public int CompareTo(IDoubleValue other) { if (other == null) return 1; return _value.CompareTo(other.GetValue()); }
public int CompareTo(IDoubleValue other) { if (other == null) { return(1); } return(_value.CompareTo(other.GetValue())); }
public bool Equals(IDoubleValue other) { if (other == null) return false; if (_value != other.GetValue()) return false; if (!other.GetVirtualMachine().Equals(this.VirtualMachine)) return false; return true; }
public bool Equals(IDoubleValue other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } if (_value != other.GetValue()) { return(false); } if (!other.GetVirtualMachine().Equals(this.VirtualMachine)) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO structure that describes a property. /// </summary> /// <param name="dwFields">[in] A combination of values from the DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS enumeration that specifies which fields are to be filled out in the pPropertyInfo structure.</param> /// <param name="dwRadix">[in] Radix to be used in formatting any numerical information.</param> /// <param name="dwTimeout">[in] Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param> /// <param name="rgpArgs">[in, out] Reserved for future use; set to a null value.</param> /// <param name="dwArgCount">[in] Reserved for future use; set to zero.</param> /// <param name="pPropertyInfo">[out] A DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO structure that is filled in with the description of the property.</param> /// <returns>If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns error code.</returns> public int GetPropertyInfo(enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwFields, uint dwRadix, uint dwTimeout, IDebugReference2[] rgpArgs, uint dwArgCount, DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO[] pPropertyInfo) { if (pPropertyInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pPropertyInfo"); } if (pPropertyInfo.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(); } bool getFullName = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_FULLNAME) != 0; bool getName = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_NAME) != 0; bool getType = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_TYPE) != 0; bool getValue = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE) != 0; bool getAttributes = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_ATTRIB) != 0; bool getProperty = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_PROP) != 0; bool useAutoExpandValue = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE_AUTOEXPAND) != 0; bool noFormatting = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE_RAW) != 0; bool noToString = (dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE_NO_TOSTRING) != 0; if (getFullName) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrFullName = _evaluatedExpression.FullName; pPropertyInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_FULLNAME; } if (getName) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrName = _evaluatedExpression.Name; pPropertyInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_NAME; } if (getType) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrType = _evaluatedExpression.ValueType.GetName(); if (_evaluatedExpression.Value != null && !_evaluatedExpression.Value.GetValueType().Equals(_evaluatedExpression.ValueType)) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrType += " {" + _evaluatedExpression.Value.GetValueType().GetName() + "}"; } pPropertyInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_TYPE; } if (getValue) { if (_evaluatedExpression.Value == null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = "null"; } if (_evaluatedExpression.Value is IVoidValue) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = "The expression has been evaluated and has no value."; } else if (_evaluatedExpression.Value is IPrimitiveValue) { IBooleanValue booleanValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IBooleanValue; if (booleanValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = booleanValue.GetValue().ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN; if (booleanValue.GetValue()) { pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_BOOLEAN_TRUE; } } IByteValue byteValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IByteValue; if (byteValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = byteValue.GetValue().ToString(); } ICharValue charValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as ICharValue; if (charValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = EscapeSpecialCharacters(charValue.GetValue().ToString(), 10, '\''); } IShortValue shortValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IShortValue; if (shortValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = shortValue.GetValue().ToString(); } IIntegerValue integerValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IIntegerValue; if (integerValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = integerValue.GetValue().ToString(); } ILongValue longValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as ILongValue; if (longValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = longValue.GetValue().ToString(); } IFloatValue floatValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IFloatValue; if (floatValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = floatValue.GetValue().ToString(); } IDoubleValue doubleValue = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IDoubleValue; if (doubleValue != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = doubleValue.GetValue().ToString(); } } else if (_evaluatedExpression.Value is IArrayReference) { IArrayReference arrayReference = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IArrayReference; int length = arrayReference.GetLength(); IArrayType arrayType = (IArrayType)arrayReference.GetReferenceType(); pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = string.Format("{{{0}[{1}]}}", arrayType.GetComponentTypeName(), length); if (length > 0) { pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_IS_EXPANDABLE; } } else if (_evaluatedExpression.Value is IObjectReference) { IStringReference stringReference = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IStringReference; if (stringReference != null) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = EscapeSpecialCharacters(stringReference.GetValue(), 120, '"'); } else { IObjectReference objectReference = _evaluatedExpression.Value as IObjectReference; if (objectReference != null) { int collectionSize; if (TryGetCollectionSize(objectReference, out collectionSize)) { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = string.Format("{{size() = {0}}}", collectionSize); pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_IS_EXPANDABLE; } else { string displayValue = null; IClassType classType = objectReference.GetReferenceType() as IClassType; if (noToString || classType == null) { displayValue = objectReference.GetReferenceType().GetName(); } else { IMethod method = classType.GetConcreteMethod("toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); using (IStrongValueHandle <IValue> result = objectReference.InvokeMethod(null, method, InvokeOptions.None)) { if (result != null) { stringReference = result.Value as IStringReference; if (stringReference != null) { displayValue = stringReference.GetValue(); } } } if (displayValue == null) { IClassType objectClass = classType; while (true) { IClassType parentClass = objectClass.GetSuperclass(); if (parentClass != null) { objectClass = parentClass; } else { break; } } IMethod objectToStringMethod = objectClass.GetConcreteMethod("toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); // fall back to a non-virtual call using (IStrongValueHandle <IValue> result = objectReference.InvokeMethod(null, objectToStringMethod, InvokeOptions.NonVirtual | InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded)) { if (result != null) { stringReference = result.Value as IStringReference; if (stringReference != null) { displayValue = stringReference.GetValue(); } } } } } pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = "{" + displayValue + "}"; pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_OBJ_IS_EXPANDABLE; } } else { pPropertyInfo[0].bstrValue = "Unrecognized value"; pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_ERROR; } } } pPropertyInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE; } if (getAttributes) { if (_evaluatedExpression.Field != null) { if (_evaluatedExpression.Field.GetIsPrivate()) { pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PRIVATE; } if (_evaluatedExpression.Field.GetIsProtected()) { pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PROTECTED; } if (_evaluatedExpression.Field.GetIsPublic()) { pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PUBLIC; } } pPropertyInfo[0].dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_READONLY; pPropertyInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_ATTRIB; #if false bool expandable; bool hasId; bool canHaveId; bool readOnly; bool error; bool sideEffect; bool overloadedContainer; bool boolean; bool booleanTrue; bool invalid; bool notAThing; bool autoExpanded; bool timeout; bool rawString; bool customViewer; bool accessNone; bool accessPrivate; bool accessProtected; bool accessPublic; bool storageNone; bool storageGlobal; bool storageStatic; bool storageRegister; bool noModifiers; bool @virtual; bool constant; bool synchronized; bool @volatile; bool dataField; bool method; bool property; bool @class; bool baseClass; bool @interface; bool innerClass; bool mostDerived; bool multiCustomViewers; #endif } if (getProperty) { pPropertyInfo[0].pProperty = this; pPropertyInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_PROP; } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
private EvaluatedExpression EvaluateUnary(CommonTree op, EvaluatedExpression expression) { Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(op != null, "op"); Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(expression != null, "expression"); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <EvaluatedExpression>() != null); string operatorText; IValue newValue; switch (op.Type) { case POSITIVE: { operatorText = "+"; long result; if (TryGetIntegralValue(expression.Value, out result)) { if (expression.Value is ILongValue) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(result); } else { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf((int)result); } break; } IFloatValue floatValue = expression.Value as IFloatValue; if (floatValue != null) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(floatValue.GetValue()); break; } IDoubleValue doubleValue = expression.Value as IDoubleValue; if (doubleValue != null) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(doubleValue.GetValue()); break; } throw new NotImplementedException(); } case NEGATE: { operatorText = "-"; long result; if (TryGetIntegralValue(expression.Value, out result)) { if (expression.Value is ILongValue) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(-result); } else { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(-(int)result); } break; } IFloatValue floatValue = expression.Value as IFloatValue; if (floatValue != null) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(-floatValue.GetValue()); break; } IDoubleValue doubleValue = expression.Value as IDoubleValue; if (doubleValue != null) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(-doubleValue.GetValue()); break; } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } case TILDE: { long result; if (!TryGetIntegralValue(expression.Value, out result)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } operatorText = "~"; if (expression.Value is ILongValue) { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(~result); } else { newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(~(int)result); } break; } case BANG: { IBooleanValue booleanValue = expression.Value as IBooleanValue; if (booleanValue == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } operatorText = "!"; newValue = _stackFrame.GetVirtualMachine().GetMirrorOf(!booleanValue.GetValue()); break; } case PREINC: case PREDEC: case POSTINC: case POSTDEC: throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid unary operator."); } string name = string.Format("{0}({1})", operatorText, expression.FullName); return(new EvaluatedExpression(name, name, newValue, expression.HasSideEffects)); }