예제 #1
        void AddCursors(IGraphicProvider graphicProvider)
            var cursorGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Cursor);

            for (int i = 0; i < cursorGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.Cursor, (uint)i, cursorGraphics[i]);
예제 #2
        void AddUI(IGraphicProvider graphicProvider, bool withLayout = true)
            if (withLayout)
                var layoutGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Layout);

                for (int i = 0; i < layoutGraphics.Count; ++i)
                    AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.LayoutOffset + (uint)i, layoutGraphics[i]);

            var uiElementGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.UIElements);

            for (int i = 0; i < uiElementGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.UICustomGraphicOffset + (uint)i, uiElementGraphics[i]);
예제 #3
        public void AddAll(IGameData gameData, IGraphicProvider graphicProvider, IFontProvider fontProvider,
                           Dictionary <uint, Graphic> introTextGlyphs, Dictionary <uint, Graphic> introGraphics)
            if (gameData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gameData));

            if (graphicProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graphicProvider));

            #region Map 2D

            for (int i = (int)GraphicType.Tileset1; i <= (int)GraphicType.Tileset8; ++i)
                var tilesetGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics((GraphicType)i);

                for (uint graphicIndex = 0; graphicIndex < tilesetGraphics.Count; ++graphicIndex)
                    AddTexture(Layer.MapBackground1 + i, graphicIndex, tilesetGraphics[(int)graphicIndex]);
                    AddTexture(Layer.MapForeground1 + i, graphicIndex, tilesetGraphics[(int)graphicIndex]);


            #region Player 2D

            var playerGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Player);

            if (playerGraphics.Count != 3 * 17)
                throw new AmbermoonException(ExceptionScope.Data, "Wrong number of player graphics.");

            // There are 3 player characters (one for each world, first lyramion, second forest moon, third morag).
            // Each has 17 frames: 3 back, 3 right, 3 front, 3 left, 1 sit back, 1 sit right, 1 sit front, 1 sit left, 1 bed/sleep.
            // All have a dimension of 16x32 pixels.
            for (int i = 0; i < playerGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.Characters, (uint)i, playerGraphics[i]);

            // On world maps the travel graphics are used.
            // Only 4 sprites are used (one for each direction).
            var travelGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.TravelGfx);

            if (travelGraphics.Count != 11 * 4)
                throw new AmbermoonException(ExceptionScope.Data, "Wrong number of travel graphics.");

            for (int i = 0; i < travelGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.Characters, Graphics.TravelGraphicOffset + (uint)i, travelGraphics[i]);

            var transportGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Transports);

            if (transportGraphics.Count != 5)
                throw new AmbermoonException(ExceptionScope.Data, "Wrong number of transport graphics.");

            for (int i = 0; i < transportGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.Characters, Graphics.TransportGraphicOffset + (uint)i, transportGraphics[i]);

            var npcGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.NPC);

            if (npcGraphics.Count != 34)
                throw new AmbermoonException(ExceptionScope.Data, "Wrong number of NPC graphics.");

            for (int i = 0; i < npcGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.Characters, Graphics.NPCGraphicOffset + (uint)i, npcGraphics[i]);


            #region UI Layout



            #region Portraits

            var portraits = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Portrait);

            for (int i = 0; i < portraits.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.PortraitOffset + (uint)i, portraits[i]);


            #region Pics 80x80

            var pics80x80Graphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Pics80x80);

            for (int i = 0; i < pics80x80Graphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.Pics80x80Offset + (uint)i, pics80x80Graphics[i]);


            #region Event pix

            var eventGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.EventPictures);

            for (int i = 0; i < eventGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.EventPictureOffset + (uint)i, eventGraphics[i]);


            #region Text



            #region Items

            var itemGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.Item);

            for (int i = 0; i < itemGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.Items, (uint)i, itemGraphics[i]);


            #region Cursors



            #region Combat backgrounds

            var combatBackgrounds = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.CombatBackground);

            for (int i = 0; i < combatBackgrounds.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.CombatBackground, Graphics.CombatBackgroundOffset + (uint)i, combatBackgrounds[i]);


            #region Combat graphics (without battle field icons)

            var combatGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.CombatGraphics);

            for (int i = 0; i < combatGraphics.Count; ++i)
                // Note: One graphic is an UI element so we put it into the UI layer. The rest goes into the BattleEffects layer.
                AddTexture(i == (int)CombatGraphicIndex.UISwordAndMace ? Layer.UI : Layer.BattleEffects, Graphics.CombatGraphicOffset + (uint)i, combatGraphics[i]);


            #region Battle field icons

            var battleFieldIcons = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.BattleFieldIcons);

            for (int i = 0; i < battleFieldIcons.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.BattleFieldIconOffset + (uint)i, battleFieldIcons[i]);


            #region Automap graphics

            var automapGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.AutomapGraphics);

            for (int i = 0; i < automapGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.AutomapOffset + (uint)i, automapGraphics[i]);


            #region Riddlemouth graphics

            var riddlemouthGraphics = graphicProvider.GetGraphics(GraphicType.RiddlemouthGraphics);

            for (int i = 0; i < riddlemouthGraphics.Count; ++i)
                AddTexture(Layer.UI, Graphics.RiddlemouthOffset + (uint)i, riddlemouthGraphics[i]);


            #region Intro Text

            foreach (var introTextGlyph in introTextGlyphs)
                AddTexture(Layer.IntroText, introTextGlyph.Key, introTextGlyph.Value);


            #region Intro Graphics

            foreach (var introGraphic in introGraphics)
                AddTexture(Layer.IntroGraphics, introGraphic.Key, introGraphic.Value);
