protected override void IntegrationSetup(IElasticClient client, CallUniqueValues values) { var enableRemoteClusters = client.ClusterPutSettings(new ClusterPutSettingsRequest { Transient = new M { { "search", new M { { "remote", new M { { "cluster_one", new M { { "seeds", new[] { "", "" } } } }, { "cluster_two", new M { { "seeds", new[] { "" } } } } } } } } } }); enableRemoteClusters.ShouldBeValid(); var remoteSearch = client.Search <Project>(s => s.Index(Index <Project>("cluster_one").And <Project>("cluster_two"))); remoteSearch.ShouldBeValid(); }
protected override void IntegrationSetup(IElasticClient client, CallUniqueValues values) { var oldWay = new M { { "search", new M { { "remote", new M { { "cluster_one", new M { { "seeds", new[] { "", "" } } } }, { "cluster_two", new M { { "seeds", new[] { "" } } } } } } } } }; /** * As of 6.5.0 you can also use the following helper class which uses * the new way to configure remote clusters. */ var newWay = new RemoteClusterConfiguration() { { "cluster_one", "", "" }, { "cluster_two", "" } }; var enableRemoteClusters = client.ClusterPutSettings(new ClusterPutSettingsRequest { Transient = oldWay }); enableRemoteClusters.ShouldBeValid(); var remoteSearch = client.Search <Project>(s => s.Index(Index <Project>("cluster_one").And <Project>("cluster_two"))); remoteSearch.ShouldBeValid(); }