public override void AddEntry(IEntry entry) { if (!saveStat) return; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Source.Pool)) { // проверить наличие записи в таблице пулов if (!poolIds.ContainsKey(entry.Source.Pool)) { lock (sync) // отладить при многопоточности (есть проблемы при появлении нового пула) { if (!poolIds.ContainsKey(entry.Source.Pool)) poolIds.Add(entry.Source.Pool, GetPoolId(entry.Source.Pool)); } } entry.Source.PoolId = poolIds[entry.Source.Pool]; } else { entry.Source.PoolId = -1; } base.AddEntry(entry); }
public virtual MembershipUser Create(IEntry entry) { if(!entry.IsBound()) { return null; } var name = entry.GetProperties<string>(config.Users.RdnAttribute).FirstOrDefault() ?? entry.Name; var providerUserKey = name; var email = entry.GetProperties<string>(config.Users.EmailAttribute).FirstOrDefault(); var description = entry.GetProperties<string>(config.Users.DescriptionAttribute).FirstOrDefault(); var creationDate = entry.GetProperties<DateTime>(config.Users.CreationDateAttribute).FirstOrDefault(); var lastLoginDate = entry.GetProperties<DateTime>(config.Users.LastLoginDateAttribute).FirstOrDefault(); var lastPasswordChangedDate = entry.GetProperties<DateTime>(config.Users.LastPasswordChangedDateAttribute).FirstOrDefault(); var lastLockoutDate = creationDate; var lastActivitiyDate = GetDateTimeNow(); return CreateMembershipUser(name, providerUserKey, email, description, lastActivitiyDate, lastLoginDate, lastLockoutDate, lastPasswordChangedDate, creationDate, entry.Properties, entry.Path); }
public int UpdateEntry(IEntry entry) { var entries = GetAllEntries(); var concreteEntry = (Entry)entry; //ensure the date doesn't have any hours, mins or seconds concreteEntry.EntryDate = concreteEntry.EntryDate.Date; if (concreteEntry.EntryId == 0) { //insert new. concreteEntry.EntryId = entries.Any() ? entries.Max(x => x.EntryId) + 1 : 1; entries.Add(concreteEntry); } else { var existingIndex = entries.FindIndex(x => x.EntryId == concreteEntry.EntryId); if (existingIndex < 0) { return -1; } entries[existingIndex] = concreteEntry; } SaveAllEntries(entries); return concreteEntry.EntryId; }
public bool TryGet(IKey key, out IEntry entry) { Entry tempEntry; var result = _entries.TryGetValue(key, out tempEntry) && !tempEntry.IsReserved; entry = result ? tempEntry : null; return result; }
public IEnumerable<IEntryItem> GetEntryDetails(IEntry entry) { Argument.IsNotNull(() => entry); if (entry.Items.Count > 0) { return entry.Items; } string url = entry.Url; try { Log.Debug("Trying to fetch entry items from '{0}'", url); var webClient = new WebClient(); var pageContent = webClient.DownloadString(url); var entryItems = _parserService.ParseEntryItems(entry, pageContent); entry.Items.ReplaceRange(entryItems); return entry.Items; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "Failed to get VrijMiBo entries from '{0}'", url); return new List<IEntryItem>(); } }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => !_.IsDirectMessage && _.UserName == _.Account.Name, _ => false ); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (DirectMessage _) => _.UserID == _.Account.UserID, _ => false ); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => _.Favorited, _ => false ); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => !_.IsDirectMessage, _ => false ); }
private IDirectorySearcher CreateSearcher(IEntry entry, SearchScope searchScope, string rdnAttribute) { var searcher = CreateSearcher(entry, searchScope); if(serverConfig.PropertySortingSupport || serverConfig.VirtualListViewSupport) { searcher.Sort.PropertyName = rdnAttribute; searcher.Sort.Direction = SortDirection.Ascending; } return searcher; }
public virtual IDirectorySearcher CreateSearcher(IEntry entry, SearchScope searchScope, IEntryConfig entryConfig) { var searcher = CreateSearcher(entry, searchScope, entryConfig.RdnAttribute); searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add(entryConfig.RdnAttribute); foreach(var attribute in entryConfig.Attributes) { searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add(attribute.Name); } return searcher; }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => !_.IsDirectMessage && _.Mentions.Contains(_.Account.Name) && !_.IsRetweet, _ => false ); }
private ActionResult CreateNewEntry(IEntry entry) { this.modelFactory.EntryService.CreateEntry(entry); TempData["SaveResult"] = "Items was successfully saved with Id = " + entry.Id; return RedirectToAction("EditEntry", "AdminEntry", new {id = entry.Id}); }
internal static SyndicationItem CreateSyndicationItem(IEntry entry, string uriString) { return new SyndicationItem(entry.SeoTitle, SyndicationContent. CreateHtmlContent(entry.EntryBody), new Uri(uriString), string.Format("item-id-{0}", entry.Id), entry.CreatedAt); }
public bool TryGet(IKey key, out IEntry entry) { foreach (var fragment in _fragments) if (fragment.TableOfContent.TryGet(key, out entry)) return true; entry = null; return false; }
public void AddAndEditTerm(IEntry term, string source, string target) { var dataGrid = new ExcelDataGrid { Term = target, Approved = null }; AddAndEditAction?.Invoke(term, dataGrid); }
/// <summary> /// 条件に項目が一致するかどうかを判断します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">エントリ。</param> /// <returns>条件に一致するかどうか。</returns> public override bool FilterStatus(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => this.Sources.Contains(_.SourceName) || _.SourceUri != null && this.Sources.Contains(_.SourceUri.AbsoluteUri), _ => false ); }
public void CreateEntry(IEntry entry) { Check.Argument.IsNotNull(entry, "entry"); entry.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; entry.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; entry.Author = User.GetCurrentUser(); this.daoFactory.EntryDao.Save(entry); }
public static RouteValueDictionary GetRouteValues( IEntry entry) { if (null == entry) { return new RouteValueDictionary(); } return new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = entry.Id, name = entry.Alias }); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => _.IsRetweet && _.RetweetedStatus.UserName == _.Account.Name, _ => false ); }
public void Save(IEntry entry) { Check.Argument.IsNotNull(entry, "entry"); IEntry savedEntry = this.Load(entry.Id); entry.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; entry.Author = savedEntry.Author; this.daoFactory.EntryDao.Save(entry); }
private ActionResult ShowPage(IEntry entry) { ISiteAttributes attributes = this.serviceFactory.SiteService.LoadSiteAttributes(); return View("Index", new ViewModelHome { Entry = entry, Attributes = attributes }); }
private void AddHomePage(ISitemap sitemap, IEntry page, string homePage) { ISitemapUrl url = this.domainObjectFactory.CreateSitemapUrl(); url.Location = homePage; url.ChangeFrequency = CalculateFrequency(page.ModifiedAt); url.Priority = 0.9; url.LastModified = page.ModifiedAt.ToString(); sitemap.Insert(0, url); }
public virtual IDirectorySearcher CreateSearcher(IEntry entry, SearchScope searchScope) { var searcher = new DirectorySearcherAdapter(entry, filterBuilder); searcher.SearchRoot = entry.GetDirectoryEntry(); searcher.SearchScope = searchScope; searcher.ServerTimeLimit = serverConfig.TimeLimit; SetPageSizeIfNotDefault(searcher); SetSizeLimitIfNotDefault(searcher); searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Clear(); return searcher; }
public List<IEntryItem> ParseEntryItems(IEntry entry, string pageContent) { Argument.IsNotNull(() => entry); Argument.IsNotNullOrWhitespace(() => pageContent); const string StartText = "<article id=\""; const string EndText = "</article>"; var entryItems = new List<IEntryItem>(); int firstIndex = pageContent.IndexOf(StartText); if (firstIndex == -1) { Log.Warning("Failed to find start of article, cannot return entry items for url '{0}'", entry.Url); return entryItems; } var lastIndex = pageContent.IndexOf(EndText, firstIndex); if (lastIndex == -1) { Log.Warning("Failed to find end of article, probably returning way too many entries for url '{0}'", entry.Url); } string subPageContent = pageContent.Substring(firstIndex, lastIndex - firstIndex); // Parse all href elements int currentIndex = 0; while (currentIndex < lastIndex) { int newIndex; string linkUrl = GetUrlFromPage(subPageContent, currentIndex, out newIndex); if (linkUrl == null) { Log.Debug("No urls found, we probably parsed all links"); break; } if (!linkUrl.ToLower().Contains(entry.Url.ToLower())) { Log.Debug("Found link '{0}'", linkUrl); entryItems.Add(new EntryItem { Url = linkUrl, EntryItemType = GetEntryItemType(linkUrl) }); } currentIndex = newIndex + 1; } return entryItems; }
private static ulong GetHash(IEntry file) { ulong hashFromBytes; using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(file.Path, FileMode.Open))) { int length = (int)b.BaseStream.Length; int pos = length / 2; //TODO: If length is less than 2000 bytes read in entire file b.BaseStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin); hashFromBytes = GetHashFromBytes(b.ReadBytes(2000)); } return hashFromBytes; }
protected override void AnalyzeEntry( IEntry entry ) { if( entry is Content ) { Content content = (Content)entry; foreach( char c in content.Text ) { this.totalCount++; string upperc = Char.ToUpper( c ).ToString(); if( this.histogram.ContainsKey( upperc ) ) this.histogram[upperc] = this.histogram[upperc] + 1; else this.histogram[upperc] = 1; } } }
private static void WriteEntry( TextWriter writer, IEntry entry ) { if( entry is Content && entry.IsIncluded ) { Content content = (Content)entry; if( content.Title != null ) { writer.WriteLine( content.Title ); writer.WriteLine(); } writer.WriteLine( content.Text ); if( content.HasChildren ) { TextExport.WriteEntries( writer, entry.Children ); } } }
/// <summary> /// 指定したエントリがこのソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうかを取得します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">判定するエントリ。</param> /// <returns>このソースから取得できるエントリとして扱うかどうか。</returns> protected override bool StreamEntryMatches(IEntry entry) { return entry.TypeMatch ( (Status _) => { if (this.Query == null) return false; var words = this.Query.Split(' ', ' '); return words.Any() && (words.All(_.UserName.Contains) || words.All(_.Text.Contains)); }, _ => false ); }
public EntryViewModel(IEntry entry, IPleaseWaitService pleaseWaitService, ICrawlerService crawlerService, IProcessService processService, ISettings settings) { Argument.IsNotNull(() => entry); Argument.IsNotNull(() => pleaseWaitService); Argument.IsNotNull(() => crawlerService); Argument.IsNotNull(() => processService); Argument.IsNotNull(() => settings); Entry = entry; _pleaseWaitService = pleaseWaitService; _crawlerService = crawlerService; _processService = processService; _settings = settings; OpenInBrowser = new Command(OnOpenInBrowserExecute, OnOpenInBrowserCanExecute); }
private static bool IsDeadEntry(IEntry entry) { CommonData data; return(!entry.IsLoading && !entry.Data.TryGetTarget(out data)); }
public void GenerateCfg(string filePath) { // Сначала выпишем все зависимости для элементов // Обработаем все команды, привязанные к одиночным кнопкам и не являющимся первыми в каких-либо комбинациях // // Очередь по добавлению зависимостей Queue <Dependency> dependencies = new Queue <Dependency>(); // Откроем файловый поток using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(filePath)) // TODO: Проверить на конфигах разной длины { // Сначала запишем все зависимости // Т.к. один и тот же скрипт с зависимостями может быть на разных сочетаниях - сгруппируем все элементы по именам // Исходим из того, что одно и то же имя (первичный ключ) соответствует идентичным скриптам // и достаточно записать их зависимости один раз IEnumerable <IEntry> castedEntries = this.Entries.Values .SelectMany(list => list.Select(e => (IEntry)e)) .Concat(this.defaultEntries); // Группируем по первичному ключу статические и полустатические элементы, т.к. зависимости у них одинаковые IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, IEntry> > groupedByPK = castedEntries.Where(e => e.Type != EntryType.Dynamic).GroupBy(entry => entry.PrimaryKey); // Пройдемся по каждой группе и выпишем их зависимости foreach (IGrouping <string, IEntry> group in groupedByPK) { IEntry firstElement = group.ElementAt(0); dependencies.Enqueue(new Dependency() { Name = firstElement.PrimaryKey.ToString(), Commands = firstElement.Dependencies }); } // Теперь пройдемся по нестатическим элементам и тоже сохраним зависимости foreach (IEntry entry in castedEntries.Where(e => e.Type == EntryType.Dynamic)) { //string keyDescription = (entry.OnKeyDown != null ? entry.OnKeyDown : entry.OnKeyRelease).ToString(); //string dependencyName = $"{entry.PrimaryKey.ToString()} - {keyDescription}"; dependencies.Enqueue( new Dependency() { Name = $"{entry.PrimaryKey.ToString()}{(entry.Cmd != null? $" - {entry.Cmd}": "")}",//dependencyName, Commands = entry.Dependencies }); } // Соберем все привязываемые элементы вместе IEnumerable <BindEntry> allBindEntries = new List <BindEntry>(); // Объединяем все коллекции в единую allBindEntries = this.entries.Values.SelectMany(list => list); // Словарь с биндами по дефолту для ВСЕХ кнопок Dictionary <string, Executable> defaultKeyBinds = new Dictionary <string, Executable>(); // Словарь динамических биндов, которые формируются по ходу итераций Dictionary <string, DynamicCmd> dynamicBinds = new Dictionary <string, DynamicCmd>(); // Узнаем все клавиши, которые задействованы в конфиге HashSet <string> keySet = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (KeySequence keySequence in this.entries.Keys) { foreach (string key in keySequence.Keys) { keySet.Add(key); } } // Пусть каждая из них по умолчанию разбиндена foreach (string key in keySet) { dynamicBinds.Add(key, new DynamicCmd(new SingleCmd($"unbind {key}"))); } // Обработаем сначала все команды, привязанные к одиночным кнопкам // и не являющимся первыми в каких-либо комбинациях, их мы обработаем позже foreach (var pair in this.entries.Where(e => e.Key.Keys.Length == 1 && this.entries.Where(innerEntry => innerEntry.Key.Keys.Length == 2 && innerEntry.Key[0] == e.Key[0]).Count() == 0)) { string key = pair.Key[0]; List <BindEntry> entries = pair.Value; // Если ничего не привязано, то ничего и не делаем if (entries.Count == 0) { continue; } // Узнаем статический ли он (может ли бинд на клавишу измениться) // То есть проверяем есть ли сочетания, где вторая клавиша - текущая bool isStaticKey = this.entries.Where(entry => entry.Key.Keys.Length == 2) .Where(innerEntry => innerEntry.Key.Keys[1] == key).Count() == 0; // Проверим нужно ли генерировать мета-алиас к клавише. // Нужно, если хотя бы одна команда задана при отжатии клавиши, либо установлено только отжатие, // либо если клавиша не статическая и необходимо упростить название бинда в любом случае bool needMetaScript = entries.Any(e => e.OnKeyDown == null || e.OnKeyRelease != null) || !isStaticKey; if (needMetaScript) { // Если ко всей клавише привязан один мета-скрипт, то обходимся без генерации зависимостей if (entries.Count == 1 && entries[0].IsMetaScript)//this.IsMetaScript(entries[0])) { // Просто создаем команду по типу: bind e +use // Обновляя динамический бинд dynamicBinds[key].Cmd = new BindCmd(key, entries[0].OnKeyDown); } else { string metaName = $"meta_{key}"; // Формируем мета-алиас MetaCmd metaCmd = this.GenerateMetaCmd(metaName, entries); // И вешаем его на клавишу // Запоминаем для нестатической клавиши бинд по умолчанию, обновляя динамический бинд dynamicBinds[key].Cmd = new BindCmd(key, metaCmd.AliasOnKeyDown.Name); // Добавляем зависимость dependencies.Enqueue(new Dependency() { Name = metaName, Commands = metaCmd }); } } else { // Клавиша гарантированно статическая, обрабатывается только нажатие и нет мета-скриптов BindCmd bind = new BindCmd(key, entries.Select(e => e.OnKeyDown)); // Обновляем динамическую команду с биндом dynamicBinds[key].Cmd = bind; } } // Обработали все одиночные кнопки, обработаем теперь все парные // Переведем бинды, привязанные к сочетанию клавиш в нормальный вид. // Получим все элементы словаря, где ключ состоит из 2 клавиш IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <KeySequence, List <BindEntry> > > combinedKeysEntries = this.entries.Where(e => e.Key.Keys.Length == 2); // Группируем их по первой клавише IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, KeyValuePair <KeySequence, List <BindEntry> > > > groupedByFirstKey = combinedKeysEntries.GroupBy(dictEntry => dictEntry.Key[0]); // Теперь нужно сформировать мета-скрипты, с именемами +meta_key1_key2/-meta_key1_key2 // При чем каждая группа будет различаться значением key2 foreach (var group in groupedByFirstKey) { // Необходимо сформировать мета-скрипты для первой клавиши // Для этого нужно получить набор команд привязанный чисто к этой клавише и туда добавить мета-скрипты // Либо сформировать новую коллекцию string key1 = group.Key; KeySequence monoKeySequence = new KeySequence(key1); // Мета-скрипт для первой кнопки, который мы постепенно заполним командами MetaCmd key1MetaCmd; string key1MetaScriptName = $"meta_{key1}"; // Если есть такой ключ if (this.entries.ContainsKey(monoKeySequence)) { key1MetaCmd = GenerateMetaCmd(key1MetaScriptName, this.entries[monoKeySequence]); } else { key1MetaCmd = new MetaCmd(key1MetaScriptName, new CommandCollection(), new CommandCollection()); } // Пройдемся по комбинациям парам кнопок, у которых первая общая и заполним мета-скрипт первой кнопки командами foreach (KeyValuePair <KeySequence, List <BindEntry> > pair in group) { KeySequence keySequence = pair.Key; List <BindEntry> cfgEntries = pair.Value; // Действие при нажатии определим далее Executable onKey1DownKey2action; // Действие при отжатии говорим брать из динамической команды Executable onKey1ReleaseKey2action = dynamicBinds[keySequence[1]]; bool isWholeKeyMetaScript = cfgEntries.Count == 1 && cfgEntries[0].IsMetaScript;//this.IsMetaScript(cfgEntries[0]); // Если ко всей клавише привязан один мета-скрипт, то обходимся без генерации зависимостей if (isWholeKeyMetaScript) { onKey1DownKey2action = new BindCmd(keySequence[1], cfgEntries[0].OnKeyDown); } else { string metaScriptName = $"meta_{keySequence[0]}_{keySequence[1]}"; // Формируем мета-скрипт MetaCmd metaCmd = this.GenerateMetaCmd(metaScriptName, cfgEntries); // Добавляем в очередь зависимостей новую для сочетания кнопок dependencies.Enqueue(new Dependency() { Name = metaScriptName, Commands = metaCmd }); // Добавим бинд мета-скрипта на кнопку key2 // Два бинда на привязку onKey1DownKey2action = new BindCmd(keySequence[1], metaCmd.AliasOnKeyDown.Name); } key1MetaCmd.AliasOnKeyDown.Commands.Add(onKey1DownKey2action); key1MetaCmd.AliasOnKeyRelease.Commands.Add(onKey1ReleaseKey2action); } //// Сформировали набор команд при нажатии первой кнопки //// Создадим мета-скрипт BindCmd key1Bind = new BindCmd(key1, key1MetaCmd.AliasOnKeyDown.Name); // Обновляем динамическую команду с биндом на 1-ю клавишу dynamicBinds[key1].Cmd = key1Bind; // Добавляем зависимость для первой клавиши dependencies.Enqueue(new Dependency() { Name = key1MetaScriptName, Commands = key1MetaCmd }); } // --- Сгенерируем сам конфиг --- // Выпишем зависимости if (dependencies.Where(d => d.Commands.Count > 0).Count() > 0) { writer.WriteLine("// --- Dependencies ---"); writer.WriteLine(); while (dependencies.Count > 0) { Dependency dependency = dependencies.Dequeue(); if (dependency.Commands.Count == 0) { continue; } writer.WriteLine($"// {dependency.Name}"); foreach (Executable cmd in dependency.Commands) { writer.WriteLine(cmd.ToString()); } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.WriteLine(); } // Выпишем бинды IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, DynamicCmd> > dynamicBindPairs = dynamicBinds.Where(p => p.Value.ToString().StartsWith("bind")); if (dynamicBindPairs.Count() > 0) { writer.WriteLine("// --- Binds ---"); writer.WriteLine(); // Записываем только те команды, которые начинаются со слова bind foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DynamicCmd> dynamicBindPair in dynamicBindPairs) { writer.WriteLine(dynamicBindPair.Value.ToString()); } writer.WriteLine(); } // Выпишем комментарий IEnumerable <IEntry> defaultEntries = this.defaultEntries.Where(e => e.Cmd != null); if (defaultEntries.Count() > 0) { writer.WriteLine("// --- Default settings ---"); writer.WriteLine(); // Выпишем дефолтные параметры foreach (IEntry entry in defaultEntries) { writer.WriteLine(entry.Cmd.ToString()); } writer.WriteLine(); } // Выведем в консоль фирменный комментарий writer.WriteLine("echo \"\""); writer.WriteLine("echo \"Config is created by Exide's Config Maker\""); writer.WriteLine("echo \"----------- -----------\""); writer.WriteLine("echo \"------------ ------------\""); writer.WriteLine("echo \"\""); } // Закрываем файловый поток }
/// <summary> /// Finds the latest entry for the name and namespace. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The entry name.</param> /// <param name="resourceNamespace">The namespace.</param> /// <param name="entry">The found entry.</param> /// <returns>True if found, false if not (and entry is null in this /// case).</returns> public static bool TryFindExact(UpperString name, ResourceNamespace resourceNamespace, out IEntry entry) { return(entries.TryGetValue(name, resourceNamespace, out entry)); }
public static void MapDrawPlaceholder(ICanvas canvas, RectF dirtyRect, IEntryDrawable drawable, IEntry view) => drawable.DrawPlaceholder(canvas, dirtyRect, view);
public static void UpdateCharacterSpacing(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.CharacterSpacing = entry.CharacterSpacing.ToEm(); }
public void Save(IEntry entry) { SymbolTable.MakeCurrent(entry); }
public static IEntry GetEntryOrAddImport(IMEPackage Pcc, string importFullName) { //foreach (ImportEntry imp in Pcc.Imports) //{ // if (imp.GetFullPath == importFullName) // { // return imp; // } //} var fullPathMappingList = new List <(string fullpath, IEntry entry)>(); foreach (ImportEntry imp in Pcc.Imports) { fullPathMappingList.Add((imp.FullPath, imp)); } foreach (ExportEntry exp in Pcc.Exports) { fullPathMappingList.Add((exp.FullPath, exp)); } var directMapping = fullPathMappingList.Where(x => x.fullpath == importFullName).ToList(); if (directMapping.Count == 1) { return(directMapping[0].entry); //direct single match } //Find an upstream entry to attach our import to (we can't add exports) string[] importParts = importFullName.Split('.'); int upstreamCount = 1; IEntry upstreamEntryToAttachTo = null; string upstreamfullpath; while (upstreamCount < importParts.Length) { upstreamfullpath = string.Join(".", importParts, 0, importParts.Length - upstreamCount); var upstreammatchinglist = fullPathMappingList.Where(x => x.fullpath == upstreamfullpath).ToList(); if (upstreammatchinglist.Where(x => x.entry is ExportEntry).HasExactly(1) || upstreammatchinglist.Where(x => x.entry is ImportEntry).HasExactly(1)) { upstreamEntryToAttachTo = upstreammatchinglist[0].entry; break; } /*if (upstreamEntryToAttachTo != null) * { * break; * }*/ upstreamCount++; } //upstreamImport = Pcc.Imports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetFullPath == upstream); //Check if this is an export instead /* itemAsImport = Pcc.Exports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetFullPath == importFullName && x.indexValue == 0); * if (itemAsImport != null) * { * return itemAsImport; * }*/ //Import doesn't exist, so we're gonna need to add it //But first we need to figure out what needs to be added. //string[] importParts = importFullName.Split('.'); //List<int> upstreamLinks = new List<int>(); //0 = top level, 1 = next level... n = what we wanted to import /*ImportEntry upstreamImport = null; * string upstream = null; * while (upstreamCount < importParts.Count()) * { * upstreamfullpath = string.Join(".", importParts, 0, importParts.Count() - upstreamCount); * upstreamImport = Pcc.Imports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetFullPath == upstreamfullpath); * * if (upstreamImport != null) * { * break; * } * upstreamCount++; * }*/ if (upstreamEntryToAttachTo == null) { //There is nothing we can attach to. Debug.WriteLine("cannot find a top level item to attach to for " + importFullName); return(null); } //Have an upstream import, now we need to add downstream imports. ImportEntry mostdownstreamimport = null; while (upstreamCount > 0) { upstreamCount--; string fullobjectname = string.Join(".", importParts, 0, importParts.Length - upstreamCount); Dictionary <string, string> importdbinfo = ImportClassDB[fullobjectname]; var downstreamName = importParts[importParts.Length - upstreamCount - 1]; Debug.WriteLine(downstreamName); int downstreamLinkIdx = upstreamEntryToAttachTo.UIndex; Debug.WriteLine(upstreamEntryToAttachTo.FullPath); var downstreamPackageName = importdbinfo["packagefile"]; string downstreamClassName = importdbinfo["fullclasspath"]; int lastPeriodIndex = downstreamClassName.LastIndexOf("."); if (lastPeriodIndex > 0) { downstreamClassName = importdbinfo["fullclasspath"].Substring(lastPeriodIndex + 1); } //ImportEntry classImport = getOrAddImport(); //int downstreamClass = 0; //if (classImport != null) { // downstreamClass = classImport.UIndex; //no recursion pls //} else //{ // throw new Exception("No class was found for importing"); //} mostdownstreamimport = new ImportEntry(Pcc) { idxLink = downstreamLinkIdx, ClassName = downstreamClassName, ObjectName = downstreamName, PackageFile = downstreamPackageName }; Pcc.AddImport(mostdownstreamimport); upstreamEntryToAttachTo = mostdownstreamimport; } return(mostdownstreamimport); }
public static void UpdatePlaceholder(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.PlaceholderText = entry.Placeholder ?? string.Empty; }
public static void UpdateIsPassword(this EditText editText, IEntry entry) { editText.SetInputType(entry); }
public static void UpdateReturnType(this EditText editText, IEntry entry) { editText.ImeOptions = entry.ReturnType.ToPlatform(); }
public static void UpdateClearButtonVisibility(this EditText editText, IEntry entry, Drawable?clearButtonDrawable) => UpdateClearButtonVisibility(editText, entry, () => clearButtonDrawable);
public static void UpdateKeyboard(this EditText editText, IEntry entry) { editText.SetInputType(entry); }
public static void CreateReachSpec(ExportEntry startNode, bool createTwoWay, ExportEntry destinationNode, string reachSpecClass, ReachSpecSize size, PropertyCollection externalGUIDProperties = null) { IMEPackage Pcc = startNode.FileRef; ExportEntry reachSpectoClone = Pcc.Exports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == "ReachSpec"); if (externalGUIDProperties != null) //EXTERNAL { //external node //Debug.WriteLine("Num Exports: " + pcc.Exports.Count); if (reachSpectoClone != null) { ExportEntry outgoingSpec = reachSpectoClone.Clone(); Pcc.AddExport(outgoingSpec); IEntry reachSpecClassImp = GetEntryOrAddImport(Pcc, reachSpecClass); //new class type. outgoingSpec.Class = reachSpecClassImp; outgoingSpec.ObjectName = reachSpecClassImp.ObjectName; var properties = outgoingSpec.GetProperties(); ObjectProperty outgoingSpecStartProp = properties.GetProp <ObjectProperty>("Start"); //START StructProperty outgoingEndStructProp = properties.GetProp <StructProperty>("End"); //Embeds END ObjectProperty outgoingSpecEndProp = outgoingEndStructProp.Properties.GetProp <ObjectProperty>(SharedPathfinding.GetReachSpecEndName(outgoingSpec)); //END outgoingSpecStartProp.Value = startNode.UIndex; outgoingSpecEndProp.Value = 0; var endGuid = outgoingEndStructProp.GetProp <StructProperty>("Guid"); endGuid.Properties = externalGUIDProperties; //set the other guid values to our guid values //Add to source node prop ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty> PathList = startNode.GetProperty <ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty> >("PathList"); PathList.Add(new ObjectProperty(outgoingSpec.UIndex)); startNode.WriteProperty(PathList); outgoingSpec.WriteProperties(properties); //Write Spec Size SharedPathfinding.SetReachSpecSize(outgoingSpec, size.SpecRadius, size.SpecHeight); //Reindex reachspecs. SharedPathfinding.ReindexMatchingObjects(outgoingSpec); } } else { //Debug.WriteLine("Source Node: " + startNode.Index); //Debug.WriteLine("Num Exports: " + pcc.Exports.Count); //int outgoingSpec = pcc.ExportCount; //int incomingSpec = pcc.ExportCount + 1; if (reachSpectoClone != null) { ExportEntry outgoingSpec = reachSpectoClone.Clone(); Pcc.AddExport(outgoingSpec); ExportEntry incomingSpec = null; if (createTwoWay) { incomingSpec = reachSpectoClone.Clone(); Pcc.AddExport(incomingSpec); } IEntry reachSpecClassImp = GetEntryOrAddImport(Pcc, reachSpecClass); //new class type. outgoingSpec.Class = reachSpecClassImp; outgoingSpec.ObjectName = reachSpecClassImp.ObjectName; var outgoingSpecProperties = outgoingSpec.GetProperties(); if (reachSpecClass == "Engine.SlotToSlotReachSpec") { outgoingSpecProperties.Add(new ByteProperty(1, "SpecDirection")); //We might need to find a way to support this edit } //Debug.WriteLine("Outgoing UIndex: " + outgoingSpecExp.UIndex); ObjectProperty outgoingSpecStartProp = outgoingSpecProperties.GetProp <ObjectProperty>("Start"); //START StructProperty outgoingEndStructProp = outgoingSpecProperties.GetProp <StructProperty>("End"); //Embeds END ObjectProperty outgoingSpecEndProp = outgoingEndStructProp.Properties.GetProp <ObjectProperty>(SharedPathfinding.GetReachSpecEndName(outgoingSpec)); //END outgoingSpecStartProp.Value = startNode.UIndex; outgoingSpecEndProp.Value = destinationNode.UIndex; //Add to source node prop var PathList = startNode.GetProperty <ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty> >("PathList"); PathList.Add(new ObjectProperty(outgoingSpec.UIndex)); startNode.WriteProperty(PathList); //Write Spec Size SetReachSpecSize(outgoingSpecProperties, size.SpecRadius, size.SpecHeight); outgoingSpec.WriteProperties(outgoingSpecProperties); if (createTwoWay) { incomingSpec.Class = reachSpecClassImp; incomingSpec.ObjectName = reachSpecClassImp.ObjectName; var incomingSpecProperties = incomingSpec.GetProperties(); if (reachSpecClass == "Engine.SlotToSlotReachSpec") { incomingSpecProperties.Add(new ByteProperty(2, "SpecDirection")); } ObjectProperty incomingSpecStartProp = incomingSpecProperties.GetProp <ObjectProperty>("Start"); //START StructProperty incomingEndStructProp = incomingSpecProperties.GetProp <StructProperty>("End"); //Embeds END ObjectProperty incomingSpecEndProp = incomingEndStructProp.Properties.GetProp <ObjectProperty>(SharedPathfinding.GetReachSpecEndName(incomingSpec)); //END incomingSpecStartProp.Value = destinationNode.UIndex; //Uindex incomingSpecEndProp.Value = startNode.UIndex; //Add reachspec to destination node's path list (returning) var DestPathList = destinationNode.GetProperty <ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty> >("PathList"); DestPathList.Add(new ObjectProperty(incomingSpec.UIndex)); destinationNode.WriteProperty(DestPathList); //destNode.WriteProperty(DestPathList); SetReachSpecSize(incomingSpecProperties, size.SpecRadius, size.SpecHeight); incomingSpec.WriteProperties(incomingSpecProperties); } //Reindex reachspecs. SharedPathfinding.ReindexMatchingObjects(outgoingSpec); } } }
private static bool EntryMatches(IEntry entry, CommonData data) { return(entry.Id == data.Id && entry.DataType == data.GetType()); }
public static async Task <IEnumerable <IBlob> > ListAllBlobsAsync(this IEntry directory) { var response = await directory.Bucket.ListAllEntries(directory.Key, false); return(response.OfType <IBlob>()); }
public static void MapDrawIndicator(ICanvas canvas, RectF dirtyRect, IEntryDrawable drawable, IEntry view) => drawable.DrawIndicator(canvas, dirtyRect, view);
public static void UpdateIsReadOnly(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.IsReadOnly = entry.IsReadOnly; }
public List <DeltaEntry> Read(string Name, bool isGrouped = false) { List <DeltaEntry> deltaEntries = new List <DeltaEntry>(); if (CommonConfig == null || Workbook == null) { return(deltaEntries); } IXLWorksheet keySheet = Workbook.Worksheets.Worksheet(Name); IXLRows rows = keySheet.RowsUsed(); bool firstRow = true; foreach (IXLRow row in rows) { if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; continue; } DeltaEntry entry = new DeltaEntry(); // Index IXLCell indexCell = row.Cell("A"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexCell.GetString())) { Logger.Error($"Empty index cell in row {row.RowNumber()}"); continue; } ushort index = ushort.MinValue; try { index = indexCell.GetValue <ushort>(); } catch (FormatException e) { Logger.Error($"Unable to parse index '{indexCell.GetString()}' as ushort in row {row.RowNumber()}", e); continue; } entry.Index = index; //Grouped Delta Entry if (isGrouped) { entry.DataType = KeyEntries.First() .DataType; } else { // Map DataType from KeyList if (KeyEntries == null || KeyEntries.Count == 0) { Logger.Error("Cannot parse value of DeltaEntry, because KeyEntries are not available."); continue; } if (KeyEntries.Count < entry.Index) { Logger.Error($"Cannot parse value of DeltaEntry, because index [{entry.Index}] of Delta Entry is not available in KeyEntries List (count is {KeyEntries.Count})." ); continue; } KeyEntry keyEntry = KeyEntries[entry.Index]; entry.DataType = keyEntry.DataType; } // Orcat IXLCell orcatCell = row.Cell("B"); if (ParseOrcat(row, orcatCell, out byte?orcatValue) && orcatValue.HasValue) { entry.Orcat = orcatValue.Value; } // Quality IXLCell qualityCell = row.Cell("C"); if (ParseQuality(row, qualityCell, out ushort?qualityValue) && qualityValue.HasValue) { entry.Quality = qualityValue.Value; } // Timestamp IXLCell timeStampCell = row.Cell("D"); if (ParseTimeStamp(row, timeStampCell, out long?timeStampValue) && timeStampValue.HasValue) { entry.TimeStamp = timeStampValue.Value; } // Value IXLCell valueCell = row.Cell("E"); IXLCell value2Cell = row.Cell("F"); IEntry baseEntry = entry; if (!TryParse(valueCell, value2Cell, ref baseEntry)) { continue; } //Name if (isGrouped) { IXLCell cellName = row.Cell("F"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cellName.GetString())) { try { entry.Name = cellName.GetValue <string>(); } catch (FormatException exception) { Logger.Error($"Unable to parse '{qualityCell.GetString()}' in row {row.RowNumber()} as UInt16", exception); } } } deltaEntries.Add(entry); } return(deltaEntries); }
public static void UpdateClearButtonVisibility(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.ClearButtonVisible = entry.ClearButtonVisibility == ClearButtonVisibility.WhileEditing; }
public static void UpdateText(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.Text = entry.Text; }
/// <summary> /// Looks up an entry by name. Note that this is not guaranteed to be /// the latest value, but rather the latest one from an implementation /// defined namespace. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The entry name.</param> /// <param name="entry">The entry.</param> /// <returns>True if found, false if not.</returns> public static bool TryFindAny(UpperString name, out IEntry entry) { return(entries.TryGetAnyValue(name, out entry, out _)); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the last loaded entry with the name provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The entry name.</param> /// <param name="entry">The entry that was found.</param> /// <returns>True if found, false if not (and then entry is set to /// null).</returns> public static bool TryFindLatest(UpperString name, out IEntry entry) { return(nameToEntry.TryGetValue(name, out entry)); }
public static void UpdateReturnType(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.InputScope = entry.ReturnType.ToNative(); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the last loaded entry with the name provided. This will /// include the extension in searches. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The entry path.</param> /// <param name="entry">The entry that was found.</param> /// <returns>True if found, false if not (and then entry is set to /// null).</returns> public static bool TryFindPath(UpperString path, out IEntry entry) { return(pathToEntry.TryGetValue(path, out entry)); }
public static void UpdateIsTextPredictionEnabled(this EditText editText, IEntry entry) { editText.SetInputType(entry); }
public static void MapDrawBackground(ICanvas canvas, RectF dirtyRect, IEntryDrawable drawable, IEntry view) => drawable.DrawBackground(canvas, dirtyRect, view);
public static void UpdateMaxLength(this EditText editText, IEntry entry) => UpdateMaxLength(editText, entry.MaxLength);
public static void UpdateVerticalTextAlignment(this MauiTextBox textBox, IEntry entry) { textBox.VerticalAlignment = entry.VerticalTextAlignment.ToNativeVerticalAlignment(); }
public void Touch(IEntry entry) { SymbolTable.MakeCurrent(entry); }
private void btnFindText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lstResults.Items.Clear(); if (txtSearchDirectory.Text.Trim() != string.Empty && Directory.Exists(txtSearchDirectory.Text.Trim())) { if (txtFindText.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(txtSearchDirectory.Text.Trim(), "*.msbt", (chkSearchSubfolders.Checked ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); ListBox lstTemp = new ListBox(); foreach (string file in files) { MSBT msbt = null; try { msbt = new MSBT(file); } catch (InvalidMSBTException imex) { continue; } if (msbt.HasLabels) { lstTemp.Sorted = true; } else { lstTemp.Sorted = false; } lstTemp.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < msbt.TXT2.NumberOfStrings; i++) { if (msbt.HasLabels) { lstTemp.Items.Add(msbt.LBL1.Labels[i]); } else { lstTemp.Items.Add(msbt.TXT2.Strings[i]); } } // Find the strings for (int i = 0; i < msbt.TXT2.NumberOfStrings; i++) { IEntry ent = null; if (msbt.HasLabels) { ent = msbt.LBL1.Labels[i]; } else { ent = msbt.TXT2.Strings[i]; } if (lstTemp.Items.Contains(ent)) { lstTemp.SelectedItem = ent; } if (chkMatchCase.Checked) { if (msbt.FileEncoding.GetString(ent.Value).Contains(txtFindText.Text)) { SearchResult result = new SearchResult(); result.Filename = file; result.Entry = ent; result.Index = lstTemp.SelectedIndex; lstResults.Items.Add(result); } } else { if (msbt.FileEncoding.GetString(ent.Value).ToLower().Contains(txtFindText.Text.ToLower())) { SearchResult result = new SearchResult(); result.Filename = file; result.Entry = ent; result.Index = lstTemp.SelectedIndex; lstResults.Items.Add(result); } } } } } } if (lstResults.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find \"" + txtFindText.Text + "\".", "Find", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }