예제 #1
 public override String GetToolTipInfo(IEditorClient Client)
     String pluralize = ReleaseCount > 1 ? "s" : "";
     return "Contains " + ReleaseCount.ToString() + " " + _PowerupType.Name + pluralize;
예제 #2
        public override void EditorDraw(Graphics g, IEditorClient Client)
            //call default implementation first.
            //now, the extension for the editor is to also draw our powerup within us.
            //first, get an appropriately sized rect, the width and length is the minimum of our length and width.
            float usexy = Math.Min(BlockRectangle.Width, BlockRectangle.Height);
            //create a new bitmap of the given size.
            SizeF usesize = new SizeF(usexy,usexy);
            if (Math.Abs(cachedInnerSize.Width - usesize.Width) > 0.01f ||
                Math.Abs(cachedInnerSize.Height - usesize.Height) > 0.01f
                || hasChanged)
                //recreate the cached bitmap.
                Bitmap drawinner = new Bitmap((int)usesize.Width, (int)usesize.Height);
                Graphics drawhere = Graphics.FromImage(drawinner);

                //we need to Create our powerup.
                GameCharacterPowerup gcp = (GameCharacterPowerup)Activator.CreateInstance(_PowerupType, this);

                gcp.DrawSize = usesize;
                gcp.Location = new PointF(0, 0);
                cachedInnerSize = usesize;
                cachedInnerImage = drawinner;

            //Center cachedInnerSize on our rect.
            RectangleF useDrawLocation = new RectangleF(BlockRectangle.Left+(float)((BlockRectangle.Width / 2) - cachedInnerSize.Width / 2),
                                                        BlockRectangle.Top + (float)((BlockRectangle.Height / 2) - cachedInnerSize.Height / 2), cachedInnerSize.Width, cachedInnerSize.Height);
            //now DRAW.
                g.DrawImage(cachedInnerImage, useDrawLocation);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// retrieves additional tooltip information for a block.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override string GetToolTipInfo(IEditorClient Client)
     return "Contains: " + _EnemySpawnType + ", with " + _EnemySpawnTriggers.Count + " Triggers.";
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// called when this block is drawn in the editor. the "normal" implementation of Draw will not be called afterwards.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 public override void EditorDraw(Graphics g, IEditorClient Client)
예제 #5
        public override string GetToolTipInfo(IEditorClient Client)
            String currbuild = base.GetToolTipInfo(Client);

            //add some information about this switch.
            //(In group with X others)
            //find the others in our group.
            //we can group based on AllActive and AllInActive.

            //first find Active group..

            var ActiveGroup = from m in Client.GetBlocks() where m != this
                                  && m is SwitchBlock && (m as SwitchBlock).AllActiveID == AllActiveID select m;
            var InActiveGroup = from m in Client.GetBlocks() where m != this &&
                                    m is SwitchBlock && (m as SwitchBlock).AllInactiveID == AllInactiveID select m;
            StringBuilder buildstr = new StringBuilder();
            if (ActiveGroup.Any())
                buildstr.AppendLine("ActiveID #" + AllActiveID + " With " + ActiveGroup.Count() + " Others.");


            if (InActiveGroup.Any())
                buildstr.AppendLine("ActiveID #" + AllInactiveID + " With " + InActiveGroup.Count() + " Others.");


            return buildstr.ToString() + currbuild;
예제 #6
        public override void EditorDraw(Graphics g, IEditorClient Client)
            String drawstring="";
            if(_AllActiveID!=0) drawstring += "A:" + _AllActiveID + "\n";
            if(_AllInactiveID!=0) drawstring += "I:" + _AllInactiveID + _AllInactiveID + "\n";
            //draw our trigger number.
            Font usefont = BCBlockGameState.GetScaledFont(new Font(BCBlockGameState.GetMonospaceFont(), 12), (int)(BlockRectangle.Height / 2));
            var textsize = BCBlockGameState.MeasureString(drawstring, usefont);

            PointF DrawLocation = new PointF(CenterPoint().X - textsize.Width / 2,
                CenterPoint().Y - textsize.Height / 2);