예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="ResidualLogger"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="program"></param>
        /// <param name="residualInterval">
        /// <see cref="ResidualLogger"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="differentialOperator">
        /// The spatial differential operator defining (the spatial part of)
        /// the system of equations that are solved.
        /// </param>
        public RigorousResidualLogger(Application <T> program, DGField[] consVars, CoordinateMapping paramMap, int residualInterval, SpatialOperator differentialOperator)
            : base(program.ResLogger, program.CurrentSessionInfo, consVars, residualInterval)
            CoordinateMapping           domainMapping   = new CoordinateMapping(consVars);
            UnsetteledCoordinateMapping codomainMapping = new UnsetteledCoordinateMapping(
                consVars.Select((field) => field.Basis).ToArray());

            evaluator = differentialOperator.GetEvaluatorEx(
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="ResidualLogger"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="program"></param>
        /// <param name="residualInterval">
        /// <see cref="ResidualLogger"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="differentialOperator">
        /// The spatial differential operator defining (the spatial part of)
        /// the system of equations that are solved.
        /// </param>
        public RigorousResidualLogger(Program <T> program, int residualInterval, SpatialOperator differentialOperator)
            : base(program.ResLogger, program.CurrentSessionInfo, program.WorkingSet, residualInterval)
            DGField[]                   primalFields    = program.WorkingSet.ConservativeVariables;
            CoordinateMapping           domainMapping   = new CoordinateMapping(primalFields);
            UnsetteledCoordinateMapping codomainMapping = new UnsetteledCoordinateMapping(
                primalFields.Select((field) => field.Basis).ToArray());

            evaluator = differentialOperator.GetEvaluatorEx(
예제 #3
        void PerformRKstep(double dt, int jCell, BitArray AcceptedMask, SinglePhaseField Phi, VectorField <SinglePhaseField> gradPhi, IEvaluatorNonLin Evaluator)
            int N   = this.LevelSetBasis.GetLength(jCell);
            int i0G = this.LevelSetMapping.GlobalUniqueCoordinateIndex(0, jCell, 0);
            int i0L = this.LevelSetMapping.LocalUniqueCoordinateIndex(0, jCell, 0);

            double[][] k = new double[RKsch.Stages][];
            for (int i = 0; i < RKsch.Stages; i++)
                k[i] = new double[N];

            double[] y0 = Phi.Coordinates.GetRow(jCell);
            Debug.Assert(y0.Length == N);

            ComputeChangeRate(k[0], jCell, AcceptedMask, Phi, gradPhi, Evaluator);

            for (int s = 1; s < RKsch.Stages; s++)
                Phi.Coordinates.SetRow(jCell, y0);
                for (int r = 0; r < s; r++)
                    if (RKsch.a[s, r] != 0.0)
                        Phi.Coordinates.AccRow(jCell, -dt * RKsch.a[s, r], k[r]);

                ComputeChangeRate(k[s], jCell, AcceptedMask, Phi, gradPhi, Evaluator);

            // next timestep
            for (int s = 0; s < RKsch.Stages; s++)
                if (RKsch.b[s] != 0.0)
                    y0.AccV(-RKsch.b[s] * dt, k[s]);
            Phi.Coordinates.SetRow(jCell, y0);
예제 #4
        void ComputeChangeRate(double[] k, int jCell, BitArray AcceptedMask, SinglePhaseField Phi, VectorField <SinglePhaseField> gradPhi, IEvaluatorNonLin Evaluator)
            int N   = this.LevelSetBasis.GetLength(jCell);
            int i0L = this.LevelSetMapping.LocalUniqueCoordinateIndex(0, jCell, 0);

            Debug.Assert(k.Length == N);

            if (temp == null)
                temp = new double[this.LevelSetMapping.LocalLength];

            gm.GradientUpdate(jCell, AcceptedMask, Phi, gradPhi);

            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                temp[n + i0L] = 0;
            double[] oldtemp = temp.CloneAs();
            Evaluator.time           = 0.0;
            Evaluator.MPITtransceive = false;
            Evaluator.Evaluate <double[]>(1.0, 1.0, temp);

            for (int i = 0; i < oldtemp.Length; i++)
                if (i < i0L && i >= (i0L + N))
                    Debug.Assert(oldtemp[i] == temp[i]); // check that the locality of the operator is implemented correctly

            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                k[n] = temp[n + i0L];