예제 #1
        public UpdateGuildValidator(IGuildRepository guildRepository, IMemberRepository memberRepository)
            RuleFor(x => x.Id).NotEmpty();
            RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotEmpty();
            RuleFor(x => x.LeaderId).NotEmpty();

            When(x => x.Name != string.Empty && x.Id != Guid.Empty && x.LeaderId != Guid.Empty, () =>
                RuleFor(x => x)
                .MustAsync((x, ct) => guildRepository.ExistsWithIdAsync(x.Id, ct))
                .WithMessage(x => $"Record not found for guild with given id {x.Id}.")

                .MustAsync((x, ct) => memberRepository.ExistsWithIdAsync(x.LeaderId, ct))
                .WithMessage(x => $"Record not found for member with given id {x.LeaderId}.")

                .MustAsync((x, ct) => guildRepository.CanChangeNameAsync(x.Id, x.Name, ct))
                .WithMessage(x => $"Record already exists for guild with given name {x.Name}.")

                .MustAsync((x, ct) => memberRepository.IsGuildMemberAsync(x.LeaderId, x.Id, ct))
                .WithMessage("Member chosen for Guild Master must be member of target Guild.")