoomChange( delegate { CurrentFrame = next; Console.WriteLine("AnimateRoomChange"); LostInTime_Images.FirstOrDefault( k => k.src.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") == CurrentFrame.Image.Source.SkipUntilLastIfAny("/") ).With( ImageSource => { Console.WriteLine(ImageSource.src); BackgroundImage.src = ImageSource.src; } ); //GroundOverlay2.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + CurrentFrame.Image.Source + ")"; //BackgroundImage.src = CurrentFrame.Image.Source; e.ReadyToTeleport(); } ); } return r; }; #endregion var dude = CreateDude(LoadedCharacter); dude.Control.AttachTo(Ground); #region Doors var Doors = new[] { new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.X > ViewSize.Width - Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Right, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(-MarginSafe, dude.CurrentLocation.Y); dude.LookAt(new Point(MarginSafe, (int)dude.CurrentLocation.Y)); } }, new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.X < Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Left, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(ViewSize.Width + MarginSafe, dude.CurrentLocation.Y); dude.LookAt(new Point(ViewSize.Width - MarginSafe, (int)dude.CurrentLocation.Y)); } }, new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.Y < Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Top, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(dude.CurrentLocation.X, ViewSize.Height + MarginSafe); dude.LookAt(new Point((int)dude.CurrentLocation.X, ViewSize.Height - MarginSafe)); } }, new TryToChangeRoomsArgs { Condition = () => dude.CurrentLocation.Y > ViewSize.Height - Margin, NextRoomSelector = f => f.Name == CurrentFrame.Bottom, ReadyToTeleport = delegate { dude.TeleportTo(dude.CurrentLocation.X, -Margin); dude.LookAt(new Point((int)dude.CurrentLocation.X, MarginSafe)); } } }; #endregion Console.WriteLine(new { Doors = Doors.Length }); Doors.WithEachIndex( (x, index) => { Console.WriteLine(new { index, x }); Console.WriteLine(new { index, x.Condition }); } ); var ChangeRoom = new ChangeRoom { autobuffer = true }; var Talk = new Talk { autobuffer = true }; var Argh_RChannel = new Argh_RChannel { autobuffer = true }; var Argh_LChannel = new Argh_LChannel { autobuffer = true }; var Argh_Disabled = false; var Argh_VolumeMultiplier = 1.0; #region Argh_Stereo Action<double, double> Argh_Stereo = (volume, balance) => { if (Argh_Disabled) return; Argh_RChannel.AttachToDocument(); Argh_LChannel.AttachToDocument(); Argh_RChannel.volume = Argh_VolumeMultiplier * volume * balance; Argh_LChannel.volume = Argh_VolumeMultiplier * volume * (1 - balance); Argh_RChannel.play(); Argh_LChannel.play(); Argh_RChannel = new Argh_RChannel { autobuffer = true }; Argh_LChannel = new Argh_LChannel { autobuffer = true }; Argh_Disabled = true; Argh_VolumeMultiplier /= 2; new Timer(t => Argh_Disabled = false).StartTimeout(800); new Timer(t => Argh_VolumeMultiplier = 1).StartTimeout(5000); }; #endregion #region PrintText Action<string, Action> PrintText = (text, done) => { Talk.AttachToDocument(); Talk.load(); Talk.volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); Talk.play(); Talk = new Talk { autobuffer = true }; text.Length.Range().AsyncForEach( i => { Wallpaper.innerText = text.Left(i + 1); var c = text[i]; if (LoadedScene.SlowText.Contains("" + c)) return 100.Random(); return 50.Random(); }, done ); }; #endregion Action<string, Action> PrintRandomText = (text, done) => PrintText(text.Split(LoadedScene.TextDelimiter).Randomize().First(), done); dude.DoneWalking += delegate { // compiler bug: cannot invoke Action<func, action> delegate ? System.Console.WriteLine("done walking in " + CurrentFrame.Name + " at " + dude.CurrentLocation); var xFirstOrDefault = Doors.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Condition()); System.Console.WriteLine("done walking in " + new { xFirstOrDefault }); // Doors null? if (TryToChangeRooms(xFirstOrDefault)) return; if (CurrentFrame.Items != null) { var item = CurrentFrame.Items.Where( i => new Point(i.X.ToInt32(), i.Y.ToInt32()).GetRange(dude.CurrentLocation) < i.R.ToInt32() ).FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { dude.IsSelected = false; dude.LookDown(); PrintRandomText(item.Text, delegate { dude.WalkingOnce += delegate { Wallpaper.innerText = ""; }; dude.IsSelected = true; } ); } } }; #region AnimateRoomChange AnimateRoomChange = ReadyToTeleport => { var Step1 = default(System.Action); var Step2 = default(System.Action); var Step3 = default(Action); Step1 = delegate { tween.Done -= Step1; ReadyToTeleport(); tween.Done += Step2; ShowRoom(); }; Step2 = delegate { tween.Done -= Step2; dude.DoneWalking += Step3; dude.IsWalking = true; }; Step3 = delegate { dude.DoneWalking -= Step3; dude.IsSelected = true; }; dude.IsSelected = false; tween.Done += Step1; // go left HideRoom(); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3009888/autoplay-audio-files-on-an-ipad-with-html5 ChangeRoom.AttachToDocument(); ChangeRoom.load(); ChangeRoom.volume = 0.2; ChangeRoom.play(); ChangeRoom = new ChangeRoom(); }; #endregion var pointer_x = 0; var pointer_y = 0; #region onmousemove Container.onmousemove += ev => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Container) { if (dude.IsSelected) { var volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); var balance = dude.CurrentLocation.X / ViewSize.Width; pointer_x += ev.movementX; pointer_y += ev.movementY; pointer_x = Math.Min(ViewSize.Width - 0, Math.Max(0, pointer_x)); pointer_y = Math.Min(ViewSize.Height - 0, Math.Max(0, pointer_y)); var OffsetPosition = new Point(pointer_x, pointer_y ); Console.WriteLine(OffsetPosition); Argh_Stereo(volume, balance); dude.WalkTo(OffsetPosition); } } }; #endregion #region ontouchstart Container.ontouchstart += ev => { ev.preventDefault(); System.Console.WriteLine(ev.CursorPosition); if (dude.IsSelected) { var volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); var balance = dude.CurrentLocation.X / ViewSize.Width; var ev_OffsetPosition = new Point( ev.touches[0].clientX - Container.Bounds.Left, ev.touches[0].clientY - Container.Bounds.Top ); Argh_Stereo(volume, balance); dude.WalkTo(ev_OffsetPosition); } }; #endregion #region onclick Container.onclick += ev => { ev.preventDefault(); if (ev.MouseButton == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Middle) { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Container) { Native.Document.exitPointerLock(); return; } pointer_x = (int)dude.CurrentLocation.X; pointer_y = (int)dude.CurrentLocation.Y; //Container.requestFullscreen(); Container.requestPointerLock(); return; } if (ev.Element != Ground) return; System.Console.WriteLine(ev.CursorPosition); if (dude.IsSelected) { var volume = Math.Min(1, dude.Zoom.DynamicZoom / 4); var balance = dude.CurrentLocation.X / ViewSize.Width; Argh_Stereo(volume, balance); dude.WalkTo(ev.OffsetPosition); } }; #endregion //GroundOverlay.onclick += // ev => // { // if (ev.Element != GroundOverlay) // return; // System.Console.WriteLine(ev.CursorPosition); // if (dude.IsSelected) // { // new Argh().play(); // dude.WalkTo(ev.OffsetPosition); // } // }; dude.TeleportTo(ViewSize.Width / 2, (ViewSize.Height - MarginSafe) / 2); dude.LookDown(); ShowRoom(); dude.DoneWalkingOnce += delegate { PrintRandomText( LoadedScene.IntroText, delegate { dude.WalkingOnce += delegate { Wallpaper.innerText = ""; }; dude.IsSelected = true; } ); }; dude.WalkToArc(MarginSafe, dude.Direction); }
// 20140526 roslyn friendly! // and broken again // script: error JSC1000: //error: // statement cannot be a load instruction(or is it a bug?) // [0x000a] // ldarg.0 +1 -0 // assembly: V:\Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.Application.exe // type: Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.ApplicationImplementation+<MakeCamGrabber>d__1+<MoveNext>0600002d, Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.Application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // offset: 0x000a // method:Int32<06ad> call.try(<MoveNext>0600002d, <MakeCamGrabber>d__1 ByRef, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.DOM.HTML.IHTMLImage] ByRef, System.Runtime.CompilerServic public static async void MakeCamGrabber( IHTMLDiv c, bool sizeToWindow = false, Action<WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row> yield = null ) { if (sizeToWindow) { #region onresize Native.window.With( async window => { while (true) { c.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%"; var scale = Native.window.Height / (double)(480 + 96); if (Native.window.Height > Native.window.Width) scale = Native.window.Width / (double)(640); c.style.transform = "scale(" + scale + ")"; var w = (int)(scale * (640)); var h = (int)(scale * (480 + 96)); c.style.width = w + "px"; c.style.height = h + "px"; c.style.SetLocation( (Native.window.Width - w) / 2, (Native.window.Height - h) / 2 ); await window.async.onresize; } } ); #endregion } c.style.backgroundColor = "black"; #region localStorageKeys // or webSQL? var localStorageKeys = new { img640x480 = new { img = "avatar", w = 640, h = 480 }, img96gif = new { img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, frames = new[] { new { index= 0, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, new { index= 1, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, new { index= 2, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, new { index= 3, img = "avatar", w = 96, h = 96 }, } }; #endregion //c.css.children c.css.children.style.SetLocation(0, 0); c.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.relative; c.style.width = (640) + "px"; c.style.height = (480 + 96) + "px"; c.css.hover.style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.pointer; #region empty var css = c.css.empty.before; css.style.textAlign = IStyle.TextAlignEnum.center; css.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; css.style.width = (640) + "px"; css.style.color = "white"; css.style.paddingTop = 300 + "px"; c.css.hover.empty.before.style.color = "yellow"; #endregion var retry = 0; retry: retry++; Console.WriteLine(new { retry }); css.contentText = "either drag a picture here -or- click here to use your webcam"; var snapshot = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(640, 480); var frames = new List<IHTMLImage>(); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][0].style.SetLocation(96 * 0, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][1].style.SetLocation(96 * 1, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][2].style.SetLocation(96 * 2, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][3].style.SetLocation(96 * 3, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][4].style.SetLocation(96 * 4, 480); c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img][5].style.SetLocation(96 * 5, 480); var size = 400; #region newmask Action newmask = delegate { #region grid new IHTMLDiv { }.AttachTo(c).With( async grid => { grid.style.SetLocation( (640 - size) / 2, (480 - size) / 2, size - 2, size - 2 ); var s = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\LINQWebCamAvatars\LINQWebCamAvatars\Application.cs // until orphanized while (c.parentNode != null) { //await Native.window.requestAnimationFrameAsync; await Native.window.async.onframe; var a = (Math.Cos(s.ElapsedMilliseconds * 0.001) + 1) / 2.0; grid.style.border = "1px dotted rgba(255,255,255, " + (1.0 - a) + ")"; //mask_css.style.Opacity = a; } } ); #endregion #region mask var mask = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(640, 480 + 96); mask.canvas.style.zIndex = 100; //mask.drawImage( // v, 0, 0, // mask.canvas.width, // mask.canvas.height //); mask.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 0.8)"; mask.fillRect( 0, 0, 640, 480 + 96 ); mask.clearRect( (640 - size) / 2, (480 - size) / 2, size, size ); //var bytes = i.bytes; mask.canvas.AttachTo(c); #endregion }; #endregion #region localStorage var base64 = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img640x480]; if (base64 != null) { var base64image = new IHTMLImage { src = base64 }; await base64image; snapshot.drawImage(base64image, 0, 0, 640, 480); snapshot.canvas.AttachTo(c); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var base64f = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.frames[ localStorageKeys.frames.Length - i - 1]]; if (base64f != null) { var newframe = new IHTMLImage { src = base64f }; newframe.AttachTo(c); frames.Add(newframe); } } newmask(); var base64gif = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img96gif]; #region atgif Action<string> atgif = gif => { //Native.document.title = new { gif.Length }.ToString(); var newframe = new IHTMLImage { src = gif }; newframe.style.zIndex = 300; newframe.AttachTo(c); frames.Add(newframe); //if (frames.Count > 5) // frames.Remove(frames[0].Orphanize()); }; #endregion if (base64gif != null) atgif(base64gif); else { var bytes = frames.Select(x => x.bytes.Result).ToArray().AsEnumerable(); //bytes = bytes.Concat(bytes.Skip(1).Reverse().Skip(1)).ToArray().AsEnumerable(); // build it new GIFEncoderWorker( 96, 96, delay: 1000 / 10, frames: bytes, AtFrame: async index => { //Native.document.title = new { index }.ToString(); } ).Task.ContinueWithResult( gif => { Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img96gif] = gif; // report sizes. smaller is better if db Console.WriteLine( // { Avatar640x480 = 54843, Avatar96gif = 54734 } new { Avatar640x480 = base64.Length, Avatar96gif = gif.Length } ); if (yield != null) yield( new WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row { Avatar640x480 = base64, Avatar96frame1 = Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.frames[0]], // do we want to report frames? Avatar96gif = gif } ); atgif(gif); } ); } } #endregion Console.WriteLine("await c.async.onclick"); await c.async.onclick; Console.WriteLine("await c.async.onclick done"); c.Clear(); css.content = "awaiting for video"; var v = await Native.window.navigator.async.onvideo; v.AttachTo(c); v.play(); var mask_css = c.css[IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.canvas]; newmask(); var z96 = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(96, 96); z96.canvas.AttachTo(c); //z96.canvas.style.backgroundColor = "gray"; z96.canvas.style.SetLocation(96 * 5, 480); z96.canvas.style.zIndex = 300; var ok = c.async.onclick; #region frames while (!ok.IsCompleted) { z96.drawImage( image: v, sx: (640 - size) / 2, sy: (480 - size) / 2, sw: size, sh: size, dx: 0, dy: 0, dw: 96, dh: 96 ); var newframe = new IHTMLImage { src = z96.canvas.toDataURL() }; newframe.AttachTo(c); frames.Add(newframe); if (frames.Count > 5) frames.Remove(frames[0].Orphanize()); await (1000 / 15); } #endregion snapshot.drawImage(v, 0, 0, 640, 480); #region localStorage // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement //Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img640x480] = var firstTry = snapshot.canvas.toDataURL( // shall we use enum type: "image/jpeg" ); if (firstTry.Length >= (1024 * 64)) { Console.WriteLine("Reducing quality"); firstTry = snapshot.canvas.toDataURL( // shall we use enum type: "image/jpeg", quality: 0.5 ); } // can we use SQL instead now? Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.img640x480] = firstTry; frames.WithEachIndex( (k, index) => { Native.window.localStorage[localStorageKeys.frames[index]] = k.src; } ); Native.window.localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKeys.img96gif); #endregion v.src = ""; c.Clear(); goto retry; }
// change: C:\util\xampplite\apache\conf\httpd.conf // http://localhost/jsc/FlashBrowserDocument/FlashBrowserDocument.htm /* * Alias /jsc/FlashBrowserDocument "C:\work\jsc.svn\examples\actionscript\FlashBrowserDocument\FlashBrowserDocument\bin\Release\web" * <Directory "C:\work\jsc.svn\examples\actionscript\FlashBrowserDocument\FlashBrowserDocument\bin\Release\web"> * Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI * AllowOverride All * Order allow,deny * Allow from all * </Directory> */ /// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public FlashBrowserDocument() { ConsoleFormPackageExperience.Initialize(); Console.WriteLine("ConsoleFormPackageExperience"); var t = new TextField { defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat { font = "Courier" }, backgroundColor = 0x303030, textColor = 0xffff00, text = "powered by jsc", background = true, x = 0, y = 0, alwaysShowSelection = true, width = DefaultWidth, height = DefaultHeight }.AttachTo(this); // you should be running within the browser //SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller file:///C:/work/jsc.svn/examples/actionscript/FlashBrowserDocument/FlashBrowserDocument/bin/Release/web/FlashBrowserDocument.swf cannot access file:///C:/work/jsc.svn/examples/actionscript/FlashBrowserDocument/FlashBrowserDocument/bin/Release/web/FlashBrowserDocument.htm. // at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_initJS() // at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/addCallback() // at Extensions::ExternalExtensions$/External_100668292() // at DOM::ExternalContext() // at DOM::ExternalContext$/ExternalAuthentication_100663321() // at FlashBrowserDocument.ActionScript::FlashBrowserDocument() t.text = "before ExternalAuthentication"; try { Console.WriteLine("before ExternalAuthentication"); ExternalContext.ExternalAuthentication( context => { Console.WriteLine("at ExternalAuthentication"); t.text = "after ExternalAuthentication"; context.Document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#afafff"; context.Document.body.style.color = "#000080"; t.appendText("\nflash element was found within html document"); context.Document.title = "hello world"; #region hide/show flash element var HideFlashButtonCounter = 0; var HideFlashButton = new IHTMLButton { innerHTML = "hide flash element" }; HideFlashButton.AttachTo(context); HideFlashButton.onclick += delegate { if (HideFlashButtonCounter % 2 == 0) { t.appendText("\nflash element hidden"); context.Element.width = 0; context.Element.height = 0; HideFlashButton.innerHTML = "show flash element"; } else { t.appendText("\nflash element shown"); context.Element.width = DefaultWidth; context.Element.height = DefaultHeight; HideFlashButton.innerHTML = "hide flash element"; } HideFlashButtonCounter++; }; #endregion var Content = @" <hr /> <blockqoute> <h1>This application was written in c# and was compiled to actionscript with <a href='http://jsc.sf.net'>jsc compiler</a>.</h1> <h2>Currently supported browsers:</h2> <ul> <li><img src='http://www.w3schools.com/images/compatible_firefox.gif' />Firefox</li> <li><img src='http://www.w3schools.com/images/compatible_chrome.gif' />Google Chrome</li> <li><img src='http://www.w3schools.com/images/compatible_safari.gif' />Safari</li> <li><img src='http://www.w3schools.com/images/compatible_opera.gif' />Opera</li> </ul> </blockqoute> " .AttachAsDiv(context); var DynamicChild = new IHTMLSpan { innerHTML = "hello world" }.AttachTo(Content); DynamicChild.style.color = "red"; DynamicChild.innerHTML = "click on the image to remove it!"; var DynamicChildImage = new IHTMLImage { title = "jsc diagram", src = "http://jsc.sourceforge.net/jsc.png" }.AttachTo(DynamicChild); DynamicChildImage.style.backgroundColor = "white"; DynamicChildImage.onclick += delegate { Console.WriteLine("at DynamicChildImage onclick"); DynamicChild.removeChild(DynamicChildImage); DynamicChild.innerHTML = "you have removed that image!"; var Undo = new IHTMLButton { innerHTML = "undo" }.AttachTo(DynamicChild); Undo.onclick += delegate { DynamicChildImage.AttachTo(DynamicChild); DynamicChild.removeChild(Undo); }; }; DynamicChild.onclick += delegate { Console.WriteLine("at DynamicChild onclick"); }; } ); } catch (Exception ex) { t.text = "error " + new { ex }; } }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { var n = new MyEditor(); n.Container.AttachToDocument(); //var a = new IHTMLAnchor( // "http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?q=stargate", // "Open 3dwarehouse in another window" //); //a.style.fontSize = "large-xx"; //a.AttachToDocument(); //ii.setAttribute("src", "http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/"); IHTMLDiv Control = new IHTMLDiv(); n.Edit1.parentNode.replaceChild(Control, n.Edit1); //n.Logo.src = "assets/TextEditorDemo2/Preview.png"; //Control.AttachToDocument(); var text = new TextEditor(Control); text.InnerHTML = "Drag images to this frame!<hr />"; // IE error text.Height = 200; text.Width = 400; //text.InnerHTML = n.Edit1.value; text.IsFadeEnabled = false; //var i = new IHTMLImage(21, 20) { src = "assets/TextEditorDemo2/cal.png" }; var CurrentList = new List <InternalExtensions.GoogleThreeDWarehouseImage>(); n.ToLarge.onclick += e => { CurrentList.ForEach(k => k.AnimationZoom = 4); }; n.ToMedium.onclick += e => { CurrentList.ForEach(k => k.AnimationZoom = 1); }; n.ToSmall.onclick += e => { CurrentList.ForEach(k => k.AnimationZoom = 0.5); }; Action <string[], IHTMLButton> ToPreview = (data, button) => { var ii = new IHTMLImage(40, 30) { src = data[0] }; ii.style.verticalAlign = "middle"; var sp = new IHTMLSpan(); sp.style.marginLeft = "1em"; sp.AttachTo(button); ii.AttachTo(button).ToGoogleThreeDWarehouseImage().Animate(); }; n.Nasa.onclick += delegate { text.InnerHTML = NasaSource.Text; }; //n.Houses.onclick += // delegate // { // text.InnerHTML = Pages.Houses.Static.HTML; // }; n.CnC.onclick += delegate { text.InnerHTML = CnCSource.Text; }; n.Ships.onclick += delegate { text.InnerHTML = ShipsSource.Text; }; //ToPreview(Ships..Images, n.Ships); //ToPreview(CnC.Static.Images, n.CnC); ////ToPreview(Houses.Static.Images, n.Houses); //ToPreview(Nasa.Static.Images, n.Nasa); //i.AttachToDocument(); n.OK.onclick += delegate { n.ContainerForImages.removeChildren(); CurrentList.Clear(); //text.Document.getElementsByTagName("img").ToGoogleThreeDWarehouseImages().Animate(); var clones = text.Document.GetClonedImages(); foreach (IHTMLImage iii in clones) { var w = iii.AttachTo(n.ContainerForImages).ToGoogleThreeDWarehouseImage(); w.Animate(); CurrentList.Add(w); } }; //); //OK.Control.style.paddingLeft = "1em"; //text.BottomToolbarContainer.appendChild(OK.Control); text.TopToolbarContainer.Hide(); text.BottomToolbarContainer.Hide(); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); // Send data from JavaScript to the server tier service.WebMethod2( @"A string from JavaScript.", value => value.ToDocumentTitle() ); string[] Links = { "http://www.aminocom.com/products/ipstb/aminet110.html", "http://www.vario.tv/espace-clients/aide/variotv_AmiNET110_UserGuide_Book2.pdf" }; var img = new HTML.Images.FromAssets.Amino_remote(); //var img_bg = new IHTMLImage(Assets.Path + "/Amino-remote-bg.png"); var reddot_array = Extensions.ToArray(0, 1, 3, 6); var reddot = new[] { new { index = 0, image = (IHTMLImage) new HTML.Images.FromAssets.reddot_0() }, new { index = 1, image = (IHTMLImage) new HTML.Images.FromAssets.reddot_1() }, new { index = 3, image = (IHTMLImage) new HTML.Images.FromAssets.reddot_3() }, new { index = 6, image = (IHTMLImage) new HTML.Images.FromAssets.reddot_6() } }; 100.AtInterval( t1 => { if (reddot.Any(i => !i.image.complete)) { return; } //if (!img_bg.complete) // return; t1.Stop(); //Native.Document.body.style.background = "url(" + img_bg.src + ") repeat-x"; img.InvokeOnComplete( delegate { var div = new IHTMLDiv(); div.style.SetLocation(0, 0, img.width, img.height); div.style.SetBackground(img.src, false); div.AttachToDocument(); Action <Point> SpawnDot = pos => { var c = reddot.Last(); var x = new IHTMLImage(c.image.src); // c.image.cloneNode(); x.AttachTo(div); x.SetCenteredLocation(pos); (1000 / 16).AtInterval( t => { c = reddot.Previous(y => y.index == c.index); x.src = c.image.src; }, () => c.index == reddot.First().index, () => 400.AtTimeout( t2 => { x.Orphanize(); } ) ); }; div.onclick += ev => { var pos = ev.CursorPosition; Console.WriteLine(pos); SpawnDot(pos); }; div.ontouchmove += ev => { ev.preventDefault(); for (uint i = 0; i < ev.touches.length; i++) { var pos = new Point(ev.touches[i].clientX, ev.touches[i].clientY); SpawnDot(pos); } }; var map = new[] { new { KeyCode = 13, Point = new Point(173, 331) }, // enter new { KeyCode = 13, Point = new Point(206, 216) }, // enter new { KeyCode = 38, Point = new Point(173, 304) }, // up new { KeyCode = 37, Point = new Point(148, 327) }, // left new { KeyCode = 39, Point = new Point(201, 331) }, // right new { KeyCode = 40, Point = new Point(174, 357) }, // down new { KeyCode = 33, Point = new Point(164, 431) }, // page up new { KeyCode = 34, Point = new Point(187, 435) }, // page down new { KeyCode = 48, Point = new Point(172, 207) }, // 0 new { KeyCode = 49, Point = new Point(141, 121) }, // 1 new { KeyCode = 50, Point = new Point(171, 120) }, // 2 new { KeyCode = 51, Point = new Point(206, 131) }, new { KeyCode = 52, Point = new Point(143, 152) }, new { KeyCode = 53, Point = new Point(175, 149) }, new { KeyCode = 54, Point = new Point(207, 158) }, new { KeyCode = 55, Point = new Point(141, 178) }, new { KeyCode = 56, Point = new Point(174, 177) }, // 8 new { KeyCode = 57, Point = new Point(209, 185) }, // 9 new { KeyCode = 8, Point = new Point(140, 204) }, // backspace new { KeyCode = 8492, Point = new Point(209, 252) }, // prog up new { KeyCode = 8494, Point = new Point(205, 290) }, // prog down new { KeyCode = 8512, Point = new Point(147, 380) }, // red new { KeyCode = 8513, Point = new Point(167, 386) }, // green new { KeyCode = 8514, Point = new Point(184, 389) }, // yellow new { KeyCode = 8515, Point = new Point(206, 385) }, // blue new { KeyCode = 8516, Point = new Point(175, 267) }, // menu new { KeyCode = 8502, Point = new Point(144, 403) }, // rewind new { KeyCode = 8499, Point = new Point(164, 406) }, // play new { KeyCode = 8504, Point = new Point(188, 414) }, // pause new { KeyCode = 8500, Point = new Point(208, 413) }, // pause }; ActionParam <int, int> AddKeyCodes = (_old, _new) => { var _2 = map.Where(i => i.KeyCode == _old).First(); map = map.Concat(_new.Select(KeyCode => new { KeyCode, _2.Point })).ToArray(); }; Action <int, string> AddKeyCodesString = (_old, _new) => { var _U = _new.ToUpper(); var _L = _new.ToLower(); for (int i = 0; i < _U.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(_old + " -> " + _U[i] + " , " + _L[i]); AddKeyCodes(_old, _U[i], _L[i]); } }; var alpha = new Dictionary <char, string> { { '2', "abc" }, { '3', "def" }, { '4', "ghi" }, { '5', "jkl" }, { '6', "mno" }, { '7', "pqrs" }, { '8', "tuv" }, { '9', "wxyz" }, }; alpha.ForEach(i => AddKeyCodesString(i.Key, i.Value)); Native.document.onkeyup += ev => { ev.preventDefault(); var z = map.Where(i => i.KeyCode == ev.KeyCode).ToArray(); if (z.Length > 0) { z.ForEach(i => SpawnDot(i.Point)); } Console.WriteLine(new { ev.KeyCode }); }; map.ForEach( (i, next) => { SpawnDot(i.Point); 25.AtTimeout( delegate { next(); } ); } ); } ); } ); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row lastPicture = null; new IStyle(page.ImgContainer.css + IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img) { transition = "left linear 2000ms", position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute, Opacity = 1 }; //new IStyle(Native.css[typeof(IHTMLImage)].hover) //{ // width = "100px", //}; Action getNewPicture = async delegate { while (true) { var pic = await this.GetLastUserImage(); if (lastPicture != null) { if (pic != null) { Console.WriteLine(pic.Key.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(lastPicture.Key.ToString()); if (pic.Key == lastPicture.Key) { page.ImgContainer.Clear(); } else { IHTMLImage img = new IHTMLImage(); img.AttachTo(page.ImgContainer); img.src = pic.Avatar96frame1; img.style.left = "-150px"; lastPicture = pic; await 500; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "50px"; }; await 10000; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "-150px"; }; } } else { page.ImgContainer.Clear(); } } else { IHTMLImage img = new IHTMLImage(); img.AttachTo(page.ImgContainer); lastPicture = pic; img.src = pic.Avatar96frame1; img.style.left = "-150px"; await 500; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "50px"; }; await 10000; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "-150px"; }; } await 4000; } }; Console.WriteLine("Start"); //getNewPicture(); // new IHTMLDiv { }.AttachToDocument().With(x => ApplicationImplementation.MakeCamGrabber(x, sizeToWindow: true)); // var service = new AvatarNotificationService(); page.ImgContainer.With(x => ApplicationImplementation.MakeimageNotification(page.ImgContainer, this)); var button = new IHTMLButton { innerHTML = "SubmitButton" }.AttachToDocument(); button.onclick += delegate { var overlay = new IHTMLDiv { }.AttachTo(Native.document.documentElement); overlay.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.@fixed; overlay.style.left = "0"; overlay.style.top = "0"; overlay.style.right = "0"; overlay.style.bottom = "0"; overlay.style.backgroundColor = "black"; var div = new IHTMLDiv { }.AttachTo(overlay); var xcss = Native.document.body.css.children; xcss.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; Abstractatech.JavaScript.Avatar.ApplicationImplementation.MakeCamGrabber( div, sizeToWindow: true, yield: y => { overlay.Orphanize(); xcss.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.empty; Console.WriteLine("InsertNewPicture"); if (y.Avatar640x480.Length >= (1024 * 64)) { //MessageBox.Show("Picture size too big for now"); return; } this.DiagnosticInsertNewPicture(y); //var z = (__PictureBox)(object)f.pictureBox1; // dow we like gif of jpg? //z.InternalElement.src = y.Avatar96gif; //z.InternalElement.src = y.Avatar96frame1; } ); }; }
public static async void MakeimageNotification(IHTMLDiv c, IAvatarNotificationInterface service) { WebCamAvatarsSheet1Row lastPicture = null; //new IStyle(page.ImgContainer.css + IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.img) //{ // transition = "left linear 2000ms", // position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute, // Opacity = 1 //}; while (true) { var pic = await service.GetLastUserImage(); if (lastPicture != null) { if (pic != null) { Console.WriteLine(pic.Key.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(lastPicture.Key.ToString()); if (pic.Key == lastPicture.Key) { c.Clear(); } else { IHTMLImage img = new IHTMLImage(); img.AttachTo(c); img.src = pic.Avatar96frame1; img.style.left = "-150px"; lastPicture = pic; await 500; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "50px"; }; await 10000; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "-150px"; }; } } else { c.Clear(); } } else { IHTMLImage img = new IHTMLImage(); img.AttachTo(c); lastPicture = pic; img.src = pic.Avatar96frame1; img.style.left = "-150px"; await 500; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "50px"; }; await 10000; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { img.style.left = "-150px"; }; } await 4000; } }