public AimGraphic(IGraphic graphic, IAimAnnotationInstance annotationInstance, int shapeIdentifier)
			: base(graphic)
			_annotationInstance = annotationInstance;
			_shapeIdentifier = shapeIdentifier;
			_graphic = graphic;
예제 #2
        public BinaryLayout(Position aPos, int gap)
			fPrimaryGraphic = null;
			fSecondaryGraphic = null;
			fMargin = gap;
			fPosition = aPos;
		public RemoveGraphicCommand(IGraphic graphic)
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(graphic, "graphic");

			_graphic = graphic;
예제 #4
		public PLCView(string name, string heading, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			: base(name, x, y, width, height)
			//this.GraphicsUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

			fTeamLogo = new TextBox("Team Logo","Tahoma",14,GDIFont.FontStyle.Regular,0,0,160,60,RGBColor.Black);
			fLegend = null;
			fCS = new PLCColorScheme();
			//fTransitionAnimator = new CrossFade();
			fDataBinder = null;
			fBackingPixelBuffer = new GDIDIBSection(width, height);
			fBackingGraphics = fBackingPixelBuffer.GraphPort;
			//fBackingGraphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

			fHeading = heading;

			// These are the set of virtual calls
			// That any subclasser will implement

 public void RenderImage(IGraphic img, Vector2 pos)
     Image ui = img.MakeImage();
     Canvas.SetLeft(ui, pos.X);
     Canvas.SetTop(ui, pos.Y);
예제 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a new <see cref="BoundableResizeControlGraphic"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fixedAspectRatio">The width to height aspect ratio that constrains the movement of the resize control points, or null if the movement should not be constrained.</param>
		/// <param name="subject">An <see cref="IBoundableGraphic"/> or an <see cref="IControlGraphic"/> chain whose subject is an <see cref="IBoundableGraphic"/>.</param>
		public BoundableResizeControlGraphic(float? fixedAspectRatio, IGraphic subject)
			: this(subject)
			if (fixedAspectRatio.HasValue)
				Platform.CheckPositive(fixedAspectRatio.Value, "fixedAspectRatio");
			_fixedAspectRatio = fixedAspectRatio;
예제 #7
	public override void AddToLayout(IGraphic trans)
		int cWidth = Frame.Width;
		int cHeight = Frame.Height;
		int left = 0;	// WAA - Container.Origin.X;
		int numElements = Container.CountGraphics();
		int fixedHeight = (cHeight - ((numElements - 1) * fGap)) / (numElements);
		int collectiveHeight=0;
		bool normalize = false;

		// First figure out the collective height
		foreach (IGraphic g in Container.GraphicChildren)
			collectiveHeight += g.Frame.Height;
		collectiveHeight += fGap * (numElements - 1);

		if (collectiveHeight > cHeight)
			normalize = true;

		int currentY = 0; // WAA - Container.Origin.Y;

		foreach (IGraphic g in Container.GraphicChildren)
			if (normalize)
				g.ResizeTo(cWidth, fixedHeight);
			} else
				g.ResizeTo(cWidth, g.Frame.Height);

			g.MoveTo(left + fMargin, currentY);
			currentY = g.Frame.Bottom + fGap;
예제 #8
 public GraphicCell(Position aPosition, int margin)
     : base(null, Rectangle.Empty)
     fPosition = aPosition;
     fMargin = margin;
     fWrappedGraphic = null;
예제 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a new <see cref="ControlPointsGraphic"/> to control the given subject graphic.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="subject">The graphic to control.</param>
		public ControlPointsGraphic(IGraphic subject)
			: base(subject)
			_stretchingToken = new CursorToken(CursorToken.SystemCursors.Cross);

예제 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs an instance of a <see cref="ContextMenuControlGraphic"/> with the specified initial context menu actions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="namespace">The namespace to qualify the <paramref name="site"/>.</param>
		/// <param name="site">The action model site for the context menu (see <see cref="ActionPath.Site"/>).</param>
		/// <param name="actions">The set of actions on the context menu.</param>
		/// <param name="subject">The subject graphic.</param>
		public ContextMenuControlGraphic(string @namespace, string site, IActionSet actions, IGraphic subject)
			: base(subject)
			_namespace = @namespace;
			_site = site;
			_actions = actions;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="MammographyImageSpatialTransform"/> with the specified image plane details.
		/// </summary>
		public MammographyImageSpatialTransform(IGraphic ownerGraphic, int rows, int columns, double pixelSpacingX, double pixelSpacingY, double pixelAspectRatioX, double pixelAspectRatioY, PatientOrientation patientOrientation, string laterality)
			: base(ownerGraphic, rows, columns, pixelSpacingX, pixelSpacingY, pixelAspectRatioX, pixelAspectRatioY)
			// image coordinates are defined with X and Y being equivalent to the screen axes (right and down) and with Z = X cross Y (into the screen)

			Vector3D imagePosterior, imageHead, imageLeft; // patient orientation vectors in image space
			GetPatientOrientationVectors(patientOrientation, out imageHead, out imageLeft, out imagePosterior);

			// no adjustments if the posterior direction is not represented in the image
			if ((_imagePosterior = imagePosterior) != null)
				Vector3D normativePosterior, normativeHead, normativeLeft; // normative patient orientation vectors in image space
				GetNormativeOrientationVectors(laterality, out normativeHead, out normativeLeft, out normativePosterior);

				// only do any adjustments if laterality implies a normative orientation for the posterior direction
				if (normativePosterior != null)
					// check if the order of the patient vectors are flipped according to the normative vectors
					// we know we need to flip if the direction vector cross products have different signs
					if (imageHead != null)
						FlipX = _coreFlipX = Math.Sign(imagePosterior.Cross(imageHead).Z) != Math.Sign(normativePosterior.Cross(normativeHead).Z);
					else if (imageLeft != null)
						FlipX = _coreFlipX = Math.Sign(imagePosterior.Cross(imageLeft).Z) != Math.Sign(normativePosterior.Cross(normativeLeft).Z);

					// with flip normalized, just rotate to align the current posterior direction with the normative posterior
					var currentPosterior = GetCurrentPosteriorVector(_imagePosterior, SourceWidth, AdjustedSourceHeight, 0, 1, 1, _coreFlipX, false);
					var posteriorAngle = Math.Atan2(currentPosterior.Y, currentPosterior.X);
					var normativeAngle = Math.Atan2(normativePosterior.Y, normativePosterior.X);

					// compute required rotation, rounded to multiples of 90 degrees (PI/2 radians)
					RotationXY = _coreRotation = 90*((int) Math.Round((normativeAngle - posteriorAngle)*2/Math.PI));
예제 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a new <see cref="TextPlaceholderControlGraphic"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="subject">An <see cref="ITextGraphic"/> or an <see cref="IControlGraphic"/> chain whose subject is an <see cref="ITextGraphic"/>.</param>
		public TextPlaceholderControlGraphic(IGraphic subject)
			: base(subject)
			Platform.CheckExpectedType(base.Subject, typeof (ITextGraphic));

예제 #13
파일: IS3Doc.cs 프로젝트: iS3-Project/iS3
 public static XElement GraphicToXml(IGraphic g)
     XElement node = new XElement("IS3Graphic",
         new XAttribute("DGObjID", g.DGObjID.ToString()),
         new XAttribute("Geometry",g.Geometry.ToJson()));
     return node;
        internal static IMarkup GraphicToIMarkup(IGraphic graphic)
            if (graphic == null || graphic.ParentPresentationImage == null)
                return null;

            var markup = DoGraphicToIMarkup(graphic);

            if (markup != null)
                var sopInstanceUid = string.Empty;
                var frameNumber = 1;

                    if (graphic.ParentPresentationImage is IImageSopProvider)
                        var imageSopProvider = graphic.ParentPresentationImage as IImageSopProvider;

                        sopInstanceUid = imageSopProvider.ImageSop.SopInstanceUid;
                        frameNumber = imageSopProvider.Frame.FrameNumber;
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graphic.ParentPresentationImage.Uid))
                        sopInstanceUid = graphic.ParentPresentationImage.Uid;
                catch (Exception)
                markup.PresentationImageUid = sopInstanceUid;
                markup.FrameNumber = frameNumber;
                markup.IncludeInAnnotation = true;
                markup.GraphicHashcode = graphic.GetHashCode();

            return markup;
예제 #15
        public GraphicCell(Position aPosition, int margin, Rectangle frame)
			fPosition = aPosition;
			fMargin = margin;
			fWrappedGraphic = null;
예제 #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="SpatialTransform"/>.
		/// </summary>
		public SpatialTransform(IGraphic ownerGraphic)
			_ownerGraphic = ownerGraphic;
			_recalculationRequired = true;
			_updatingScaleParameters = false;
 public AimGraphic(IGraphic graphic, aim_dotnet.ImageAnnotation imageAnnotation, int shapeIdentifier)
     : base(graphic)
     _imageAnnotation = imageAnnotation;
     _shapeIdentifier = shapeIdentifier;
     _graphic = graphic;
예제 #18
        public GraphicWindow(string title, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			fActiveGraphic = null;
			//fMouseTrackerGraphic = null;
            fChildList = new List<IGraphic>();
            fLayoutManager = LayoutManager.Empty;
		public AddGraphicCommand(IGraphic graphic, GraphicCollection parentCollection)
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(graphic, "graphic");
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(parentCollection, "parentCollection");

			_parentCollection = parentCollection;
			_graphic = graphic;
		private static void Flash(IGraphic graphic)
			if (graphic is IVectorGraphic)
				DoFlashDelegate doFlashDelegate = DoFlash;
				doFlashDelegate.BeginInvoke((IVectorGraphic) graphic, SynchronizationContext.Current, delegate(IAsyncResult result) { doFlashDelegate.EndInvoke(result); }, null);
        public MainPresenter(IGraphic graphic, IFileManager manager, IMessageService messageService)
            _manager = manager;
            _messageService = messageService;
            _graphic = graphic;

            _graphic.FileOpenClick += _graphic_FileOpenClick;
예제 #22
		//public event System.EventHandler ValueChangedEvent;

		public TrackSlider(string name, IGraphic track, IGraphic thumb,
						Orientation orient,
						float min, float max, 
						float initialValue)
			: base(name, 0,0,0,0)
			fTrackGraphic = track;
			fThumbGraphic = thumb;
			fOrientation = orient;

			fMin = min;
			fMax = max;
			fCurrentValue = initialValue;
			fPosition = initialValue;

			int yoffset = 0;
			int xoffset = 0;
			int trackyoffset = 0;
			int trackxoffset = 0;
			if ((track==null) || (thumb==null))
				return ;
			AddGraphic(fTrackGraphic, null);
			AddGraphic(fThumbGraphic, null);

			if (orient == Orientation.Horizontal)
				// Must align thumb vertically with track.
				int midy = fTrackGraphic.Frame.Top + (fTrackGraphic.Frame.Height+1)/2;
				int thumbHeight = fThumbGraphic.Frame.Height+1;
				yoffset = midy - (thumbHeight / 2);
				xoffset = fTrackGraphic.Frame.Left;
				// Must align thumb horizontally with track.
				int midx = Frame.Left+(Frame.Width+1)/2;
				int thumbWidth = fThumbGraphic.Frame.Width+1;
				int trackWidth = fTrackGraphic.Frame.Width+1;
				xoffset = midx - (thumbWidth / 2);
				yoffset = fTrackGraphic.Frame.Top;

				trackxoffset = midx - (trackWidth/2);
				trackyoffset = fTrackGraphic.Frame.Top;
				fTrackGraphic.MoveTo(trackxoffset, trackyoffset);
			RectangleI newFrame = fTrackGraphic.Frame;
			Frame = newFrame;

            SetValue(initialValue, false);
		public InsertGraphicCommand(IGraphic graphic, GraphicCollection parentCollection, int index)
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(graphic, "graphic");
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(parentCollection, "parentCollection");
			Platform.CheckTrue(index >= 0, "Insert index positive");

			_parentCollection = parentCollection;
			_graphic = graphic;
			_index = index;
 public MainMenu(IGraphic graphObject)
   : base(graphObject)
   Buttons = new Dictionary<Button, ButtonParams>
                   Button.NewGame, new ButtonParams
                                       Image = Res.Buttons[Button.NewGame],
                                       Area = BuildButtonRect(Button.NewGame),
                                       Render = true
                   Button.LoadGame, new ButtonParams
                                        Image = Res.Buttons[Button.LoadGame],
                                        Area = BuildButtonRect(Button.LoadGame),
                                        Render = true
                   Button.SmallScale, new ButtonParams
                                          Image = Res.Buttons[Button.SmallScale],
                                          Area = BuildButtonRect(Button.SmallScale),
                                          Render = true
                   Button.NormalScale, new ButtonParams
                                           Image = Res.Buttons[Button.NormalScale],
                                           Area = BuildButtonRect(Button.NormalScale),
                                           Render = true
                   Button.BigScale, new ButtonParams
                                        Image = Res.Buttons[Button.BigScale],
                                        Area = BuildButtonRect(Button.BigScale),
                                        Render = true
                   Button.Exit, new ButtonParams
                                    Image = Res.Buttons[Button.Exit],
                                    Area = BuildButtonRect(Button.Exit),
                                    Render = true
예제 #25
        public PushButton(string name, int x, int y, int width, int height, IGraphic label)
			: base(name, x,y,width,height)
            Enabled = true;
            GraphicCell layout = new GraphicCell(Position.Center, 2);
            layout.Frame = new RectangleI(0, 0, width, height);
            LayoutHandler = layout;

			fLabel = label;
예제 #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Add new graphic layer to the existing layers according to its Z Order
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer graphic instance</param>
		public void AddLayer(IGraphic layer) {
			_layers.Sort(delegate(IGraphic a, IGraphic b) {
				if (b.ZOrder > a.ZOrder)
					return 1;
				else if (a.ZOrder > b.ZOrder)
					return -1;
					return 0;
 public GameForm()
   _graphObject = new WinFormsGraphic(null);
   _currentScale = 1.0f;
   _gameMenu = new MainMenu(_graphObject);
   _timer = new Timer();
   _timer.Tick += TimerTick;
   _timer.Interval = 1;
		private static bool IsShutterTooSmall(IGraphic shutterGraphic)
			shutterGraphic.CoordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem.Destination;
				RectangleF boundingBox = shutterGraphic.BoundingBox;
				return (boundingBox.Width < 50 || boundingBox.Height < 50);
		private static bool IsGraphicInCollection(IGraphic graphic, GraphicCollection graphicCollection)
			IGraphic testGraphic = graphic;
			while(testGraphic != null)
				if (graphicCollection.Contains(testGraphic))
					return true;

				testGraphic = testGraphic.ParentGraphic;

			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Helper method to serialize a graphic to the supplied serialization state object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graphic">The graphic to serialize.</param>
		/// <param name="serializationState">The state to which the graphic should be serialized.</param>
		/// <returns>True if the graphic was serializable; False otherwise.</returns>
		public static bool SerializeGraphic(IGraphic graphic, GraphicAnnotationSequenceItem serializationState)
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(graphic, "graphic");
			Platform.CheckForNullReference(serializationState, "serializationState");

			object[] attributes = graphic.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DicomSerializableGraphicAnnotationAttribute), true);
			if (attributes.Length > 0)
				((DicomSerializableGraphicAnnotationAttribute) attributes[0]).Serializer.Serialize(graphic, serializationState);
				return true;
			return false;
예제 #31
 protected abstract InteractiveGraphicBuilder CreateGraphicBuilder(IGraphic subjectGraphic);
예제 #32
 internal void SetParentGraphic(IGraphic parentGraphic)
     _parentGraphic = parentGraphic;
예제 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new control graphic to control the given subject graphic.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subject">The graphic to control.</param>
 public ControlGraphic(IGraphic subject) : base(subject)
예제 #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VisualStateChangedEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphic">The graphic whose visual state changed.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property that changed. </param>
 public VisualStateChangedEventArgs(IGraphic graphic, string propertyName)
     : base(propertyName)
     this.Graphic = graphic;
예제 #35
        private static SizeF GetDropShadowOffset(IGraphic graphic, float dpi)
            float offset = CalculateScaledPenWidth(graphic, 1, dpi);

            return(new SizeF(offset, offset));
예제 #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the specified graphic to the supplied serialization state object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphic">The graphic to serialize.</param>
 /// <param name="serializationState">The state to which the graphic should be serialized.</param>
 protected abstract void Serialize(IGraphic graphic, GraphicAnnotationSequenceItem serializationState);
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new <see cref="VerticesControlGraphic"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subject">An <see cref="IPointsGraphic"/> or an <see cref="IControlGraphic"/> chain whose subject is an <see cref="IPointsGraphic"/>.</param>
 public VerticesControlGraphic(IGraphic subject)
     : this(false, subject)
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new <see cref="BoundableResizeControlGraphic"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aspectRatio">The width to height aspect ratio that constrains the movement of the resize control points.</param>
 /// <param name="subject">An <see cref="IBoundableGraphic"/> or an <see cref="IControlGraphic"/> chain whose subject is an <see cref="IBoundableGraphic"/>.</param>
 public BoundableResizeControlGraphic(float aspectRatio, IGraphic subject)
     : this(subject)
     Platform.CheckPositive(aspectRatio, "aspectRatio");
     _fixedAspectRatio = aspectRatio;
예제 #39
파일: RulerTool.cs 프로젝트: hksonngan/Xian
 protected override InteractiveGraphicBuilder CreateGraphicBuilder(IGraphic graphic)
     return(new InteractivePolylineGraphicBuilder(2, (IPointsGraphic)graphic));
예제 #40
 protected override InteractiveGraphicBuilder CreateGraphicBuilder(IGraphic graphic)
     return(new InteractiveBoundableGraphicBuilder((IBoundableGraphic)graphic));
예제 #41
 public void Remove(IGraphic g)
예제 #42
 public void Add(IGraphic g)
예제 #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new <see cref="GraphicEventArgs"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graphic">The graphic to which the event applies.</param>
 public GraphicEventArgs(IGraphic graphic)
     this.Graphic = graphic;
예제 #44
 private static float CalculateScaledPenWidth(IGraphic graphic, int penWidth, float dpi)
     return(penWidth / graphic.SpatialTransform.CumulativeScale * dpi / _nominalScreenDpi);
예제 #45
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="MoveControlGraphic"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subject">The subject graphic.</param>
 public MoveControlGraphic(IGraphic subject) : base(subject)
     _cursor = new CursorToken(CursorToken.SystemCursors.SizeAll);
예제 #46
 //Adds the graphic to the composition
 public void Add(IGraphic graphic)
예제 #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roi">The graphic or control chain graphic representing the region of interest.</param>
 public RoiGraphic(IGraphic roi)
     : base(roi)
예제 #48
 protected InteractiveTextGraphicBuilder(IGraphic graphic) : base(graphic)
예제 #49
 public MainController(IGraphic graphic, IWordRepository dataReader, IAnagramSolver solver)
     Graphic    = graphic;
     DataReader = dataReader;
     Solver     = solver;
예제 #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of <see cref="RoiGraphic"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roi">The graphic or control chain graphic representing the region of interest.</param>
 /// <param name="calloutLocationStrategy">An <see cref="IAnnotationCalloutLocationStrategy"/> to automatically place the callout.</param>
 public RoiGraphic(IGraphic roi, IAnnotationCalloutLocationStrategy calloutLocationStrategy)
     : base(roi, calloutLocationStrategy)
예제 #51
 //Removes the graphic from the composition
 public void Delete(IGraphic graphic)
 public XStatefulGraphic(IGraphic subject) : base(subject)
예제 #53
 public void Remove(IGraphic graphic)
예제 #54
 public CompositeGraphic(IGraphic bg)
예제 #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The <paramref name="graphic"/>'s <see cref="IGraphic.ParentGraphic"/> must not be null.
 /// </remarks>
 public RemoveGraphicUndoableCommand(IGraphic graphic)
     _command = new RemoveGraphicCommand(graphic);
예제 #56
 public bool Contains(IGraphic shape)
     return(Left <= shape.Bounds.Left && Right >= shape.Bounds.Right &&
            Top <= shape.Bounds.Top && Bottom >= shape.Bounds.Bottom);
 public void Add(IGraphic item)
     base.Add(item as IS3Graphic);
예제 #58
 public GameObject(IGraphic graphic, Rectangle position)
     ObjectId = "CUSTOM";
     Graphic  = graphic;
     Position = position;
예제 #59
        void StartAnalysis()
            IView view = InputCB.SelectedItem as IView;

            _spatialRef = view.spatialReference;

            foreach (string SLLayerID in _selectedSLsDict.Keys)
                IEnumerable <DGObject> sls    = _selectedSLsDict[SLLayerID];
                List <DGObject>        slList = sls.ToList();
                IGraphicsLayer         gLayer = _inputView.getLayer(SLLayerID);
                foreach (DGObject dg in slList)
                    SegmentLining           sl = dg as SegmentLining;
                    SLConvergenceRecordType slConvergenceRecordType = sl.ConstructionRecord.SLConvergenceRecords;
                    if (slConvergenceRecordType.SLConvergenceItems.Count == 0)

                    SLConvergenceItem slConvergenceItem = slConvergenceRecordType.SLConvergenceItems[0];
                    if (slConvergenceItem.HorizontalDev == double.NaN)
                    double raduis    = (double)slConvergenceItem.HorizontalRad;
                    double deviation = (double)slConvergenceItem.HorizontalDev;
                    double ratio     = deviation / (raduis - deviation) * 1000;

                    int grade;
                    if (ratio <= 3)
                        grade = 5;
                    else if (ratio <= 5)
                        grade = 4;
                    else if (ratio <= 8)
                        grade = 3;
                    else if (ratio <= 10)
                        grade = 2;
                        grade = 1;

                    ISymbol symbol = GetSymbol(grade);

                    //<简便方法 可替换下面代码>
                    //IGraphicCollection gcollection = gLayer.getGraphics(sl);
                    //IGraphic g = gcollection[0];
                    //g.Symbol = symbol;
                    //IGraphicCollection gc = Runtime.graphicEngine.newGraphicCollection();
                    //_slsGraphics[] = gc;

                    IGraphicCollection gcollection     = gLayer.getGraphics(sl);
                    IGraphic           g               = gcollection[0];
                    IPolygon           polygon         = g.Geometry as IPolygon;
                    IPointCollection   pointCollection = polygon.GetPoints(); //获取端点
                    IMapPoint p1_temp = pointCollection[0];
                    IMapPoint p2_temp = pointCollection[1];
                    IMapPoint p3_temp = pointCollection[2];
                    IMapPoint p4_temp = pointCollection[3];
                    IMapPoint p1 = Runtime.geometryEngine.newMapPoint(p1_temp.X, p1_temp.Y, _spatialRef);
                    IMapPoint p2 = Runtime.geometryEngine.newMapPoint(p2_temp.X, p2_temp.Y, _spatialRef);
                    IMapPoint p3 = Runtime.geometryEngine.newMapPoint(p3_temp.X, p3_temp.Y, _spatialRef);
                    IMapPoint p4 = Runtime.geometryEngine.newMapPoint(p4_temp.X, p4_temp.Y, _spatialRef);
                    g        = Runtime.graphicEngine.newQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4);
                    g.Symbol = symbol;
                    IGraphicCollection gc = Runtime.graphicEngine.newGraphicCollection();
                    _slsGraphics[] = gc; //保存结果
예제 #60
        protected internal override void OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            base.OnMouseDown(sender, e);
            if (canvas.IsResizing || canvas.Layers[canvas.SelectedLayer].Locked)

            var query = canvas.SelectedLayer
                        .Where(x =>
                               x.Contains(new PointF(e.X / canvas.ZoomFactor, e.Y / canvas.ZoomFactor)))
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Z)

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                if (canvas.Cursor == Cursors.Hand && query != null)
                    _moving       = true;
                    canvas.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
                    Position1     = e.Location;


                    Target          = query;
                    Target.Selected = true;

                    canvas.PropertyGridReference.SelectedObject = Target;

                else if (resizeCursorMap.ContainsValue(canvas.Cursor))
                    _resizing = true;

                    switch (_resizeHandle.Anchor)
                    case DragHandleAnchor.MiddleRight:
                    case DragHandleAnchor.BottomCenter:
                    case DragHandleAnchor.BottomRight:
                        Position1 = new PointF(Target.Bounds.Left, Target.Bounds.Top);

                    case DragHandleAnchor.MiddleLeft:
                    case DragHandleAnchor.BottomLeft:
                        Position1 = new PointF(Target.Bounds.Right, Target.Bounds.Top);

                    case DragHandleAnchor.TopLeft:
                        Position1 = new PointF(Target.Bounds.Right, Target.Bounds.Bottom);

                    case DragHandleAnchor.TopCenter:
                    case DragHandleAnchor.TopRight:
                        Position1 = new PointF(Target.Bounds.Left, Target.Bounds.Bottom);
                    canvas.PropertyGridReference.SelectedObject = canvas;

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                if (query != null && query.Selected)
                    Menu.Show(canvas, e.Location);