public T Get(object id)
            // T entityTmp;
            // throw new NotImplementedException();

             * // Todo find a btter way to find the elements LINQ
             * foreach(T entity in _dataSet)
             * {
             *  // entity.
             * }
             * return entityTmp;
            // return _dataSet.Find(e => e.Id == id); // is not going to work. There is no guarantee you will find it by Id
            // you are not sure there is such property Id
            // return _dataSet.FindAll()

            // In this case we have 2 variants we can force all models to have Id property, but this still
            // doesn't fix the problem, because the problem with the syn between the DB and in memory remains
            // So I am forced again to use the Data Mapper directly
            // I have DB where the Primary Keys are not called Id
 public T Get(object id) // each object should have a property Id
     // The models should implement the same interface IId I have to make sure all entities have Id
     // throw new NotImplementedException();