public void LOG (string objtype, string action, int objID, string detail1, string detail2) { IEventLog engine = new IEventLog(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE()); int babylogentry = engine.NewEventLog (DateTime.Now, this.idUser, this.strIPaddr, action, objtype); engine.SetEventLog (babylogentry, DateTime.Now, this.idUser, this.strIPaddr, action, objID, detail1, detail2, objtype); }
private void UpdateBusRoleLinksINCR (string mode, string newbroles, int IDsubpr, int IDws, Array IDSwsentrow, Array ARRmultiselOldEditStat, Array ARRmultiselOldBroleList, int idUser, string strIPaddr) { for (int i=0; i < IDSwsentrow.Length; i++) { string _IDwserow = IDSwsentrow.GetValue(i) as string; int IDwserow = int.Parse(_IDwserow); string[] _newones = newbroles.Split(' '); foreach (string newone in _newones) { if (newone == "") continue; int IDbrole = HELPERS.FindBusRoleByAbbrev(newone, IDsubpr); bool chgWasPerformed = false; switch (mode) { case "ADD": chgWasPerformed = HELPERS.RecordLinkFromBusRoleToEntitlementVector( HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(), IDbrole, IDwserow, IDws); break; case "DEL": chgWasPerformed = HELPERS.DestroyLinkFromBusRoleToWSEntitVector ( HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(), IDbrole, IDwserow, IDws); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid mode parameter sent to UpdateBusRoleLinksINCR"); } if (chgWasPerformed) { HELPERS.RunSql ("UPDATE t_RBSR_AUFW_u_WorkspaceEntitlement " + "SET c_u_EditStatus = c_u_EditStatus | 8 " + "WHERE c_id = " + IDwserow); IEventLog LOG = new IEventLog(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); int oldEditStatus = Int32.Parse(ARRmultiselOldEditStat.GetValue(i).ToString()); if ( 0 == (oldEditStatus & 8)) { string oldbroles = ARRmultiselOldBroleList.GetValue(i) as string; int IDlog = LOG.NewEventLog( DateTime.Now, idUser, strIPaddr, "OrigWSRoles"); LOG.SetEventLog(IDlog, DateTime.Now, idUser, strIPaddr, "OrigWSRoles", IDwserow, oldbroles); } } } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; AFWACsession session = context.Session["AFWACSESSION"] as AFWACsession; string action = context.Request.Params["action"]; string csvfolder = context.Request.Params["csvfolder"]; string csvfilename = context.Request.Params["csvfilename"]; int startat = int.Parse(context.Request.Params["startat"]); int count = int.Parse(context.Request.Params["count"]); string howToHandleNonRegTCodes = context.Request.Params["handlenonregtc"]; // Will be either WARN or ERR context.Response.Write("<p>Processing a set of " + count.ToString() + " records starting at record #" + startat.ToString() + "...\n<pre>\n"); context.Response.Flush(); Queue RETmsgs = new Queue(); DataTable dt = HELPERS.LoadCsv(csvfolder, csvfilename); System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBconnstr"]); conn.Open(); IEventLog LOGGER = new IEventLog(conn); DateTime NOW = DateTime.Now; if (action == "initiate") { // This is the filename on the original client side, the one // that would be recognized by the end user who initiated the upload. string origfilename = context.Request.Params["origfilename"]; int baby = LOGGER.NewEventLog(NOW, session.idUser, session.strIPaddr, "UpSAPEnts", ""); LOGGER.SetEventLog(baby, NOW, session.idUser, session.strIPaddr, "UpSAPEnts", 0, "Start", "Name of file uploaded to RAF server: " + origfilename, ""); context.Response.Write("<script>window.location.href='UploadSAPEntitlementsViaChain.ashx?handlenonregtc=" + howToHandleNonRegTCodes + "&action=cont&now=" + NOW.Ticks.ToString() + "&startat=0" + "&count=" + count + "&csvfolder=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(csvfolder) + "&csvfilename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(csvfilename) + "';</script>\n"); context.Response.Flush(); return; } else { NOW = new DateTime(long.Parse(context.Request.Params["now"])); } if (action == "summary") { context.Response.Write("\n</pre><H3>Upload has completed.</H3>\n"); context.Response.Write("<P>Complete set of messages is shown below. Please review carefully.<hr/><pre>\n"); returnListEventLog[] ret = LOGGER.ListEventLog_ForSpecificTimestamp(NOW, null); foreach (returnListEventLog amsg in ret) { switch (amsg.Detail1) { case "Start": continue; case "Completion": continue; case "Warning": context.Response.Write("Warning: " + amsg.Detail2 + "\n"); break; case "Error": context.Response.Write("ERROR: " + amsg.Detail2 + "\n"); break; } } context.Response.Write("\n</pre>"); context.Response.Write("<hr/>To return to the RAF screen, <a href='../HOME.aspx'>click here</a>.\n"); return; } bool processingCompleted = SAP_HELPERS.ImportSAPAuthFrameworkFromCSV (dt, session.idUser, session.idSubprocess, conn, RETmsgs, session.idWorkspace_SAP, startat, count, howToHandleNonRegTCodes); if (RETmsgs.Count > 0) { foreach (object objMsg in RETmsgs.ToArray()) { context.Response.Write("\n" + objMsg.ToString()); int baby = LOGGER.NewEventLog(NOW, session.idUser, session.strIPaddr, "UpSAPEnts", ""); LOGGER.SetEventLog(baby, NOW, session.idUser, session.strIPaddr, "UpSAPEnts", 0, "Warning", objMsg.ToString(), ""); } } if (processingCompleted) { int baby = LOGGER.NewEventLog(NOW, session.idUser, session.strIPaddr, "UpSAPEnts", ""); LOGGER.SetEventLog(baby, NOW, session.idUser, session.strIPaddr, "UpSAPEnts", 0, "Completion", "", ""); context.Response.Write("<script>window.location.href='UploadSAPEntitlementsViaChain.ashx?action=summary&now=" + context.Request.Params["now"] + "&startat=" + (startat.ToString()) + "&count=" + count + "&csvfolder=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(csvfolder) + "&csvfilename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(csvfilename) + "';</script>\n"); } else { context.Response.Write("\n</pre><hr/>This process will <u>automatically</u> proceed to the next set of records. Any messages shown above were logged and the entire set of messages will be re-displayed when this upload has completed. Thank you for your patience. DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW and DO NOT HIT F5 and DO NOT HIT 'BACK'.\n"); startat += count; context.Response.Write("<script>window.location.href='UploadSAPEntitlementsViaChain.ashx?action=cont&handlenonregtc=" + howToHandleNonRegTCodes + "&now=" + context.Request.Params["now"] + "&startat=" + (startat.ToString()) + "&count=" + count + "&csvfolder=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(csvfolder) + "&csvfilename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(csvfilename) + "';</script>\n"); } }