private DataTable MakeExportID(DataTable dtViewName)
            //--- make query using all viewname , execute the query to get distinct ptn_pk and store them in table dtViewPtnPk
            IExport ExportManager = (IExport)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance("BusinessProcess.Administration.BExport, BusinessProcess.Administration");

            string theQuery = "";
            int    r        = 0;

            foreach (DataRow theDRV in dtViewName.Rows)
                if (theDRV["Ptn_Pk"].ToString() == "T")
                    if (r == 0)
                        theQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT " + theDRV["ViewName"] + ".Ptn_Pk" + " FROM " + theDRV["ViewName"];
                    if (theQuery.ToString() != "")
                        theQuery = theQuery + " UNION " + " SELECT DISTINCT " + theDRV["ViewName"] + ".Ptn_Pk" + " FROM " + theDRV["ViewName"];
                        theQuery = " SELECT DISTINCT " + theDRV["ViewName"] + ".Ptn_Pk" + " FROM " + theDRV["ViewName"];
                r = 1;
            theQuery = theQuery + " ORDER BY Ptn_Pk";

            DataTable dtViewPtnPk = new DataTable();

            dtViewPtnPk = ExportManager.RunQuery(theQuery);

            string Ptn_Pk_List = "";

            foreach (DataRow theDR in dtViewPtnPk.Rows)
                if (Ptn_Pk_List == "")
                    Ptn_Pk_List = Ptn_Pk_List + theDR["Ptn_Pk"].ToString();
                    Ptn_Pk_List = Ptn_Pk_List + "," + theDR["Ptn_Pk"].ToString();
            dtViewPtnPk = null;

            DataTable dtPtnPkExport = new DataTable();

            if (Ptn_Pk_List != "")
                dtPtnPkExport = ExportManager.MakeExportID(Ptn_Pk_List);