public ActionResult New(RegistrUserVM user, HttpPostedFileBase fileUpload) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (fileUpload != null) { var res = ImageHelper.ScaleImage(Image.FromStream(fileUpload.InputStream, true, true), 200, 200); ImageConverter _imageConverter = new ImageConverter(); byte[] xByte = (byte[])_imageConverter.ConvertTo(res, typeof(byte[])); user.Photo = xByte; } UserData newUser = new UserData(); try { newUser = dataHelper.CreateUser(user, passwordHelper.CryptPassword(user.Password)); } catch (ValidationException ve) { ModelState.AddModelError(ve.Property, ve.Message); return(View(user)); } emailHelper.SendRegistrationMessage(newUser.Login, newUser.PasswordHash, newUser.Email, EmailHelper.EmailType.Registration); logger.InfoMessage("101", $"Send conf email to {newUser.Login} : {newUser.Email}"); return(View("RegistrationLink", newUser)); //for test } else { return(View(user)); } }
public string AddUser(AddUserRequest a) { var newEncpassword = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(a.Password, 13); WritaUser newUser = new WritaUser() { EmailAddress = a.EmailAddress, DateRegistered = DateTime.Now, DateLastLogin = DateTime.Now, UserFullName = a.UserFullName, UserPasswordEncrypted = newEncpassword, UserIpAddress = "" }; WritaUser u = _dbhelper.CreateUser(newUser); return("User " + a.EmailAddress + " was created"); }
public ActionResult Register(string password, string username, string email, string subscribetonews) { var newEncpassword = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(password, 13); bool subscribe = false; if (subscribetonews == "on") { subscribe = true; // this subscribes the new user to the write newsletter by pinging the API. try { var client = new RestClient(""); var request = new RestRequest("api/notify/subscribe", Method.GET); request.AddParameter("email", email); request.AddParameter("name", username); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request); var content = response.Content; // raw content as string } catch { } } var ux = _dbhelper.GetUserByEmail(new WritaUser() { EmailAddress = email }); if (ux == null) { WritaUser newUser = new WritaUser() { EmailAddress = email, DateRegistered = DateTime.Now, DateLastLogin = DateTime.Now, UserFullName = username, UserPasswordEncrypted = newEncpassword, UserIpAddress = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] }; WritaUser u = _dbhelper.CreateUser(newUser); foreach (WritaPost w in _dbhelper.GetAllPosts()) { w.PostAuthorID = u.Id; w.PostLastEditedAuthorID = u.Id; w.PostLastEditedAuthor = u.UserFullName; w.PostAuthor = u.UserFullName; _dbhelper.UpdatePost(w); } //send registration email? //var fullurl = this.Url.Action("ValidateAccount", "Account", null, this.Request.Url.Scheme); //var template = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/UserActivationTemplate.txt")); //template = template.Replace("{activationurl}", fullurl + "?key=" + u.Id + "&eml=" + u.EmailAddress); //NotificationEmailhelper.SendUserActivationEmail(u.Id, u.EmailAddress, template); // FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(u.Id, false); } else { ViewBag.RegisterError = "An account already exists"; } return(View("Index")); }