예제 #1
         * set the attributes, but do not actually create a glyph
         * area.
         * @param fontHandle a handle to a native font resource
         * @param charIndex the index in the font of the desired glyph
         * @param stretchyType if this glyph is a repeated section in a
         *		  stretchy glyph, shrink the reported metrics by one, so
         *		  we get a nice overlap.
        public GlyphAttributes(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle, short charIndex, int fudge)
            Index     = charIndex;
            glyphArea = null;
            float tmp;

            if (charIndex >= 0)
                context.MeasureGlyph(fontHandle, (ushort)charIndex, out Box,
                                     out Left, out Right);

                if (fudge == FudgeWidth)
                    Box.Width -= 2 * fudgeFactor;
                else if (fudge == FudgeHeight)
                    if ((tmp = Box.Height - fudgeFactor) >= 0.0f)
                        Box.Height = tmp;
                    if ((tmp = Box.Depth - fudgeFactor) >= 0.0f)
                        Box.Depth = tmp;
                Box   = new BoundingBox();
                Left  = 0;
                Right = 0;
예제 #2
        private static Row[] CreateRows(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells,
                                        BoundingBox[][] minCellSizes, Length[] rowSpacing, Length frameSpacing)
            int i     = 0;
            int space = 0;

            // new row array: row count + spacing rows + border spacing
            // =                 (row count) + (row count - 1) + 2
            // =                 (row count) + (row count) + 1
            Row[] rows = new Row[minCellSizes.Length + minCellSizes.Length + 1];

            // frame spacing
            rows[i++] = new Row(ctx.Evaluate(frameSpacing));

            for (int j = 0; j < minCellSizes.Length; j++)
                // cell row
                rows[i++] = new Row(cells[j], minCellSizes[j]);

                // spacing row
                if (j < minCellSizes.Length - 1)
                    rows[i++] = new Row(ctx.Evaluate(rowSpacing[space++]));

            // final frame spacing
            rows[i++] = new Row(ctx.Evaluate(frameSpacing));

            // sanity check
            Debug.Assert(i == rows.Length, "error, row count and processed row count do not match");

예제 #3
		 * set the attributes, but do not actually create a glyph 
		 * area.
		 * @param fontHandle a handle to a native font resource
		 * @param charIndex the index in the font of the desired glyph
		 * @param stretchyType if this glyph is a repeated section in a
		 *		  stretchy glyph, shrink the reported metrics by one, so
		 *		  we get a nice overlap.
    public GlyphAttributes(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle, short charIndex, int fudge)
			Index = charIndex;
			glyphArea = null;
			float tmp;

			if(charIndex >= 0)
				context.MeasureGlyph(fontHandle, (ushort)charIndex, out Box, 
					out Left, out Right);

				if(fudge == FudgeWidth)
					Box.Width -= 2 * fudgeFactor;
				else if(fudge == FudgeHeight)
					if((tmp = Box.Height - fudgeFactor) >= 0.0f) Box.Height = tmp;
					if((tmp = Box.Depth - fudgeFactor) >= 0.0f) Box.Depth = tmp;
				Box = new BoundingBox();
				Left = 0;
				Right = 0;
예제 #4
		 * create a set of attributes.
		 * this calculates all of the glyph metrics from the graphic device.
		public StretchyGlyphAttributes(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle, ref StretchyGlyphIndices indices)
			orientation = indices.Orientation;

			if(indices.SimpleIndices != null)
				simpleGlyphs = new GlyphAttributes[indices.SimpleIndices.Length];
				for(int i = 0; i < simpleGlyphs.Length; i++)
					simpleGlyphs[i] = new GlyphAttributes(context, fontHandle, 
						indices.SimpleIndices[i], GlyphAttributes.FudgeNone);
				simpleGlyphs = null;

			if(indices.CompoundIndices != null)
				compoundGlyphs = new GlyphAttributes[indices.CompoundIndices.Length];
				for(int i = 0; i < compoundGlyphs.Length; i++)
					// TODO deal with horizontal glyphs
					compoundGlyphs[i] = new GlyphAttributes(context, fontHandle, 
						i == StretchyGlyphIndices.Filler ? GlyphAttributes.FudgeHeight : GlyphAttributes.FudgeNone);
				compoundGlyphs = null;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the minimum formatted area size for the given element using the
        /// state of the given formatting context.
        /// Currently this just formats the element using the this as the formatter,
        /// in the future, this will be optimized so that a visitor only calculates
        /// the min size instead of creating an entire sub tree of areas.
        /// </summary>
        public BoundingBox MeasureElement(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement e)
            Debug.Assert(ctx.cacheArea == false);
            if (e != null)
                Area a = Area.GetArea(e);
                if (a != null)

                if (cache.Contains(e))
                    if (e is MathMLTableElement)
                        Debug.WriteLine("table element");
                    BoundingBox box = (BoundingBox)e.Accept(this, ctx);
                    cache.Add(e, box);
예제 #6
         * create a set of attributes.
         * this calculates all of the glyph metrics from the graphic device.
        public StretchyGlyphAttributes(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle, ref StretchyGlyphIndices indices)
            orientation = indices.Orientation;

            if (indices.SimpleIndices != null)
                simpleGlyphs = new GlyphAttributes[indices.SimpleIndices.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < simpleGlyphs.Length; i++)
                    simpleGlyphs[i] = new GlyphAttributes(context, fontHandle,
                                                          indices.SimpleIndices[i], GlyphAttributes.FudgeNone);
                simpleGlyphs = null;

            if (indices.CompoundIndices != null)
                compoundGlyphs = new GlyphAttributes[indices.CompoundIndices.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < compoundGlyphs.Length; i++)
                    // TODO deal with horizontal glyphs
                    compoundGlyphs[i] = new GlyphAttributes(context, fontHandle,
                                                            i == StretchyGlyphIndices.Filler ? GlyphAttributes.FudgeHeight : GlyphAttributes.FudgeNone);
                compoundGlyphs = null;
예제 #7
             * get a font based on the font type given in the variant,
             * and the size given in height. If the size can not be
             * evaluated to a valid size, the default font size is used.
             * the fontName override anything in the context if it is given.
            public IFontHandle GetFont(IFormattingContext context, string fontName, string altFontName)
                // font to be returned
                IFontHandle font = null;

                // find the attributes from the static array
                FontAttributes attr = fontAttributes[(int)context.MathVariant];

                float height = context.Size;

                // no italic if we are using the font name, otherwise use the
                // value from the mathvariant attribute
                bool italic = fontName.Length > 0 ? false : attr.Italic;

                // use default value if we are using the font specified by a name,
                // otherwise use the one from the attributes from mathvariant
                int weight = fontName.Length > 0 ? DefaultFontWeight : attr.Weight;

                // use either the fontName stirng if we have one, or the one
                // from the mathvariant attribute
                string name = fontName.Length > 0 ? fontName : attr.Name;

                font = FindFont(height, italic, weight, name);

                if (font == null)
                    font = CreateFont(((WinFormattingContext)context)._graphics, height, italic, weight, name);
                    fonts.Add(new WeakReference(font));
예제 #8
        public static Area Glyph(IFormattingContext context, String fontName,
                                 String altFontName, ushort index)
            IFontHandle font = context.GetFont(fontName, altFontName);

            return(new GlyphArea(context, font, index));
예제 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the minimum formatted area size for the given element using the
		/// state of the given formatting context.
		/// Currently this just formats the element using the this as the formatter, 
		/// in the future, this will be optimized so that a visitor only calculates
		/// the min size instead of creating an entire sub tree of areas.
		/// </summary>
		public BoundingBox MeasureElement(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement e)
			Debug.Assert(ctx.cacheArea == false);
			if(e != null)
				Area a = Area.GetArea(e);
				if(a != null) return a.BoundingBox;

					return (BoundingBox)cache[e];
					if(e is MathMLTableElement)
						Debug.WriteLine("table element");
					BoundingBox box = (BoundingBox)e.Accept(this, ctx);
					cache.Add(e, box);
					return box;
				return BoundingBox.New();
예제 #10
             * construct a new TableColumn object
            public Column(IFormattingContext ctx, Length columnWidth,
                          float evaluatedWidth, bool spacing)
                Spacing = spacing;
                if (spacing)
                    if (columnWidth.Type == LengthType.Percentage)
                        MinimumWidth = 0;
                    else if (columnWidth.Fixed)
                        MinimumWidth = ctx.Evaluate(columnWidth);
                        // this is bad
                        throw new Exception("space columns must be either fixed or scaled widths");
                    MinimumWidth = evaluatedWidth;

                if (columnWidth.Type == LengthType.Auto)
                    Type       = ColumnType.Auto;
                    ScaleWidth = 0;
                    FixedWidth = 0;
                    Width      = MinimumWidth;
                else if (columnWidth.Type == LengthType.Fit)
                    Type       = ColumnType.Fit;
                    ScaleWidth = 0;
                    FixedWidth = 0;
                    Width      = MinimumWidth;
                else if (columnWidth.Type == LengthType.Percentage)
                    Type       = ColumnType.Scale;
                    ScaleWidth = columnWidth.Value / 100.0f;
                    FixedWidth = 0;
                    Width      = MinimumWidth;
                else if (columnWidth.Fixed)
                    Type       = ColumnType.Fixed;
                    ScaleWidth = 0;
                    FixedWidth = MinimumWidth;
                    Width      = MinimumWidth;
                    // this is bad
                    throw new Exception(columnWidth.ToString() + " is not a valid length type for a table");
예제 #11
  * calculate the default amout the script the baseline of the
  * script rows. this ignores (for now anyway) the min shift values
  * specified in the DOM
 private static void CalculateScriptShift(IFormattingContext context,
                                          BoundingBox baseBox, BoundingBox subBox, Length subMinSize,
                                          BoundingBox superBox, Length superMinSize,
                                          out float subShift, out float superShift)
     CalculateScriptShift(context, baseBox, subBox, superBox,
                          out subShift, out superShift);
예제 #12
 public BoundingBox[][] MeasureElements(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement[][] elements)
     BoundingBox[][] boxes = new BoundingBox[elements.Length][];
     for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
         boxes[i] = MeasureElements(ctx, elements[i]);
예제 #13
        object MathML.MathMLVisitor.Visit(MathMLPresentationToken e, object args)
            Area area = null;

            // make an updated context
            IFormattingContext context  = ((IFormattingContext)args).Clone();
            XmlNode            node     = null;
            MathMLElement      element  = null;
            MathMLNodeList     contents = e.Contents;

            // update the font size, pres-tokens can specify font size
            context.Size = context.Evaluate(e.MathSize);

            MathVariant variant = e.MathVariant;

            if (variant != MathVariant.Unknown)
                context.MathVariant = variant;

            if (contents.Count == 1)            // create a single string area
                if ((node = e.FirstChild) != null && node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    area = AreaFactory.String(context, node.Value);
                else if ((element = e.FirstChild as MathMLElement) != null)
                    // sets area to a new glyph area
                    area = (Area)element.Accept(formatter, context);
                    // TODO this is bad, need error handler
            else             // create a sequence of areas
                Area[] areas = new Area[contents.Count];
                int    i     = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode n in contents)
                    if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                        area = AreaFactory.String(context, n.Value);
                    else if ((element = n as MathMLElement) != null)
                        area = (Area)element.Accept(formatter, context);
                    areas[i++] = area;
                area = AreaFactory.Horizontal(areas);

예제 #14
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
			AreaRegion region = child.GetRegion (context, x, y, area, index);
			if(region != null && region.Element == null)
				region.Element = element;				
			return region;
예제 #15
파일: GlyphMap.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
  * create a font with the given font size. return the index of the new
  * font, or -1 if we failed to create the font
 private int CreateFont(IFormattingContext context, float fontSize)
     fontSize = (fontSize * scaleFactor);
     FontInstance[] tmp = fontInstances;
     fontInstances = new FontInstance[fontInstances.Length + 1];
     tmp.CopyTo(fontInstances, 0);
     fontInstances[fontInstances.Length - 1] = new FontInstance(context, fontName, fontSize, stretchyGlyphIndices);
     return(fontInstances.Length - 1);
예제 #16
      public Area GetArea(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle, char c)
			Area result = null;
			ushort glyphIndex = (ushort)(c + offset);
      if (glyphIndex >= first && glyphIndex <= last)
				result = new GlyphArea(context, fontHandle, glyphIndex);
			return result;
예제 #17
        public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
            AreaRegion region = child.GetRegion(context, x, y, area, index);

            if (region != null && region.Element == null)
                region.Element = element;
예제 #18
        public Area GetArea(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle, char c)
            Area   result     = null;
            ushort glyphIndex = (ushort)(c + offset);

            if (glyphIndex >= first && glyphIndex <= last)
                result = new GlyphArea(context, fontHandle, glyphIndex);
예제 #19
파일: Area.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
 public virtual AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
     if (index == 0 && area == this)
         return(new AreaRegion(this, x + LeftEdge, y));
예제 #20
 public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
     if (area == source)
         return(new AreaRegion(this, x, y));
         return(child.GetRegion(context, x, y, area, index));
예제 #21
 public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
     if (element == this.element)
         return(new AreaRegion(this, element, x + cellShift.X, y + cellShift.Y));
         return(child.GetRegion(context, x + areaShift.X, y + areaShift.Y, element, index));
예제 #22
 public FontInstance(IFormattingContext context, string fontName, float pointSize, StretchyGlyphIndices[] glyphIndices)
     cachedAreas        = null;
     PointSize          = pointSize;
     FontHandle         = context.CreateFont(pointSize, false, 500, fontName);
     stretchyAttributes = new StretchyGlyphAttributes[glyphIndices.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < stretchyAttributes.Length; i++)
         stretchyAttributes[i] = new StretchyGlyphAttributes(
             context, FontHandle, ref glyphIndices[i]);
예제 #23
    public FontInstance(IFormattingContext context, string fontName, float pointSize, StretchyGlyphIndices[] glyphIndices)
			cachedAreas = null;
			PointSize = pointSize;
			FontHandle = context.CreateFont(pointSize, false, 500, fontName);
			stretchyAttributes = new StretchyGlyphAttributes[glyphIndices.Length];
			for(int i = 0; i < stretchyAttributes.Length; i++)
				stretchyAttributes[i] = new StretchyGlyphAttributes(
					context, FontHandle, ref glyphIndices[i]);
예제 #24
 public override AreaRegion GetEditRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, int index)
     foreach (Area a in content)
         AreaRegion r = a.GetEditRegion(context, x, y, index);
         if (r != null)
예제 #25
 public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
     foreach (Area a in content)
         AreaRegion r = a.GetRegion(context, x, y, element, index);
         if (r != null)
         x += a.BoundingBox.HorizontalExtent;
예제 #26
         * Create a fraction area.
         * This is an area that consists of 2 areas vertically separated by a line.
         * this notion natuarally falls into the conecpt of a vertical array area,
         * an area, a line, and the second area.
        public static Area Fraction(IFormattingContext ctx, Area numerator, Area denominator, float lineThickness)
            Area space = new VerticalSpaceArea(ctx.OnePixel, ctx.OnePixel);
            Area line  = HorizontalLine(ctx.OnePixel);

            numerator = HorizontalCenter(numerator);

            denominator = HorizontalCenter(denominator);

            Area[] areas = { denominator, space, line, space, numerator };

            return(Shift(ctx.Axis, new VerticalArea(areas, 2)));
예제 #27
        public override AreaRegion GetEditRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, int index)
            // measure horizontal position of char:
            BoundingBox horz = BoundingBox.New();
            float       left, right;

            for (int i = 0; i < index && i < content.Length; i++)
                BoundingBox tmp = BoundingBox.New();
                context.MeasureGlyph(font, content[i], out tmp, out left, out right);
            return(new AreaRegion(this, x + horz.Width, y));
예제 #28
파일: GlyphMap.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
         * find an index to a font that mathces the given font cell height,
         * if no font is availible, one is created with this height.
        private int GetFontIndex(IFormattingContext context, float fontSize)
            fontSize = (fontSize * scaleFactor);
            for (int i = 0; i < fontInstances.Length; i++)
                if (fontInstances[i].PointSize == fontSize)

            // no font found, so try to create one.
            return(CreateFont(context, fontSize));
예제 #29
 public BoundingBox[] MeasureElements(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement[] elements)
     BoundingBox[] boxes = new BoundingBox[elements.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
         if (elements[i] != null)
             boxes[i] = MeasureElement(ctx, elements[i]);
             boxes[i] = BoundingBox.New();
예제 #30
         * calculate the required space to fit all the columns
        private static Column[] CreateColumns(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLMeasurer measurer,
                                              MathMLTableCellElement[][] cells, BoundingBox[][] minCellSizes, int columnCount,
                                              Length[] columnWidths, Length[] spaceWidths, Length frameSpacing)
            Column[] columns    = null;
            int      c          = 0;
            int      colWidth   = 0;
            int      spaceWidth = 0;

            // new column array: max column count + spacing columns + border spacing
            // =                 (max column count) + (max column count - 1) + 2
            // =                 (max column count) + (max column count) + 1
            columns = new Column[columnCount + columnCount + 1];

            // set the frame spacing columns
            columns[c++] = new Column(ctx, frameSpacing, 0, true);

            // outer loop: columns
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                BoundingBox[] columnCells = new BoundingBox[cells.Length];
                // inner loop: rows
                for (int j = 0; j < cells.Length; j++)
                    columnCells[j] = i < cells[j].Length ? minCellSizes[j][i] : BoundingBox.New();

                // set the column
                columns[c++] = new Column(ctx, columnWidths[colWidth++], GetRequiredWidth(columnCells), false);

                // set the space column
                if (i < columnCount - 1)
                    columns[c++] = new Column(ctx, spaceWidths[spaceWidth++], 0, true);

            // set the right spacing column
            columns[c++] = new Column(ctx, frameSpacing, 0, true);

            // sanity check
            Debug.Assert(c == columns.Length, "error, maxColumnCount and processed column count do not match");

예제 #31
        public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
            float yy = y + BoundingBox.Depth;

            foreach (Area a in content)
                BoundingBox box = a.BoundingBox;
                yy -= box.Depth;
                AreaRegion r = a.GetRegion(context, x, yy, element, index);
                if (r != null)
                yy -= box.Height;

예제 #32
 public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
     if (area == this || area == source)
         return(new AreaRegion(this, x, y));
         foreach (Area a in content)
             AreaRegion r = a.GetRegion(context, x, y, area, index);
             if (r != null)
             x += a.BoundingBox.HorizontalExtent;
예제 #33
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
			if(element == this.element)
				AreaRegion region = child.GetEditRegion(context, x, y, index);
				if(region != null)
					region.Element = element;
					Debug.WriteLine("MathMLWrapperArea: child.GetEditRegion returned null, returning new AreaRegion for this area");
					region = new AreaRegion(this, element, x, y);
				return region;
				return child.GetRegion(context, x, y, element, index);
예제 #34
 public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
     if (element == this.element)
         AreaRegion region = child.GetEditRegion(context, x, y, index);
         if (region != null)
             region.Element = element;
             Debug.WriteLine("MathMLWrapperArea: child.GetEditRegion returned null, returning new AreaRegion for this area");
             region = new AreaRegion(this, element, x, y);
         return(child.GetRegion(context, x, y, element, index));
예제 #35
         * create an area that formats a string.
        public static Area String(IFormattingContext context, String str)
            Area      result   = null;
            float     fontSize = context.Size;
            ArrayList list     = null;
            int       start    = 0;

            if (str.Length == 1)
                result = str[0] > '\x7f' ? GlyphFactory.GetGlyph(context, fontSize, str[0]) :
                         new StringArea(context, str);
                start = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    if (str[i] > '\x7f')
                        if (list == null)
                            list = new ArrayList();
                        list.Add(new StringArea(context, str.Substring(start, i - start)));
                        list.Add(GlyphFactory.GetGlyph(context, fontSize, str[i]));
                        start = i + 1;

                if (list != null)
                    result = Horizontal((Area[])list.ToArray(typeof(Area)));
                    result = new StringArea(context, str);
예제 #36
         * create a new glyph area.

        public static Area GetGlyph(IFormattingContext ctx, float pointSize, char c)
            GlyphFactory gf = Instance;

            Area result = null;

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("searching for a glyph for character 0x{0:x}", (uint)c));
            for (int i = 0; i < gf.maps.Length; i++)
                if ((result = gf.maps[i].GetGlyph(ctx, pointSize, c)) != null)

            if (result == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("no glyph found, returning default area");
                result = new StringArea(ctx, "?");
예제 #37
         * find or calculate an area that will fill the requested cell
         * height. The returned area may be either a single glyph, or a
         * compound set of glyphs.
         * @param pointSize the evaluated font size
         * @param desiredSize the desired stretch size (for either vertical or
         * horizontal stretchy glyphs.
         * @param c the character to find a glyph for.
         * @param lineThickness a value that get populated with the thickness of the
         * repated or stretched sections.

        public static Area GetStretchyGlyph(IFormattingContext context, float pointSize, char c, BoundingBox desiredSize, out float lineThickness)
            GlyphFactory gf = Instance;

            Area result = null;

            lineThickness = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gf.maps.Length; i++)
                if ((result = gf.maps[i].GetStretchyGlyph(context, pointSize, c, desiredSize, out lineThickness)) != null)

            if (result == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("no stretchy glyph found, returning standard glyph area");
                result = GetGlyph(context, pointSize, c);
예제 #38
		 * create an area that formats a string.
		public static Area String(IFormattingContext context, String str) 
			Area result = null;
			float fontSize = context.Size;
			ArrayList list = null;
			int start = 0;
			if(str.Length == 1)
				result = str[0] > '\x7f' ? GlyphFactory.GetGlyph(context, fontSize, str[0]) :
					new StringArea(context, str);
				start = 0;
				for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
					if(str[i] > '\x7f')
						if(list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); }
						list.Add(new StringArea(context, str.Substring(start, i - start)));
						list.Add(GlyphFactory.GetGlyph(context, fontSize, str[i]));
						start = i + 1;
				if(list != null)
					result = Horizontal((Area[])list.ToArray(typeof(Area)));
					result = new StringArea(context, str);
			return result;
예제 #39
파일: StringArea.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
		 * create a string area
		public StringArea(IFormattingContext context, string content)
			this.font = context.GetFont();
			this.content = content;
			box = BoundingBox.New();

			float left = 0, right = 0;

			for(int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
				BoundingBox tmp = BoundingBox.New();
				context.MeasureGlyph(font, content[i], out tmp, out left, out right);

				// left edge of first char
				if(i == 0)
					leftEdge = left;

			// right edge of last char
			rightEdge = right;
예제 #40
    public override AreaRegion GetEditRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, int index)
			foreach(Area a in content)
				AreaRegion r = a.GetEditRegion(context, x, y, index);
				if(r != null) return r;
				x += a.BoundingBox.HorizontalExtent;					
			return null;
예제 #41
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
			if(area == source)
				return new AreaRegion(this, x, y);
				return child.GetRegion(context, x, y, area, index);
예제 #42
		 * calculate the default amout the script the baseline of the
		 * script rows. this ignores (for now anyway) the min shift values
		 * specified in the DOM
		private static void CalculateScriptShift(IFormattingContext context, 
			BoundingBox baseBox, BoundingBox subBox, Length subMinSize, 
			BoundingBox superBox, Length superMinSize, 
			out float subShift, out float superShift) 

			CalculateScriptShift(context, baseBox, subBox, superBox, 
				out subShift, out superShift);
예제 #43
    public override AreaRegion GetEditRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, int index)
			return null;
예제 #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the child area's terminal node
		/// </summary>
    public override AreaRegion GetEditRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, int index)
			return child.GetEditRegion (context, x, y, index);
예제 #45
		public static Area Glyph(IFormattingContext context, String fontName, 
			String altFontName, ushort index) 
			IFontHandle font = context.GetFont(fontName, altFontName);
			return new GlyphArea(context, font, index);
예제 #46
파일: StringArea.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
			if(area == this && index <= content.Length)
				// measure horizontal position of char:
				BoundingBox horz = BoundingBox.New();
				float left, right;
				for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
					BoundingBox tmp = BoundingBox.New();
					context.MeasureGlyph(font, content[i], out tmp, out left, out right);
                return new AreaRegion(this, x + horz.Width, y);
			return null;
예제 #47
파일: GlyphArea.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
		public GlyphArea(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle font, ushort index)
			this.font = font;
			this.index = index;
			context.MeasureGlyph(font, index, out box, out leftEdge, out rightEdge);
예제 #48
파일: GlyphArea.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
    public override AreaRegion GetEditRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, int index)
			x = index > 0 ? x + leftEdge + box.HorizontalExtent : x + leftEdge;
			return new AreaRegion(this, x, y);
예제 #49
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, Area area, int index)
			if(area == this || area == source)
				return new AreaRegion(this, x, y);
				foreach(Area a in content)
					AreaRegion r = a.GetRegion(context, x, y, area, index);
					if(r != null) return r;
					x += a.BoundingBox.HorizontalExtent;					
			return null;
예제 #50
		 * calculate the default amout the script the baseline of the
		 * script rows. this ignores (for now anyway) the min shift values
		 * specified in the DOM.
		private static void CalculateScriptShift(IFormattingContext context, 
			BoundingBox baseBox, BoundingBox subBox, BoundingBox superBox, 
			out float subShift, out float superShift) 

			float ex = context.Ex;
			float axis = context.Axis;
			float rule = context.DefaultLineThickness;

			superShift = Math.Max(ex, baseBox.Height - axis);
			subShift = Math.Max(axis, baseBox.Depth + axis);

				superShift = 0;
				subShift = Math.Max(subShift, subBox.Height - (ex * 4.0f) / 5);
				superShift = Math.Max(superShift, superBox.Depth + ex / 4.0f);
					subShift = 0;
					if((superShift - superBox.Depth) - (subBox.Height - superShift) < 4.0f * rule) 
						subShift = 4.0f * rule - superShift + superBox.Depth + subBox.Height;
						float psi = (4.0f * ex) / 5.0f - (superShift - superBox.Depth);
						if(psi > 0.0f) 
							subShift -= psi;
							superShift += psi;
예제 #51
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
			if(element == this.element)
				return new AreaRegion(this, element, x + cellShift.X, y + cellShift.Y);
				return child.GetRegion(context, x + areaShift.X, y + areaShift.Y, element, index);
예제 #52
		 * create a new glyph area.
    public static Area GetGlyph(IFormattingContext ctx, float pointSize, char c)
      GlyphFactory gf = Instance;

			Area result = null;

			Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("searching for a glyph for character 0x{0:x}", (uint)c));
			for(int i = 0; i < gf.maps.Length; i++)
				if((result = gf.maps[i].GetGlyph(ctx, pointSize, c)) != null)
					return result;

			if(result == null)
				Debug.WriteLine("no glyph found, returning default area");
				result = new StringArea(ctx, "?");             
			return result;
예제 #53
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
			return child.GetRegion (context, x, y, element, index);
예제 #54
		 * find or calculate an area that will fill the requested cell 
		 * height. The returned area may be either a single glyph, or a
		 * compound set of glyphs.
		 * @param pointSize the evaluated font size
		 * @param desiredSize the desired stretch size (for either vertical or 
		 * horizontal stretchy glyphs.
		 * @param c the character to find a glyph for.
		 * @param lineThickness a value that get populated with the thickness of the 
		 * repated or stretched sections.
    public static Area GetStretchyGlyph(IFormattingContext context, float pointSize, char c, BoundingBox desiredSize, out float lineThickness)
      GlyphFactory gf = Instance;

			Area result = null;
			lineThickness = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < gf.maps.Length; i++)
                if((result = gf.maps[i].GetStretchyGlyph(context, pointSize, c, desiredSize, out lineThickness)) != null)
					return result;

			if(result == null)
				Debug.WriteLine("no stretchy glyph found, returning standard glyph area");
				result = GetGlyph(context, pointSize, c);          
			return result;
예제 #55
		public BoundingBox[][] MeasureElements(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement[][] elements)
			BoundingBox[][] boxes = new BoundingBox[elements.Length][];
			for(int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
				boxes[i] = MeasureElements(ctx, elements[i]);
			return boxes;
예제 #56
    public static Area GetStretchyGlyph(IFormattingContext context, float pointSize, char c, BoundingBox desiredSize)
			float lineThickness;
			return GetStretchyGlyph(context, pointSize, c, desiredSize, out lineThickness);
예제 #57
		public BoundingBox[] MeasureElements(IFormattingContext ctx, MathMLElement[] elements)
			BoundingBox[] boxes = new BoundingBox[elements.Length];
			for(int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
				if(elements[i] != null)
					boxes[i] = MeasureElement(ctx, elements[i]);
					boxes[i] = BoundingBox.New();
			return boxes;
예제 #58
		 * get a glyph area for this glyph.
		 * this searches through the glyphs list to see
		 * if an area has allready been created for the mathing
		 * set of glyph index and font, if none exists, a new 
		 * glyph area is created and cached via a weak reference.
    public Area GetArea(IFormattingContext context, IFontHandle fontHandle)
			return new GlyphArea(context, fontHandle, GlyphIndex);
예제 #59
    public override AreaRegion GetRegion(IFormattingContext context, float x, float y, MathMLElement element, int index)
			float yy = y + BoundingBox.Depth;
			foreach(Area a in content)
				BoundingBox box = a.BoundingBox;
				yy -= box.Depth;
				AreaRegion r = a.GetRegion(context, x, yy, element, index);
				if(r != null) 
					return r;
				yy -= box.Height;

			return null;
예제 #60
		 * format a radical
		public static Area Radical(IFormattingContext context, Area radicand, Area index)
			const char RadicalGlyphIndex = '\x221a';
			float fontSize = context.Size;
			BoundingBox radicandBox = radicand.BoundingBox;
			BoundingBox radicalBox;
			float minIndexWidth;
			float lineThickness;

			// these space numbers have no real meaning, the were just
			// chosen as a size that looks good.
			float leftSpace = 2*context.OnePixel + radicandBox.Width * 0.01f;
			float rightSpace = 2*context.OnePixel;
			float topMinSpace = context.OnePixel + radicandBox.VerticalExtent * 0.03f;			

			// size to create glyph
			BoundingBox glyphBox = radicandBox;

			// add minimun stretch sizes to the box, sqrt is a vertical stretchy glyph
			glyphBox.Height += topMinSpace;

			// create a glyph for the radical char
			Area radical = GlyphFactory.GetStretchyGlyph(context, fontSize, RadicalGlyphIndex, glyphBox, out lineThickness);			

			// line for the top part of the radical
			Area horizontalLine = HorizontalLine(lineThickness);

			radicalBox = radical.BoundingBox;

			// the glyph is almost never the exact size we request it, 
			// we we need to adjust our vertical padding accoringly
			float topSpace = radicalBox.Height - radicandBox.Height - horizontalLine.BoundingBox.VerticalExtent;

			// pad the radicand with left and right spaces
			radicand = Horizontal(new Area[] {HorizontalSpace(leftSpace), radicand, HorizontalSpace(rightSpace)});

			// make a new vertical array, with a line for the top of the radical spanning
			// the widtch, and the original radicand spaced slightly downward
			radicand = Vertical(new Area[] {radicand, VerticalSpace(topSpace, 0), horizontalLine}, 0);	

			// get the minumum index width, this is needed as radical glyphs
			// are encoded with a negative left edge, this is where the right edge of
			// the index area would normally go. note, we better well have a 
			// negative width, but just in case.....
			minIndexWidth = radical.LeftEdge < 0.0f ? -radical.LeftEdge : 0.0f;

			if(index == null)
				// just make a space to padd the radical
                index = HorizontalSpace(minIndexWidth);				
				BoundingBox indexBox = index.BoundingBox;

				// need to pad the area if less than min width
				if(indexBox.Width < minIndexWidth)
					index = Horizontal(new Area[] {HorizontalSpace(minIndexWidth - indexBox.Width), index});

                // shift the area up just above the radical hook
				index = Shift(GetRadicalShift(radical) + index.BoundingBox.Depth, index);

			// hide the radical glyph from cursor selection
			radical = new NonSelectionArea(radical);

			// make a new horizontal area out of these three areas
			return Horizontal(new Area[] {index, radical, radicand});