public static IPolygon MakePolygonFromRing(IRing pRing, bool blMakeAreaZ /*使面积为正*/) { if (pRing == null || pRing.IsEmpty || pRing.IsClosed == false) { return(null); } IPolygon pPolygon = new PolygonClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pPolygon as IGeometryCollection; object pBObj = Type.Missing; object pAObj = Type.Missing; IGeometry pGeometry = pRing as IGeometry; pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(pGeometry, ref pBObj, ref pAObj); if (blMakeAreaZ == false) { return(pPolygon); } IArea pArea = pPolygon as IArea; if (pArea.Area >= 0) { return(pPolygon); } ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IClone pClone = pRing as ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IClone; IRing pNewRing = pClone.Clone() as IRing; pNewRing.ReverseOrientation(); pGeometry = pNewRing as IGeometry; pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(pGeometry, ref pBObj, ref pAObj); return(pPolygon); }
//public override void JudgeAndFormCEdgeLt() //{ // if (this.CEdgeLt == null) // { // FormCEdgeLt(); // } //} /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks>SetPolygon will first set IPoint</remarks> public IPolygon4 SetPolygon() { //Build a polygon segment-by-segment. IPolygon4 polygon = new PolygonClass(); IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)polygon; var exteriorCptLt = this.CptLt; if (CGeoFunc.IsClockwise(exteriorCptLt, true) == false) { exteriorCptLt = exteriorCptLt.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList(); //this will not change this.CptLt } geometryCollection.AddGeometry(CGeoFunc.GetIrgFromCptLt(exteriorCptLt)); //add the holes if (this.HoleCpgLt != null) { foreach (var holecpg in this.HoleCpgLt) { var interiorCptLt = holecpg.CptLt; if (CGeoFunc.IsClockwise(exteriorCptLt, true) == true) { interiorCptLt = interiorCptLt.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList(); //this will not change holecpg.CptLt } geometryCollection.AddGeometry(CGeoFunc.GetIrgFromCptLt(interiorCptLt)); } } //polygon.Close(); this.pPolygon = polygon; return(polygon); }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //生成被查询的图层集以传入查询结果窗体 lstQueryedLayer = new List <ILayer>(); foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lstLayer.Items) { if (lvi.Checked == true) { lstQueryedLayer.Add(lvi.Tag as ILayer); } } //生成选择的查询图层的搜索图形 IFeatureLayer pFL = null; foreach (ILayer pLayer in lstSelectLayer) { if (pLayer.Name == cboxSearchLayer.Text) { pFL = pLayer as IFeatureLayer; } } IGeometryBag gmBag = new GeometryBagClass(); gmBag.SpatialReference = pMap.SpatialReference;//定义空间参考,否则加入的图形将失去参考 IGeometryCollection gmCollection = gmBag as IGeometryCollection; if (rdSelect.Checked)//如果单选框 选择的要素是选中状态 { ISelectionSet pSelSet = (pFL as IFeatureSelection).SelectionSet; ICursor pCursor; pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor); IFeature pFeature = (pCursor as IFeatureCursor).NextFeature(); object obj = Type.Missing; while (pFeature != null) { gmCollection.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj); pFeature = (pCursor as IFeatureCursor).NextFeature(); } } else//如果单选框 全部要素是选择状态 { IFeatureCursor pFeaCursor = pFL.FeatureClass.Search(null, false); IFeature pFea = pFeaCursor.NextFeature(); object obj = Type.Missing; while (pFea != null) { gmCollection.AddGeometry(pFea.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj); pFea = pFeaCursor.NextFeature(); } } ISpatialIndex pSI = gmBag as ISpatialIndex;//重建索引 pSI.AllowIndexing = true; pSI.Invalidate(); GeometryBag = gmBag; }
private void axMapControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseDownEvent e) { { object missing = Type.Missing; if (bCreateOrNot) { axMapControl1.CurrentTool = null; ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry pGeometry = axMapControl1.TrackPolygon(); pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(pGeometry, ref missing, ref missing); ISimpleLineSymbol pSimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(); pSimpleLineSymbol.Color = GetAEColor(this.listView1.Items.Count + 1); pSimpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid; ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); pSimpleFillSymbol.Color = GetAEColor(this.listView1.Items.Count + 1); IFillShapeElement pFillElement = new PolygonElementClass(); pFillElement.Symbol = pSimpleFillSymbol; IElement pElement; pElement = pFillElement as IElement; pElement.Geometry = pGeometry; pGraphic = axMapControl1.ActiveView as IGraphicsContainer; pGraphic.AddElement(pElement, 0); axMapControl1.Refresh(); polyGonCount += 1; this.txtSampleCount.Text = polyGonCount.ToString(); IElementProperties pElementProperties = pElement as IElementProperties; pElementProperties.Name = txtClassID.Text; } } }
public static IMultiPatch EnvelopeToBoundingBox(IEnvelope2 ienvelope2_0) { object value = Missing.Value; double double_; double double_2; double double_3; double double_4; ienvelope2_0.QueryCoords(out double_, out double_2, out double_3, out double_4); double zMin = ienvelope2_0.ZMin; double zMax = ienvelope2_0.ZMax; IMultiPatch multiPatch = new MultiPatch() as IMultiPatch; IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = multiPatch as IGeometryCollection; IPointCollection pointCollection = new TriangleStrip(); Utils3D.MakeZMAware(pointCollection as IGeometry, true); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_, double_2, zMin), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_, double_2, zMax), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_3, double_2, zMin), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_3, double_2, zMax), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_3, double_4, zMin), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_3, double_4, zMax), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_, double_4, zMin), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_, double_4, zMax), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_, double_2, zMin), ref value, ref value); pointCollection.AddPoint(Utils3D.Create3DPoint(double_, double_2, zMax), ref value, ref value); geometryCollection.AddGeometry(pointCollection as IGeometry, ref value, ref value); return(multiPatch); }
public static IGeometry GetSelectFeatureGeom(IMap pMap) { try { object obj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeomtryCol = (IGeometryCollection)pGeometryBag; ISelection pSelection = pMap.FeatureSelection; IEnumFeature pEnumFea = pSelection as IEnumFeature; IFeature pFea = pEnumFea.Next(); while (pFea != null) { if (pFea.Shape != null && pFea.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { pGeomtryCol.AddGeometry(pFea.Shape, ref obj, ref obj); } pFea = pEnumFea.Next(); } ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass(); pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeomtryCol as IEnumGeometry); IGeometry pGeometry = pTopo as IGeometry; return(pGeometry); } catch { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 把geometry合并起来,组成一个新的geometry,在缓冲buffer个单位 /// </summary> /// <param name="lstGeo">Geo列表</param> /// <param name="buffer">缓冲单位</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IGeometry GetUnionGeometry(IList <IGeometry> lstGeo, double buffer) { if (lstGeo.Count == 0) { return(null); } IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); pGeometryBag.SpatialReference = lstGeo[0].SpatialReference; IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection; object obj = Type.Missing; foreach (IGeometry geo in lstGeo) { pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(geo, ref obj, ref obj); } ITopologicalOperator UnionPolygon = new PolygonClass(); UnionPolygon.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IEnumGeometry); IGeometry geoResult = UnionPolygon as IGeometry; ITopologicalOperator operatorTopo = geoResult as ITopologicalOperator; return(operatorTopo.Buffer(buffer)); }
private void GetQueryGeometry() { if (queryFeatureClass == null) { return; } queryGeometry = null; object missing = Type.Missing; switch (strGeometryType) { case "点": queryGeometry = new MultipointClass(); break; case "线": queryGeometry = new PolylineClass(); break; case "多边形": case "矩形": case "圆": queryGeometry = new PolygonClass(); break; default: break; } for (int i = 0; i < queryFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++) { queryGeometry.AddGeometry(queryFeatureClass.GetFeature(i).Shape, ref missing, ref missing); } }
/// <summary> /// 获得当前视图上的选择要素 /// ZQ 2011 1203 将点要素自动去除 只合并线和面要素 /// </summary> /// <param name="pMap"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IGeometry ConstructUnion(IMap pMap) { IGeometry pGeometry = null; try { IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeometryCol = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection; object obj = System.Type.Missing; ISelection pSelection = pMap.FeatureSelection; IEnumFeature pEnumFeature = pSelection as IEnumFeature; IFeature pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next(); while (pFeature != null) { ///排除点要素 if (pFeature.ShapeCopy.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint && pFeature.ShapeCopy.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint) { if (!pFeature.ShapeCopy.IsEmpty) { pGeometryCol.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj); } } pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next(); } //构造合并 ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass(); pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCol as IEnumGeometry); pGeometry = pTopo as IGeometry; return(pGeometry); } catch { return(pGeometry = null); } }
//Function: Judging whether regional breaks have occurred public bool isRegionalBreak(IFeatureClass featureClass, int elementId) { IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); queryFilter.WhereClause = "id = " + elementId; IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false); IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection; IFeature currentFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); while (currentFeature != null) { object missing = Type.Missing; geometryCollection.AddGeometry(currentFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing); currentFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); } ITopologicalOperator unionedPolygon = new PolygonClass(); unionedPolygon.ConstructUnion(geometryBag as IEnumGeometry); IGeometryCollection geoCol = unionedPolygon as IGeometryCollection; if (geoCol.GeometryCount > 1) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新半径 千米 /// </summary> /// <param name="radius"></param> public void UpdatePosition(double radius) { this.Dosomething((Action) delegate() { pRadius = radius; MapLngLat center = new MapLngLat(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y); MapLngLat around = MapFrame.Core.Common.Utils.GetPointByDistanceAndAngle((float)radius, center, 180); INewLineFeedback backline = new NewLineFeedbackClass(); centerPoint = new PointClass() { X = center.Lng, Y = center.Lat }; IPoint aroundPoint = new PointClass() { X = around.Lng, Y = around.Lat }; backline.Start(centerPoint); backline.AddPoint(aroundPoint); var geo = backline.Stop(); iSeg.SetCircle(centerPoint, geo.Length); object o = System.Type.Missing; pRing = iSeg as IRing; pRing.Close(); pGeometryColl = new PolygonClass(); pGeometryColl.AddGeometry(pRing, ref o, ref o); pGeometry = pGeometryColl as IGeometry; base.Symbol = fillSymbol; base.Geometry = pGeometry; }, true); Update(); }
/// <summary> /// union几个面要素 /// </summary> /// <param name="lstGeometry">需要操作的面要素集合</param> /// <returns>返回union后的图形</returns> public static IGeometry GetUnion(List <IGeometry> lstGeometry) { IGeometryBag pGeoBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeoCol = pGeoBag as IGeometryCollection; if (lstGeometry.Count < 1) { return(null); } if (lstGeometry[0].SpatialReference != null) { pGeoBag.SpatialReference = lstGeometry[0].SpatialReference; } object obj = System.Type.Missing; for (int i = 0; i < lstGeometry.Count; i++) { IGeometry pTempGeo = lstGeometry[i]; pGeoCol.AddGeometry(pTempGeo, ref obj, ref obj); } ISpatialIndex pSI = pGeoBag as ISpatialIndex; pSI.AllowIndexing = true; pSI.Invalidate(); ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass(); pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeoBag as IEnumGeometry); IGeometry pGeo = pTopo as IGeometry; return(pGeo); }
private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IPolyline chain_geom = new PolylineClass(); ISegmentCollection path1 = new PathClass(); foreach (Range r in Errors.CenterlineChains[select_chain_name]) { ISegmentCollection segcoll = r.Shape as ISegmentCollection; path1.AddSegmentCollection(segcoll); } object obj = Type.Missing; IGeometryCollection gCollection = chain_geom as IGeometryCollection; gCollection.AddGeometry((IGeometry)path1, obj, obj); chain_geom = (IPolyline)gCollection; FlashGeometry(chain_geom); } catch { } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static IPolyline MaakPolyline() { //Declaraties en initialisaties IPolyline pPolyline = new PolylineClass(); IGeometryCollection pGCol = (IGeometryCollection)pPolyline; IZAware pZAware = (IZAware)pPolyline; pZAware.ZAware = ImportInArcscene.ZBoolean; int aantalpaths = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 1; i <= aantalpaths; i++) { IPath pPath = new PathClass(); IPointCollection pPointCol = (IPointCollection)pPath; int aantalvertices = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadInt32(); for (int k = 1; k <= aantalvertices; k++) { double ptx = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadSingle(); double pty = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadSingle(); double ptz = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadSingle(); pPointCol.AddPoint(PuntTransformatie(ptx, pty, ptz), ref _missing, ref _missing); } pGCol.AddGeometry(pPath, ref _missing, ref _missing); } return(pPolyline); }
/// <summary> /// 获得指定图层的合并范围 为本次加的一个函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="strLyrName"></param> /// <param name="strWhere"></param> /// <param name="eFeatureType"></param> /// <param name="eGeometryType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IGeometry GetLyrUnionPlygon(IList <IFeature> vFeaList) { if (vFeaList.Count < 1) { return(null); } //构造 IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeometryCol = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection; object obj = System.Type.Missing; //获得所有图形 for (int i = 0; i < vFeaList.Count; i++) { if (vFeaList[i].Shape != null && !vFeaList[i].Shape.IsEmpty) { pGeometryCol.AddGeometry(vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj); } } //构造合并 ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass(); pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCol as IEnumGeometry); IGeometry pGeometry = pTopo as IGeometry; return(pGeometry); }
private IPolyline ConvertFrom(GeoAPI.Geometries.IMultiLineString lines) { if (lines == null) { return(null); } IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass(); IGeometryCollection paths = lines as IGeometryCollection; foreach (GeoAPI.Geometries.ILineString line in lines.Geometries) { IPath path = new PathClass(); IPointCollection pointCollection = path as IPointCollection; object Missing = Type.Missing; IPoint point = new PointClass(); foreach (GeoAPI.Geometries.ICoordinate coordinate in line.Coordinates) { point.X = coordinate.X; point.Y = coordinate.Y; point.Z = coordinate.Z; pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing); } paths.AddGeometry(path, ref Missing, ref Missing); } return(polyline); }
public static IGeometry GetSelectGeometry(IMap pMap) { if (pMap == null) { return(null); } if (pMap.SelectionCount == 0) { return(null); } IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection pGeomtryCol = (IGeometryCollection)pGeometryBag; IEnumFeature pEnumFeature = (IEnumFeature)pMap.FeatureSelection; IFeature pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next(); object obj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; while (pFeature != null) { pGeomtryCol.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj); pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next(); } pGeometryBag.Project(pMap.SpatialReference); return((IGeometry)pGeometryBag); }
public static IGeometry CreateConvexHull(IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor) { IGeometryCollection pGeomCollection = (IGeometryCollection) new Polygon(); IGeometryCollection pGeomCollectionIn; IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature(); while (pFeature != null) { pGeomCollectionIn = (IGeometryCollection)pFeature.ShapeCopy; for (int i = 0; i < pGeomCollectionIn.GeometryCount; i++) { pGeomCollection.AddGeometry(pGeomCollectionIn.get_Geometry(i)); } pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature(); } ITopologicalOperator pTopOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeomCollection; //pTopOp.Simplify(); IGeometry pGeom = pTopOp.ConvexHull(); return(pGeom); }
//删除节点事件 void btnRemovePoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { object misobj = Type.Missing; m_Editor.StartOperation(); IGeometry ring = (cbxRings.SelectedItem as CommonComboBoxItem).Tag as IGeometry; IPointCollection pc = ring as IPointCollection; pc.RemovePoints((int)listPointCollection.SelectedItems[0].Tag, 1); IFeature feature = (treeFeatures.SelectedNode.Tag as IFeature); IGeometryCollection geoCol = cbxRings.Tag as IGeometryCollection; geoCol.AddGeometry(ring, ref misobj, ref misobj); geoCol.RemoveGeometries(cbxRings.SelectedIndex, 1); feature.Shape = geoCol as IGeometry; feature.Store(); int removePointIndex = listPointCollection.SelectedItems[0].Index; listPointCollection.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); m_Editor.StopOperation("RemovePoint"); this.cbxRings_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); if (listPointCollection.Items.Count > removePointIndex) { listPointCollection.Items[removePointIndex].Selected = true; listPointCollection.TopItem = listPointCollection.SelectedItems[0]; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void iSpatialFilterGeometryBagToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stopwatch myWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //从MapControl中获取的点图层 IFeatureLayer pointFeatureLayer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer; IFeatureSelection pointFeatureSelection = pointFeatureLayer as IFeatureSelection; //从MapControl中获取的面图层 IFeatureLayer polygonFeatureLayer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(1) as IFeatureLayer; //构建GeometryBag IGeometryBag geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag; IGeoDataset geoDataset = (IGeoDataset)polygonFeatureLayer; ISpatialReference spatialReference = geoDataset.SpatialReference; //一定要给GeometryBag赋空间参考 geometryBag.SpatialReference = spatialReference; IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); //Search如果返回属性值的话设置SubFields会提高效率 queryFilter.SubFields = "Shape"; //遍历面要素类,逐一获取Geometry并添加到GeometryBag中 IFeatureCursor cursor = polygonFeatureLayer.Search(queryFilter, true); IFeature polygonFeature = null; while ((polygonFeature = cursor.NextFeature()) != null) { geometryCollection.AddGeometry(polygonFeature.ShapeCopy); } //为GeometryBag生成空间索引,以提高效率 ISpatialIndex spatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)geometryBag; spatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true; spatialIndex.Invalidate(); //构建空间查询 ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); spatialFilter.Geometry = geometryBag; spatialFilter.GeometryField = pointFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains; //选择的话可以不设置SubFields pointFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(spatialFilter as IQueryFilter, esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultAdd, false); int count = pointFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count; axMapControl1.Refresh(); //释放游标 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(cursor); myWatch.Stop(); string time = myWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString(); MessageBox.Show("The selected point count is " + count.ToString() + "! and " + time + " Seconds"); }
public static IPolygon MergePolygons(IGeometry polygon1, IGeometry polygon2, IFeatureClass fc_for_spatial_reference) { IGeometry geometry_bag = new GeometryBag(); IGeoDataset ds = fc_for_spatial_reference as IGeoDataset; geometry_bag.SpatialReference = ds.SpatialReference; IGeometryCollection gc = geometry_bag as IGeometryCollection; object missing = Type.Missing; gc.AddGeometry(polygon1, ref missing, ref missing); gc.AddGeometry(polygon2, ref missing, ref missing); ITopologicalOperator union_polygon = new Polygon() as ITopologicalOperator; union_polygon.ConstructUnion(geometry_bag as IEnumGeometry); IPolygon new_polygon = union_polygon as IPolygon; return(new_polygon); }
//public override void JudgeAndFormCEdgeLt() //{ // if (this.CEdgeLt == null) // { // FormCEdgeLt(); // } //} /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks>SetPolygon will first set IPoint</remarks> public IPolygon4 SetPolygon() { //Build a polygon segment-by-segment. IPolygon4 polygon = new PolygonClass(); IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)polygon; geometryCollection.AddGeometry(CGeoFunc.GetIrgFromCptLt(this.CptLt)); //add the holes if (this.HoleCpgLt != null) { foreach (var holecpg in this.HoleCpgLt) { geometryCollection.AddGeometry(CGeoFunc.GetIrgFromCptLt(holecpg.CptLt)); } } this.pPolygon = polygon; return(polygon); }
/// <summary> /// 由环构成多边形 /// </summary> /// <param name="rings"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IPolygon CreatePolygon(IEnumerable <IRing> rings) { IPolygon polygon = new PolygonClass(); IGeometryCollection geometryColl = (IGeometryCollection)polygon; foreach (var ring in rings) { geometryColl.AddGeometry(ring); } return(polygon); }
/// <summary> /// 将多个图形合并(Union)成一个图形(使用GeometryBag提高合并效率) /// </summary> /// <param name="geometries">需要合并的几何图形(注意这些图形必须是相同的几何类型)</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IGeometry UnionGeometryEx(this IEnumerable <IGeometry> geometries) { IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); geometryBag.SpatialReference = geometries.First().SpatialReference; IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection; foreach (var geometry in geometries) { object missing = Type.Missing; geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometry, ref missing, ref missing); } return(UnionGeometryEx(geometryBag, geometries.First().GeometryType)); }
/// <summary> /// 将多个图形合并(Union)成一个图形(使用GeometryBag提高合并效率) /// </summary> /// <param name="featureClass">从中查询图形的要素类</param> /// <param name="whereCluase">查询条件</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IGeometry UnionGeometryEx(this IFeatureClass featureClass, string whereCluase = null) { IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); geometryBag.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)featureClass).SpatialReference; IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection; featureClass.QueryFeatures(whereCluase, f => { object missing = Type.Missing; geometryCollection.AddGeometry(f.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing); }); return(UnionGeometryEx(geometryBag, featureClass.ShapeType)); }
/// <summary> /// 合并几何体 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private IGeometry GetMergeGeometry(string str) { IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryBag; pGeometryBag.SpatialReference = GetSpatialReference(); IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection; // 属性过滤 IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilter(); pQueryFilter.WhereClause = str; IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = mLayer as IFeatureLayer; IFeatureClass in_FeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass; // 要素游标 IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = in_FeatureClass.Search(pQueryFilter, true); IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature(); if (pFeature == null) { return null; } // 遍历游标 object missing = Type.Missing; while (pFeature != null) { pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing); pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature(); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeatureCursor); // 合并要素 ITopologicalOperator pTopologicalOperator = null; if (in_FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { pTopologicalOperator = new Multipoint() as ITopologicalOperator; pTopologicalOperator.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as IEnumGeometry); } else if (in_FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { pTopologicalOperator = new Polyline() as ITopologicalOperator; pTopologicalOperator.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as IEnumGeometry); } else { pTopologicalOperator = new Polygon() as ITopologicalOperator; pTopologicalOperator.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as IEnumGeometry); } return pTopologicalOperator as IGeometry; }
public void SaveEdit() { try { Editor.UniqueInstance.StartEditOperation(); object before = new object(); object missing = Type.Missing; foreach (LinkArgs args in this._las) { if (args.PartIndex >= 0) { IFeature feature = args.feature; IGeometryCollection shapeCopy = feature.ShapeCopy as IGeometryCollection; IPointCollection points = shapeCopy.get_Geometry(args.PartIndex) as IPointCollection; for (int i = 0; i < this._editInfoList.Count; i++) { EditInfo info = this._editInfoList[i] as EditInfo; int index = args.VertexIndex[i]; IPoint p = (info.NewPoint as IClone).Clone() as IPoint; if (p.SpatialReference != (EditTask.EditLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference) { p.Project((EditTask.EditLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference); p.SpatialReference = (EditTask.EditLayer.FeatureClass as IGeoDataset).SpatialReference; } if (index == 0) { points.UpdatePoint(0, p); } else { points.ReplacePoints(index, 1, 1, ref p); } } shapeCopy.RemoveGeometries(args.PartIndex, 1); before = args.PartIndex; shapeCopy.AddGeometry(points as IGeometry, ref before, ref missing); IGeometry geometry = (IGeometry)shapeCopy; feature.Shape = geometry; feature.Store(); } } Editor.UniqueInstance.StopEditOperation("Linkage Edit"); } catch (Exception exception) { Editor.UniqueInstance.AbortEditOperation(); this._mErrOpt.ErrorOperate(this._mSubSysName, "ShapeEdit.LinkageEdit", "SaveEdit", exception.GetHashCode().ToString(), exception.Source, exception.Message, "", "", ""); } }
private static void AddRing(IGeometryCollection multiPatch, List <WKSPointZ> ringPoints) { if (ringPoints.Count <= 0) { return; } object missing = Type.Missing; IPointCollection4 ring = new RingClass(); WKSPointZ[] points = ringPoints.ToArray(); GeometryUtils.SetWKSPointZs(ring, points); multiPatch.AddGeometry((IRing)ring, ref missing, ref missing); }
/// <summary> /// 筛选要素类中,与指定图形满足一定空间关系的要素(空间筛选时添加空间索引) /// (参考: /// </summary> /// <param name="featureClass">从中筛选要素的要素类(A)</param> /// <param name="geometry">过滤条件图形(B)</param> /// <param name="spatialRefEnum">空间关系类型(举例:esriSpatialRelContains表示A包含B)</param> /// <param name="whereClause">查询条件</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <IFeature> FilterFeaturesEx(this IFeatureClass featureClass, IGeometry geometry, esriSpatialRelEnum spatialRefEnum, string whereClause = "") { IGeometryBag geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag; geometryBag.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)featureClass).SpatialReference; //一定要给GeometryBag赋空间参考 geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometry); //为GeometryBag生成空间索引,以提高效率 ISpatialIndex spatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)geometryBag; spatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true; spatialIndex.Invalidate(); return(FilterFeatures(featureClass, geometry, spatialRefEnum, whereClause)); }
private List <IElement> CreateElementAois(List <IPolygon> polygons, out IEnvelope encompassingEnvelope) { var rgbColor = new RgbColorClass { Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 255, Transparency = 200 }; var geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); geometryBag.SpatialReference = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.SpatialReference; IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag; var elements = new List <IElement>(); foreach (var polygon in polygons) { geometryCollection.AddGeometry(polygon); IElement element = null; // Polygon elements ILineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); lineSymbol.Color = rgbColor; lineSymbol.Width = 2.0; ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); simpleFillSymbol.Color = rgbColor; simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull; simpleFillSymbol.Outline = lineSymbol; IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass(); fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol; element = (IElement)fillShapeElement; // Explicit Cast element.Geometry = polygon; elements.Add(element); } // Create the polygon that will be the union of the features returned from the search cursor. // The spatial reference of this feature does not need to be set ahead of time. The // ConstructUnion method defines the constructed polygon's spatial reference to be the same as // the input geometry bag. ITopologicalOperator unionedPolygon = new PolygonClass(); unionedPolygon.ConstructUnion(geometryBag); var masterPoly = (IPolygon)unionedPolygon; encompassingEnvelope = masterPoly.Envelope; return(elements); }
public bool DeleteRowsByFIDSetReturnGeomCollection(ITable inTable, IFIDSet pFIDSet, IStepProgressor StepProgressor, ITrackCancel TrackCancel, ref IGeometryCollection GeomCollection) { //this routine uses the GetRows method, avoids the need to break up the InClause. if (pFIDSet == null) return false; IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass(); pMouseCursor.SetCursor(2); try { pFIDSet.Reset(); int[] iID = { }; bool bCont = true; iID = RedimPreserveInt(ref iID, pFIDSet.Count()); for (int iCount = 0; iCount <= pFIDSet.Count() - 1; iCount++) pFIDSet.Next(out iID[iCount]); ICursor pCursor = inTable.GetRows(iID, false); IRow row = pCursor.NextRow(); if (StepProgressor != null) { if (StepProgressor.Position < StepProgressor.MaxRange) StepProgressor.Step(); } while (row != null) { IFeature pFeat = row as IFeature; IGeometry pGeom = pFeat.ShapeCopy; if (pGeom != null) { if (!pGeom.IsEmpty) { object obj = Type.Missing; IEnvelope2 pEnv = (IEnvelope2)pGeom.Envelope; pEnv.Expand(0.1, 0.1, false); GeomCollection.AddGeometry(pEnv, ref obj, ref obj); } } //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process if (StepProgressor != null) { if (TrackCancel != null) bCont = TrackCancel.Continue(); if (!bCont) break; } row.Delete(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = pCursor.NextRow(); if (StepProgressor != null) { if (StepProgressor.Position < StepProgressor.MaxRange) StepProgressor.Step(); } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); inTable = null; iID = null; if (!bCont) return false; return true; } catch (COMException ex) { StepProgressor = null; if (ex.ErrorCode == -2147217400) //MessageBox.Show(ex.ErrorCode + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + // Environment.NewLine + "This error indicates that the fabric may not have been correctly upgraded."); //TODO: need to confirm this. m_LastErrorCode = ex.ErrorCode; else MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.ErrorCode); m_LastErrorCode = ex.ErrorCode; return false; } }