예제 #1
        public ActionResult ForceToVacant(int?id)
            var room = _roomService.GetById(id.Value);

            if (room != null)
                var guestRooms = room.GuestRooms.Where(x => x.IsActive).Select(x => x.Id);

                foreach (var ids in guestRooms)
                    var gr = _guestRoomService.GetById(ids);

                    if (gr != null)
                        gr.IsActive = false;

                room.StatusId = (int)RoomStatusEnum.Vacant;


            var           rooms = _roomService.GetAll(1).Where(x => x.IsActive && x.StatusId != (int)RoomStatusEnum.Occupied && x.StatusId != (int)RoomStatusEnum.Vacant).ToList();
            RoomViewModel model = new RoomViewModel();

            model.Rooms = rooms;
            return(View("ForceRoomToVacant", model));
예제 #2
        public ActionResult CheckOutGuestCreateDebtorAccount(int?id, int?roomId, int?companyId)
            var guest = _guestService.GetById(id.Value);

            var company = _businessAccountService.GetById(companyId.Value);

            if (companyId.Value > 0)
                var guestBalance = guest.GetGuestBalance();

                //At some point record the refund if any made to guest
                var reservationIds = guest.GuestReservations.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                var guestRoomsIds  = guest.GuestRooms.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                var roomIds        = guest.GuestReservations.Select(x => x.RoomId).ToList();

                //Create a new GuestRoom Account for any refund#
                var accountRooms = guest.GuestRooms.ToList();

                _businessAccountService.Update(company, accountRooms);

                foreach (var existingReservation in reservationIds.Select(rsId => _guestReservationService.GetById(rsId)))
                    existingReservation.EndDate  = DateTime.Now;
                    existingReservation.IsActive = false;

                foreach (var existingGuestRoom in guestRoomsIds.Select(gsId => _guestRoomService.GetById(gsId)))
                    existingGuestRoom.CheckoutDate = DateTime.Now;
                    existingGuestRoom.IsActive     = false;

                foreach (var existingRoom in roomIds.Select(rmId => _roomService.GetById(rmId)))
                    existingRoom.StatusId = (int)RoomStatusEnum.Dirty;

                guest.IsActive = false;

                guest.Status = "PAST";

                guest.CompanyId = companyId;


                return(RedirectToAction("PrintLandingForGuest", "Home", new { id = id.Value }));
                return(RedirectToAction("CheckOutGuest", "Home", new { id = id.Value, roomId = roomId.Value }));