예제 #1
        /// <summary>Executes a search query for a given WHERE condition, and returns results object which contains the resulting rows (page)
        /// and total count of rows for a search condition.</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">Root entity type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="session">Entity session.</param>
        /// <param name="where">Combined WHERE condition for a query.</param>
        /// <param name="searchParams">Search parameters object containing extra options for the query: order by, skip, take.</param>
        /// <param name="include">Include expression.</param>
        /// <param name="nameMapping">A name mapping dictionary, to map names in order-by expression to actual properties of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Optional, search query options.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of the <c>SearchResults</c> class, with selected rows and total count for the query condition.</returns>
        public static SearchResults <TEntity> ExecuteSearch <TEntity>(
            this IEntitySession session,
            Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > where,
            SearchParams searchParams,
            Expression <Func <TEntity, object> > include = null,
            Dictionary <string, string> nameMapping      = null,
            QueryOptions options = QueryOptions.ForceIgnoreCase) where TEntity : class
            var baseQuery = session.EntitySet <TEntity>().Where(where).WithOptions(options); //this will be reused by Count query
            //add include, order by, skip, take
            var incQuery     = include == null ? baseQuery : baseQuery.Include <TEntity>(include);
            var orderedQuery = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.OrderBy) ? incQuery : incQuery.OrderBy(searchParams.OrderBy, nameMapping);
            // Add Skip, Take; we return '+1' rows, to check if there are any more; if not, we do not need to query total
            var takePlusOne = searchParams.Take + 1;
            var pageQuery   = orderedQuery.Skip(searchParams.Skip).Take(takePlusOne);
            var rows        = pageQuery.ToList();

            if (rows.Count < takePlusOne)
                //We see the last row, we do not need to run total query
                return new SearchResults <TEntity>()
                           Results = rows, TotalCount = searchParams.Skip + rows.Count
            // we received more than Take number of rows; it means we need to run TotalCount
            //save main query command, and restore it after total query; in debugging main query is more interesting than total query
            var queryCmd   = session.GetLastCommand();
            var totalCount = baseQuery.Count(); //use baseQuery here, without OrderBy, Skip, Take

            session.SetLastCommand(queryCmd);   //restore main query command
            rows.RemoveAt(rows.Count - 1);      //remove last extra row
            var results = new SearchResults <TEntity>()
                Results = rows, TotalCount = totalCount
