예제 #1
        } // end of function

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the selected objects from rectangular selection. Here, we do not activate a grip.
        /// Instead, we only show the selection rectangles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selObjects">The selected objects to add.</param>
        private void AddSelectedObjectsFromRectangularSelection(IList <IHitTestObject> selObjects)
            DisplayedGripLevel = 1;
            DisplayedGrips     = GetGripsFromSelectedObjects();
            ActiveGrip         = null;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the mouse up event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnMouseUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)

            if (ActiveGrip != null)
                bool bRefresh = _wereObjectsMoved; // repaint the graph when objects were really moved
                bool bRepaint = false;
                _wereObjectsMoved = false;
                _grac.Doc.EndUpdate(ref _graphDocumentChangedSuppressor);

                bool chooseNextLevel = ActiveGrip.Deactivate();
                ActiveGrip = null;

                if (chooseNextLevel && null != SingleSelectedHitTestObject)
                    DisplayedGripLevel = SingleSelectedHitTestObject.GetNextGripLevel(DisplayedGripLevel);
                    bRepaint           = true;

                if (bRefresh)
                    _grac.WinFormsController.RefreshGraph(); // redraw the contents
                else if (bRepaint)
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the mouse up event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnMouseUp(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnMouseUp(position, e);

            if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released && null != _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates)
                _grac.FindGraphObjectInRootLayerRectangle(_rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates.Value, out var foundObjects);
                (_grac.ViewObject as IGraphView).ReleaseCaptureMouseOnCanvas();
                _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates = null;
            else if (ActiveGrip != null)
                bool bRefresh = _wereObjectsMoved; // repaint the graph when objects were really moved
                bool bRepaint = false;
                _wereObjectsMoved = false;
                _grac.Doc.Resume(ref _graphDocumentChangedSuppressor);

                bool chooseNextLevel = ActiveGrip.Deactivate();
                ActiveGrip = null;

                if (chooseNextLevel && null != SingleSelectedHitTestObject)
                    DisplayedGripLevel = SingleSelectedHitTestObject.GetNextGripLevel(DisplayedGripLevel);
                    bRepaint           = true;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the MouseDown event when the object pointer tool is selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The mouse event args</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The strategy to handle the mousedown event is as following:
        /// Have we clicked on already selected objects?
        ///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and the shift or control key was pressed -> deselect the object and repaint
        ///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and none shift nor control key was pressed-> activate the object moving  mode
        ///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and shift or control key was pressed -> search for the object and add it to the selected objects, then aktivate moving mode
        ///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and no shift or control key pressed -> if a object was found add it to the selected objects and activate moving mode
        ///                                                                                                  if no object was found clear the selection list, deactivate moving mode
        /// </remarks>
        public override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)

            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)
                return;                         // then there is nothing to do here
            // first, if we have a mousedown without shift key and the
            // position has changed with respect to the last mousedown
            // we have to deselect all objects
            bool bControlKey = (Keys.Control == (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control));                     // Control pressed
            bool bShiftKey   = (Keys.Shift == (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift));

            PointF mouseXY = new PointF(e.X, e.Y);                                               // Mouse pixel coordinates
            PointF graphXY = _grac.WinFormsController.PixelToPrintableAreaCoordinates(mouseXY);  // Graph area coordinates

            ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(graphXY);
            if ((ActiveGrip is SuperGrip) && (bShiftKey || bControlKey))
                var                     superGrip = ActiveGrip as SuperGrip;
                IHitTestObject          hitTestObj;
                IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle;
                if (superGrip.GetHittedElement(graphXY, out gripHandle, out hitTestObj))
                    _grac.WinFormsController.RefreshGraph();                             // repaint the graph
            else if (ActiveGrip != null)
                ActiveGrip.Activate(graphXY, false);

            // search for a object first
            IHitTestObject clickedObject;
            int            clickedLayerNumber = 0;

            _grac.WinFormsController.FindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition(mouseXY, false, out clickedObject, out clickedLayerNumber);

            if (!bShiftKey && !bControlKey)                     // if shift or control are pressed, we add the object to the selection list and start moving mode

            if (null != clickedObject)
                AddSelectedObject(graphXY, clickedObject);
        }                 // end of function
예제 #5
			public void Remove(IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle)
				for (int i = GripList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					if (object.ReferenceEquals(gripHandle, GripList[i]))
예제 #6
 public void Remove(IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle)
     for (int i = GripList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         if (object.ReferenceEquals(gripHandle, GripList[i]))
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the selection list and repaints the graph if neccessary
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearSelections()
            bool bRepaint = (_selectedObjects.Count > 0); // is a repaint neccessary

            DisplayedGrips = null;
            ActiveGrip     = null;

            if (bRepaint)
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the selection list and repaints the graph if neccessary
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearSelections()
            bool bRepaint = (_selectedObjects.Count > 0); // is a repaint neccessary

            DisplayedGrips = null;
            ActiveGrip     = null;

            if (bRepaint)
예제 #9
            public bool GetHittedElement(PointD2D point, out IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle, out IHitTestObject hitObject)
                for (int i = GripList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (GripList[i].IsGripHitted(point))
                        gripHandle = GripList[i];
                        hitObject  = HittedList[i];

                gripHandle = null;
                hitObject  = null;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the MouseDown event when the object pointer tool is selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The mouse event args</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The strategy to handle the mousedown event is as following:
        /// Have we clicked on already selected objects?
        ///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and the shift or control key was pressed -> deselect the object and repaint
        ///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and none shift nor control key was pressed-> activate the object moving  mode
        ///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and shift or control key was pressed -> search for the object and add it to the selected objects, then aktivate moving mode
        ///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and no shift or control key pressed -> if a object was found add it to the selected objects and activate moving mode
        ///                                                                                                  if no object was found clear the selection list, deactivate moving mode
        /// </remarks>
        public override void OnMouseDown(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnMouseDown(position, e);

            if (e.LeftButton != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                return; // then there is nothing to do here
            // first, if we have a mousedown without shift key and the
            // position has changed with respect to the last mousedown
            // we have to deselect all objects
            var keyboardModifiers = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.Modifiers;

            bool bControlKey = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control);
            bool bShiftKey   = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);

            var mousePixelCoord = position;                                                  // Mouse pixel coordinates
            var rootLayerCoord  = _grac.ConvertMouseToRootLayerCoordinates(mousePixelCoord); // Graph area coordinates

            ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(rootLayerCoord);
            if ((ActiveGrip is SuperGrip) && (bShiftKey || bControlKey))
                var superGrip = ActiveGrip as SuperGrip;
                if (superGrip.GetHittedElement(rootLayerCoord, out var gripHandle, out var hitTestObj))
            else if (ActiveGrip != null)
                ActiveGrip.Activate(rootLayerCoord, false);
            _grac.FindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition(mousePixelCoord, false, out var clickedObject, out var clickedLayerNumber);

            if (!bShiftKey && !bControlKey) // if shift or control are pressed, we add the object to the selection list and start moving mode

            if (null != clickedObject)
                AddSelectedObject(rootLayerCoord, clickedObject);
        } // end of function
예제 #11
            public override IGripManipulationHandle[] GetGrips(int gripLevel)
                if (gripLevel <= 1)
                    var ls  = (LineShape)_hitobject;
                    var pts = new PointD3D[] { PointD3D.Empty, (PointD3D)ls.Size };
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                        var pt = ls._transformation.Transform(pts[i]);
                        pt     = Transformation.Transform(pt);
                        pts[i] = pt;

                    var grips = new IGripManipulationHandle[gripLevel == 0 ? 1 : 3];

                    // Translation grips
                    var bounds         = ls.Bounds;
                    var wn             = PolylineMath3D.GetWestNorthVectors(bounds.Size);
                    var transformation = Matrix4x3.NewFromBasisVectorsAndLocation(wn.Item1, wn.Item2, bounds.Size.Normalized, PointD3D.Empty);


                    double t1            = 0.55 * ls._linePen.Thickness1;
                    double t2            = 0.55 * ls._linePen.Thickness2;
                    var    rect          = new RectangleD3D(-t1, -t2, 0, 2 * t1, 2 * t2, bounds.Size.Length);
                    var    objectOutline = new RectangularObjectOutline(rect, transformation);
                    grips[0] = new MovementGripHandle(this, objectOutline, null);

                    // PathNode grips
                    if (gripLevel == 1)
                        grips[2] = grips[0]; // put the movement grip to the background, the two NodeGrips need more priority
                        var gripRadius = Math.Max(t1, t2);
                        grips[0] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new VectorD3D(0, 0, 0), pts[0], gripRadius);
                        grips[1] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new VectorD3D(1, 1, 1), pts[1], gripRadius);
예제 #12
        public override void OnMouseDown(PointD3D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnMouseDown(position, e);

            if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
                var hitData = new HitTestPointData(_grac.Doc.Camera.GetHitRayMatrix(position));

                // first, if we have a mousedown without shift key and the
                // position has changed with respect to the last mousedown
                // we have to deselect all objects
                var  keyboardModifiers = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.Modifiers;
                bool bControlKey       = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control);
                bool bShiftKey         = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);

                ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(hitData);
                if ((ActiveGrip is SuperGrip) && (bShiftKey || bControlKey))
                    var superGrip = ActiveGrip as SuperGrip;
                    if (superGrip.GetHittedElement(hitData, out var gripHandle, out var hitTestObj))
                else if (ActiveGrip != null)
                    ActiveGrip.Activate(hitData, false);
                _grac.FindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition(hitData, false, out var clickedObject, out var clickedLayerNumber);

                if (!bShiftKey && !bControlKey) // if shift or control are pressed, we add the object to the selection list and start moving mode

                if (null != clickedObject)
                    AddSelectedObject(hitData, clickedObject);
예제 #13
            public override IGripManipulationHandle[] GetGrips(double pageScale, int gripLevel)
                if (gripLevel <= 1)
                    var ls     = (ClosedCardinalSpline)_hitobject;
                    var pts    = new PointF[ls._curvePoints.Count];
                    var offset = ls.Location.AbsoluteVectorPivotToLeftUpper;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                        pts[i] = (PointF)(ls._curvePoints[i] + offset);
                        var pt = ls._transformation.TransformPoint(pts[i]);
                        pt     = Transformation.TransformPoint(pt);
                        pts[i] = pt;

                    var grips = new IGripManipulationHandle[gripLevel == 0 ? 1 : 1 + ls._curvePoints.Count];

                    // Translation grips
                    var path = new GraphicsPath();
                    path.AddClosedCurve(pts, (float)ls._tension);
                    path.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, (float)(6 / pageScale)));
                    grips[grips.Length - 1] = new MovementGripHandle(this, path, null);

                    // PathNode grips
                    if (gripLevel == 1)
                        float gripRadius = (float)(3 / pageScale);
                        for (int i = 0; i < ls._curvePoints.Count; i++)
                            grips[i] = new ClosedCardinalSplinePathNodeGripHandle(this, i, pts[i], gripRadius);
                    return(base.GetGrips(pageScale, gripLevel));
예제 #14
        private void AddSelectedObject(PointD2D graphXY, IHitTestObject clickedObject)

            DisplayedGripLevel = 1;
            DisplayedGrips     = GetGripsFromSelectedObjects();

            if (_selectedObjects.Count == 1) // single object selected
                ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(graphXY);
                if (ActiveGrip != null)
                    ActiveGrip.Activate(graphXY, true);
            else // multiple objects selected
                ActiveGrip = DisplayedGrips[0]; // this is our SuperGrip
                DisplayedGrips[0].Activate(graphXY, true);

예제 #15
파일: LineShape.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
            public override IGripManipulationHandle[] GetGrips(double pageScale, int gripLevel)
                if (gripLevel <= 1)
                    var ls  = (LineShape)_hitobject;
                    var pts = new PointF[] { new PointF(0, 0), new PointF((float)ls.Width, (float)ls.Height) };
                    for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                        var pt = ls._transformation.TransformPoint(pts[i]);
                        pt     = Transformation.TransformPoint(pt);
                        pts[i] = pt;

                    var grips = new IGripManipulationHandle[gripLevel == 0 ? 1 : 3];

                    // Translation grips
                    var path = new GraphicsPath();
                    path.AddLine(pts[0], pts[1]);
                    path.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, (float)(6 / pageScale)));
                    grips[0] = new MovementGripHandle(this, path, null);

                    // PathNode grips
                    if (gripLevel == 1)
                        grips[2] = grips[0]; // put the movement grip to the background, the two NodeGrips need more priority
                        float gripRadius = (float)(3 / pageScale);
                        grips[0] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new PointF(0, 0), pts[0], gripRadius);
                        grips[1] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new PointF(1, 1), pts[1], gripRadius);
                    return(base.GetGrips(pageScale, gripLevel));
예제 #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles the MouseDown event when the object pointer tool is selected
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
		/// <param name="e">The mouse event args</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The strategy to handle the mousedown event is as following:
		/// Have we clicked on already selected objects?
		///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and the shift or control key was pressed -> deselect the object and repaint
		///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and none shift nor control key was pressed-> activate the object moving  mode
		///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and shift or control key was pressed -> search for the object and add it to the selected objects, then aktivate moving mode
		///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and no shift or control key pressed -> if a object was found add it to the selected objects and activate moving mode
		///                                                                                                  if no object was found clear the selection list, deactivate moving mode
		/// </remarks>
		public override void OnMouseDown(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
			base.OnMouseDown(position, e);

			if (e.LeftButton != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
				return; // then there is nothing to do here

			// first, if we have a mousedown without shift key and the
			// position has changed with respect to the last mousedown
			// we have to deselect all objects
			var keyboardModifiers = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.Modifiers;

			bool bControlKey = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control);
			bool bShiftKey = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);

			var mousePixelCoord = position;                         // Mouse pixel coordinates
			var rootLayerCoord = _grac.ConvertMouseToRootLayerCoordinates(mousePixelCoord); // Graph area coordinates

			ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(rootLayerCoord);
			if ((ActiveGrip is SuperGrip) && (bShiftKey || bControlKey))
				var superGrip = ActiveGrip as SuperGrip;
				IHitTestObject hitTestObj;
				IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle;
				if (superGrip.GetHittedElement(rootLayerCoord, out gripHandle, out hitTestObj))
			else if (ActiveGrip != null)
				ActiveGrip.Activate(rootLayerCoord, false);

			// search for a object first
			IHitTestObject clickedObject;
			int[] clickedLayerNumber = null;
			_grac.FindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition(mousePixelCoord, false, out clickedObject, out clickedLayerNumber);

			if (!bShiftKey && !bControlKey) // if shift or control are pressed, we add the object to the selection list and start moving mode

			if (null != clickedObject)
				AddSelectedObject(rootLayerCoord, clickedObject);
		} // end of function
예제 #17
		} // end of function

		/// <summary>
		/// Adds the selected objects from rectangular selection. Here, we do not activate a grip.
		/// Instead, we only show the selection rectangles.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selObjects">The selected objects to add.</param>
		private void AddSelectedObjectsFromRectangularSelection(IList<IHitTestObject> selObjects)
			DisplayedGripLevel = 1;
			DisplayedGrips = GetGripsFromSelectedObjects();
			ActiveGrip = null;
예제 #18
		public override void OnMouseDown(PointD3D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
			base.OnMouseDown(position, e);

			if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
				var hitData = new HitTestPointData(_grac.Doc.Camera.GetHitRayMatrix(position));

				// first, if we have a mousedown without shift key and the
				// position has changed with respect to the last mousedown
				// we have to deselect all objects
				var keyboardModifiers = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.Modifiers;
				bool bControlKey = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control);
				bool bShiftKey = keyboardModifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);

				ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(hitData);
				if ((ActiveGrip is SuperGrip) && (bShiftKey || bControlKey))
					var superGrip = ActiveGrip as SuperGrip;
					IHitTestObject hitTestObj;
					IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle;
					if (superGrip.GetHittedElement(hitData, out gripHandle, out hitTestObj))
				else if (ActiveGrip != null)
					ActiveGrip.Activate(hitData, false);

				// search for a object first
				IHitTestObject clickedObject;
				int[] clickedLayerNumber = null;
				_grac.FindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition(hitData, false, out clickedObject, out clickedLayerNumber);

				if (!bShiftKey && !bControlKey) // if shift or control are pressed, we add the object to the selection list and start moving mode

				if (null != clickedObject)
					AddSelectedObject(hitData, clickedObject);
예제 #19
			public bool GetHittedElement(PointD2D point, out IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle, out IHitTestObject hitObject)
				for (int i = GripList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					if (GripList[i].IsGripHitted(point))
						gripHandle = GripList[i];
						hitObject = HittedList[i];
						return true;

				gripHandle = null;
				hitObject = null;
				return false;
예제 #20
 public void Add(IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle, IHitTestObject hitTestObject)
예제 #21
파일: LineShape.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
			public override IGripManipulationHandle[] GetGrips(double pageScale, int gripLevel)
				if (gripLevel <= 1)
					LineShape ls = (LineShape)_hitobject;
					PointF[] pts = new PointF[] { new PointF(0, 0), new PointF((float)ls.Width, (float)ls.Height) };
					for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
						var pt = ls._transformation.TransformPoint(pts[i]);
						pt = this.Transformation.TransformPoint(pt);
						pts[i] = pt;

					IGripManipulationHandle[] grips = new IGripManipulationHandle[gripLevel == 0 ? 1 : 3];

					// Translation grips
					GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
					path.AddLine(pts[0], pts[1]);
					path.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, (float)(6 / pageScale)));
					grips[0] = new MovementGripHandle(this, path, null);

					// PathNode grips
					if (gripLevel == 1)
						grips[2] = grips[0]; // put the movement grip to the background, the two NodeGrips need more priority
						float gripRadius = (float)(3 / pageScale);
						grips[0] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new PointF(0, 0), pts[0], gripRadius);
						grips[1] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new PointF(1, 1), pts[1], gripRadius);
					return grips;
					return base.GetGrips(pageScale, gripLevel);
예제 #22
		private void AddSelectedObject(HitTestPointData hitPoint, IHitTestObject clickedObject)

			DisplayedGripLevel = 1;
			DisplayedGrips = GetGripsFromSelectedObjects();

			if (_selectedObjects.Count == 1) // single object selected
				ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(hitPoint);
				if (ActiveGrip != null)
					ActiveGrip.Activate(hitPoint, true);
			else // multiple objects selected
				ActiveGrip = DisplayedGrips[0]; // this is our SuperGrip
				DisplayedGrips[0].Activate(hitPoint, true);

예제 #23
			public void Add(IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle, IHitTestObject hitTestObject)
예제 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Clears the selection list and repaints the graph if neccessary
    /// </summary>
    public void ClearSelections()
      bool bRepaint = (_selectedObjects.Count>0); // is a repaint neccessary
      DisplayedGrips = null;
      ActiveGrip = null;

예제 #25
			} // end of function

    private void AddSelectedObject(PointF graphXY, IHitTestObject clickedObject)

			DisplayedGripLevel = 1;
      DisplayedGrips = GetGripsFromSelectedObjects();

      if (_selectedObjects.Count == 1) // single object selected
        ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(graphXY);
        if (ActiveGrip != null)
          ActiveGrip.Activate(graphXY, true);
      else // multiple objects selected
        ActiveGrip = DisplayedGrips[0]; // this is our SuperGrip
        DisplayedGrips[0].Activate(graphXY, true);

예제 #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the MouseDown event when the object pointer tool is selected
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">The mouse event args</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The strategy to handle the mousedown event is as following:
    /// Have we clicked on already selected objects?
    ///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and the shift or control key was pressed -> deselect the object and repaint
    ///   if yes (we have clicked on already selected objects) and none shift nor control key was pressed-> activate the object moving  mode
    ///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and shift or control key was pressed -> search for the object and add it to the selected objects, then aktivate moving mode
    ///   if no (we have not clicked on already selected objects) and no shift or control key pressed -> if a object was found add it to the selected objects and activate moving mode
    ///                                                                                                  if no object was found clear the selection list, deactivate moving mode
    /// </remarks>
			public override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)

				if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)
					return; // then there is nothing to do here

				// first, if we have a mousedown without shift key and the
				// position has changed with respect to the last mousedown
				// we have to deselect all objects
				bool bControlKey = (Keys.Control == (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control)); // Control pressed
				bool bShiftKey = (Keys.Shift == (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift));

				PointF mouseXY = new PointF(e.X, e.Y);                           // Mouse pixel coordinates
				PointF graphXY = _grac.WinFormsController.PixelToPrintableAreaCoordinates(mouseXY); // Graph area coordinates

				ActiveGrip = GripHitTest(graphXY);
				if ((ActiveGrip is SuperGrip) && (bShiftKey || bControlKey))
					var superGrip = ActiveGrip as SuperGrip;
					IHitTestObject hitTestObj;
					IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle;
					if (superGrip.GetHittedElement(graphXY, out gripHandle, out hitTestObj))
						_grac.WinFormsController.RefreshGraph(); // repaint the graph
				else if (ActiveGrip != null)
					ActiveGrip.Activate(graphXY, false);

				// search for a object first
				IHitTestObject clickedObject;
				int clickedLayerNumber = 0;
				_grac.WinFormsController.FindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition(mouseXY, false, out clickedObject, out clickedLayerNumber);

				if (!bShiftKey && !bControlKey) // if shift or control are pressed, we add the object to the selection list and start moving mode

				if (null != clickedObject)
					AddSelectedObject(graphXY, clickedObject);

			} // end of function
예제 #27
			public override IGripManipulationHandle[] GetGrips(double pageScale, int gripLevel)
				if (gripLevel <= 1)
					ClosedCardinalSpline ls = (ClosedCardinalSpline)_hitobject;
					PointF[] pts = new PointF[ls._curvePoints.Count];
					var offset = ls.Location.AbsoluteVectorPivotToLeftUpper;
					for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
						pts[i] = (PointF)(ls._curvePoints[i] + offset);
						var pt = ls._transformation.TransformPoint(pts[i]);
						pt = this.Transformation.TransformPoint(pt);
						pts[i] = pt;

					IGripManipulationHandle[] grips = new IGripManipulationHandle[gripLevel == 0 ? 1 : 1 + ls._curvePoints.Count];

					// Translation grips
					GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
					path.AddClosedCurve(pts, (float)ls._tension);
					path.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, (float)(6 / pageScale)));
					grips[grips.Length - 1] = new MovementGripHandle(this, path, null);

					// PathNode grips
					if (gripLevel == 1)
						float gripRadius = (float)(3 / pageScale);
						for (int i = 0; i < ls._curvePoints.Count; i++)
							grips[i] = new ClosedCardinalSplinePathNodeGripHandle(this, i, pts[i], gripRadius);
					return grips;
					return base.GetGrips(pageScale, gripLevel);
예제 #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Clears the selection list and repaints the graph if neccessary
		/// </summary>
		public void ClearSelections()
			bool bRepaint = (_selectedObjects.Count > 0); // is a repaint neccessary
			DisplayedGrips = null;
			ActiveGrip = null;

			if (bRepaint)
예제 #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles the mouse up event.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
		/// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
		/// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
		public override void OnMouseUp(PointD3D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
			base.OnMouseUp(position, e);

			if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released && null != _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates)
				List<IHitTestObject> foundObjects;
				_grac.FindGraphObjectInRootLayerRectangle(_rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates.Value, out foundObjects);
				_rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates = null;

			if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
				if (ActiveGrip != null)
					bool bRefresh = _wereObjectsMoved; // repaint the graph when objects were really moved
					bool bRepaint = false;
					_wereObjectsMoved = false;
					_grac.Doc.Resume(ref _graphDocumentChangedSuppressor);

					bool chooseNextLevel = ActiveGrip.Deactivate();
					ActiveGrip = null;

					if (chooseNextLevel && null != SingleSelectedHitTestObject)
						DisplayedGripLevel = SingleSelectedHitTestObject.GetNextGripLevel(DisplayedGripLevel);
						bRepaint = true;

예제 #30
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the mouse up event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
    /// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
    public override void OnMouseUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)

        bool bRefresh = _wereObjectsMoved; // repaint the graph when objects were really moved
				bool bRepaint = false;
        _wereObjectsMoved = false;
        _grac.Doc.EndUpdate(ref _graphDocumentChangedSuppressor);

				bool chooseNextLevel = ActiveGrip.Deactivate();
				ActiveGrip = null;

				if (chooseNextLevel && null!=SingleSelectedHitTestObject)
					DisplayedGripLevel = SingleSelectedHitTestObject.GetNextGripLevel(DisplayedGripLevel);
					bRepaint = true;

        if (bRefresh)
          _grac.WinFormsController.RefreshGraph(); // redraw the contents
				else if(bRepaint)
예제 #31
파일: LineShape.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
			public override IGripManipulationHandle[] GetGrips(int gripLevel)
				if (gripLevel <= 1)
					LineShape ls = (LineShape)_hitobject;
					PointD3D[] pts = new PointD3D[] { PointD3D.Empty, (PointD3D)ls.Size };
					for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
						var pt = ls._transformation.Transform(pts[i]);
						pt = this.Transformation.Transform(pt);
						pts[i] = pt;

					IGripManipulationHandle[] grips = new IGripManipulationHandle[gripLevel == 0 ? 1 : 3];

					// Translation grips
					var bounds = ls.Bounds;
					var wn = PolylineMath3D.GetWestNorthVectors(bounds.Size);
					var transformation = Matrix4x3.NewFromBasisVectorsAndLocation(wn.Item1, wn.Item2, bounds.Size.Normalized, PointD3D.Empty);


					double t1 = 0.55 * ls._linePen.Thickness1;
					double t2 = 0.55 * ls._linePen.Thickness2;
					var rect = new RectangleD3D(-t1, -t2, 0, 2 * t1, 2 * t2, bounds.Size.Length);
					var objectOutline = new RectangularObjectOutline(rect, transformation);
					grips[0] = new MovementGripHandle(this, objectOutline, null);

					// PathNode grips
					if (gripLevel == 1)
						grips[2] = grips[0]; // put the movement grip to the background, the two NodeGrips need more priority
						var gripRadius = Math.Max(t1, t2);
						grips[0] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new VectorD3D(0, 0, 0), pts[0], gripRadius);
						grips[1] = new PathNodeGripHandle(this, new VectorD3D(1, 1, 1), pts[1], gripRadius);
					return grips;
					return base.GetGrips(gripLevel);