예제 #1
        // TODO: Get rid of this constructor.
        public ClrMappedDSP(IDoCRUD <T> dataAccessLayerSimple, BetterLCVCreatorDelegate <T> betterLCVCreatorDelegate /*, bool isAsynchronous*/)
            _dataAccessLayerSimple = dataAccessLayerSimple;

            if (dataAccessLayerSimple is IDoCrudWithMapping <T> dalWithMapping)
                _dataAccessLayerWithMapping = dalWithMapping;
            _betterLCVCreatorDelegate = betterLCVCreatorDelegate;
            //IsAsynchronous = isAsynchronous;

            dataAccessLayerSimple.DataSourceChanged += _dataAccessLayer_DataSourceChanged;
예제 #2
        public ClrMappedDSP(IDoCrudWithMapping <T> dataAccessLayer, BetterLCVCreatorDelegate <T> betterLCVCreatorDelegate /*, bool isAsynchronous*/)
            _dataAccessLayerWithMapping = dataAccessLayer;
            _betterLCVCreatorDelegate   = betterLCVCreatorDelegate;
            //IsAsynchronous = isAsynchronous;

            _dataAccessLayerSimple = dataAccessLayer as IDoCRUD <T>;
            if (_dataAccessLayerSimple == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The dataAccessLayer ({nameof(IDoCrudWithMapping<T>)}) does not implement {nameof(IDoCRUD<T>)}.");

            // TODO: Consider adding a DataSourceChanged event declaration on the IDoCrudWithMapping<T> interface.
            _dataAccessLayerSimple.DataSourceChanged += _dataAccessLayer_DataSourceChanged;
예제 #3
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    // Dispose managed state (managed objects).


                // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
                // Set large fields to null.
                _dataAccessLayerWithMapping = null;

                disposedValue = true;