private static void ImportSingle(IEntitySet entitySetToCreateIn, string[] headers, string[] data) { // Create the new entity IEntityObject newEntity = entitySetToCreateIn.AddNew(); Microsoft.LightSwitch.Details.IEntityProperty currentProperty; object newValue; // Loop through all propertyNames from the first line of the file for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count() ; i++) { try { // Get the property from the new entity by name currentProperty = newEntity.Details.Properties[headers[i]]; } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("A property named {0} does not exist on the entity named {1}.", headers[i], newEntity.Details.Name)); } try { // Convert the value newValue = Convert.ChangeType(data[i], currentProperty.PropertyType, null); currentProperty.Value = newValue; } catch (System.FormatException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The following line has an invalid value for property {0}. Aborting the import.\nData: {1}", headers[i], String.Join(",", data))); } } }