public void UpdateScheduleHealth(params ScheduleHealth[] scheduleHealth) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _scheduleHealthRepository.Update(scheduleHealth); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateCostSettingDetails(params ResourceCostSettingDetail[] resourcecost) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _resourcecost.Update(resourcecost); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateTimeSheetDeviation(params TimeSheetDeviation[] timeSheetDeviation) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _timeSheetDeviation.Update(timeSheetDeviation); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdatePageCommentDetail(params PageCommentDetail[] pageCommentDetail) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _pageCommentDetailRepository.Update(pageCommentDetail); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateTimeSheetWeeklyDetail(params TimeSheetWeeklyDetail[] timeSheetWeeklyDetail) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _timeSheetWeeklyDetailRepository.Update(timeSheetWeeklyDetail); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateRoleRight(params RoleRight[] roleRight) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _roleRightRepository.Update(roleRight); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateMessage(params Message[] Message) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _messageRepository.Update(Message); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdatePageComment_images(params PageComment_images[] PageComment_images) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _PageComment_imagesRepository.Update(PageComment_images); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateCompany(params Company[] company) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _companyRepository.Update(company); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateDesignation(params Designation[] department) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _designationRepository.Update(department); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateTransmittalDelList(params TransmittalDelList[] TransmittalDelList) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _transmittalDelListRepository.Update(TransmittalDelList); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateUserComment(params UserComment[] userComment) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _usercommentRepository.Update(userComment); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateSharedProjectTaskList(params SharedProjectTaskList[] sharedtask) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _sharedtaskRepository.Update(sharedtask); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateTaskHandoverDetail(params TaskHandoverDetail[] taskHandoverDetail) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _taskHandoverDetail.Update(taskHandoverDetail); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateUserActivityTracker(params UserActivityTracker[] useractivity) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _userActivityTrackerRepository.Update(useractivity); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateTechnology(params Technology[] technology) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _technologyRepository.Update(technology); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateSkill(params Skill[] skill) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _skillRepository.Update(skill); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateProjectStatus(params ProjectStatu[] department) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _projectStatusRepository.Update(department); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateDepartment(params Department_Test[] Department_Test) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _departmentRepository_test.Update(Department_Test); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateAcceptanceClass(params AcceptanceClass[] acceptanceclass) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _acceptanceclassRepository.Update(acceptanceclass); } catch (Exception ex) { ////bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); //if (false) //{ // throw ex; //} } }
public void UpdateTaskMilestoneBookedQty(params TaskMilestoneBookedQty[] taskMilestoneBookedQty) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _taskMilestoneBookedQtyRepository.Update(taskMilestoneBookedQty); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateTranType(params TranType[] trantype) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _trantypeRepository.Update(trantype); } catch (Exception ex) { //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
/// <summary> /// Save a new account or update an existing one. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">accountToDelete to save</param> public void Save(Account account) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.Name)) { account.Name = Strings.NoNamePlaceholderLabel; } if (account.Id == 0) { data.Add(account); dataAccess.Add(account); } else { dataAccess.Update(account); } }
public void UpdateAssentUniqueNumber(params AssentUniqueNumber[] assentUniqueNumber) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _assentUniqueNumberRepository.Update(assentUniqueNumber); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw ex; ////bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); //if (false) //{ // throw ex; //} } }
public void UpdateProjectContract(params ProjectContract[] ProjectContract) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _projectContractRepository.Update(ProjectContract); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw ex; //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
public void UpdateaskListColorCell(params TaskListColorCell[] projectTaskColorCellID) { /* Validation and error handling omitted */ try { _taskListColorCellRepository.Update(projectTaskColorCellID); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw ex; //bool false = BusinessLogicExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex); if (false) { throw ex; } } }
/// <summary> /// Save a new category or update an existing one. /// </summary> /// <param name="category">accountToDelete to save</param> public void Save(Category category) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category.Name)) { category.Name = Strings.NoNamePlaceholderLabel; } if (category.Id == 0) { data.Add(category); dataAccess.Add(category); } else { dataAccess.Update(category); } }
public void AddViewToGame(string key, string cultureCode) { var game = _gameRepository.First(x => x.Key == key); if (game != null) { if (game.IsSqlEntity == false) { Add(game, cultureCode); game = _gameRepository.First(x => x.Key == key); } var gameInfo = _gameInfoRepository.GetItemById(game.Id); gameInfo.CountOfViews++; gameInfo.Game = null; _gameInfoRepository.Update(gameInfo); UnitOfWork.Save(); var updatedGame = _gameRepository.GetItemById(game.Id); Logger.Write(Operation.Update, game, updatedGame); } }
/// <summary> /// Save a new payment or update an existin one. /// </summary> /// <param name="paymentVm">item to save</param> public void Save(PaymentViewModel paymentVm) { paymentVm.IsCleared = paymentVm.ClearPaymentNow; //delete recurring payment if isRecurring is no longer set. if (paymentVm.IsRecurring) { recurringDataAccess.Delete(paymentVm.RecurringPayment); paymentVm.RecurringPayment.Id = 0; } if (paymentVm.Id == 0) { data.Add(paymentVm); dataAccess.Add(paymentVm.GetPayment()); } else { dataAccess.Update(paymentVm.GetPayment()); } }
public void LogBornBasket(string json, string externalCookieValue) { var existingBasket = _bornLogRepository.GetSingle( x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ExternalCookieValue) && x.ExternalCookieValue.Equals(externalCookieValue, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (existingBasket == null) { _bornLogRepository.Add(new BornBasketDump { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, BasketJsonDump = json, ExternalCookieValue = externalCookieValue }); } else { existingBasket.BasketJsonDump = json; _bornLogRepository.Update(existingBasket); } }