예제 #1
        public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle, IFixCallbacks callbacks)
            var    language  = Configuration.Settings.Language.FixCommonErrors;
            string fixAction = language.FixUppercaseIInsideLowercaseWord;
            int    uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Paragraph p       = subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
                string    oldText = p.Text;
                var       st      = new StrippableText(p.Text);

                Match match = ReAfterLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText);
                while (match.Success)
                    if (!(match.Index > 1 && st.StrippedText.Substring(match.Index - 1, 2) == "Mc") && // irish names, McDonalds etc.
                        st.StrippedText[match.Index + 1] == 'I' &&
                        callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                        string word = GetWholeWord(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                        if (!callbacks.IsName(word))
                            var old = st.StrippedText;
                            st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Substring(0, match.Index + 1) + "l";
                            if (match.Index + 2 < old.Length)
                                st.StrippedText += old.Substring(match.Index + 2);
                            p.Text = st.MergedString;

                            st = new StrippableText(p.Text);
                            callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                            match = ReAfterLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                            match = match.NextMatch();
                        match = match.NextMatch();

                match = ReBeforeLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText);
                while (match.Success)
                    string word = GetWholeWord(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                    if (!callbacks.IsName(word))
                        if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                            if (word.Equals("internal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                word.Equals("island", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                word.Equals("islands", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            else if (match.Index == 0)
                            {  // first letter in paragraph
                               //too risky! - perhaps if periods is fixed at the same time... or too complicated!?
                               //if (isLineContinuation)
                               //    st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                               //    p.Text = st.MergedString;
                               //    uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords++;
                               //    AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                if (match.Index > 2 && st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1] == ' ')
                                    if ((Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers + @",").Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - 2]) &&
                                        match.Length >= 2 && Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(match.Value[1])))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                        p.Text          = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                else if (match.Index > Environment.NewLine.Length + 1 && Environment.NewLine.Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1]))
                                    if ((Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers + @",").Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - Environment.NewLine.Length + 1]) &&
                                        match.Length >= 2 && Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(match.Value[1]))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                        p.Text          = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                else if (match.Index > 1 && "\"'<>()[]{}-—,.‘’¡¿„“()[]♪@".Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1]))
                                    var before = '\0';
                                    var after  = '\0';
                                    if (match.Index > 0)
                                        before = st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1];
                                    if (match.Index < st.StrippedText.Length - 2)
                                        after = st.StrippedText[match.Index + 1];
                                    if (before != '\0' && char.IsUpper(before) && after != '\0' && char.IsLower(after) &&
                                        !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(before)) && !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(after))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "i");
                                        p.Text          = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                    else if (@"‘’¡¿„“()[]♪'. @".Contains(before) && !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(after)))
                                        var ok = true;

                                        if (match.Index >= 2 && st.StrippedText.Substring(match.Index - 2, 2) == "Mc")
                                            ok = false;

                                        if (ok)
                                            st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                            p.Text          = st.MergedString;
                                            callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                    match = match.NextMatch();
            callbacks.UpdateFixStatus(uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords, language.FixUppercaseIInsindeLowercaseWords, language.XUppercaseIsFoundInsideLowercaseWords);
        public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle, IFixCallbacks callbacks)
            var    language  = Configuration.Settings.Language.FixCommonErrors;
            string fixAction = language.FixMissingPeriodAtEndOfLine;
            int    missingPeriodsAtEndOfLine = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                var    p        = subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
                var    next     = subtitle.GetParagraphOrDefault(i + 1);
                string nextText = string.Empty;
                if (next != null)
                    nextText = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(next.Text, true).TrimStart('-', '"', '„').TrimStart();
                bool   isNextClose = next != null && next.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds < 400;
                string tempNoHtml  = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(p.Text).TrimEnd();

                if (IsOneLineUrl(p.Text) || p.Text.Contains(ExpectedChars) || p.Text.EndsWith('\''))
                    // ignore urls
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextText) && next != null &&
                         next.Text.Length > 0 &&
                         char.IsUpper(nextText[0]) &&
                         tempNoHtml.Length > 0 &&
                         !ExpectedString1.Contains(tempNoHtml[tempNoHtml.Length - 1]))
                    string tempTrimmed = tempNoHtml.TrimEnd().TrimEnd('\'', '"', '“', '”').TrimEnd();
                    if (tempTrimmed.Length > 0 && !ExpectedString2.Contains(tempTrimmed[tempTrimmed.Length - 1]) && p.Text != p.Text.ToUpperInvariant())
                        //don't end the sentence if the next word is an I word as they're always capped.
                        bool isNextCloseAndStartsWithI = isNextClose && (nextText.StartsWith("I ", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                                                                         nextText.StartsWith("I'", StringComparison.Ordinal));

                        if (!isNextCloseAndStartsWithI)
                            //test to see if the first word of the next line is a name
                            if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                                string oldText = p.Text;
                                if (callbacks.IsName(next.Text.Split(WordSplitChars)[0]))
                                    if (next.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds > 2000)
                                        AddPeriod(p, tempNoHtml);
                                    AddPeriod(p, tempNoHtml);

                                if (p.Text != oldText)
                                    callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                else if (next != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Text) && Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers.Contains(p.Text[p.Text.Length - 1]))
                    if (p.Text != p.Text.ToUpperInvariant())
                        var st = new StrippableText(next.Text);
                        if (st.StrippedText.Length > 0 && st.StrippedText != st.StrippedText.ToUpperInvariant() &&
                            if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                                int j = p.Text.Length - 1;
                                while (j >= 0 && !@".!?¿¡".Contains(p.Text[j]))

                                string endSign = ".";
                                if (j >= 0 && p.Text[j] == '¿')
                                    endSign = "?";

                                if (j >= 0 && p.Text[j] == '¡')
                                    endSign = "!";

                                string oldText = p.Text;
                                p.Text += endSign;
                                callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);

                if (p.Text.Length > 4)
                    int indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + " -", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "-", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i>-", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i> -", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                    if (indexOfNewLine > 0 && char.IsUpper(char.ToUpper(p.Text[indexOfNewLine - 1])) && callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                        string oldText = p.Text;

                        string text = p.Text.Substring(0, indexOfNewLine);
                        var    st   = new StrippableText(text);
                        if (st.Pre.TrimEnd().EndsWith('¿')) // Spanish ¿
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, "?");
                        else if (st.Pre.TrimEnd().EndsWith('¡')) // Spanish ¡
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, "!");
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, ".");

                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
            callbacks.UpdateFixStatus(missingPeriodsAtEndOfLine, language.AddPeriods, language.XPeriodsAdded);
        public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle, IFixCallbacks callbacks)
            var    language  = Configuration.Settings.Language.FixCommonErrors;
            string fixAction = language.FixMissingPeriodAtEndOfLine;
            int    missigPeriodsAtEndOfLine = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Paragraph p        = subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
                Paragraph next     = subtitle.GetParagraphOrDefault(i + 1);
                string    nextText = string.Empty;
                if (next != null)
                    nextText = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(next.Text).TrimStart('-', '"', '„').TrimStart();
                string tempNoHtml = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(p.Text).TrimEnd();

                if (IsOneLineUrl(p.Text) || p.Text.Contains(new[] { '♪', '♫' }) || p.Text.EndsWith('\''))
                    // ignore urls
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextText) && next != null &&
                         next.Text.Length > 0 &&
                         Utilities.UppercaseLetters.Contains(nextText[0]) &&
                         tempNoHtml.Length > 0 &&
                         !@",.!?:;>-])♪♫…".Contains(tempNoHtml[tempNoHtml.Length - 1]))
                    string tempTrimmed = tempNoHtml.TrimEnd().TrimEnd('\'', '"', '“', '”').TrimEnd();
                    if (tempTrimmed.Length > 0 && !@")]*#¶.!?".Contains(tempTrimmed[tempTrimmed.Length - 1]) && p.Text != p.Text.ToUpper())
                        //don't end the sentence if the next word is an I word as they're always capped.
                        if (!next.Text.StartsWith("I ", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !next.Text.StartsWith("I'", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            //test to see if the first word of the next line is a name
                            if (!callbacks.IsName(next.Text.Split(WordSplitChars)[0]) && callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                                string oldText = p.Text;
                                if (p.Text.EndsWith('>'))
                                    int lastLessThan = p.Text.LastIndexOf('<');
                                    if (lastLessThan > 0)
                                        p.Text = p.Text.Insert(lastLessThan, ".");
                                    if (p.Text.EndsWith('“') && tempNoHtml.StartsWith('„'))
                                        p.Text = p.Text.TrimEnd('“') + ".“";
                                    else if (p.Text.EndsWith('"') && tempNoHtml.StartsWith('"'))
                                        p.Text = p.Text.TrimEnd('"') + ".\"";
                                        p.Text += ".";
                                if (p.Text != oldText)
                                    callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                else if (next != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Text) && Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers.Contains(p.Text[p.Text.Length - 1]))
                    if (p.Text != p.Text.ToUpper())
                        var st = new StripableText(next.Text);
                        if (st.StrippedText.Length > 0 && st.StrippedText != st.StrippedText.ToUpper() &&
                            if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                                int j = p.Text.Length - 1;
                                while (j >= 0 && !@".!?¿¡".Contains(p.Text[j]))
                                string endSign = ".";
                                if (j >= 0 && p.Text[j] == '¿')
                                    endSign = "?";
                                if (j >= 0 && p.Text[j] == '¡')
                                    endSign = "!";

                                string oldText = p.Text;
                                p.Text += endSign;
                                callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);

                if (p.Text.Length > 4)
                    int indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + " -", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "-", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i>-", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i> -", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine > 0 && Configuration.Settings.General.UppercaseLetters.Contains(char.ToUpper(p.Text[indexOfNewLine - 1])) && callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                        string oldText = p.Text;

                        string text = p.Text.Substring(0, indexOfNewLine);
                        var    st   = new StripableText(text);
                        if (st.Pre.TrimEnd().EndsWith('¿')) // Spanish ¿
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, "?");
                        else if (st.Pre.TrimEnd().EndsWith('¡')) // Spanish ¡
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, "!");
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, ".");

                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
            callbacks.UpdateFixStatus(missigPeriodsAtEndOfLine, language.AddPeriods, language.XPeriodsAdded);
        public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle, IFixCallbacks callbacks)
            var language = Configuration.Settings.Language.FixCommonErrors;
            string fixAction = language.FixMissingPeriodAtEndOfLine;
            int missigPeriodsAtEndOfLine = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Paragraph p = subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
                Paragraph next = subtitle.GetParagraphOrDefault(i + 1);
                string nextText = string.Empty;
                if (next != null)
                    nextText = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(next.Text, true).TrimStart('-', '"', '„').TrimStart();
                bool isNextClose = next != null && next.StartTime.TotalMilliseconds - p.EndTime.TotalMilliseconds < 400;
                string tempNoHtml = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(p.Text).TrimEnd();

                if (IsOneLineUrl(p.Text) || p.Text.Contains(ExpectedChars) || p.Text.EndsWith('\''))
                    // ignore urls
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextText) && next != null &&
                    next.Text.Length > 0 &&
                    Utilities.UppercaseLetters.Contains(nextText[0]) &&
                    tempNoHtml.Length > 0 &&
                    !ExpectedString1.Contains(tempNoHtml[tempNoHtml.Length - 1]))
                    string tempTrimmed = tempNoHtml.TrimEnd().TrimEnd('\'', '"', '“', '”').TrimEnd();
                    if (tempTrimmed.Length > 0 && !ExpectedString2.Contains(tempTrimmed[tempTrimmed.Length - 1]) && p.Text != p.Text.ToUpper())
                        //don't end the sentence if the next word is an I word as they're always capped.
                        bool isNextCloseAndStartsWithI = isNextClose && (nextText.StartsWith("I ", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                                                                         nextText.StartsWith("I'", StringComparison.Ordinal));

                        if (!isNextCloseAndStartsWithI)
                            //test to see if the first word of the next line is a name
                            if (!callbacks.IsName(next.Text.Split(WordSplitChars)[0]) && callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                                string oldText = p.Text;
                                if (p.Text.EndsWith('>'))
                                    int lastLessThan = p.Text.LastIndexOf('<');
                                    if (lastLessThan > 0)
                                        p.Text = p.Text.Insert(lastLessThan, ".");
                                    if (p.Text.EndsWith('“') && tempNoHtml.StartsWith('„'))
                                        p.Text = p.Text.TrimEnd('“') + ".“";
                                    else if (p.Text.EndsWith('"') && tempNoHtml.StartsWith('"'))
                                        p.Text = p.Text.TrimEnd('"') + ".\"";
                                        p.Text += ".";
                                if (p.Text != oldText)
                                    callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                else if (next != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Text) && Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers.Contains(p.Text[p.Text.Length - 1]))
                    if (p.Text != p.Text.ToUpper())
                        var st = new StripableText(next.Text);
                        if (st.StrippedText.Length > 0 && st.StrippedText != st.StrippedText.ToUpper() &&
                            if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                                int j = p.Text.Length - 1;
                                while (j >= 0 && !@".!?¿¡".Contains(p.Text[j]))
                                string endSign = ".";
                                if (j >= 0 && p.Text[j] == '¿')
                                    endSign = "?";
                                if (j >= 0 && p.Text[j] == '¡')
                                    endSign = "!";

                                string oldText = p.Text;
                                p.Text += endSign;
                                callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);

                if (p.Text.Length > 4)
                    int indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + " -", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "-", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i>-", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine < 0)
                        indexOfNewLine = p.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i> -", 3, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (indexOfNewLine > 0 && Configuration.Settings.General.UppercaseLetters.Contains(char.ToUpper(p.Text[indexOfNewLine - 1])) && callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                        string oldText = p.Text;

                        string text = p.Text.Substring(0, indexOfNewLine);
                        var st = new StripableText(text);
                        if (st.Pre.TrimEnd().EndsWith('¿')) // Spanish ¿
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, "?");
                        else if (st.Pre.TrimEnd().EndsWith('¡')) // Spanish ¡
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, "!");
                            p.Text = p.Text.Insert(indexOfNewLine, ".");

                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
            callbacks.UpdateFixStatus(missigPeriodsAtEndOfLine, language.AddPeriods, language.XPeriodsAdded);
        public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle, IFixCallbacks callbacks)
            var    l         = Configuration.Settings.Language.FixCommonErrors;
            string fixAction = l.FixUppercaseIInsideLowercaseWord;
            var    language  = callbacks.Language;
            int    uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Paragraph p       = subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
                string    oldText = p.Text;
                var       st      = new StrippableText(p.Text);

                Match match = ReAfterLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText);
                while (match.Success)
                    if (!(match.Index > 1 && st.StrippedText.Substring(match.Index - 1, 2) == "Mc") && // irish names, McDonalds etc.
                        st.StrippedText[match.Index + 1] == 'I' &&
                        callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                        string word = GetWholeWord(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                        if (!callbacks.IsName(word))
                            var old = st.StrippedText;
                            st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Substring(0, match.Index + 1) + "l";
                            if (match.Index + 2 < old.Length)
                                st.StrippedText += old.Substring(match.Index + 2);

                            p.Text = st.MergedString;

                            st = new StrippableText(p.Text);
                            callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                            match = ReAfterLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                            match = match.NextMatch();
                        match = match.NextMatch();

                match = ReBeforeLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText);
                while (match.Success)
                    string word = GetWholeWord(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                    if (!callbacks.IsName(word))
                        if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                            if (language == "en" && word.EndsWith('s') &&
                                p.Text.Length > match.Index + 1 &&
                                word.TrimEnd('s') == word.TrimEnd('s').ToUpperInvariant())
                                // skip words like "MRIs" where the last 's' indicates plural
                                var before = st.StrippedText[match.Index];
                                var after  = '\0';
                                if (match.Index < st.StrippedText.Length - 3)
                                    after = st.StrippedText[match.Index + 2];

                                if (before != '\0' && char.IsUpper(before) && after != '\0' && char.IsLower(after) &&
                                    !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(before)) && !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(after))
                                    st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index + 1, 1).Insert(match.Index + 1, "i");
                                    p.Text          = st.MergedString;
                                    callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                else if (@"‘’¡¿„“()[]♪'. @".Contains(before) && !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(after)))
                                    bool ok = !(match.Index >= 1 && st.StrippedText.Substring(match.Index - 1, 2) == "Mc");

                                    if (ok)
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index + 1, 1).Insert(match.Index + 1, "l");
                                        p.Text          = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                    match = match.NextMatch();
            callbacks.UpdateFixStatus(uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords, l.FixUppercaseIInsindeLowercaseWords, l.XUppercaseIsFoundInsideLowercaseWords);
        public void Fix(Subtitle subtitle, IFixCallbacks callbacks)
            var language = Configuration.Settings.Language.FixCommonErrors;
            string fixAction = language.FixUppercaseIInsideLowercaseWord;
            int uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < subtitle.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Paragraph p = subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
                string oldText = p.Text;

                Match match = ReAfterLowercaseLetter.Match(p.Text);
                while (match.Success)
                    if (!(match.Index > 1 && p.Text.Substring(match.Index - 1, 2) == "Mc") // irish names, McDonalds etc.
                        && p.Text[match.Index + 1] == 'I'
                        && callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                        p.Text = p.Text.Substring(0, match.Index + 1) + "l";
                        if (match.Index + 2 < oldText.Length)
                            p.Text += oldText.Substring(match.Index + 2);

                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                    match = match.NextMatch();

                var st = new StrippableText(p.Text);
                match = ReBeforeLowercaseLetter.Match(st.StrippedText);
                while (match.Success)
                    string word = GetWholeWord(st.StrippedText, match.Index);
                    if (!callbacks.IsName(word))
                        if (callbacks.AllowFix(p, fixAction))
                            if (word.Equals("internal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                word.Equals("island", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                word.Equals("islands", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            else if (match.Index == 0)
                            {  // first letter in paragraph

                                //too risky! - perhaps if periods is fixed at the same time... or too complicated!?
                                //if (isLineContinuation)
                                //    st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                //    p.Text = st.MergedString;
                                //    uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords++;
                                //    AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                if (match.Index > 2 && st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1] == ' ')
                                    if ((Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers + @",").Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - 2])
                                        && match.Length >= 2 && Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(match.Value[1])))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                        p.Text = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                else if (match.Index > Environment.NewLine.Length + 1 && Environment.NewLine.Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1]))
                                    if ((Utilities.AllLettersAndNumbers + @",").Contains(st.StrippedText[match.Index - Environment.NewLine.Length + 1])
                                        && match.Length >= 2 && Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(match.Value[1]))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                        p.Text = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                else if (match.Index > 1 && ((st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1] == '\"') || (st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1] == '\'') ||
                                                             (st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1] == '>') || (st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1] == '-')))
                                    var before = '\0';
                                    var after = '\0';
                                    if (match.Index > 0)
                                        before = st.StrippedText[match.Index - 1];
                                    if (match.Index < st.StrippedText.Length - 2)
                                        after = st.StrippedText[match.Index + 1];
                                    if (before != '\0' && char.IsUpper(before) && after != '\0' && char.IsLower(after) &&
                                        !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(before)) && !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(after))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "i");
                                        p.Text = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                                    else if (@"‘’¡¿„“()[]♪'. @".Contains(before) && !Utilities.LowercaseVowels.Contains(char.ToLower(after)))
                                        st.StrippedText = st.StrippedText.Remove(match.Index, 1).Insert(match.Index, "l");
                                        p.Text = st.MergedString;
                                        callbacks.AddFixToListView(p, fixAction, oldText, p.Text);
                    match = match.NextMatch();
            callbacks.UpdateFixStatus(uppercaseIsInsideLowercaseWords, language.FixUppercaseIInsindeLowercaseWords, language.XUppercaseIsFoundInsideLowercaseWords);