public CustomerType(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor)
            Field(x => x.Id).Description("Customer id.");
            Field(x => x.Name, nullable: true).Description("Customer name.");

            Field <ListGraphType <OrderType> >(
                resolve: context => orderRepository.GetOrdersWithByCustomerIdAsync(context.Source.Id).Result.ToList()

            Field <ListGraphType <OrderType>, IEnumerable <Order> >()
            .ResolveAsync(context =>
                if (accessor.Equals(null))
                    throw new Exception("accessor is null!");
                if (accessor.Context.Equals(null))
                    throw new Exception("context is null!");
                // Get or add a collection batch loader with the key "GetOrdersCollectionWithByCustomerIdAsync"
                // The loader will call GetOrdersCollectionWithByCustomerIdAsync for each batch of keys
                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddCollectionBatchLoader <int, Order>("GetOrdersCollectionWithByCustomerIdAsync", orderRepository.GetOrdersCollectionWithByCustomerIdAsync);

                // Add this Customer Id to the pending keys to fetch
                // The task will complete once the GetOrdersCollectionWithByCustomerIdAsync() returns with the batched results
        public EasyStoreQuery(ICategoryRepository categoryRepository, IProductRepository productRepository, ICustomerRepository customerRepository, IOrderRepository orderRepository, IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor)
            Name = "StoreQuery";

            Field <CategoryType>(
                name: "category",
                description: "specific category data",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "id", Description = "Category id"
                resolve: context => categoryRepository.GetCategoryAsync(context.GetArgument <int>("id")).Result

            Field <ListGraphType <CategoryType> >(
                name: "categories",
                description: "list all categories",
                resolve: context => categoryRepository.CategoriesAsync().Result

            Field <ProductType>(
                name: "product",
                description: "specific product data",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "id", Description = "Product id"
                resolve: context => productRepository.GetProductAsync(context.GetArgument <int>("id")).Result

            Field <ListGraphType <ProductType> >(
                name: "products",
                description: "list all products",
                resolve: context => productRepository.GetProductsAsync().Result

            Field <CustomerType>(
                name: "customer",
                description: "specific customer data",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "id", Description = "Customer id"
                resolve: context => customerRepository.GetCustomerAsync(context.GetArgument <int>("id")).Result

            Field <ListGraphType <CustomerType> >(
                name: "customers",
                description: "list all customers",
                resolve: context => customerRepository.CustomersAsync().Result

            Field <CustomerType, Customer>()
            .Argument <NonNullGraphType <IntGraphType> >(Name = "id", Description = "Customer id")
            .ResolveAsync(context =>
                if (accessor.Equals(null))
                    throw new Exception("accessor is null!");
                if (accessor.Context.Equals(null))
                    throw new Exception("context is null!");
                // Get or add a batch loader with the key "GetCustomersById"
                // The loader will call GetCustomersByIdAsync for each batch of keys
                var loader = accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader <int, Customer>("GetCustomersById", customerRepository.GetCustomersByIdAsync);

                // Add this CustomerId to the pending keys to fetch
                // The task will complete once the GetCustomersByIdAsync() returns with the batched results
                return(loader.LoadAsync(context.GetArgument <int>("id")));

            Field <OrderType>(
                name: "order",
                description: "specific order data",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IntGraphType> > {
                Name = "id", Description = "Order id"
                resolve: context => orderRepository.GetOrderAsync(context.GetArgument <int>("id")).Result

            Field <ListGraphType <OrderType> >(
                name: "orders",
                description: "list all orders",
                resolve: context => orderRepository.OrdersAsync().Result