예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the new element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementDefinition">The element definition.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="EngineException">
        /// Error creating new element. The parent task not exists.
        /// or
        /// Error creating new element. The element type not exists.
        /// </exception>
        public Guid CreateNewElement(IElementDefinitionCreate elementDefinition)
            IElementEntry elementEntry = null;

            using (var transaction = uow.BeginTransaction())
                // Load parent task
                var taskEntry = engineRepository.GetTaskById(elementDefinition.ParentTaskId);

                // Check if parent task exists
                if (taskEntry == null)
                    throw new EngineException(logger, "Error creating new element. The parent task not exists.");

                // get the engine element
                IEngineElement engineElement = GetEngineElement(elementDefinition.ElementTypeKey);

                // Get the right entry model for this engine element type
                elementEntry = (IElementEntry)engineElement.GetEmptyEntity();

                // Populate the entry element whit data provided by user
                elementEntry.ParentTask  = taskEntry;
                elementEntry.Name        = elementDefinition.Name;
                elementEntry.Description = elementDefinition.Description;
                elementEntry.IsEnabled   = true;

                // create the element in db

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
        /// <exception cref="EngineException">
        /// The element '{element.Name}'  cannot be executed. This task was aborted.
        /// or
        /// The element {element.Name} (id: {element.InstanceID}) was not executed cause one or more errors occurs. This task was aborted.
        /// or
        /// The element {element.Name} (id: {element.InstanceID}) was executed but one or more warning occurs. This task was aborted.
        /// </exception>
        public void ExecuteElement(IEngineElement element)
            // Check if element can be executed
            if (!element.CanBeExecuted())
                element.AddMessage($"The element cannot be executed.", MessageSeverity.Error);
                if (element.ParentTask.FailIfAnyElementHasError)
                    throw new EngineException(logger, $"The element cannot be executed. This task was aborted.");

            // Execute element
            if (ElementStarted != null)
                ElementStarted.Invoke((Guid)element.EntityId, (Guid)element.InstanceID);

            // stop element

            if (element.HasErrors)
                element.AddMessage($"The element (instance: {element.InstanceID}) was not executed cause one or more errors occurs.", MessageSeverity.Error);
                if (element.ParentTask.FailIfAnyElementHasError)
                    if (ElementFinished != null)
                        ElementFinished.Invoke((Guid)element.EntityId, (Guid)element.InstanceID, false);
                    throw new EngineException(logger, $"The element (instance: {element.InstanceID}) was not executed cause one or more errors occurs. This task was aborted.");
            else if (element.HasWarnings)
                element.AddMessage($"The element (instance: {element.InstanceID}) was executed but one or more warning occurs.", MessageSeverity.Warning);
                if (element.ParentTask.FailIfAnyElementHasWarning)
                    if (ElementFinished != null)
                        ElementFinished.Invoke((Guid)element.EntityId, (Guid)element.InstanceID, false);
                    throw new EngineException(logger, $"The element (instance: {element.InstanceID}) was executed but one or more warning occurs. This task was aborted.");
            if (ElementFinished != null)
                ElementFinished.Invoke((Guid)element.EntityId, (Guid)element.InstanceID, true);