예제 #1
        void Init()

            portLeft  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D12);
            portUp    = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D13);
            portRight = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D07);
            portDown  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D11);

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(12000, SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode0);

            var bus = Device.CreateSpiBus(Device.Pins.SCK, Device.Pins.MOSI, Device.Pins.MISO, config);

            display = new Ssd1309
                device: Device,
                spiBus: bus,
                chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D02,
                dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                resetPin: Device.Pins.D00

            graphics             = new GraphicsLibrary(display);
            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font4x8();
            graphics.Rotation    = GraphicsLibrary.RotationType._270Degrees;
예제 #2
        public InputObservableApp()
            // create an input port on D02.
            _input = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D02);

            // Traditional event
            _input.Changed += (object sender, DigitalInputPortEventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Old school event raised; Time: {e.New.Millisecond}, Value: {e.Value}");

            // this illustrates using a FilterableObserver. Note that the filter is an optional
            // parameter, if you're interested in all notifications, don't pass a filter/predicate.
            // in this case, we filter on events by time, and only notify if the new event is > 1 second from
            // the last event.
            _input.Subscribe(new FilterableChangeObserver <DigitalInputPortEventArgs, DateTime>(
                                 e => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Observer Observing the Observable, Observably speaking, Time: {e.New.Millisecond}, Value: {e.Value}");
                                 // Optional filter paramter, showing a 1 second filter, i.e., only notify
                                 // if the new event is > 1 second from last.
                                 f => {
                return(f.Delta > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000));

            Console.WriteLine("Got here 3.");
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates an Mcp23008 on the specified I2C bus, with the specified
 /// peripheral address.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i2cBus"></param>
 /// <param name="address"></param>
 public Mcp23x08(II2cBus i2cBus, byte address    = 0x20,
                 IDigitalInputPort interruptPort = null) :
     // use the internal constructor that takes an IMcpDeviceComms
     this(new I2cMcpDeviceComms(i2cBus, address), interruptPort)
     // nothing goes here
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new HYSRF05 object and hook up the interrupt handler
        /// HSSRF05 must be running the default 4/5 pin mode
        /// 3 pin mode is not supported on Meadow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triggerPort"></param>
        /// <param name="echoPort"></param>
        public Hysrf05(IDigitalOutputPort triggerPort, IDigitalInputPort echoPort)
            this.triggerPort = triggerPort;

            this.echoPort          = echoPort;
            this.echoPort.Changed += OnEchoPortChanged;
        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize hardware...");

            portLeft  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D02);
            portRight = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D03);
            portDown  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D04);
            portReset = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D05);

            speaker = new PiezoSpeaker(Device.CreatePwmPort(Device.Pins.D06));

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(
                speed: new Frequency(6000, Frequency.UnitType.Kilohertz),
                mode: SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode3);
            var spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(
                clock: Device.Pins.SCK,
                copi: Device.Pins.MOSI,
                cipo: Device.Pins.MISO,
                config: config);
            var display = new St7789(
                device: Device,
                spiBus: spiBus,
                chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D10,
                dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                resetPin: Device.Pins.D00,
                width: 240, height: 240);

            Console.WriteLine("Create graphics library");
            graphics             = new MicroGraphics(display);
            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font12x16();
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new HYSRF05 object and hook up the interrupt handler
        /// HSSRF05 must be running the default 4/5 pin mode
        /// 3 pin mode is not supported on Meadow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triggerPort"></param>
        /// <param name="echoPort"></param>
        public HYSRF05(IDigitalOutputPort triggerPort, IDigitalInputPort echoPort)
            _triggerPort = triggerPort;

            _echoPort          = echoPort;
            _echoPort.Changed += OnEchoPortChanged;
예제 #7
        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize hardware...");

            portLeft  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D13);
            portRight = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D11);
            portDown  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D12);
            portReset = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D07);

            speaker = new PiezoSpeaker(Device.CreatePwmPort(Device.Pins.D05));

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(
                speed: new Frequency(12000, Frequency.UnitType.Kilohertz),
                mode: SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode0);
            var spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(
                clock: Device.Pins.SCK,
                copi: Device.Pins.MOSI,
                cipo: Device.Pins.MISO,
                config: config);
            var display = new Ssd1309
                device: Device,
                spiBus: spiBus,
                chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D02,
                dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                resetPin: Device.Pins.D00

            graphics             = new MicroGraphics(display);
            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font4x8();
예제 #8
        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize hardware...");

            onboardLed = new RgbPwmLed(device: Device,
                                       redPwmPin: Device.Pins.OnboardLedRed,
                                       greenPwmPin: Device.Pins.OnboardLedGreen,
                                       bluePwmPin: Device.Pins.OnboardLedBlue,
                                       3.3f, 3.3f, 3.3f,

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(3000, SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode3);
            var spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(Device.Pins.SCK, Device.Pins.MOSI, Device.Pins.MISO, config);

            button          = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D12, InterruptMode.EdgeRising, ResistorMode.Disabled);
            button.Changed += Button_Changed;

            display = new St7789(
                device: Device,
                spiBus: spiBus,
                chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D02,
                dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                resetPin: Device.Pins.D00,
                width: 240, height: 240);

            graphics = new GraphicsLibrary(display);

            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font12x20();

            sensor          = new Bmp180(Device.CreateI2cBus());
            sensor.Updated += Sensor_Updated;
        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initializing hardware...");

            //==== create an input port on D02.
            input = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(
                Device.Pins.D02, InterruptMode.EdgeBoth, ResistorMode.InternalPullDown,
                20, 10);

            //==== Classic .NET Events
            input.Changed += (object sender, DigitalPortResult result) => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Old school event raised; Time: {result.New.Time}, Value: {result.New.State}");

            //===== Filterable Observer
            // this illustrates using a FilterableObserver. Note that the filter is an optional
            // parameter, if you're interested in all notifications, don't pass a filter/predicate.
            // in this case, we filter on events by time, and only notify if the new event is > 1 second from
            // the last event.
            var observer = IDigitalInputPort.CreateObserver(
                handler: result => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Observer filter satisfied, time: {result.New.Time.ToShortTimeString()}");
                // Optional filter paramter, showing a 1 second filter, i.e., only notify
                // if the new event is > 1 second from last time it was notified.
                filter: result => {
                if (result.Old is { } old)       // C# 8 null pattern matching for not null
                    return((result.New.Time - old.Time) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
예제 #10
 public HCSR_04(IDigitalInputPort e, IDigitalOutputPort t, Unit measureUnit)
     echo    = e;
     trigger = t;
     //echo.Changed += EchoChanged;
     MeasureUnit = measureUnit;
예제 #11
        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize hardware...");

            portLeft  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D13);
            portRight = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D11);
            portDown  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D12);
            portReset = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D07);

            speaker = new PiezoSpeaker(Device.CreatePwmPort(Device.Pins.D05));

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(12000, SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode0);

            var bus = Device.CreateSpiBus(Device.Pins.SCK, Device.Pins.MOSI, Device.Pins.MISO, config);

            display = new Ssd1309
                device: Device,
                spiBus: bus,
                chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D02,
                dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                resetPin: Device.Pins.D00

            graphics             = new GraphicsLibrary(display);
            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font4x8();
예제 #12
        private void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize hardware...");

            _pirSensor          = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D02, InterruptMode.EdgeBoth, ResistorMode.Disabled, 20d);
            _pirSensor.Changed += OnSensorChanged;
예제 #13
        void Initialize()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize hardware...");

            portLeft  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D02);
            portRight = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D03);
            portDown  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D04);
            portReset = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D05);

            speaker = new PiezoSpeaker(Device.CreatePwmPort(Device.Pins.D06));

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(6000, SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode3);
            var spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(Device.Pins.SCK, Device.Pins.MOSI, Device.Pins.MISO, config);

            Console.WriteLine("Create display driver instance");

            display = new St7789(device: Device, spiBus: spiBus,
                                 chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D10,
                                 dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                                 resetPin: Device.Pins.D00,
                                 width: 240, height: 240);

            Console.WriteLine("Create graphics library");
            graphics             = new GraphicsLibrary(display);
            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font12x16();
예제 #14
        void Initialize()
            portLeft  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D12);
            portUp    = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D13);
            portRight = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D07);
            portDown  = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D11);

            var config = new SpiClockConfiguration(
                speed: new Frequency(48000, Frequency.UnitType.Kilohertz),
                mode: SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode3);
            var spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(
                clock: Device.Pins.SCK,
                copi: Device.Pins.MOSI,
                cipo: Device.Pins.MISO,
                config: config);
            var display = new Ssd1309
                device: Device,
                spiBus: spiBus,
                chipSelectPin: Device.Pins.D02,
                dcPin: Device.Pins.D01,
                resetPin: Device.Pins.D00

            graphics             = new MicroGraphics(display);
            graphics.CurrentFont = new Font4x8();
            graphics.Rotation    = RotationType._270Degrees;
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Ds3231 object using the default parameters for the component.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">Address of the DS3231 (default = 0x68).</param>
 /// <param name="speed">Speed of the I2C bus (default = 100 KHz).</param>
 /// <param name="i2cBus">The I2C Bus the peripheral is connected to</param>
 /// <param name="interruptPort">Digital port connected to the alarm interrupt pin on the RTC.</param>
 public Ds3231(
     II2cBus i2cBus,
     IDigitalInputPort interruptPort = null,
     byte address = 0x68)
     : base(new I2cPeripheral(i2cBus, address), interruptPort)
예제 #16
        public OLED128x32Wing(II2cBus i2cBus, IDigitalInputPort portA, IDigitalInputPort portB, IDigitalInputPort portC)
            Display = new Ssd1306(i2cBus, 0x3C, Ssd1306.DisplayType.OLED128x32);

            ButtonA = new PushButton(portA, ResistorMode.PullUp);
            ButtonB = new PushButton(portB); // has physical resistor
            ButtonC = new PushButton(portC, ResistorMode.PullUp);
예제 #17
        public Hx711(IDigitalOutputPort sck, IDigitalInputPort dout)
            this.sck  = sck;
            this.dout = dout;

            CalculateRegisterValues(sck.Pin, dout.Pin);
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate a new RotaryEncoder on the specified ports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aPhasePort"></param>
        /// <param name="bPhasePort"></param>
        public RotaryEncoder(IDigitalInputPort aPhasePort, IDigitalInputPort bPhasePort)
            APhasePort = aPhasePort;
            BPhasePort = bPhasePort;

            APhasePort.Changed += PhaseAPinChanged;
            BPhasePort.Changed += PhaseBPinChanged;
예제 #19
        public OLED128x32Wing(II2cBus i2cBus, IDigitalInputPort portA, IDigitalInputPort portB, IDigitalInputPort portC)
            Display = new Ssd1306(i2cBus, 0x3C, Ssd1306.DisplayType.OLED128x32);
            Display.IgnoreOutOfBoundsPixels = true;

            ButtonA = new PushButton(portA);
            ButtonB = new PushButton(portB);
            ButtonC = new PushButton(portC);
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the NAU7802 Driver class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bus"></param>
        public Hx711(IIODevice device, IPin sck, IPin dout)
            this.sck     = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(sck);
            this.dout    = device.CreateDigitalInputPort(dout);
            createdPorts = true; // we need to dispose what we create

            CalculateRegisterValues(sck, dout);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the SoundGenerator class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputPort1">First sound-level input port</param>
        /// <param name="inputPort2">Second sound-level input port</param>
        /// <param name="pwmPort">PWM port used to drive the speaker</param>
        public SoundGenerator(IDigitalInputPort inputPort1, IDigitalInputPort inputPort2, IPwmPort pwmPort)
            this.volumeIn1  = inputPort1;
            this.volumeIn2  = inputPort2;
            this.speakerPWM = pwmPort;

            this.speaker = new PiezoSpeaker(this.speakerPWM);

예제 #22
        public ButtonEventsApp()
            _input = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(
                debounceDuration: 20);
            _input.Changed += Input_Changed;

            Console.WriteLine("App initialized.");
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new MAG3110 object using the default parameters for the component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="address">Address of the DS3231 (default = 0x68).</param>
        /// <param name="speed">Speed of the I2C bus (default = 100 KHz).</param>
        /// <param name="interruptPort">Digital port connected to the alarm interrupt pin on the RTC.</param>
        // TODO: revisit; `DigitalPin.Empty`?
        public DS3231(IDigitalInputPort interruptPort, byte address = 0x68, ushort speed = 100)
            _ds323x = new I2cBus(address, speed);

            // TODO: i changed this from GPIO_NONE
            // samples will need to pass null
            if (interruptPort != null)
                InterruptPin = interruptPort;
예제 #24
        public void ConfigurePeripherals()
            IDigitalInputPort interruptPort =

            // create a new mcp with all the address pins pulled low for
            // an address of 0x20/32
            _mcp = new Mcp23x08(Device.CreateI2cBus(), false, false, false, interruptPort);
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Parallax PIR object connected to a interrupt port.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="digitalInputPort"></param>
 public Hcsens0040(IDigitalInputPort digitalInputPort)
     if (digitalInputPort != null)
         _digitalInputPort          = digitalInputPort;
         _digitalInputPort.Changed += DigitalInputPortChanged;
         throw new Exception("Invalid pin for the PIR interrupts.");
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Main constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leftForwardPwm">PWM port responsible for left motor moving forward</param>
        /// <param name="leftBackPwm">PWM port responsible for left motor moving backward</param>
        /// <param name="rightForwardPwm">PWM port responsible for right motor moving forward</param>
        /// <param name="rightBackPwm">PWM port responsible for right motor moving backward</param>
        /// <param name="gearPwm">PWM port responsible for controling gear changing servo</param>
        public MotorController(IPwmPort rightForwardPwm,
                               IPwmPort rightBackPwm,
                               IPwmPort leftForwardPwm,
                               IPwmPort leftBackPwm,
                               IPwmPort gearPwm,
                               IDigitalInputPort leftCounterPort,
                               IDigitalInputPort righCounterPort,
                               BNO055 posSens,
                               CameraGimbal gimb,
                               Action clQueue)
            quarterCircle     = fullCircle / 4;
            halfCircle        = fullCircle / 2;
            positionSensor    = posSens;
            gimbal            = gimb;
            clearQueue        = clQueue;
            circumference     = teethCount * chainPitch / magnetsCount;
            leftMotor         = new Motor(leftForwardPwm, leftBackPwm);
            rightMotor        = new Motor(rightForwardPwm, rightBackPwm);
            gearbox           = new GearBox(gearPwm);
            rightCounter      = new HallEffectCounter(righCounterPort);
            leftCounter       = new HallEffectCounter(leftCounterPort);
            rightCounter.Name = Side.Right;
            leftCounter.Name  = Side.Left;



            moveForwardResetEventLeft  = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            moveForwardResetEventRight = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            turnResetEvent             = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            turnTokenSource            = new CancellationTokenSource();

            turnPid = new IdealPidController();
            turnPid.ProportionalComponent = 1.8f;
            turnPid.IntegralComponent     = 0.05f;
            turnPid.DerivativeComponent   = 0.01f;
            turnPid.OutputMax             = 50;
            turnPid.OutputMin             = -50;

            stabilizePid = new IdealPidController();
            stabilizePid.ProportionalComponent = 1.8f;
            stabilizePid.IntegralComponent     = 0.05f;
            stabilizePid.DerivativeComponent   = 0.01f;
            stabilizePid.OutputMax             = stabilizeTurnRate;
            stabilizePid.OutputMin             = -stabilizeTurnRate;
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Ds3231 object using the default parameters for the component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="address">Address of the DS3231 (default = 0x68).</param>
        /// <param name="speed">Speed of the I2C bus (default = 100 KHz).</param>
        /// <param name="interruptPort">Digital port connected to the alarm interrupt pin on the RTC.</param>
        public Ds3231(II2cBus i2cBus, IDigitalInputPort interruptPort, byte address = 0x68, ushort speed = 100)
            _ds323x = new I2cPeripheral(i2cBus, address);

            // samples will need to pass null
            if (interruptPort != null)
                _interruptPort = interruptPort;

                _interruptPort.Changed += InterruptPort_Changed;
예제 #28
        protected void MainLoop()
            Console.WriteLine("Initialize a PushButton and its events handler on pin D03...");

            inputBtn = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D03, InterruptMode.EdgeBoth, ResistorMode.PullUp, 50);

            // TODO: Some reason the events PressStarted / Ended and also the inputBtn.Changed seems not to work anymore....
            // but the  "Console.WriteLine($"InputBtn.State = {inputBtn.State}"); "  in the loop seems to work !.
            // STRANGE....

            var pushButton = new PushButton(inputBtn);

            pushButton.PressStarted += PushButton_PressStarted;
            pushButton.PressEnded   += PushButton_PressEnded;

            // add an event handler
            inputBtn.Changed += (s, o) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Event Changed => ToggleLed.");

            Console.WriteLine("Starting MainLoop...");

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine($"InputBtn.State = {inputBtn.State}");
                Console.WriteLine($"inputD04.State = {inputD04.State}");

                DisplayText("Blink RED");

                Console.WriteLine($"InputBtn.State = {inputBtn.State}");
                Console.WriteLine($"inputD04.State = {inputD04.State}");

                DisplayText("Blink GREEN");

                Console.WriteLine($"InputBtn.State = {inputBtn.State}");
                Console.WriteLine($"inputD04.State = {inputD04.State}");

                DisplayText("Blink BLUE");

                Console.WriteLine($"InputBtn.State = {inputBtn.State}");
                Console.WriteLine($"inputD04.State = {inputD04.State}");
예제 #29
        public MeadowApp()
                hour          = new PushButton(Device, Device.Pins.D15);
                hour.Clicked += HourClicked;

                Console.WriteLine("subscribe test");
                //minute = new PushButton(Device, Device.Pins.D12);
                //minute.Clicked += MinuteClicked;
                this.inputPort = Device.CreateDigitalInputPort(Device.Pins.D12, interruptMode:  InterruptMode.EdgeBoth, debounceDuration: 100);

                //this.inputPort.Changed += (object sender, DigitalInputPortEventArgs e) =>
                //    //Console.WriteLine("Change detected");
                //    Console.WriteLine($"Old school event raised; Time: {e.New.Millisecond}, Value: {e.Value}");

                this.inputPort.Subscribe(new FilterableChangeObserver <DigitalInputPortEventArgs, DateTime>(
                                             e =>
                    if (!e.Value)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Event observed at {e.New.Millisecond}, Value: {e.Value}\r\n");
                        this.MinuteClicked(null, null);
                                             f =>
                    return(true);    // return (f.Delta > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100));

                display = new CharacterDisplay
                    device: Device,
                    pinRS: Device.Pins.D10,
                    pinE: Device.Pins.D09,
                    pinD4: Device.Pins.D08,
                    pinD5: Device.Pins.D07,
                    pinD6: Device.Pins.D06,
                    pinD7: Device.Pins.D05

                Device.SetClock(new DateTime(2020, 07, 24, 11, 00, 00));

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {e.ToString()}");
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Parallax PIR object connected to a interrupt port.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="digitalInputPort"></param>
 public ParallaxPir(IDigitalInputPort digitalInputPort)
     //TODO: I changed this from Pins.GPIO_NONE to null
     if (digitalInputPort != null)
         _digitalInputPort          = digitalInputPort;
         _digitalInputPort.Changed += DigitalInputPortChanged;
         throw new Exception("Invalid pin for the PIR interrupts.");