public async Task GetUserSeason(EventContext e) { int platform = 1; string[] arg = e.arguments.Split(' '); int seasonId = int.Parse(arg[1]); if (arg.Length > 2) { platform = GetPlatform(arg[2]); } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; RocketLeagueUser user = await TryGetUser(arg[0], platform); if (user == null) { embed.Title = "Uh oh!"; embed.Description = $"We couldn't find a user with the name `{arg[0]}`. Please look up yourself on to create your profile!"; embed.ThumbnailUrl = ""; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); return; } embed.Title = $"{user.DisplayName}'s Season {arg[1]}"; if (user.RankedSeasons.ContainsKey(seasonId)) { Dictionary <int, RocketLeagueRankedStats> rankedseason = user.RankedSeasons[seasonId]; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist in api.playlists.Data) { if (rankedseason.ContainsKey(playlist.Id)) { if (playlist.PlatformId == platform) { RocketLeagueRankedStats stats = rankedseason[playlist.Id]; string rank = ""; RocketLeagueTier t = api.tiers.Data.Find(z => { return(z.Id == stats.Tier); }); if (t != null) { rank = t.Name + " " + stats.Division; embed.AddInlineField(playlist.Name.Substring(7), $"Rank: {rank}\n\nMMR: {stats.RankPoints}\nMatches Played: {stats.MatchesPlayed}"); } } } } } await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task GetUser(EventContext e) { string[] arg = e.arguments.Split(' '); int platform = 1; if (arg.Length > 1) { platform = GetPlatform(arg[1]); } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; RocketLeagueUser user = await TryGetUser(arg[0], platform); if (user == null) { embed.Title = "Uh oh!"; embed.Description = $"We couldn't find a user with the name `{arg[0]}`. Please look up yourself on to create your profile!"; embed.ThumbnailUrl = ""; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); return; } embed.Title = user.DisplayName; foreach (RocketLeagueSeason season in api.seasons.Data) { if (user.RankedSeasons.ContainsKey(season.Id)) { Dictionary <int, RocketLeagueRankedStats> rankedseason = user.RankedSeasons[season.Id]; string s = ""; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist in api.playlists.Data) { if (rankedseason.ContainsKey(playlist.Id)) { if (playlist.PlatformId == platform) { RocketLeagueRankedStats stats = rankedseason[playlist.Id]; s += "`" + playlist.Name.Substring(7).PadRight(13) + ":` " + stats.RankPoints.ToString() + " MMR\n"; } } } embed.AddInlineField("Season" + season.Id, s); } } embed.ThumbnailUrl = user.AvatarUrl; embed.ImageUrl = user.SignatureUrl; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task PunchAsync(EventContext e) { string[] images = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; Random r = new Random(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; if (e.arguments.Length > 0) { embed.Title = $"{e.Author.Username} punches {e.message.RemoveMentions(e.arguments)}"; } else { embed.Title = $"{e.message.Bot.Username} punches {e.Author.Username}"; } embed.ImageUrl = images[r.Next(0, images.Length)]; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task GuildTop(EventContext e) { int amountToTake = 12; int.TryParse(e.arguments, out int amountToSkip); using (var context = new MikiContext()) { int totalGuilds = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)await context.GuildUsers.CountAsync() / amountToTake); List <GuildUser> leaderboards = await context.GuildUsers.OrderByDescending(x => x.Experience) .Skip(amountToSkip * amountToTake) .Take(amountToTake) .ToListAsync(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed .SetTitle(e.GetResource("guildtop_title")); foreach (GuildUser i in leaderboards) { embed.AddInlineField(i.Name, i.Experience.ToString()); } embed.SetFooter(e.GetResource("page_index", amountToSkip + 1, totalGuilds), null); await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task ToggleGuildNotifications(EventContext e) { using (var context = new MikiContext()) { Setting setting = await context.Settings.FindAsync(e.Guild.Id.ToDbLong(), DatabaseSettingId.CHANNELMESSAGE); if (setting == null) { setting = context.Settings.Add(new Setting() { EntityId = e.Guild.Id.ToDbLong(), IsEnabled = true, SettingId = DatabaseSettingId.CHANNELMESSAGE }).Entity; } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); setting.IsEnabled = !setting.IsEnabled; string aa = (!setting.IsEnabled) ? locale.GetString("miki_generic_disabled") : locale.GetString("miki_generic_enabled"); embed.Description = locale.GetString("miki_module_settings_guild_notifications", aa); embed.Color = (setting.IsEnabled) ? new IA.SDK.Color(1, 0, 0) : new IA.SDK.Color(0, 1, 0); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task SpellCheckAsync(EventContext context) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.SetTitle("Spellcheck - top results"); API.StringComparison.StringComparer sc = new API.StringComparison.StringComparer(context.commandHandler.GetAllEventNames()); List <API.StringComparison.StringComparison> best = sc.CompareToAll(context.arguments) .OrderBy(z => z.score) .ToList(); int x = 1; foreach (API.StringComparison.StringComparison c in best) { embed.AddInlineField($"#{x}", c); x++; if (x > 16) { break; } } embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); await Task.Yield(); }
public async Task SlapAsync(EventContext e) { string[] images = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; Random r = new Random(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; if (e.arguments.Length > 0) { embed.Title = $"{e.Author.Username} slaps {e.message.RemoveMentions(e.arguments)}"; } else { embed.Title = $"{e.message.Bot.Username} slaps {e.Author.Username}"; } embed.ImageUrl = images[r.Next(0, images.Length)]; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task UrbanAsync(EventContext e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.arguments)) { return; } Locale locale = new Locale(e.Channel.Id); UrbanDictionaryApi api = new UrbanDictionaryApi(Global.Config.UrbanKey); UrbanDictionaryEntry entry = await api.GetEntryAsync(e.arguments); if (entry != null) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed .SetAuthor(entry.Term, "", "" + e.arguments) .SetDescription(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_urban_author", entry.Author)); embed.AddInlineField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_urban_definition"), entry.Definition); embed.AddInlineField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_urban_example"), entry.Example); embed.AddInlineField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_urban_rating"), "👍 " + entry.ThumbsUp + " 👎 " + entry.ThumbsDown); embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } else { e.ErrorEmbed(e.GetResource("error_term_invalid")) .QueueToChannel(e.Channel.Id); } }
public async Task PokeAsync(EventContext e) { string[] images = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; Random r = new Random(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; if (e.arguments.Length > 0) { embed.Title = $"{e.Author.Username} pokes {e.message.RemoveMentions(e.arguments)}"; } else { embed.Title = $"{e.message.Bot.Username} pokes {e.Author.Username}"; } embed.ImageUrl = images[r.Next(0, images.Length)]; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task CuddleAsync(EventContext e) { string[] images = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; Random r = new Random(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; if (e.arguments.Length > 0) { embed.Title = $"{e.Author.Username} cuddles with {e.message.RemoveMentions(e.arguments)}"; } else { embed.Title = $"{e.message.Bot.Username} cuddles with {e.Author.Username}"; } embed.ImageUrl = images[r.Next(0, images.Length)]; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public static void SendAchievement(BaseAchievement d, IDiscordMessageChannel channel, IDiscordUser user) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed.SetTitle("Achievement Unlocked") .SetDescription($"{d.Icon} **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}** has unlocked the achievement **{d.Name}**! {d.Icon}"); embed.QueueToChannel(channel); }
public async Task InfoAsync(EventContext e) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; Locale locale = new Locale(e.Channel.Id); embed.Author = embed.CreateAuthor(); embed.Author.Name = "Miki " + Bot.Instance.Information.Version; embed.SetColor(0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f); embed.AddField(locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_made_by_header"), locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_made_by_description") + " Drummss, Fuzen, IA, Luke, Milk, n0t, Phanrazak, Rappy, Tal, Vallode, GrammarJew"); embed.AddField(e.GetResource("miki_module_general_info_links"), $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_docs").PadRight(15)}:` [documentation](\n" + $"`{"donate".PadRight(15)}:` [patreon]( | [ko-fi](\n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_twitter").PadRight(15)}:` [veld]( | [miki](\n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_reddit").PadRight(15)}:` [/r/mikibot]( \n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_server").PadRight(15)}:` [discord](\n" + $"`{locale.GetString("miki_module_general_info_website").PadRight(15)}:` [link]("); embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); await Task.Yield(); }
public async Task ConfigAsync(EventContext e) { IModule module = e.commandHandler.GetModule(e.arguments); if (module != null) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed.SetTitle(e.arguments.ToUpper()); string content = ""; foreach (RuntimeCommandEvent ev in module.Events.OrderBy((x) => x.Name)) { content += (await ev.IsEnabled(e.Channel.Id) ? "<:iconenabled:341251534522286080>" : "<:icondisabled:341251533754728458>") + " " + ev.Name + "\n"; } embed.AddInlineField("Events", content); content = ""; foreach (IService ev in module.Services.OrderBy((x) => x.Name)) { content += (await ev.IsEnabled(e.Channel.Id) ? "<:iconenabled:341251534522286080>" : "<:icondisabled:341251533754728458>") + " " + ev.Name + "\n"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { embed.AddInlineField("Services", content); } embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task SteamRequestHandler(EventContext context) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.SetAuthor(steamAuthorName, steamAuthorIcon, ""); embed.Description = "Steam API at your fingertips.\nYou can find a list of commands by typing `" + ">" + "help steam`!"; embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); }
public async Task SearchPasta(EventContext e) { Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.arguments)) { await Utils.ErrorEmbed(locale, e.GetResource("searchpasta_error_no_arg")) .QueueToChannel(e.Channel.Id); return; } List <string> arguments = e.arguments.Split(' ').ToList(); int page = 0; if (arguments.Count > 1) { if (int.TryParse(arguments[arguments.Count - 1], out page)) { page -= 1; } } string query = arguments[0]; using (var context = new MikiContext()) { var pastasFound = await context.Pastas.Where(x => x.Id.ToLower().Contains(query.ToLower())) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Id) .Skip(25 * page) .Take(25) .ToListAsync(); var totalCount = await context.Pastas.Where(x => x.Id.Contains(query)) .CountAsync(); if (pastasFound?.Count > 0) { string resultString = ""; pastasFound.ForEach(x => { resultString += "`" + x.Id + "` "; }); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = e.GetResource("miki_module_pasta_search_header"); embed.Description = resultString; embed.CreateFooter(); embed.Footer.Text = e.GetResource("page_index", page + 1, (Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount / 25)).ToString()); await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); return; } await Utils.ErrorEmbed(locale, e.GetResource("miki_module_pasta_search_error_no_results", arguments[0])) .QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task FavouritePastaList(EventContext e, bool lovedPastas = true) { Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); IDiscordUser targetUser = e.Author; float totalPerPage = 25f; int page = 0; if (e.message.MentionedUserIds.Count() >= 1) { targetUser = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(e.message.MentionedUserIds.First()); string[] args = e.arguments.Split(' '); int.TryParse((args.Count() > 1 ? args[1] : "0"), out page); page -= page <= 0 ? 0 : 1; } else { int.TryParse(e.arguments, out page); page -= 1; } using (MikiContext context = new MikiContext()) { long authorId = targetUser.Id.ToDbLong(); IEnumerable <PastaVote> pastaVotes = context.Votes.Where(x => x.UserId == authorId && x.PositiveVote == lovedPastas); int maxPage = (int)Math.Floor(pastaVotes.Count() / totalPerPage); page = page > maxPage ? maxPage : page; page = page < 0 ? 0 : page; if (pastaVotes.Count() <= 0) { string loveString = (lovedPastas ? locale.GetString("miki_module_pasta_loved") : locale.GetString("miki_module_pasta_hated")); string errorString = locale.GetString("miki_module_pasta_favlist_self_none", loveString); if (e.message.MentionedUserIds.Count() >= 1) { errorString = locale.GetString("miki_module_pasta_favlist_mention_none", loveString); } await Utils.ErrorEmbed(e, errorString).QueueToChannel(e.Channel.Id); return; } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; List <PastaVote> neededPastas = pastaVotes.Skip((int)totalPerPage * page).Take((int)totalPerPage).ToList(); string resultString = ""; neededPastas.ForEach(x => { resultString += "`" + x.Id + "` "; }); string useName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetUser.Nickname) ? targetUser.Username : targetUser.Nickname; embed.SetTitle($"{( lovedPastas ? locale.GetString( "miki_module_pasta_loved_header" ) : locale.GetString( "miki_module_pasta_hated_header" ) )} - {useName}"); embed.SetDescription(resultString); embed.SetFooter(locale.GetString("page_index", page + 1, Math.Ceiling(pastaVotes.Count() / totalPerPage)), ""); await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
[Command(Name = "steamhelp")] // TODO: Kill this command. >help steam should be used instead. public async Task SteamHelpAsync(EventContext context) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.SetAuthor(steamAuthorName, steamAuthorIcon, ""); embed.Description = "Steam API at your fingertips."; embed.AddInlineField("Commands", "`>steam` \n`>steam user <vanity/steam64>`"); embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); }
public void GetNowPlaying(EventContext e) { int platform = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.arguments)) { platform = GetPlatform(e.arguments); } Dictionary <int, RocketLeaguePlaylist> d = new Dictionary <int, RocketLeaguePlaylist>(); if (platform == -1) { foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in api.playlists.Data) { if (d.ContainsKey(p.Id)) { d[p.Id].Population.Players += p.Population.Players; } else { RocketLeaguePlaylist playlist = new RocketLeaguePlaylist() { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name, PlatformId = p.PlatformId, Population = new RocketLeaguePopulation() { Players = p.Population.Players } }; d.Add(p.Id, playlist); } } } else { foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in api.playlists.Data) { if (p.PlatformId == platform) { d.Add(p.Id, p); } } } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "Now Playing!"; foreach (RocketLeaguePlaylist p in d.Values) { embed.AddField(api.playlists.Data.Find(z => { return(z.Id == p.Id); }).Name, p.Population.Players.ToString()); } embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public static async Task SendChannel(IDiscordMessageChannel channel, IDiscordEmbed message) { if ((await channel.Guild.GetCurrentUserAsync()).HasPermissions(channel, DiscordGuildPermission.SendMessages)) { if (CanSendNotification(channel.Guild.Id, DatabaseSettingId.CHANNELMESSAGE)) { await message.QueueToChannel(channel); } } }
public async Task GuildInfoAsync(EventContext e) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; Locale l = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); embed.SetAuthor(e.Guild.Name, e.Guild.AvatarUrl, e.Guild.AvatarUrl); IDiscordUser owner = await e.Guild.GetOwnerAsync(); embed.AddInlineField( "👑" + l.GetString("miki_module_general_guildinfo_owned_by"), owner.Username + "#" + owner.Discriminator); embed.AddInlineField( "👉" + l.GetString("miki_label_prefix"), await PrefixInstance.Default.GetForGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id)); embed.AddInlineField( "📺" + l.GetString("miki_module_general_guildinfo_channels"), (await e.Guild.GetChannelCountAsync()).ToString()); embed.AddInlineField( "🔊" + l.GetString("miki_module_general_guildinfo_voicechannels"), (await e.Guild.GetVoiceChannelCountAsync()).ToString()); embed.AddInlineField( "🙎" + l.GetString("miki_module_general_guildinfo_users"), (await e.Guild.GetUserCountAsync()).ToString()); embed.AddInlineField( "🤖" + l.GetString("term_shard"), Bot.instance.Client.GetShardIdFor((e.Guild as IProxy <IGuild>).ToNativeObject())); List <string> roleNames = new List <string>(); foreach (IDiscordRole r in e.Guild.Roles) { roleNames.Add($"`{r.Name}`"); } embed.AddInlineField( "#⃣" + l.GetString("miki_module_general_guildinfo_roles_count"), e.Guild.Roles.Count.ToString()); string roles = string.Join(", ", roleNames); if (roles.Length <= 1000) { embed.AddInlineField( "📜" + l.GetString("miki_module_general_guildinfo_roles"), roles); } await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task AchievementsAsync(EventContext e) { using (var context = new MikiContext()) { Args args = new Args(e.arguments); ArgObject argument = args.First(); long id = (long)e.Author.Id; if (argument != null) { IDiscordUser user = await args.Join().GetUserAsync(e.Guild); if (user != null) { id = (long)user.Id; } } IDiscordUser discordUser = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(id.FromDbLong()); User u = await User.GetAsync(context, discordUser); List <Achievement> achievements = await context.Achievements .Where(x => x.Id == id) .ToListAsync(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed .SetColor(255, 255, 255) .SetAuthor($"{u.Name} | " + "Achievements", discordUser.AvatarUrl, ""); StringBuilder leftBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int totalScore = 0; foreach (var a in achievements) { BaseAchievement metadata = AchievementManager.Instance.GetContainerById(a.Name).Achievements[a.Rank]; leftBuilder.AppendLine(metadata.Icon + " | `" + metadata.Name.PadRight(15) + $"{metadata.Points.ToString().PadLeft(3)} pts` | 📅 {a.UnlockedAt.ToShortDateString()}"); totalScore += metadata.Points; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftBuilder.ToString())) { embed.AddInlineField("Total Pts: " + totalScore, "None, yet."); } else { embed.AddInlineField("Total Pts: " + totalScore, leftBuilder.ToString()); } embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public AccountManager(IBot bot) { OnGlobalLevelUp += async(a, e, l) => { await Task.Yield(); DogStatsd.Counter("", l); }; OnLocalLevelUp += async(a, e, l) => { DogStatsd.Counter("levels.local", l); long guildId = (long)e.Guild.Id; Locale locale = new Locale(e.Id); List <LevelRole> rolesObtained = new List <LevelRole>(); using (var context = new MikiContext()) { rolesObtained = await context.LevelRoles .Where(p => p.GuildId == guildId && p.RequiredLevel == l && p.Automatic) .ToListAsync(); } await a.AddRolesAsync(rolesObtained.Select(x => x.Role).ToArray()); var setting = await Setting.GetAsync <LevelNotificationsSetting>(e.Id, DatabaseSettingId.LEVEL_NOTIFICATIONS); if (setting == LevelNotificationsSetting.NONE) { return; } if (setting == LevelNotificationsSetting.REWARDS_ONLY && rolesObtained.Count == 0) { return; } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed .SetTitle(locale.GetString("miki_accounts_level_up_header")) .SetDescription(locale.GetString("miki_accounts_level_up_content", $"{a.Username}#{a.Discriminator}", l)) .SetColor(1, 0.7f, 0.2f); if (rolesObtained.Count > 0) { embed.AddInlineField("Rewards", string.Join("\n", rolesObtained.Select(x => $"New Role: **{x.Role.Name}**"))); } embed.QueueToChannel(e); }; bot.GuildUpdate += Client_GuildUpdated; bot.GuildJoin += Client_UserJoined; bot.GuildLeave += Client_UserLeft; }
public async Task DumpShards(EventContext context) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "Shards"; foreach (DiscordSocketClient c in Bot.instance.Client.Shards) { embed.AddInlineField("Shard " + c.ShardId, $"State: {c.ConnectionState}\nPing: {c.Latency}\nGuilds: {c.Guilds.Count}"); } await embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); }
public async Task SyncAvatarAsync(EventContext e) { string localFilename = @"c:\inetpub\\assets\img\user\" + e.Author.Id + ".png"; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(e.Author.GetAvatarUrl()); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); // Check that the remote file was found. The ContentType // check is performed since a request for a non-existent // image file might be redirected to a 404-page, which would // yield the StatusCode "OK", even though the image was not // found. if ((response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect) && response.ContentType.StartsWith("image", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // if the remote file was found, download oit using (Stream inputStream = response.GetResponseStream()) using (Stream outputStream = File.OpenWrite(localFilename)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; do { bytesRead = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } while (bytesRead != 0); } } using (var context = new MikiContext()) { User user = await context.Users.FindAsync(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong()); if (user == null) { return; } user.AvatarUrl = e.Author.Id.ToString(); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "👌 OKAY"; embed.Description = e.GetResource("sync_success", e.GetResource("term_avatar")); await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task DumpShards(EventContext e) { IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "Shards"; foreach (IShard c in Bot.Instance.Shards) { embed.Description += $"`Shard {c.Id.ToString().PadRight(2)}` | `State: {c.ConnectionState} Ping: {c.Latency} Guilds: {c.Guilds.Count}`"; } embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); await Task.Yield(); }
public async Task IdentifyPasta(EventContext e) { Locale locale = Locale.GetEntity(e.Channel.Id.ToDbLong()); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.arguments)) { await Utils.ErrorEmbed(locale, e.GetResource("infopasta_error_no_arg")) .QueueToChannel(e.Channel.Id); return; } using (var context = new MikiContext()) { GlobalPasta pasta = await context.Pastas.FindAsync(e.arguments); if (pasta == null) { await Utils.ErrorEmbed(locale, e.GetResource("miki_module_pasta_error_null")).QueueToChannel(e.Channel); return; } User creator = await context.Users.FindAsync(pasta.CreatorId); IDiscordEmbed b = Utils.Embed; b.SetAuthor(pasta.Id.ToUpper(), "", ""); b.Color = new Color(47, 208, 192); if (creator != null) { b.AddInlineField(e.GetResource("miki_module_pasta_identify_created_by"), $"{ creator.Name} [{creator.Id}]"); } b.AddInlineField(e.GetResource("miki_module_pasta_identify_date_created"), pasta.CreatedAt.ToShortDateString()); b.AddInlineField(e.GetResource("miki_module_pasta_identify_times_used"), pasta.TimesUsed.ToString()); VoteCount v = await pasta.GetVotesAsync(context); b.AddInlineField(e.GetResource("infopasta_rating"), $"⬆️ { v.Upvotes} ⬇️ {v.Downvotes}"); await b.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); } }
public async Task HugAsync(EventContext e) { string[] images = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; Random r = new Random(); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; if (e.arguments.Length > 0) { embed.Title = $"{e.Author.Username} hugs {e.message.RemoveMentions(e.arguments)}"; } else { embed.Title = $"{e.message.Bot.Username} hugs {e.Author.Username}"; } embed.ImageUrl = images[r.Next(0, images.Length)]; await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task StatsAsync(EventContext e) { TimeSpan timeSinceStart = DateTime.Now.Subtract(Program.timeSinceStartup); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.Title = "⚙️ Miki stats"; embed.Description = e.GetResource("stats_description"); embed.Color = new IA.SDK.Color(0.3f, 0.8f, 1); embed.AddInlineField($"🖥️ {e.GetResource("discord_servers")}", Bot.instance.Client.Guilds.Count.ToString()); embed.AddInlineField("💬 " + e.GetResource("term_commands"), Bot.instance.Events.CommandsUsed().ToString()); embed.AddInlineField("⏰ Uptime", timeSinceStart.ToTimeString(e.Channel.GetLocale())); embed.AddInlineField("More info", ""); await embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task SearchUser(EventContext e) { string[] arg = e.arguments.Split(' '); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; RocketLeagueSearchResult user = await api.SearchUsersAsync(arg[0], (arg.Length >= 2)?int.Parse(arg[1]) : 0); embed.Title = $"Found {user.TotalResults} users with the name `{arg[0]}`"; embed.CreateFooter(); embed.Footer.Text = $"Page {user.Page} of ${(int)Math.Ceiling((double)user.TotalResults / user.MaxResultsPerPage)}"; List <string> names = new List <string>(); user.Data.ForEach(z => { names.Add(z.DisplayName); }); embed.Description = string.Join(", ", names); embed.QueueToChannel(e.Channel); }
public async Task SteamGameAsync(EventContext context) { DateTime requestStart = DateTime.Now; string[] args = context.arguments.Split(' '); IDiscordEmbed embed = Utils.Embed; embed.SetAuthor("Steam Game", steamAuthorIcon, ""); SteamGameInfo gameInfo = await steam.GetGameInfo(args[0]); embed.SetDescription(gameInfo.Name); embed.SetThumbnailUrl(gameInfo.HeaderImage); embed.SetFooter("Request took in " + Math.Round((DateTime.Now - requestStart).TotalMilliseconds) + "ms", ""); embed.QueueToChannel(context.Channel); }