private void RunTest(IFileFormat<List<FeatureItemGroup>> format) { var inputFile = @"../../../data/CMS-001.count.mapped.xml"; var features = format.ReadFromFile(inputFile); var tempFile = inputFile + ".tmp"; format.WriteToFile(tempFile, features); FileAssert.AreEqual(inputFile, tempFile); File.Delete(tempFile); }
public void UnregisterFileFormat (IFileFormat format) { foreach (FileFormat f in fileFormats) { if (f.Format == format) { fileFormats.Remove (f); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether [is format valid for path] [the specified file format]. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileFormat">The file format.</param> /// <param name="path">The path.</param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if [is format valid for path] [the specified file format]; otherwise, <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public virtual bool IsFormatValidForPath(IFileFormat fileFormat, string path) { // Get the extension. string extension = Path.GetExtension(path).Substring(1); // Go through each file type and see if we // match it. foreach (var fileType in fileFormat.FileTypes) if (String.Compare(extension, fileType, true) == 0) return true; return false; }
public void RegisterFileFormat (IFileFormat format, string id, string name, bool canDefault) { FileFormat f = new FileFormat (format, id, name, canDefault); fileFormats.Add (f); }
private void SaveNodeFormats(ObjectEditor editor, bool UseSaveDialog, bool UseCompressDialog) { foreach (var node in editor.GetNodes()) { IFileFormat format = null; if (node is ArchiveBase) { format = (IFileFormat)((ArchiveBase)node).ArchiveFile; if (node is ArchiveRootNodeWrapper) { ((ArchiveRootNodeWrapper)node).UpdateFileNames(); } } else if (node is IFileFormat) { format = ((IFileFormat)node); } if (format != null) { if (!format.CanSave) { return; } string FileName = format.FilePath; if (!File.Exists(FileName)) { UseSaveDialog = true; } if (UseSaveDialog) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = Utils.GetAllFilters(format); sfd.FileName = format.FileName; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } FileName = sfd.FileName; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; //Use the export method for particular formats like bfres for special save operations if (format is STGenericWrapper && !(format is STGenericTexture)) { ((STGenericWrapper)format).Export(FileName); return; } if (node is ArchiveBase) { STFileSaver.SaveFileFormat(((IFileFormat)((ArchiveBase)node).ArchiveFile), FileName, UseCompressDialog); } else { STFileSaver.SaveFileFormat(((IFileFormat)node), FileName, UseCompressDialog); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } }
public static IImageCodec FromFileFormat(IFileFormat imageFormat) { return(GetImageCodecs(imageFormat).FirstOrDefault(codec => codec.IsSupportedFileFormat(imageFormat))); }
protected async override Task <SendResult> Send(IWin32Window Owner, Output Output, ImageData ImageData) { try { string applicationPath = string.Empty; using (RegistryKey localMachineKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32)) { using (RegistryKey classKey = localMachineKey.OpenSubKey("Software\\Classes\\.xcf", false)) { if (classKey != null) { string classValue = Convert.ToString(classKey.GetValue(string.Empty, string.Empty)); using (RegistryKey commandKey = localMachineKey.OpenSubKey("Software\\Classes\\" + classValue + "\\shell\\open\\command", false)) { if (commandKey != null) { string openCommand = Convert.ToString(commandKey.GetValue(string.Empty, string.Empty)); applicationPath = openCommand.Split(new char[] { Convert.ToChar("\"") }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; } } } } } if (!File.Exists(applicationPath)) { return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, "Gimp is not installed.")); } string fileName = AttributeHelper.ReplaceAttributes(Output.FileName, ImageData); if (Output.EditFileName) { Send send = new Send(fileName); var ownerHelper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(send); ownerHelper.Owner = Owner.Handle; if (send.ShowDialog() != true) { return(new SendResult(Result.Canceled)); } fileName = send.FileName; } IFileFormat fileFormat = FileHelper.GetFileFormat(Output.FileFormatID); string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), fileName + "." + fileFormat.FileExtension); Byte[] fileBytes = FileHelper.GetFileBytes(Output.FileFormatID, ImageData); using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { file.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); file.Close(); } Process.Start(applicationPath, "\"" + filePath + "\""); return(new SendResult(Result.Success)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, ex.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// Action for the File->Save command. /// </summary> /// public void Save_Execute(object parameter) { string option = (parameter as string); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastSavePath) && option != "SaveAs") { save(); return; } var dlg = new SaveFileDialog() { FileName = "Sample", DefaultExt = ".csv", Filter = saveFormats.GetFilterString(false), InitialDirectory = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Resources\\Samples\\") }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastSavePath)) dlg.InitialDirectory = lastSavePath; // Show save file dialog box var result = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { // Get the chosen format lastSaveFormat = saveFormats[dlg.FilterIndex - 1]; lastSavePath = dlg.FileName; save(); } }
internal FileFormat GetFileFormat (IFileFormat format) { foreach (FileFormat f in fileFormats) if (f.Format == format) return f; return null; }
public void ReloadArchiveFile(IFileFormat fileFormat) { this.treeViewCustom1.Nodes.Clear(); AddIArchiveFile(fileFormat); }
private object ReadFile(IProgressMonitor monitor, string file, Type expectedType, out IFileFormat format) { List <FileFormat> fileFormats = this.FormatManager.GetFileFormats(file, expectedType); if (fileFormats.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown file format: " + file); } format = fileFormats[0]; return(this.ReadFile(monitor, file, expectedType, format)); }
protected override async Task <SendResult> Send(IWin32Window Owner, Output Output, ImageData ImageData) { try { string userName = Output.UserName; string password = Output.Password; bool showLogin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password); bool rememberCredentials = false; string fileName = AttributeHelper.ReplaceAttributes(Output.FileName, ImageData); while (true) { if (showLogin) { // Show credentials window Credentials credentials = new Credentials(Output.Url, userName, password, rememberCredentials); var ownerHelper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(credentials); ownerHelper.Owner = Owner.Handle; if (credentials.ShowDialog() != true) { return(new SendResult(Result.Canceled)); } userName = credentials.UserName; password = credentials.Password; rememberCredentials = credentials.Remember; } try { GetProjectsResult projectsResult = await UnfuddleStackProxy.GetProjects(Output.Url, userName, password); switch (projectsResult.Status) { case ResultStatus.Success: break; case ResultStatus.LoginFailed: showLogin = true; continue; case ResultStatus.Failed: return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, projectsResult.FailedMessage)); } // Show send window Send send = new Send(Output.Url, Output.LastProjectID, Output.LastMessageID, Output.LastTicketNumber, projectsResult.Projects, fileName); var ownerHelper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(send); ownerHelper.Owner = Owner.Handle; if (!send.ShowDialog() == true) { return(new SendResult(Result.Canceled)); } int messageID = Output.LastMessageID;; int ticketNumber = Output.LastTicketNumber; switch (send.ItemType) { case SendItemType.NewMessage: CreateMessageResult createMessageResult = await UnfuddleStackProxy.CreateMessage(Output.Url, userName, password, send.ProjectID, send.MessageTitle, send.Message); switch (createMessageResult.Status) { case ResultStatus.Success: messageID = createMessageResult.MessageID; break; case ResultStatus.LoginFailed: showLogin = true; continue; case ResultStatus.Failed: return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, createMessageResult.FailedMessage)); } break; case SendItemType.AttachToMessage: messageID = send.MessageID; break; case SendItemType.NewTicket: CreateTicketResult createTicketResult = await UnfuddleStackProxy.CreateTicket(Output.Url, userName, password, send.ProjectID, send.TicketSummary, send.TicketDescription); switch (createTicketResult.Status) { case ResultStatus.Success: ticketNumber = createTicketResult.TicketNumber; break; case ResultStatus.LoginFailed: showLogin = true; continue; case ResultStatus.Failed: return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, createTicketResult.FailedMessage)); } break; case SendItemType.AttachToTicket: ticketNumber = send.TicketNumber; break; } IFileFormat fileFormat = FileHelper.GetFileFormat(Output.FileFormatID); string fullFileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", send.FileName, fileFormat.FileExtension); byte[] fileBytes = FileHelper.GetFileBytes(Output.FileFormatID, ImageData); string itemUrl = string.Empty; switch (send.ItemType) { case SendItemType.NewMessage: case SendItemType.AttachToMessage: AttachmentResult addAttachmentToMessage = await UnfuddleStackProxy.AddAttachmentToMessage(Output.Url, userName, password, send.ProjectID, messageID, fullFileName, fileBytes, fileFormat.MimeType); switch (addAttachmentToMessage.Status) { case ResultStatus.Success: itemUrl = String.Format("{0}/projects/{1}/messages/{2}", Output.Url, send.ProjectID, messageID); break; case ResultStatus.LoginFailed: showLogin = true; continue; case ResultStatus.Failed: return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, addAttachmentToMessage.FailedMessage)); } break; case SendItemType.NewTicket: case SendItemType.AttachToTicket: AttachmentResult addAttachmentToTicket = await UnfuddleStackProxy.AddAttachmentToTicket(Output.Url, userName, password, send.ProjectID, ticketNumber, fullFileName, fileBytes, fileFormat.MimeType); switch (addAttachmentToTicket.Status) { case ResultStatus.Success: itemUrl = String.Format("{0}/projects/{1}/tickets/by_number/{2}", Output.Url, send.ProjectID, ticketNumber); break; case ResultStatus.LoginFailed: showLogin = true; continue; case ResultStatus.Failed: return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, addAttachmentToTicket.FailedMessage)); } break; } // Open issue in browser if (Output.OpenItemInBrowser) { WebHelper.OpenUrl(itemUrl); } return(new SendResult(Result.Success, new Output(Output.Name, Output.Url, (rememberCredentials) ? userName : Output.UserName, (rememberCredentials) ? password : Output.Password, Output.FileName, Output.FileFormatID, Output.OpenItemInBrowser, send.ProjectID, messageID, ticketNumber))); } catch (FaultException ex) when(ex.Reason.ToString() == "Access denied") { // Login failed showLogin = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, ex.Message)); } }
public static bool IsSupportedFileFormat(this IHasSupportedFileFormats obj, IFileFormat fileFormat) { return(obj.GetSupportedFileFormats().Any(supportedFileFormat => supportedFileFormat.Equals(fileFormat))); }
private object ReadFile(IProgressMonitor monitor, string file, Type expectedType, IFileFormat format) { object obj = format.ReadFile(file, expectedType, monitor); if (obj == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid file format: " + file); } return(obj); }
public void RegisterFileFormat(IFileFormat format) { fileFormats.Add (format); }
public static IArchive Open(this IArchiveFactory archiveFactory, string filePath, IFileFormat archiveFormat, IArchiveOptions archiveOptions) { if (archiveFormat is null) { archiveFormat = FileFormatFactory.Default.FromFileExtension(filePath); } FileAccess fileAccess = archiveOptions?.FileAccess ?? FileAccess.ReadWrite; FileMode fileMode = fileAccess == FileAccess.Read ? FileMode.Open : FileMode.OpenOrCreate; FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, fileMode, fileAccess); try { return(archiveFactory.Open(fileStream, archiveFormat, archiveOptions)); } catch { fileStream.Dispose(); throw; } }
public static IArchive Open(this IArchiveFactory archiveFactory, Stream stream, IFileFormat archiveFormat) { if (archiveFormat is null) { stream = FileFormatFactory.Default.FromStream(stream, out archiveFormat); } return(archiveFactory.Open(stream, archiveFormat, ArchiveOptions.Default)); }
public SceneFileImporter(IImporter parent, string name, IFileFormat fileFormat) : base(parent, name) { _fileFormat = fileFormat; }
public static IArchiveDecoder FromFileFormat(IFileFormat fileFormat) { return(CompressionPluginLoader.GetArchiveDecoders().FirstOrDefault(decoder => decoder.IsSupportedFileFormat(fileFormat))); }
public void RegisterFileFormat (IFileFormat format, string id, string name) { FileFormat f = new FileFormat (format, id, name); fileFormats.Add (f); }
public ResourceFile(IFileFormat handler) { ImageKey = "bfres"; SelectedImageKey = "bfres"; FileHandler = handler; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem save = new MenuItem("Save"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(save); save.Click += Save; MenuItem newMenu = new MenuItem("New"); MenuItem import = new MenuItem("Import"); // ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMenu); // ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(import); MenuItem rename = new MenuItem("Rename"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(rename); rename.Click += Rename; MenuItem remove = new MenuItem("Remove"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(remove); remove.Click += Remove; if (Parent == null) { remove.Enabled = false; } if (BFRES.IsWiiU) { } else { MenuItem model = new MenuItem("Model"); MenuItem fska = new MenuItem("Skeletal Animation"); MenuItem fmaa = new MenuItem("Material Animation"); MenuItem bonevis = new MenuItem("Bone Visual Animation"); MenuItem shape = new MenuItem("Shape Animation"); MenuItem scene = new MenuItem("Scene Animation"); MenuItem embedded = new MenuItem("Embedded File"); MenuItem texture = new MenuItem("Texture File"); texture.Click += NewTextureFile; newMenu.MenuItems.Add(model); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(fska); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(fmaa); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(bonevis); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(shape); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(scene); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(embedded); newMenu.MenuItems.Add(texture); MenuItem importmodel = new MenuItem("Model"); MenuItem importfska = new MenuItem("Skeletal Animation"); MenuItem importfmaa = new MenuItem("Material Animation"); MenuItem importbonevis = new MenuItem("Bone Visual Animation"); MenuItem importshape = new MenuItem("Shape Animation"); MenuItem importscene = new MenuItem("Scene Animation"); MenuItem importembedded = new MenuItem("Embedded File"); MenuItem importtexture = new MenuItem("Texture File"); import.MenuItems.Add(importmodel); import.MenuItems.Add(importfska); import.MenuItems.Add(importfmaa); import.MenuItems.Add(importbonevis); import.MenuItems.Add(importshape); import.MenuItems.Add(importscene); import.MenuItems.Add(importembedded); import.MenuItems.Add(importtexture); } }
internal FileFormat (IFileFormat format, string id, string name, bool canDefault) { = id; = name ?? id; this.format = format; this.CanDefault = canDefault; }
public static bool IsSupportedFileFormat(IFileFormat fileFormat) { return(new GdiImageCodec().IsSupportedFileFormat(fileFormat)); }
public void AddIArchiveFile(IFileFormat FileFormat) { var FileRoot = new ArchiveRootNodeWrapper(FileFormat.FileName, (IArchiveFile)FileFormat); FileRoot.FillTreeNodes(); AddNode(FileRoot); if (FileFormat is TreeNode) //It can still be both, so add all it's nodes { foreach (TreeNode n in ((TreeNode)FileFormat).Nodes) { FileRoot.Nodes.Add(n); } } if (FileFormat is IArchiveQuickAccess) { var lookup = ((IArchiveQuickAccess)FileFormat).CategoryLookup; TreeNode quickAcessNode = new TreeNode("Quick access"); AddNode(quickAcessNode); Dictionary <string, TreeNode> folders = new Dictionary <string, TreeNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < FileRoot.FileNodes.Count; i++) { string fileName = FileRoot.FileNodes[i].Item1.FileName; string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName); string ext = Utils.GetExtension(fileName); var fileNode = FileRoot.FileNodes[i].Item2; string folder = "Other"; if (lookup.ContainsKey(ext)) { folder = lookup[ext]; } if (!folders.ContainsKey(folder)) { var dirNode = new TreeNode(folder); folders.Add(folder, dirNode); quickAcessNode.Nodes.Add(dirNode); } folders[folder].Nodes.Add(new TreeNode() { Tag = fileNode, Text = name, ImageKey = fileNode.ImageKey, SelectedImageKey = fileNode.SelectedImageKey, }); // dirNode.Nodes.Add(FileRoot.FileNodes[i].Item2); } } SelectNode(FileRoot); for (int i = 0; i < FileRoot.FileNodes.Count; i++) { if (FileRoot.FileNodes[i].Item1.OpenFileFormatOnLoad) { if (FileRoot.FileNodes[i].Item2 is ArchiveFileWrapper) { try { ((ArchiveFileWrapper)FileRoot.FileNodes[i].Item2).OpenFileFormat(treeViewCustom1); } catch { } } } } }
public static string GetAllFilters(IEnumerable <IFileFormat> format, IFileFormat targetFormat = null) { var alltypes = format; string Filter = "All Supported Files|"; List <string> FilterEach = new List <string>(); //Set the current extension used by the target's file information if used if (targetFormat != null && targetFormat.FilePath != null) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(targetFormat.FilePath); if (extension != "" && !format.Any(x => x.Extension.Contains($"*{extension}"))) { Filter += $"*{extension};"; FilterEach.Add($"({extension}) |*{extension}|"); } } foreach (IFileFormat f in format) { for (int i = 0; i < f.Extension.Length; i++) { Filter += $"{f.Extension[i]};"; FilterEach.Add($"{f.Description[0]} ({f.Extension[i]}) |{f.Extension[i]}|"); } } //Get compression formats foreach (ICompressionFormat f in FileManager.GetCompressionFormats()) { for (int i = 0; i < f.Extension.Length; i++) { Filter += $"{f.Extension[i]};"; FilterEach.Add($"{f.Description[0]} ({f.Extension[i]}) |{f.Extension[i]}|"); } } Filter += $"{"*.z"};"; Filter += $"{"*.cmp"};"; Filter += $"{"*.yaz0"};"; Filter += $"{"*.zstb"};"; Filter += $"{"*.lz4"};"; Filter += $"{"*.gz"};"; Filter += $"{"*.szs"};"; Filter += $"{"*.zs"};"; Filter += $"{"*.yaz0"};"; FilterEach.Add($"{"Compressed File"} ({"*.cmp"}) |{"*.cmp"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"Zlib Compressed"} ({"*.z"}) |{"*.z"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"Yaz0 Compressed"} ({"*.yaz0"}) |{"*.yaz0"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"Zstb Compressed"} ({"*.zstb"}) |{"*.zstb"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"Lz4 Compressed"} ({"*.lz4"}) |{"*.lz4"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"GZIP Compressed"} ({"*.gz"}) |{"*.gz"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"SZS ZSTD Compressed File"} ({"*.zs"}) |{"*.zs"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"SZS Yaz0 Compressed"} ({"*.szs"}) |{"*.szs"}|"); FilterEach.Add($"{"Yaz0 Compressed"} ({"*.yaz0"}) |{"*.yaz0"}|"); Filter += "|"; Filter += string.Join("", FilterEach.ToArray()); Filter += "All files(*.*)|*.*"; return(Filter); }
/// <summary> /// Action for the File->New command. /// </summary> /// public void New_Execute(object parameter) { Values.Clear(); lastSaveFormat = null; lastSavePath = null; Values.Add(new SampleViewModel() { Value = 0, Weight = 1 }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="FileLoggerProvider"/> class /// </summary> public FileLoggerProvider(string name, string path, IFileNamingFormat namingFormat, IFileFormat format) { _name = name; _path = path; _namingFormat = namingFormat; _format = format; }
public void SetEditorForm(IFileFormat fileFormat) { if (fileFormat == null) { AddControl(new STUserControl() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }); return; } Type objectType = fileFormat.GetType(); foreach (var inter in objectType.GetInterfaces()) { if (inter.IsGenericType && inter.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEditor <>)) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = objectType.GetMethod("OpenForm"); System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodFill = objectType.GetMethod("FillEditor"); var Editor = (UserControl)method.Invoke(fileFormat, new object[0]); var ActiveEditor = GetActiveEditor(Editor.GetType()); if (ActiveEditor == null) { AddControl(Editor); } else { Editor = ActiveEditor; } methodFill.Invoke(fileFormat, new object[1] { Editor }); return; } } if (fileFormat is STGenericTexture) { var Editor = ((STGenericTexture)fileFormat).GetEditor(); var ActiveEditor = GetActiveEditor(Editor.GetType()); if (ActiveEditor == null) { AddControl(Editor); } else { Editor = ActiveEditor; } ((STGenericTexture)fileFormat).FillEditor(Editor); return; } if (fileFormat is TreeNodeFile) { var Editor = ((TreeNodeFile)fileFormat).GetEditor(); var ActiveEditor = GetActiveEditor(Editor.GetType()); if (ActiveEditor == null) { AddControl(Editor); } else { Editor = ActiveEditor; } ((TreeNodeFile)fileFormat).FillEditor(Editor); return; } }
internal FileFormat (IFileFormat format, string id, string name) { = id; = name ?? id; this.format = format; }
public static bool IsNativelySupportedImageFormat(IFileFormat imageFormat) { return(NativelySupportedImageFormats.Any(supportedImageFormat => supportedImageFormat.Equals(imageFormat))); }
/// <summary> /// Method to export the mesh to a N3DT file format /// </summary> /// <param name="path">String value</param> public void ExportToN3dtFile(String path) { this.FileFormat = new N3DTFileFormat(this); this.FileFormat.Export(path); this.UpdateMainView(); }
protected override async Task <SendResult> Send(IWin32Window Owner, Output Output, ImageData ImageData) { try { string userName = Output.UserName; string password = Output.Password; bool showLogin = string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password); bool rememberCredentials = false; string fileName = AttributeHelper.ReplaceAttributes(Output.FileName, ImageData); while (true) { if (showLogin) { // Show credentials window Credentials credentials = new Credentials(Output.Url, userName, password, rememberCredentials); var credentialsOwnerHelper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(credentials); credentialsOwnerHelper.Owner = Owner.Handle; if (credentials.ShowDialog() != true) { return(new SendResult(Result.Canceled)); } userName = credentials.UserName; password = credentials.Password; rememberCredentials = credentials.Remember; } LoginResult loginResult = await YouTrackProxy.Login(Output.Url, userName, password); if (!loginResult.Success) { showLogin = true; continue; } // Get projects List <Project> projects = await YouTrackProxy.GetAccessibleProjects(Output.Url, loginResult.LoginCookies); // Show send window Send send = new Send(Output.Url, Output.LastProjectID, Output.LastIssueID, projects, fileName); var sendOwnerHelper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(send); sendOwnerHelper.Owner = Owner.Handle; if (!send.ShowDialog() == true) { return(new SendResult(Result.Canceled)); } string projectID = null; string issueID = null; if (send.CreateNewIssue) { projectID = send.ProjectID; CreateIssueResult createIssueResult = await YouTrackProxy.CreateIssue(Output.Url, loginResult.LoginCookies, projectID, send.Summary, send.Description); if (!createIssueResult.Success) { return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, createIssueResult.FaultMessage)); } issueID = createIssueResult.IssueID; } else { issueID = send.IssueID; projectID = Output.LastProjectID; } IFileFormat fileFormat = FileHelper.GetFileFormat(Output.FileFormatID); string fullFileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", send.FileName, fileFormat.FileExtension); byte[] fileBytes = FileHelper.GetFileBytes(Output.FileFormatID, ImageData); AddAttachmentResult addAttachmentResult = await YouTrackProxy.AddAttachment(Output.Url, loginResult.LoginCookies, issueID, fullFileName, fileBytes, fileFormat.MimeType); if (!addAttachmentResult.Success) { return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, addAttachmentResult.FaultMessage)); } // Open issue in browser if (Output.OpenItemInBrowser) { WebHelper.OpenUrl(String.Format("{0}/issue/{1}", Output.Url, issueID)); } return(new SendResult(Result.Success, new Output(Output.Name, Output.Url, (rememberCredentials) ? userName : Output.UserName, (rememberCredentials) ? password : Output.Password, Output.FileName, Output.FileFormatID, Output.OpenItemInBrowser, projectID, issueID))); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new SendResult(Result.Failed, ex.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the <see cref="IFileFormat"/> as a file from the given <param name="FileName"> /// </summary> /// <param name="IFileFormat">The format instance of the file being saved</param> /// <param name="FileName">The name of the file</param> /// <param name="Alignment">The Alignment used for compression. Used for Yaz0 compression type. </param> /// <returns></returns> public static SaveLog SaveFileFormat(IFileFormat fileFormat, string fileName) { SaveLog log = new SaveLog(); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); fileFormat.FileInfo.FilePath = fileName; if (fileFormat.FileInfo.KeepOpen && File.Exists(fileName)) { string savedPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); string tempPath = Path.Combine(savedPath, "tempST.bin"); //Save a temporary file first to not disturb the opened file using (var fileStream = new FileStream(tempPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { fileFormat.Save(fileStream); if (fileFormat.FileInfo.Compression != null) { // Stream comp = CompressFile(File.OpenRead(tempPath), fileFormat); //fileStream.CopyTo(comp); } if (fileFormat is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)fileFormat).Dispose(); } //After saving is done remove the existing file File.Delete(fileName); //Now move and rename our temp file to the new file path File.Move(tempPath, fileName); fileFormat.Load(File.OpenRead(fileName)); } } else if (fileFormat.FileInfo.Compression != null) { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); fileFormat.Save(mem); mem = new MemoryStream(mem.ToArray()); var finalStream = CompressFile(mem, fileFormat); // File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, finalStream.ToArray()); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { finalStream.CopyTo(fileStream); } } else { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { fileFormat.Save(fileStream); } } stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; log.SaveTime = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds); return(log); }
// Public members public static IArchive Open(string filePath, IFileFormat archiveFormat, IArchiveOptions archiveOptions = null) { return(ArchiveFactory.Default.Open(filePath, archiveFormat, archiveOptions)); }
public void LoadFile(AudioData audioData, IFileFormat fileFormat, bool ClearPlaylist = false) { if (ClearPlaylist) { audioListView.Items.Clear(); } AudioFileFormats.Add(fileFormat); //Load Channel Info AudioFile file = new AudioFile(); file.Title = fileFormat.FileName; if (fileFormat is VGAdudioFile) { file.vgAdudioFile = (VGAdudioFile)fileFormat; } //Loop through each channel and set it's own var format = audioData.GetAllFormats().ToArray()[0]; for (int c = 0; c < format.ChannelCount; c++) { using (var memWav = new MemoryStream()) { AudioChannel audioChannel = new AudioChannel(); audioChannel.Name = $"Channel [{c}]"; file.Channels.Add(audioChannel); //Load data and write to stream var audio = format.GetChannels(c).ToPcm16(); var writer = new WaveWriter(); writer.WriteToStream(audio, memWav); audioChannel.Data = memWav.ToArray(); memWav.Position = 0; //Load the player audioChannel.audioPlayer.Open(new MemoryStream(audioChannel.Data), "test.wav", activeDevice); /* OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); * if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) * { * audioChannel.audioPlayer.Open(openFileDialog.FileName, activeDevice); * }*/ audioChannel.audioPlayer.PlaybackStopped += (s, args) => { //WasapiOut uses SynchronizationContext.Post to raise the event //There might be already a new WasapiOut-instance in the background when the async Post method brings the PlaybackStopped-Event to us. if (audioChannel.audioPlayer.PlaybackState != PlaybackState.Stopped) { } }; } } audioListView.AddObject(file); if (audioListView.Items.Count != 0) { audioListView.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Method to load a N3DT file (.n3dt) /// </summary> /// <param name="path">String value</param> private void ImportN3dtFile(String path) { this.FileFormat = new N3DTFileFormat(this); this.FileFormat.Load(path); this.UpdateMainView(); }
public static IImageOptimizer FromImageFormat(IFileFormat imageFormat) { return(GetImageOptimizers().FirstOrDefault(optimizer => optimizer.IsSupportedFileFormat(imageFormat))); }
/// <summary> /// Method to export the mesh to a N3DT file format /// </summary> /// <param name="path">String value</param> public void ExportToObjFile(String path) { this.FileFormat = new OBJFileFormat(this); this.FileFormat.Export(path); this.UpdateMainView(); }
public static Stream FromStream(this IFileFormatFactory fileFormatFactory, Stream stream, out IFileFormat fileFormat) { // Read the file signature from the stream into a buffer, which is then concatenated with the original stream. // This allows us to read the file signature from streams that don't support seeking. int maxSignatureLength = fileFormatFactory.GetKnownFileFormats() .Where(format => format.Signatures is object && format.Signatures.Any()) .SelectMany(format => format.Signatures.Select(sig => sig.Length)) .OrderByDescending(length => length) .FirstOrDefault(); MemoryStream fileSignatureBuffer = new MemoryStream(new byte[maxSignatureLength], 0, maxSignatureLength, writable: true, publiclyVisible: true); try { int bytesRead = stream.Read(fileSignatureBuffer.GetBuffer(), 0, maxSignatureLength); fileSignatureBuffer.SetLength(bytesRead); fileFormat = fileFormatFactory.FromStream(fileSignatureBuffer); fileSignatureBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(new ConcatStream(fileSignatureBuffer, stream)); } catch (Exception) { fileSignatureBuffer.Dispose(); throw; } }
public override object BuildItem(object owner, ArrayList subItems, ConditionCollection conditions) { fileFormat = (IFileFormat) AddIn.CreateObject (Class); return this; }
internal FileFormat(IFileFormat format, string id, string name) { = id; = name ?? id; this.format = format; }
public static void Add(IFileFormat format) { formats.Add(format); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the <see cref="IFileFormat"/> as a file from the given <param name="FileName"> /// </summary> /// <param name="IFileFormat">The format instance of the file being saved</param> /// <param name="FileName">The name of the file</param> /// <param name="Alignment">The Alignment used for compression. Used for Yaz0 compression type. </param> /// <param name="EnableDialog">Toggle for showing compression dialog</param> /// <returns></returns> public static void SaveFileFormat(IFileFormat FileFormat, string FileName, bool EnableDialog = true, string DetailsLog = "") { //These always get created on loading a file,however not on creating a new file if (FileFormat.IFileInfo == null) { throw new System.NotImplementedException("Make sure to impliment a IFileInfo instance if a format is being created!"); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; FileFormat.FilePath = FileName; if (FileFormat.IFileInfo.FileIsCompressed || FileFormat.IFileInfo.InArchive || Path.GetExtension(FileName) == ".szs") { //Todo find more optmial way to handle memory with files in archives //Also make compression require streams var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); FileFormat.Save(mem); mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream(mem.ToArray()); FileFormat.IFileInfo.DecompressedSize = (uint)mem.Length; var finalStream = CompressFileFormat( FileFormat.IFileInfo.FileCompression, mem, FileFormat.IFileInfo.FileIsCompressed, FileFormat.IFileInfo.Alignment, FileName, EnableDialog); FileFormat.IFileInfo.CompressedSize = (uint)finalStream.Length; finalStream.ExportToFile(FileName); DetailsLog += "\n" + SatisfyFileTables(FileFormat, FileName, finalStream, FileFormat.IFileInfo.DecompressedSize, FileFormat.IFileInfo.CompressedSize, FileFormat.IFileInfo.FileIsCompressed); finalStream.Flush(); finalStream.Close(); } else { //Check if a stream is active and the file is beinng saved to the same opened file if (FileFormat is ISaveOpenedFileStream && FileFormat.FilePath == FileName && File.Exists(FileName)) { string savedPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName); string tempPath = Path.Combine(savedPath, "tempST.bin"); //Save a temporary file first to not disturb the opened file using (var fileStream = new FileStream(tempPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { FileFormat.Save(fileStream); //After saving is done remove the existing file File.Delete(FileName); //Now move and rename our temp file to the new file path File.Move(tempPath, FileName); } } else { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { FileFormat.Save(fileStream); } } } MessageBox.Show($"File has been saved to {FileName}", "Save Notification"); // STSaveLogDialog.Show($"File has been saved to {FileName}", "Save Notification", DetailsLog); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
internal FileFormat (IFileFormat format, string id, string name) : this (format, id, name, false) { }
private static string SatisfyFileTables(IFileFormat FileFormat, string FilePath, Stream Data, uint DecompressedSize, uint CompressedSize, bool IsYaz0Compressed) { string FileLog = ""; bool IsBotwFile = FilePath.IsSubPathOf(Runtime.BotwGamePath); bool IsTPHDFile = FilePath.IsSubPathOf(Runtime.TpGamePath); if (Runtime.ResourceTables.BotwTable && IsBotwFile) { string newFilePath = FilePath.Replace(Runtime.BotwGamePath, string.Empty).Remove(0, 1); newFilePath = newFilePath.Replace(".s", "."); newFilePath = newFilePath.Replace(@"\", "/"); string RealExtension = Path.GetExtension(newFilePath).Replace(".s", "."); string RstbPath = Path.Combine($"{Runtime.BotwGamePath}", "System", "Resource", "ResourceSizeTable.product.srsizetable"); RSTB BotwResourceTable = new RSTB(); BotwResourceTable.LoadFile(RstbPath); //Create a backup first if one doesn't exist if (!File.Exists($"{RstbPath}.backup")) { STConsole.WriteLine($"RSTB File found. Creating backup..."); BotwResourceTable.Write(new FileWriter($"{RstbPath}.backup")); File.WriteAllBytes($"{RstbPath}.backup", EveryFileExplorer.YAZ0.Compress($"{RstbPath}.backup")); } //Now apply the file table then save the table if (BotwResourceTable.IsInTable(newFilePath)) { FileLog += $"File found in resource table! {newFilePath}"; STConsole.WriteLine(FileLog, 1); } else { FileLog += $"File NOT found in resource table! {newFilePath}"; STConsole.WriteLine(FileLog, 0); } BotwResourceTable.SetEntry(newFilePath, Data, IsYaz0Compressed); BotwResourceTable.Write(new FileWriter(RstbPath)); File.WriteAllBytes(RstbPath, EveryFileExplorer.YAZ0.Compress(RstbPath)); } if (Runtime.ResourceTables.TpTable && IsTPHDFile) { string newFilePath = FilePath.Replace(Runtime.TpGamePath, string.Empty).Remove(0, 1); newFilePath = newFilePath.Replace(@"\", "/"); //Read the compressed tables and set the new sizes if paths match TPFileSizeTable CompressedFileTbl = new TPFileSizeTable(); CompressedFileTbl.ReadCompressedTable(new FileReader($"{Runtime.TpGamePath}/FileSizeList.txt")); if (CompressedFileTbl.IsInFileSizeList(newFilePath)) { STConsole.WriteLine("Found matching path in File Size List table! " + newFilePath, 1); CompressedFileTbl.SetFileSizeEntry(newFilePath, CompressedSize); } else { STConsole.WriteLine("Failed to find path in File Size List table! " + newFilePath, 0); } //Read decompressed file sizes TPFileSizeTable DecompressedFileTbl = new TPFileSizeTable(); DecompressedFileTbl.ReadDecompressedTable(new FileReader($"{Runtime.TpGamePath}/DecompressedSizeList.txt")); newFilePath = $"./DVDRoot/{newFilePath}"; newFilePath = newFilePath.Replace(".gz", string.Empty); //Write the decompressed file size if (DecompressedFileTbl.IsInDecompressedFileSizeList(newFilePath)) { STConsole.WriteLine("Found matching path in File Size List table! " + newFilePath, 1); DecompressedFileTbl.SetDecompressedFileSizeEntry(newFilePath, CompressedSize, DecompressedSize); } else { STConsole.WriteLine("Failed to find path in File Size List table! " + newFilePath, 0); } if (FileFormat == null) { return(FileLog); } //Check if archive type bool IsArchive = false; foreach (var inter in FileFormat.GetType().GetInterfaces()) { if (inter == typeof(IArchiveFile)) { IsArchive = true; } } //Write all the file sizes in the archive if it's an archive type //Note this seems uneeded atm //Todo store both compressed and decompressed sizes in archive info /* if (IsArchive) * { * IArchiveFile Archive = (IArchiveFile)FileFormat; * foreach (var file in Archive.Files) * { * uint DecompressedArchiveFileSize = (uint)file.FileData.Length; * string ArchiveFilePath = $"/DVDRoot/{file.FileName}"; * * if (DecompressedFileTbl.IsInDecompressedFileSizeList(ArchiveFilePath)) * { * STConsole.WriteLine("Found matching path in File Size List table! " + ArchiveFilePath, 1); * DecompressedFileTbl.SetDecompressedFileSizeEntry(ArchiveFilePath, DecompressedArchiveFileSize, DecompressedArchiveFileSize); * } * else * STConsole.WriteLine("Failed to find path in File Size List table! " + ArchiveFilePath, 0); * } * }*/ CompressedFileTbl.WriteCompressedTable(new FileWriter($"{Runtime.TpGamePath}/FileSizeList.txt")); DecompressedFileTbl.WriteDecompressedTable(new FileWriter($"{Runtime.TpGamePath}/DecompressedSizeList.txt")); } return(FileLog); }
internal FileLogger(string categoryName, string path, IFileFormat format, IFileNamingFormat namingFormat) { _categoryName = categoryName; _format = format; _path = path; }