public DebugPropertyCreateEvent(enum_EVENTATTRIBUTES attributes, IDebugProperty2 property)
            : base(attributes)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(property != null, "property");

            _property = property;
예제 #2
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult) {
            AutoResetEvent completion = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            PythonEvaluationResult result = null;
            _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteText(_expression, (obj) => {
                result = obj;
            while (!_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited && !completion.WaitOne(Math.Min((int)dwTimeout, 100))) {
                if (dwTimeout <= 100) {
                dwTimeout -= 100;

            if (_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited || result == null) {
                ppResult = null;
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
            } else if (result == null) {
                ppResult = null;
                return DebuggerConstants.E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT;
            ppResult = new AD7Property(_frame, result, _writable);

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #3
        public DebugReturnValueEvent(enum_EVENTATTRIBUTES attributes, IDebugProperty2 returnValue)
            : base(attributes)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(returnValue != null, "returnValue");

            _returnValue = returnValue;
예제 #4
        public int GetMethodProperty(IDebugSymbolProvider pSymbolProvider, IDebugAddress pAddress, IDebugBinder pBinder, int fIncludeHiddenLocals, out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
            AD7Property method = new AD7Property(m_var);
            ppProperty = method;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #5
        public JavaDebugProperty(IDebugProperty2 parent, EvaluatedExpression evaluatedExpression)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(evaluatedExpression != null, "evaluatedExpression");

            _parent = parent;
            _evaluatedExpression = evaluatedExpression;
예제 #6
        public static DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO ConstructErrorPropertyInfo(enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwFields, string name, string error, IDebugProperty2 prop)
            DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO property = new DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO(); ;

            if ((dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_NAME) != 0)
                property.bstrName = name;
                property.dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_NAME;
            if ((dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE) != 0)
                property.bstrValue = error;
                property.dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_VALUE;
            if ((dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_ATTRIB) != 0)
                property.dwAttrib |= enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS.DBG_ATTRIB_VALUE_ERROR;
            if ((dwFields & enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_PROP) != 0)
                property.pProperty = prop;
                property.dwFields |= enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS.DEBUGPROP_INFO_PROP;
            return property;
        public DebugExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(enum_EVENTATTRIBUTES attributes, IDebugExpression2 expression, IDebugProperty2 property)
            : base(attributes)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(expression != null, "expression");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(property != null, "property");

            _expression = expression;
            _property = property;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
            out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;
            int idx = _index;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_castExpr))
                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync().Await((int) dwTimeout)
                                     .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == _registerType + _index);
                if (reg != null)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg, null, _stackFrame);
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;
                var tag = GetTagFromString(_castExpr);

                if (!tag.IsPrimitive() && (dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0)
                    // this evaluation has "side effects" in that it might crash the VM
                    // if the cast is to "object" or "string", but the register does not 
                    // hold an object or string.
                    ppResult = new DebugConstProperty(_expression, "(this cast might crash the VM if the register is not of the casted type)", _castExpr, null)
                                                     { HasSideEffects = true };
                    return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                var isParam = _registerType == "p";

                if (isParam)
                    var loc = _stackFrame.GetDocumentLocationAsync().Await((int) dwTimeout);
                    if (loc == null)
                        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
                    var methodDiss = _stackFrame.Thread.Program.DisassemblyProvider.GetFromLocation(loc);
                    if (methodDiss == null)
                        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
                    idx += methodDiss.Method.Body.Registers.Count - methodDiss.Method.Body.IncomingArguments;

                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync(false, tag, idx).Await((int) dwTimeout);

                if (reg != null && reg.Count > 0)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg[0], null, _stackFrame, _expression)
                        HasSideEffects = !tag.IsPrimitive()
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;

            return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dwFlags">A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation.</param>
 /// <param name="dwTimeout">Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param>
 /// <param name="pExprCallback">This parameter is always a null value.</param>
 /// <param name="ppResult">Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns an error code. Some typical error codes are:
 /// Error                               Description
 /// E_EVALUATE_BUSY_WITH_EVALUATION     Another expression is currently being evaluated, and simultaneous expression evaluation is not supported.
 /// E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT                  Evaluation timed out.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>For synchronous evaluation, it is not necessary to send an event back to Visual Studio upon completion of the evaluation.</remarks>
 public int EvaluateSync( enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags,
     uint dwTimeout,
     IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
     out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
     Logger.Debug( string.Empty );
     ppResult = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
        public JavaDebugStaticMembersPseudoProperty(IDebugProperty2 parent, IReferenceType referenceType, IEnumerable<IField> fields)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(parent != null, "parent");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(referenceType != null, "referenceType");

            _parent = parent;
            _referenceType = referenceType;
            if (fields != null)
                _fields = fields.ToArray();
예제 #11
        public JavaDebugProperty(IDebugProperty2 parent, string name, string fullName, IType propertyType, IValue value, bool hasSideEffects, IField field = null, IMethod method = null)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(name != null, "name");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(fullName != null, "fullName");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(propertyType != null, "propertyType");

            IObjectReference referencer = null;
            IType valueType = propertyType;
            bool strongReference = false;
            _evaluatedExpression = new EvaluatedExpression(name, fullName, default(ILocalVariable), referencer, field, method, default(int?), value, valueType, strongReference, hasSideEffects);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">[in] A combination of flags from the EVALFLAGS enumeration that control expression evaluation.</param>
        /// <param name="dwTimeout">[in] Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before returning from this method. Use INFINITE to wait indefinitely.</param>
        /// <param name="pExprCallback">[in]This parameter is always a null value.</param>
        /// <param name="ppResult">[out] Returns the IDebugProperty2 object that contains the result of the expression evaluation.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise returns an error code. Some typical error codes are:
        ///  * E_EVALUATE_BUSY_WITH_EVALUATION  Another expression is currently being evaluated, and simultaneous
        ///                                     expression evaluation is not supported.
        ///  * E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT               Evaluation timed out.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For synchronous evaluation, it is not necessary to send an event back to Visual Studio upon completion of the evaluation.
        /// </remarks>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;

            Task<IDebugProperty2> task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => EvaluateImpl(dwFlags)).HandleNonCriticalExceptions();
            if (!task.Wait((int)dwTimeout))
                return AD7Constants.E_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT;

            if (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion || task.Result == null)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            ppResult = task.Result;
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback,
            out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_castExpr))
                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync().Await((int) dwTimeout)
                                     .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == _registerType + _index);
                if (reg != null)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg, null, _stackFrame);
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;
                var tag = GetTagFromString(_castExpr);

                if (!tag.IsPrimitive() && (dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0)
                    // this evaluation has "side effects" in that it might crash the VM
                    // if the cast is to "object" or "string", but the register does not
                    // hold an object or string.
                    ppResult = new DebugConstProperty(_expression, "(this cast might crash a DalvikVM if the register is not of the casted type)", _castExpr, null)
                                                     { HasSideEffects = true };
                    return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                var regNames = _stackFrame.GetRegisterNamesAsync().Await((int)dwTimeout);
                var vmIdx = regNames.GetVmIndex(_registerType == "p", _index);

                if (vmIdx < 0)
                    return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                var reg = _stackFrame.GetRegistersAsync(false, tag, vmIdx).Await((int)dwTimeout);

                if (reg != null && reg.Count > 0)
                    ppResult = new DebugStackFrameValueProperty(reg[0], null, _stackFrame, _expression)
                        HasSideEffects = !tag.IsPrimitive()
                    return VSConstants.S_OK;

            return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(
   enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, 
   uint dwTimeout, 
   IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, 
   out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
   if (MySql.Debugger.Debugger.GetTagHashCode(_stackFrame._rs.OwningRoutine.SourceCode) !=
     // This should never happen.
     ppResult = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
   AD7Property prop = new AD7Property( _expr,_stackFrame.Node, _stackFrame._rs );
   ppResult = prop;
   // Send evaluation complete event
     _stackFrame.Node, ( IDebugExpression2 )this, ( IDebugProperty2 )prop );
   return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #15
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            NodeEvaluationResult result;
            ppResult = null;

                result = _frame.StackFrame.EvaluateExpressionAsync(_expression).Result;
            catch (Exception)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
            if (result == null)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            ppResult = new AD7Property(result);
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #16
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            ppResult = null;
            if ((dwFlags & enum_EVALFLAGS.EVAL_NOSIDEEFFECTS) != 0 && _var.IsVisualized)
                IVariableInformation variable = DebuggedProcess.g_Process.Natvis.Cache.Lookup(_var);
                if (variable == null)
                    ppResult = new AD7ErrorProperty(_var.Name, ResourceStrings.NoSideEffectsVisualizerMessage);
                    _var = variable;
                    ppResult = new AD7Property(_var);
                return Constants.S_OK;

            ppResult = new AD7Property(_var);
            return Constants.S_OK;
예제 #17
        private JavaDebugProperty(JavaDebugProperty parent, string name, IType type)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(parent != null, "parent");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(name != null, "name");
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(type != null, "type");

            _parent = parent;
            _evaluatedExpression = new EvaluatedExpression(

            _useRawValues = parent._useRawValues;
            _preventMostDerived = parent._preventMostDerived;
예제 #18
        // This method evaluates the expression synchronously.
        int IDebugExpression2.EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, out IDebugProperty2 ppResult)
            AutoResetEvent         completion = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            PythonEvaluationResult result     = null;

            _frame.StackFrame.ExecuteText(_expression, (obj) => {
                result = obj;

            while (!_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited && !completion.WaitOne(Math.Min((int)dwTimeout, 100)))
                if (dwTimeout <= 100)
                dwTimeout -= 100;

            if (_frame.StackFrame.Thread.Process.HasExited || result == null)
                ppResult = null;
            else if (result == null)
                ppResult = null;
            ppResult = new AD7Property(_frame, result, _writable);

예제 #19
 public void AsyncError(IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, IDebugProperty2 error)
     AsyncErrorImpl(pExprCallback != null ? new EngineCallback(_engine, pExprCallback) : _engine.Callback, this, error);
예제 #20
 int IDebugProperty3.GetPropertyInfo(enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwFields, uint dwRadix, uint dwTimeout, IDebugReference2[] rgpArgs, uint dwArgCount, DEBUG_PROPERTY_INFO[] pPropertyInfo)
     return(IDebugProperty2.GetPropertyInfo(dwFields, dwRadix, dwTimeout, rgpArgs, dwArgCount, pPropertyInfo));
예제 #21
 int IDebugProperty3.GetMemoryContext(out IDebugMemoryContext2 ppMemory)
     return(IDebugProperty2.GetMemoryContext(out ppMemory));
예제 #22
 // Returns the property that describes the most-derived property of a property
 // This is called to support object oriented languages. It allows the debug engine to return an IDebugProperty2 for the most-derived 
 // object in a hierarchy. This engine does not support this.
 public int GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost) {
     ppDerivedMost = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
예제 #23
파일: AD7StackFrame.cs 프로젝트: xNUTs/PTVS
 // Gets a description of the properties of a stack frame.
 // Calling the IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren method with appropriate filters can retrieve the local variables, method parameters, registers, and "this"
 // pointer associated with the stack frame. The debugger calls EnumProperties to obtain these values in the sample.
 int IDebugStackFrame2.GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 property)
     property = this;
예제 #24
 int IDebugProperty3.GetSize(out uint pdwSize) => IDebugProperty2.GetSize(out pdwSize);
예제 #25
 int IDebugProperty3.GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent) => IDebugProperty2.GetParent(out ppParent);
예제 #26
 int IDebugProperty3.GetMemoryContext(out IDebugMemoryContext2 ppMemory) => IDebugProperty2.GetMemoryContext(out ppMemory);
예제 #27
 int IDebugProperty3.GetMemoryBytes(out IDebugMemoryBytes2 ppMemoryBytes) => IDebugProperty2.GetMemoryBytes(out ppMemoryBytes);
예제 #28
 int IDebugProperty3.GetExtendedInfo(ref Guid guidExtendedInfo, out object pExtendedInfo) => IDebugProperty2.GetExtendedInfo(guidExtendedInfo, out pExtendedInfo);
예제 #29
 int IDebugProperty3.GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost) => IDebugProperty2.GetDerivedMostProperty(out ppDerivedMost);
예제 #30
파일: AD7Engine.cs 프로젝트: e42s/VSLua
 // The properties returned by this method are specific to the program. If the program needs to return more than one property, 
 // then the IDebugProperty2 object returned by this method is a container of additional properties and calling the 
 // IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren method returns a list of all properties.
 // A program may expose any number and type of additional properties that can be described through the IDebugProperty2 interface. 
 // An IDE might display the additional program properties through a generic property browser user interface.
 // The sample engine does not support this
 public int GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     ppProperty = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
 public JavaDebugStaticMembersPseudoProperty(IDebugProperty2 parent, IReferenceType referenceType)
     : this(parent, referenceType, null)
예제 #32
 int IDebugProperty3.GetReference(out IDebugReference2 ppReference) => IDebugProperty2.GetReference(out ppReference);
예제 #33
 // Returns the parent of a property.
 // The sample engine does not support obtaining the parent of properties.
 public int GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #34
 int IDebugProperty3.SetValueAsReference(IDebugReference2[] rgpArgs, uint dwArgCount, IDebugReference2 pValue, uint dwTimeout)
 => IDebugProperty2.SetValueAsReference(rgpArgs, dwArgCount, pValue, dwTimeout);
예제 #35
 public AD7ExpressionEvaluationCompleteEvent(IDebugExpression2 expression, IDebugProperty2 property)
     _expression = expression;
     _property   = property;
예제 #36
 // The properties returned by this method are specific to the program. If the program needs to return more than one property,
 // then the IDebugProperty2 object returned by this method is a container of additional properties and calling the
 // IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren method returns a list of all properties.
 // A program may expose any number and type of additional properties that can be described through the IDebugProperty2 interface.
 // An IDE might display the additional program properties through a generic property browser user interface.
 // The sample engine does not support this
 public int GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #37
 int IDebugProperty3.GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent)
     return(IDebugProperty2.GetParent(out ppParent));
예제 #38
 int IDebugProgram2.GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     ppProperty = null;
예제 #39
 public int EvaluateSync(enum_EVALFLAGS flags, uint timeout, IDebugEventCallback2 callback, out IDebugProperty2 result)
     result = new MonoProperty(Expression, value);
예제 #40
 int IDebugProgram3.GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     return(IDebugProgram2.GetDebugProperty(out ppProperty));
예제 #41
 public static void AsyncErrorImpl(EngineCallback engineCallback, IVariableInformation var, IDebugProperty2 error)
     Task.Run(() =>
         engineCallback.OnExpressionEvaluationComplete(var, error);
예제 #42
 public int GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     DLog.Debug(DContext.VSDebuggerComCall, "DebugStackFrame.GetDebugProperty");
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #43
파일: AD7StackFrame.cs 프로젝트: xNUTs/PTVS
 int IDebugProperty2.GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent)
     ppParent = null;
예제 #44
 // Gets a description of the properties of a stack frame.
 // Calling the IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren method with appropriate filters can retrieve the local variables, method parameters, registers, and "this"
 // pointer associated with the stack frame. The debugger calls EnumProperties to obtain these values in the sample.
 int IDebugStackFrame2.GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 property)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #45
 public int GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     ppProperty = null; // _locals;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #46
 public int GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public int GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost)
     ppDerivedMost = null;
예제 #48
 int IDebugProperty3.SetValueAsString(string pszValue, uint dwRadix, uint dwTimeout)
     return(IDebugProperty2.SetValueAsString(pszValue, dwRadix, dwTimeout));
 public int GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent)
     ppParent = _parent;
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #50
 int IDebugProperty3.EnumChildren(enum_DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwFields, uint dwRadix, ref Guid guidFilter, enum_DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS dwAttribFilter, string pszNameFilter, uint dwTimeout, out IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 ppEnum)
     return(IDebugProperty2.EnumChildren(dwFields, dwRadix, guidFilter, dwAttribFilter, pszNameFilter, dwTimeout, out ppEnum));
예제 #51
 int IDebugProperty3.GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost)
     return(IDebugProperty2.GetDerivedMostProperty(out ppDerivedMost));
예제 #52
 int IDebugProperty3.GetExtendedInfo(ref Guid guidExtendedInfo, out object pExtendedInfo)
     return(IDebugProperty2.GetExtendedInfo(guidExtendedInfo, out pExtendedInfo));
예제 #53
 public int GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #54
 int IDebugProperty3.GetMemoryBytes(out IDebugMemoryBytes2 ppMemoryBytes)
     return(IDebugProperty2.GetMemoryBytes(out ppMemoryBytes));
예제 #55
 // Returns the parent of a property.
 // The sample engine does not support obtaining the parent of properties.
 public int GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent) {
     ppParent = null;
     return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
예제 #56
 public int GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the program's properties. The VSNDK debug engine does not support this. 
 /// (
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ppProperty"> Returns an IDebugProperty2 object that represents the program's properties. </param>
 /// <returns> Not implemented. </returns>
 public int GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
예제 #58
 int IDebugProperty2.GetDerivedMostProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppDerivedMost)
     ppDerivedMost = null;
예제 #59
 // The properties returned by this method are specific to the program. If the program needs to return more than one property,
 // then the IDebugProperty2 object returned by this method is a container of additional properties and calling the
 // IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren method returns a list of all properties.
 // A program may expose any number and type of additional properties that can be described through the IDebugProperty2 interface.
 // An IDE might display the additional program properties through a generic property browser user interface.
 // The sample engine does not support this
 public int GetDebugProperty(out IDebugProperty2 ppProperty)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #60
 int IDebugProperty2.GetParent(out IDebugProperty2 ppParent)
     ppParent = Parent;
     return(ppParent != null ? VSConstants.S_OK : DebuggerConstants.S_GETPARENT_NO_PARENT);