예제 #1
        internal GraphicsContext(GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter, IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface)
            _graphicsAdapter = graphicsAdapter;
            _graphicsSurface = graphicsSurface;

            _acquireNextImageSemaphore = new ResettableLazy <ulong>(CreateAcquireNextImageSemaphore);
            _commandBuffers            = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr[]>(CreateCommandBuffers);
            _commandPool              = new ResettableLazy <ulong>(CreateCommandPool);
            _device                   = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr>(CreateDevice);
            _deviceQueue              = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr>(CreateDeviceQueue);
            _fences                   = new ResettableLazy <ulong[]>(CreateFences);
            _frameBuffers             = new ResettableLazy <ulong[]>(CreateFrameBuffers);
            _graphicsQueueFamilyIndex = new ResettableLazy <uint>(FindGraphicsQueueFamilyIndex);
            _queueSubmitSemaphore     = new ResettableLazy <ulong>(CreateQueueSubmitSemaphore);
            _renderPass               = new ResettableLazy <ulong>(CreateRenderPass);
            _surface                  = new ResettableLazy <ulong>(CreateSurface);
            _swapChain                = new ResettableLazy <ulong>(CreateSwapChain);
            _swapChainImageViews      = new ResettableLazy <ulong[]>(CreateSwapChainImageViews);

            _ = _state.Transition(to: Initialized);

            // Do event hookups after we are in the initialized state, since an event could
            // technically fire while the constructor is still running.

            _graphicsSurface.SizeChanged += HandleGraphicsSurfaceSizeChanged;
예제 #2
        private void SampleGraphicsControl_GraphicsContextCreated(object sender, GraphicsControlEventArgs e)
            GraphicsContext  ctx         = e.Context;
            IGraphicsSurface framebuffer = e.Framebuffer;

            _GeometryClipmapObject = new GeometryClipmapObject(9, 7, _BlockUnit);
            _GeometryClipmapObject = new GeometryClipmapObject(9, 8, _BlockUnit);

            string workingDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            _GeometryClipmapObject.SetTerrainElevationFactory(Path.Combine(workingDir, @"..\..\..\Data\Terrain.vrt"), 45.5, 10.5);

            _GeometryClipmapScene = new SceneGraph();
            _GeometryClipmapScene.AddChild(new SceneGraphCameraObject());

            // Set projection
            _GeometryClipmapScene.CurrentView.ProjectionMatrix = new PerspectiveProjectionMatrix(
                _ViewFov / (float)Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width * (float)Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height,
                (float)ClientSize.Width / (float)ClientSize.Height,
                1.0f, _ViewDepth

            // Clear color
            // framebuffer.SetClearColor(new ColorRGBAF(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphicsDevice" /> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsAdapter">The underlying graphics adapter for the device.</param>
        /// <param name="graphicsSurface">The graphics surface on which the device can render.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="graphicsAdapter" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="graphicsSurface" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        protected GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter, IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface)
            ThrowIfNull(graphicsAdapter, nameof(graphicsAdapter));
            ThrowIfNull(graphicsSurface, nameof(graphicsSurface));

            _graphicsAdapter = graphicsAdapter;
            _graphicsSurface = graphicsSurface;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphicsDevice" /> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The underlying adapter for the device.</param>
        /// <param name="surface">The surface on which the device can render.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="adapter" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="surface" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        protected GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter adapter, IGraphicsSurface surface)
            ThrowIfNull(adapter, nameof(adapter));
            ThrowIfNull(surface, nameof(surface));

            _adapter = adapter;
            _surface = surface;
예제 #5
        public LayerManager(IGraphicsSurface surfaceInfo, Action<GraphicsProfiler> graphicsUpdateCallback)
            : base(surfaceInfo, graphicsUpdateCallback)
            modifiers = new GenericModifier(this, this);

            activeLayers = new SortedContainer<Layer>();

            InsertionPolicy = InsertionPolicy.BringToFront;
        private Graphics frameGraphics; // graphics object used to draw directly on the frame data

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        protected GraphicsManager(IGraphicsSurface surfaceInfo, Action<GraphicsProfiler> graphicsUpdateCallback)
            profiler = new GraphicsProfiler();

            this.surfaceInfo = surfaceInfo;
            this.graphicsUpdateCallback = graphicsUpdateCallback;


            ImageProcessingApi.SetMultiThreadingStatus("AlphaBlend32bgra_32bgra", 0);
예제 #7
        private void GraphicsControl_Draw(object sender, GraphicsControlEventArgs e)
            GraphicsContext  ctx = e.Context;
            IGraphicsSurface fb  = e.Framebuffer;

            Gl.Viewport(0, 0, (int)fb.Width, (int)fb.Height);

            _Program.SetUniform(ctx, "hal_ModelViewProjection", new OrthoProjectionMatrix(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
            _VertexArray.Draw(ctx, _Program);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="surface"></param>
        /// <param name="rectangle"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        public void BltFast(int x, int y, IGraphicsSurface surface, ref Rectangle rectangle, BltFastFlags flags)
            RECT innerRect = new RECT
                Left   = rectangle.Left,
                Top    = rectangle.Top,
                Right  = rectangle.Right,
                Bottom = rectangle.Bottom

            Surface.BltFast(x, y, ((DirectDrawSurface)surface).Surface, ref innerRect, (CONST_DDBLTFASTFLAGS)((int)flags));
            rectangle = Rectangle.FromLTRB(innerRect.Left, innerRect.Top, innerRect.Right, innerRect.Bottom);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a GraphicsControlEventArgs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">
        /// The <see cref="GraphicsContext"/> used for the <see cref="GraphicsControl"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="framebuffer">
        /// The <see cref="IGraphicsSurface"/> holding the drawing operation result.
        /// </param>
        public GraphicsControlEventArgs(GraphicsContext ctx, IGraphicsSurface framebuffer)
            if (ctx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ctx");
            if (framebuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("framebuffer");

            Context     = ctx;
            Framebuffer = framebuffer;
예제 #10
        internal D3D12GraphicsDevice(D3D12GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter, IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface, int graphicsContextCount)
            : base(graphicsAdapter, graphicsSurface)
            _idleGraphicsFence = new D3D12GraphicsFence(this);

            _d3d12CommandQueue = new ValueLazy <Pointer <ID3D12CommandQueue> >(CreateD3D12CommandQueue);
            _d3d12Device       = new ValueLazy <Pointer <ID3D12Device> >(CreateD3D12Device);
            _d3d12RenderTargetDescriptorHeap = new ValueLazy <Pointer <ID3D12DescriptorHeap> >(CreateD3D12RenderTargetDescriptorHeap);
            _dxgiSwapChain = new ValueLazy <Pointer <IDXGISwapChain3> >(CreateDxgiSwapChain);

            _graphicsContexts = CreateGraphicsContexts(this, graphicsContextCount);

            _ = _state.Transition(to: Initialized);

            graphicsSurface.SizeChanged += OnGraphicsSurfaceSizeChanged;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        ///  Removes the surface associated with the given key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key of the surface to remove.</param>
        /// <returns>The DirectDrawSurface being removed.</returns>
        internal IGraphicsSurface Remove(string key)
            IGraphicsSurface ddSurface = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))

            if (_sprites.ContainsKey(key))
                ddSurface = (IGraphicsSurface)_sprites[key];

예제 #12
        private void SampleGraphicsControl_Render(object sender, GraphicsControlEventArgs e)
            GraphicsContext  ctx         = e.Context;
            IGraphicsSurface framebuffer = e.Framebuffer;

            // Update position

            // Define view

            // Draw geometry clipmap

예제 #13
        internal D3D12GraphicsDevice(D3D12GraphicsAdapter adapter, IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount)
            : base(adapter, surface)
            _idleFence = new D3D12GraphicsFence(this);

            _d3d12CommandQueue = new ValueLazy <Pointer <ID3D12CommandQueue> >(CreateD3D12CommandQueue);
            _d3d12Device       = new ValueLazy <Pointer <ID3D12Device> >(CreateD3D12Device);
            _d3d12Options      = new ValueLazy <D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS>(GetD3D12Options);
            _d3d12RenderTargetDescriptorHeap = new ValueLazy <Pointer <ID3D12DescriptorHeap> >(CreateD3D12RenderTargetDescriptorHeap);
            _dxgiSwapChain   = new ValueLazy <Pointer <IDXGISwapChain3> >(CreateDxgiSwapChain);
            _memoryAllocator = new ValueLazy <D3D12GraphicsMemoryAllocator>(CreateMemoryAllocator);
            _cbvSrvUavDescriptorHandleIncrementSize = new ValueLazy <uint>(GetCbvSrvUavDescriptorHandleIncrementSize);

            _contexts = CreateContexts(this, contextCount);

            _ = _state.Transition(to: Initialized);

            surface.SizeChanged += OnGraphicsSurfaceSizeChanged;
예제 #14
        internal VulkanGraphicsDevice(VulkanGraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter, IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface, int graphicsContextCount)
            : base(graphicsAdapter, graphicsSurface)
            _presentCompletionGraphicsFence = new VulkanGraphicsFence(this);

            _vulkanCommandQueue            = new ValueLazy <VkQueue>(GetVulkanCommandQueue);
            _vulkanCommandQueueFamilyIndex = new ValueLazy <uint>(GetVulkanCommandQueueFamilyIndex);
            _vulkanDevice          = new ValueLazy <VkDevice>(CreateVulkanDevice);
            _vulkanRenderPass      = new ValueLazy <VkRenderPass>(CreateVulkanRenderPass);
            _vulkanSurface         = new ValueLazy <VkSurfaceKHR>(CreateVulkanSurface);
            _vulkanSwapchain       = new ValueLazy <VkSwapchainKHR>(CreateVulkanSwapchain);
            _vulkanSwapchainImages = new ValueLazy <VkImage[]>(GetVulkanSwapchainImages);

            _graphicsContexts = CreateGraphicsContexts(this, graphicsContextCount);

            _ = _state.Transition(to: Initialized);

            graphicsSurface.SizeChanged += OnGraphicsSurfaceSizeChanged;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destRect"></param>
        /// <param name="surface"></param>
        /// <param name="srcRect"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        public void Blt(ref Rectangle destRect, IGraphicsSurface surface, ref Rectangle srcRect, BltFlags flags)
            var innerDestRect = new RECT
                Left   = destRect.Left,
                Top    = destRect.Top,
                Right  = destRect.Right,
                Bottom = destRect.Bottom
            var innerSrcRect = new RECT
                Left   = srcRect.Left,
                Top    = srcRect.Top,
                Right  = srcRect.Right,
                Bottom = srcRect.Bottom

            _surface.Blt(ref innerDestRect, _surface, ref innerSrcRect, (CONST_DDBLTFLAGS)((int)flags));
            destRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(innerDestRect.Left, innerDestRect.Top, innerDestRect.Right, innerDestRect.Bottom);
            srcRect  = Rectangle.FromLTRB(innerSrcRect.Left, innerSrcRect.Top, innerSrcRect.Right, innerSrcRect.Bottom);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Adds a new string to the text surface manager.  This creates
        ///  the associated text surface so that text can be rendered with
        ///  a fast Blt rather than with a DrawText call.  Note that caching
        ///  could be done in a much more efficient manner and some text
        ///  surfaces will have identical contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The string to add.</param>
        internal void Add(string key)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))

            var text = key;

            if (text.Length > 16)
                text  = text.Substring(0, 16);
                text += "...";

            // Set up the surface
            IGraphicsSurface ddSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreateSurface(StandardFontRect.Right, StandardFontRect.Bottom);

            ddSurface.TransparencyKey = new ColorKey(DirectDrawSurface.MagentaColorKey);

            var rect = new Rectangle();

            // Color in the back and add the text
            ddSurface.BltColorFill(ref rect, DirectDrawSurface.MagentaColorKey.low);

            using (var font = new Font("Verdana", 6.75f, FontStyle.Regular))
                IntPtr dcHandle = ddSurface.GetDC();

                using (var graphics = Graphics.FromHdc(dcHandle))
                    graphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, 1, 1);
                    graphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, 0, 0);

            sprites.Add(key, ddSurface);
예제 #17
        internal GraphicsContext(GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter, IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface)
            _graphicsAdapter = graphicsAdapter;
            _graphicsSurface = graphicsSurface;

            _commandAllocators    = new ResettableLazy <ID3D12CommandAllocator *[]>(CreateCommandAllocators);
            _commandQueue         = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr>(CreateCommandQueue);
            _device               = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr>(CreateDevice);
            _fences               = new ResettableLazy <ID3D12Fence *[]>(CreateFences);
            _fenceEvents          = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr[]>(CreateFenceEvents);
            _fenceValues          = new ResettableLazy <ulong[]>(CreateFenceValues);
            _graphicsCommandLists = new ResettableLazy <ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *[]>(CreateGraphicsCommandLists);
            _renderTargets        = new ResettableLazy <ID3D12Resource *[]>(CreateRenderTargets);
            _renderTargetsHeap    = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr>(CreateRenderTargetsHeap);
            _swapChain            = new ResettableLazy <IntPtr>(CreateSwapChain);

            _ = _state.Transition(to: Initialized);

            // Do event hookups after we are in the initialized state, since an event could
            // technically fire while the constructor is still running.

            _graphicsSurface.SizeChanged += HandleGraphicsSurfaceSizeChanged;
예제 #18
 /// <summary>Creates a new <see cref="IGraphicsContext" />.</summary>
 /// <param name="graphicsSurface">The <see cref="IGraphicsSurface" /> on which the graphics context can draw.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="IGraphicsContext" /> which utilizes the current instance and which can draw on <paramref name="graphicsSurface" />.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="graphicsSurface" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">The instance has already been disposed.</exception>
 public IGraphicsContext CreateGraphicsContext(IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface)
     ThrowIfNull(graphicsSurface, nameof(graphicsSurface));
     return(new GraphicsContext(this, graphicsSurface));
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        ///  Method used to create the necessary surfaces required for windowed
        ///  mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the surfaces are created, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool CreateWindowedSurfaces()
            _screenSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreatePrimarySurface(Handle, false, false);

            if (_screenSurface != null)
                Trace.WriteLine("Primary Surface InVideo? " + _screenSurface.InVideo);

                var workSurfaceWidth = Math.Min(Width, _actualsize.Right);
                var workSurfaceHeight = Math.Min(Height, _actualsize.Bottom);

                _backBufferSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreateWorkSurface(workSurfaceWidth, workSurfaceHeight);

                Trace.WriteLine("Back Buffer Surface InVideo? " + _backBufferSurface.InVideo);

                _backgroundSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreateWorkSurface(workSurfaceWidth, workSurfaceHeight);

                Trace.WriteLine("Background Surface InVideo? " + _backgroundSurface.InVideo);

                _stagingSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreateWorkSurface(workSurfaceWidth, workSurfaceHeight);
                Trace.WriteLine("Staging Surface InVideo? " + _stagingSurface.InVideo);

            if (!_screenSurface.InVideo || !_backBufferSurface.InVideo || !_backgroundSurface.InVideo ||
                videomemory = false;
                drawtext = true; // For now, turn this to false for a perf increase on slower machines


            return true;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        ///  Creates the surfaces required for full screen operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the surfaces are initialized, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool CreateFullScreenSurfaces()
            if (doubleBuffer)
                _screenSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreatePrimarySurface(Handle, true, false);

                if (_screenSurface != null)
                    _backBufferSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreateWorkSurface(640, 480);

                _screenSurface = GraphicsEngine.Current.CreatePrimarySurface(Handle, true, true);

                if (_screenSurface != null)
                    _backBufferSurface = _screenSurface.GetBackBufferSurface();


            return true;
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        ///  Reinitialize all surfaces after they have been lost.
        ///  This method invokes the garbage collector to make sure
        ///  that any COM references have been cleaned up, else surface
        ///  renewal won't work correctly.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReInitSurfaces()
            _screenSurface = null;
            _backBufferSurface = null;
            _backgroundSurface = null;
            _stagingSurface = null;



            if (fullscreen)
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destRect"></param>
 /// <param name="surface"></param>
 /// <param name="srcRect"></param>
 /// <param name="flags"></param>
 public void Blt(ref Rectangle destRect, IGraphicsSurface surface, ref Rectangle srcRect, BltFlags flags)
     RECT innerDestRect = new RECT
         Left = destRect.Left,
         Top = destRect.Top,
         Right = destRect.Right,
         Bottom = destRect.Bottom
     RECT innerSrcRect = new RECT
         Left = srcRect.Left,
         Top = srcRect.Top,
         Right = srcRect.Right,
         Bottom = srcRect.Bottom
     Surface.Blt(ref innerDestRect, ((DirectDrawSurface) surface).Surface, ref innerSrcRect, (CONST_DDBLTFLAGS)((int)flags));
     destRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(innerDestRect.Left, innerDestRect.Top, innerDestRect.Right, innerDestRect.Bottom);
     srcRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(innerSrcRect.Left, innerSrcRect.Top, innerSrcRect.Right, innerSrcRect.Bottom);
예제 #23
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override D3D12GraphicsDevice CreateDevice(IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount)
     return(new D3D12GraphicsDevice(this, surface, contextCount));
예제 #24
 /// <summary>Creates a new <see cref="IGraphicsContext" />.</summary>
 /// <param name="graphicsSurface">The <see cref="IGraphicsSurface" /> on which the graphics context can draw.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="IGraphicsContext" /> which utilizes the current instance and which can draw on <paramref name="graphicsSurface" />.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="graphicsSurface" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 public IGraphicsContext CreateGraphicsContext(IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface)
     ThrowIfNull(graphicsSurface, nameof(graphicsSurface));
     return(new GraphicsContext(this, graphicsSurface));
예제 #25
 /// <summary>Creates a new graphics device which utilizes the adapter to render to a surface.</summary>
 /// <param name="surface">The surface to which the context can render.</param>
 /// <param name="contextCount">The number of contexts the device should maintain.</param>
 /// <returns>A new graphics device which utilizes the the adapter to render to <paramref name="surface" />.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="surface" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">The adapter has been disposed.</exception>
 public abstract GraphicsDevice CreateDevice(IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount);
예제 #26
 /// <inheritdoc cref="CreateDevice(IGraphicsSurface, int)" />
 public VulkanGraphicsDevice CreateVulkanGraphicsDevice(IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount)
     ThrowIfDisposedOrDisposing(_state, nameof(VulkanGraphicsAdapter));
     return(new VulkanGraphicsDevice(this, surface, contextCount));
예제 #27
 /// <inheritdoc cref="CreateDevice(IGraphicsSurface, int)" />
 public VulkanGraphicsDevice CreateVulkanGraphicsDevice(IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount)
     return(new VulkanGraphicsDevice(this, surface, contextCount));
예제 #28
 /// <summary>Creates a new graphics device which utilizes the adapter to render to a graphics surface.</summary>
 /// <param name="graphicsSurface">The graphics surface to which the context can render.</param>
 /// <param name="graphicsContextCount">The number of graphics contexts the device should maintain.</param>
 /// <returns>A new graphics device which utilizes the the adapter to render to <paramref name="graphicsSurface" />.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="graphicsSurface" /> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">The adapter has been disposed.</exception>
 public abstract GraphicsDevice CreateGraphicsDevice(IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface, int graphicsContextCount);
예제 #29
 /// <inheritdoc cref="CreateGraphicsDevice(IGraphicsSurface, int)" />
 public D3D12GraphicsDevice CreateD3D12GraphicsDevice(IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface, int graphicsContextCount)
     return(new D3D12GraphicsDevice(this, graphicsSurface, graphicsContextCount));
예제 #30
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override GraphicsDevice CreateGraphicsDevice(IGraphicsSurface graphicsSurface, int graphicsContextCount) => CreateD3D12GraphicsDevice(graphicsSurface, graphicsContextCount);
예제 #31
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override D3D12GraphicsDevice CreateDevice(IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount)
     ThrowIfDisposedOrDisposing(_state, nameof(D3D12GraphicsAdapter));
     return(new D3D12GraphicsDevice(this, surface, contextCount));
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        ///  Paint sprites on the given surface.  This method is the meat
        ///  of the graphics engine.  Normally, creatures are painted to
        ///  the work surface using this method.  To increase performance plants
        ///  are rendered to the background surface only once every 10 frames.
        ///  Lots of work happening in this function so either read through the
        ///  code or examine the Terrarium Graphics Engine whitepaper for more
        ///  information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surf">The surface to render to.</param>
        /// <param name="PlantsOnly">True to render plants, false to render animals.</param>
        private void PaintSprites(IGraphicsSurface surf, bool PlantsOnly)
            #if TRACE
            if (wv == null)

            if (tfm.Count > 100)

            var TeleporterZIndices = TeleporterZIndex();
            var lastTeleporterZIndex = 0;

            foreach (OrganismState orgState in wv.State.ZOrderedOrganisms)
                if (orgState.RenderInfo != null)
                    var tsSprite = (TerrariumSprite) orgState.RenderInfo;

                    if ((PlantsOnly && !(orgState.Species is PlantSpecies)) ||
                        (!PlantsOnly && orgState.Species is PlantSpecies))

                    if (orgState.Species is AnimalSpecies)
                        orgState.RenderInfo = tsSprite;

                    if (!videomemory && skipframe)

                    TerrariumSpriteSurface workTss = null;

                    if (workTss == null && tsSprite.SpriteKey != null)
                        workTss = tsm[tsSprite.SpriteKey, orgState.Radius, (orgState.Species is AnimalSpecies)];

                    if (workTss == null && tsSprite.SkinFamily != null)
                        workTss = tsm[tsSprite.SkinFamily, orgState.Radius, (orgState.Species is AnimalSpecies)];

                    if (workTss == null)
                        if (orgState.Species is AnimalSpecies)
                            workTss = tsm["ant", orgState.Radius, (orgState.Species is AnimalSpecies)];
                            workTss = tsm["plant", orgState.Radius, (orgState.Species is AnimalSpecies)];

                    if (workTss != null)
                        var direction = orgState.ActualDirection;
                        var radius = orgState.Radius;
                        var framedir = 1;
                        var workSurface = workTss.GetClosestSurface((radius*2));
                        radius = workSurface.FrameWidth;

                        if (direction >= 68 && direction < 113)
                            framedir = 1;
                        else if (direction >= 113 && direction < 158)
                            framedir = 2;
                        else if (direction >= 158 && direction < 203)
                            framedir = 3;
                        else if (direction >= 203 && direction < 248)
                            framedir = 4;
                        else if (direction >= 248 && direction < 293)
                            framedir = 5;
                        else if (direction >= 293 && direction < 338)
                            framedir = 6;
                        else if (direction >= 338 && direction < 23)
                            framedir = 7;
                            framedir = 8;

                        var dest = new Rectangle((int) tsSprite.XPosition - (_viewsize.Left + (radius >> 1)),
                                                 (int) tsSprite.YPosition - (_viewsize.Top + (radius >> 1)),
                                                 (int) tsSprite.XPosition - (_viewsize.Left + (radius >> 1)) + radius,
                                                 (int) tsSprite.YPosition - (_viewsize.Top + (radius >> 1)) + radius);

                        if (updateMiniMap)
                            var miniMapX = (int) (tsSprite.XPosition*miniMap.Width)/_actualsize.Right;
                            miniMapX = (miniMapX > (miniMap.Width - 1)) ? (miniMap.Width - 1) : miniMapX;
                            var miniMapY = (int) (tsSprite.YPosition*miniMap.Height)/_actualsize.Bottom;
                            miniMapY = (miniMapY > (miniMap.Height - 1)) ? (miniMap.Height - 1) : miniMapY;

                            var brushColor = Color.Fuchsia;

                            if (orgState.Species.GetType() == typeof (PlantSpecies))
                                brushColor = Color.Lime;
                            else if (orgState.IsAlive == false)
                                brushColor = Color.Black;
                                var orgSpecies = (Species) orgState.Species;
                                if (orgSpecies.MarkingColor == KnownColor.Green ||
                                    orgSpecies.MarkingColor == KnownColor.Black)
                                    brushColor = Color.Red;
                                    brushColor = Color.FromKnownColor(orgSpecies.MarkingColor);

                            Brush orgBrush = new SolidBrush(brushColor);

                            var miniMapGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(miniMap);
                            miniMapGraphics.FillRectangle(orgBrush, miniMapX, miniMapY, 12, 12);

                            //    miniMapX,
                            //    miniMapY,
                            //    (orgState.Species is PlantSpecies) ? Color.Green : (!orgState.IsAlive) ? Color.Black : (((Species) orgState.Species).MarkingColor == KnownColor.Green || ((Species) orgState.Species).MarkingColor == KnownColor.Black) ? Color.Red : Color.FromKnownColor(((Species) orgState.Species).MarkingColor));

                        DirectDrawClippedRect ddClipRect;
                        if (orgState.Species is PlantSpecies)
                            ddClipRect = workSurface.GrabSprite((int) tsSprite.CurFrame, 0, dest, _clipRect);
                            if (tsSprite.PreviousAction == DisplayAction.NoAction ||
                                tsSprite.PreviousAction == DisplayAction.Reproduced ||
                                tsSprite.PreviousAction == DisplayAction.Teleported ||
                                tsSprite.PreviousAction == DisplayAction.Dead)
                                if (tsSprite.PreviousAction == DisplayAction.Dead)
                                    ddClipRect = workSurface.GrabSprite(
                                        ((int) DisplayAction.Died) + framedir,
                                    ddClipRect = workSurface.GrabSprite(0, ((int) DisplayAction.Moved) + framedir, dest,
                                ddClipRect = workSurface.GrabSprite((int) tsSprite.CurFrame,
                                                                    ((int) tsSprite.PreviousAction) + framedir, dest,

                        if (!ddClipRect.Invisible)
                            if (!PlantsOnly)
                                RenderTeleporter(lastTeleporterZIndex, (int) tsSprite.YPosition);
                                lastTeleporterZIndex = (int) tsSprite.YPosition;

                            surf.BltFast(ddClipRect.Destination.Left, ddClipRect.Destination.Top, workSurface.SpriteSurface, ref ddClipRect.Source, BltFastFlags.SrcColorKey);

                            if (drawtext && !PlantsOnly)
                                var textSurface = tfm[((Species) orgState.Species).Name];
                                if (textSurface != null && textSurface.Surface != null)
                                    surf.BltFast(ddClipRect.Destination.Left, ddClipRect.Destination.Top - 14, textSurface,
                                                 ref TerrariumTextSurfaceManager.StandardFontRect, BltFastFlags.SrcColorKey);

                            if (!ddClipRect.ClipLeft &&
                                !ddClipRect.ClipRight &&
                                !ddClipRect.ClipTop &&
                                if (drawDestinationLines)
                                    if (orgState.CurrentMoveToAction != null)
                                        var start = orgState.Position;
                                        var end = orgState.CurrentMoveToAction.MovementVector.Destination;
                                        ((DirectDrawSurface)surf).Surface.DrawLine(start.X - _viewsize.Left, start.Y - _viewsize.Top,
                                                             end.X - _viewsize.Left, end.Y - _viewsize.Top);

                                if (drawBoundingBox)
                                    var boundingBox = GetBoundsOfState(orgState);
                                        boundingBox.Left - _viewsize.Left,
                                        boundingBox.Top - _viewsize.Top,
                                        (boundingBox.Right + 1) - _viewsize.Left,
                                        (boundingBox.Bottom + 1) - _viewsize.Top

                                if (tsSprite.Selected)
                                    ((DirectDrawSurface)surf).Surface.DrawBox(ddClipRect.Destination.Left, ddClipRect.Destination.Top,
                                                        ddClipRect.Destination.Right, ddClipRect.Destination.Bottom);

                                    // red  Maybe we want some cool graphic here though
                                    var lineheight =
                                        ((ddClipRect.Destination.Bottom - ddClipRect.Destination.Top)*
                                    ((DirectDrawSurface)surf).Surface.DrawLine(ddClipRect.Destination.Left - 1, ddClipRect.Destination.Top,
                                                         ddClipRect.Destination.Left - 1,
                                                         ddClipRect.Destination.Top + lineheight);

                                    //green  Maybe we want some cool graphic here though (or an actual bar?)
                                    lineheight =
                                        ((ddClipRect.Destination.Bottom - ddClipRect.Destination.Top)*
                                    ((DirectDrawSurface)surf).Surface.DrawLine(ddClipRect.Destination.Right + 1, ddClipRect.Destination.Top,
                                                         ddClipRect.Destination.Right + 1,
                                                         ddClipRect.Destination.Top + lineheight);

            RenderTeleporter(lastTeleporterZIndex, _actualsize.Bottom);

            #if TRACE
예제 #33
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override GraphicsDevice CreateDevice(IGraphicsSurface surface, int contextCount) => CreateVulkanGraphicsDevice(surface, contextCount);
예제 #34
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x"></param>
 /// <param name="y"></param>
 /// <param name="surface"></param>
 /// <param name="rectangle"></param>
 /// <param name="flags"></param>
 public void BltFast(int x, int y, IGraphicsSurface surface, ref Rectangle rectangle, BltFastFlags flags)
     RECT innerRect = new RECT
         Left = rectangle.Left,
         Top = rectangle.Top,
         Right = rectangle.Right,
         Bottom = rectangle.Bottom
     Surface.BltFast(x, y, ((DirectDrawSurface)surface).Surface, ref innerRect, (CONST_DDBLTFASTFLAGS)((int)flags));
     rectangle = Rectangle.FromLTRB(innerRect.Left, innerRect.Top, innerRect.Right, innerRect.Bottom);