public override Actions Evaluate() { try { if (BaseItemType.ClassName != "DivinationCard") { return(Actions.CantDecide); } var garbage = _divCardsProvider.GetSellDivCardsList(); return(garbage.Any(name => IsSameName(name, ItemBaseComponent.Name)) ? Actions.Vendor : Actions.Keep); } catch (Exception) { return(Actions.Keep); } }
public override void DrawSettings() { try { ImGui.Text($"Welcome to EZV {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}"); try { var cheapDivCards = _divCardsProvider?.GetSellDivCardsList()?.Count; var zeroLinks = _ninja?.GetCheap0LUniques()?.Count(); var sixLinks = _ninja?.GetCheap6LUniques()?.Count(); ImGui.Text(cheapDivCards > 0 ? $"Loaded {cheapDivCards} div cards to sell" : "CANT LOAD LOOT FILTER"); ImGui.Text(zeroLinks > 0 ? $"Loaded {zeroLinks} <6L cheap uniques" : "CANT LOAD <6L UNIQUE LIST"); ImGui.Text(sixLinks > 0 ? $"Loaded {sixLinks} =6L cheap uniques" : "CANT LOAD =6L UNIQUE LIST"); } catch (Exception) { ImGui.Text($"EXCEPTION DURING LOADING FILTERS. DO NO USE !!!"); } ImGui.InputText("League name", ref Settings.LeagueNameArchnemesis, 255); base.DrawSettings(); ImGui.InputText("Poe username", ref Settings.LimitedUsername, 255); ImGui.InputText("Filter name", ref Settings.FilterName, 255); if (ImGui.Button("Delete ninja cache (after you change settings)")) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(DirectoryFullName, "ninja0L.json")); File.Delete(Path.Combine(DirectoryFullName, "ninja6L.json")); } } catch { // ignored } }