private static void SolveNQueens(IFringe <Node <byte[]> > fringe, int problemSize) { Console.WriteLine("{0} queens problem", problemSize); var nQueens = new NQueens(problemSize); var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); var node = TreeSearchWithQueue <byte[]> .Search(nQueens, fringe); watch.Stop(); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("Solution not found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); PrintTable(node.NodeState); var trace = node.ListOfNodes; Console.WriteLine("Number of steps: " + trace.Count); } var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("\nUsed fringe: " + fringe.GetName()); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed [ms]: " + elapsedMs); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 40)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); }
private static void SolveRomaniaMap(IFringe <Node <City> > fringe, City initial, City goal, List <City> cities) { Console.WriteLine("Romania map problem"); Console.WriteLine("Trace " + initial.Name + " - " + goal.Name + ": \n"); var romaniaMap = new RomaniaMap(initial, goal, cities); var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); var node = TreeSearchWithQueue <City> .Search(romaniaMap, fringe); watch.Stop(); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("Solution not found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); var trace = node.ListOfNodes; foreach (var city in trace) { Console.WriteLine(city.Name); } Console.WriteLine("\nNumber of steps: " + trace.Count); Console.WriteLine("Total cost: " + node.PathCost); } var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("\nUsed fringe: " + fringe.GetName()); Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed [ms]: " + elapsedMs); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 40)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); }
private static void SolveProblemWithFringe <State>(IProblem <State> problem, Action <State> printState, Action <List <State> > printTrace, IFringe <Node <State> > fringe) { Console.WriteLine("\nSolving with " + fringe.GetName() + "..."); var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); printState(problem.InitialState); var node = TreeSearchWithQueue <State> .Search(problem, fringe); watch.Stop(); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("Solution not found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); var trace = node.ListOfNodes; if (printTrace != null) { printTrace(trace); } else { printState(node.NodeState); } Console.WriteLine("Number of steps: " + trace.Count); Console.WriteLine("Total cost: " + node.PathCost); } var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed [ms]: " + elapsedMs); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 40)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); }