public PopupText() { App.Current.MainWindow.Opacity = 0.7; InitializeComponent(); IDInput.Focus(); IDInput.SelectAll(); }
private void SearchPhraseClear_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { foreach (int index in IDInput.CheckedIndices) { IDInput.SetItemChecked(index, false); } }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var xmlConfigFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "syncAxis", "syncAXISConfig.xml"); if (!File.Exists(xmlConfigFileName)) { MessageBox.Show($"XML configuration file is not founded : {xmlConfigFileName}"); return; } #region SyncAxis 초기화 bool success = true; var rtc = new Rtc6SyncAxis(0, xmlConfigFileName); rtc.Name = "SyncAxis"; success &= rtc.Initialize(0, LaserMode.None, string.Empty); success &= rtc.CtlFrequency(50 * 1000, 2); // laser frequency : 50KHz, pulse width : 2usec success &= rtc.CtlSpeed(100, 100); // default scanner jump and mark speed : 100mm/s //스테이지 이동시 기본 값 설정 rtc.StageMoveSpeed = 10; rtc.StageMoveTimeOut = 5; #endregion #region 레이저 소스 초기화 var laser = new LaserVirtual(0, "virtual", 20); // virtual laser source with max 20W power (최대 출력 20W 의 가상 레이저 소스 생성) //var laser = new IPGYLP(0, "IPG YLP", 1, 20); //var laser = new JPTTypeE(0, "JPT Type E", 1, 20); //var laser = new SPIG4(0, "SPI G3/4", 1, 20); //var laser = new PhotonicsIndustryDX(0, "PI", 1, 20); //var laser = new AdvancedOptoWaveFotia(0, "Fotia", 1, 20); //var laser = new CoherentAviaLX(0, "Avia LX", 1, 20); laser.Rtc = rtc; laser.Initialize(); laser.CtlPower(2); #endregion #region 마커 지정 var marker = new MarkerDefault(0, " SyncAxis Marker "); #endregion #region RTC 확장 IO this.RtcExt1DInput = new RtcDInput(rtc, 0, "DIN RTC EXT1"); this.RtcExt1DInput.Initialize(); this.RtcExt1DOutput = new RtcDOutputExt1(rtc, 0, "DOUT RTC EXT1"); this.RtcExt1DOutput.Initialize(); this.RtcExt2DOutput = new RtcDOutputExt2(rtc, 0, "DIN RTC EXT2"); this.RtcExt2DOutput.Initialize(); this.siriusEditorForm1.RtcExtension1Input = this.RtcExt1DInput; this.siriusEditorForm1.RtcExtension1Output = this.RtcExt1DOutput; this.siriusEditorForm1.RtcExtension2Output = this.RtcExt2DOutput; #endregion this.Rtc = rtc; this.siriusEditorForm1.Rtc = rtc; this.siriusEditorForm1.Laser = laser; this.siriusEditorForm1.Marker = marker; }
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; theModel.initializationProgress += TheModel_initializationProgress; // Show the version. Version thisVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; tbVersion.Text = string.Format("CopyRight To Helixgen,Version: {0}.{1}", thisVersion.Major.ToString(), thisVersion.Minor.ToString()); // showMainPage(); //AnalysPage = new AnalysePage(this); startupPage = new StartupPage(theModel); setUpPage = new setUp(this); idInputPage = new IDInput(this); Loginpage = new loginPage(this); AnalysPage = new AnalysePage(this); runResultPage = new RunResultPage(this); //_mainPage = new MainPage(this); NavFrame.Navigate(Loginpage); /* * StartupPage startupPage = new StartupPage(theModel); * * NavFrame.Navigate(startupPage); * Thread.Sleep(0); * * NavFrame.LoadCompleted += NavFrame_Startup_Navigated; */ #if false OpticsControlPage opticsPage = new OpticsControlPage(); NavFrame.Navigate(opticsPage); opticsPage.Initialize(); #endif #if false Thread.Sleep(10000); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke( delegate { showMainPage(); } ); } ); #endif }
private void ArchiveLocationInput_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArchiveLocationInput.Text) && Directory.Exists(ArchiveLocationInput.Text)) { // Specified directory is a valid one. try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; string[] matches = Directory.GetFiles(ArchiveLocationInput.Text, "*_archive.d"); if (matches.Length > 0) { // Open the active archive m_archiveReader.Open(matches[0]); MetadataRecord definition; List <string> previousSelection = new List <string>(ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings.General["Selection", true].ValueAs("").Split(',')); IDInput.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= m_archiveReader.MetadataFile.RecordsOnDisk; i++) { definition = m_archiveReader.MetadataFile.Read(i); if (definition.GeneralFlags.Enabled) { IDInput.Items.Add(new Metadata(definition)); if (previousSelection.Contains(definition.HistorianID.ToString())) { IDInput.SetItemChecked(IDInput.Items.Count - 1, true); } Application.DoEvents(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowUpdateMessage("Error initializing application - {0}", ex.Message); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } }
private void MotionForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateNames(); var motorParameterFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "motion", "ajinmotorparameterfile.mot"); MotorAjinExtek.LoadParameterFile(motorParameterFile); MotorZ = new MotorAjinExtek(0, "Z Axis"); MotorZ.Initialize(); DigitalInput = new AjinExtekDInput(0, "D.IN"); //DigitalInput = new AdlinkDInput(0, "D.IN", 7230, 0); //DigitalInput = new RtcDInput(rtc, 0, "D.IN"); DigitalInput.Initialize(); DigitalOutput = new AjinExtekDOutput(0, "D.OUT"); //DigitalOutput = new AdlinkDOutput(0, "D.OUT", 7230, 0); //DigitalOutput = new RtcDOutput(rtc, 0, "D.OUT"); DigitalOutput.Initialize(); timer.Enabled = true; }
private void SearchPhraseFind_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { try { // Search for points matching the search criteria. int pointID; Metadata definition; string searchPhrase = SearchPhraseInput.Text.ToLower(); int.TryParse(searchPhrase, out pointID); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; ShowUpdateMessage("Searching for points matching \"{0}\"...", searchPhrase); for (int i = 0; i < IDInput.Items.Count; i++) { definition = (Metadata)IDInput.Items[i]; if (definition.PointID == pointID || definition.PointName.ToLower().Contains(searchPhrase) || definition.PointDescription.ToLower().Contains(searchPhrase)) { IDInput.SetItemChecked(i, true); } } ShowUpdateMessage("Found {0} point(s) matching \"{1}\".", IDInput.CheckedIndices.Count, searchPhrase); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowUpdateMessage("Error finding points - {0}", ex.Message); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void IDInputDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IDInput.Select(); IDInput.Select(0, IDInput.Text.Length); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.FormClosing += MainForm_FormClosing; SpiralLab.Core.Initialize(); // 신규 문서 생성 var doc = new DocumentDefault(); // 문서 지정 siriusEditorForm1.Document = doc; if (!siriusEditorForm1.EnablePens) { // 기본 펜 생성후 문서에 추가 var pen = new PenDefault(); doc.Action.ActEntityAdd(pen); } // 내부 데이타(IDocument) 가 변경될경우 이를 이벤트 통지를 받는 핸들러 등록 siriusEditorForm1.OnDocumentSourceChanged += SiriusEditorForm1_OnDocumentSourceChanged; #region RTC 초기화 //var rtc = new RtcVirtual(0); //create Rtc for dummy var rtc = new Rtc5(0); //create Rtc5 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6(0); //create Rtc6 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6Ethernet(0, "", ""); //실험적인 상태 (Scanlab Rtc6 Ethernet 제어기) //var rtc = new Rtc6SyncAxis(0, Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "syncAxis", "syncAXISConfig.xml")); //실험적인 상태 (Scanlab XLSCAN 솔류션) float fov = 60.0f; ///scanner field of view : 60mm float kfactor = (float)Math.Pow(2, 20) / fov; // k factor (bits/mm) = 2^20 / fov var correctionFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "correction", "cor_1to1.ct5"); rtc.Initialize(kfactor, LaserMode.Yag1, correctionFile); // 스캐너 보정 파일 지정 : correction file rtc.CtlFrequency(50 * 1000, 2); // laser frequency : 50KHz, pulse width : 2usec rtc.CtlSpeed(100, 100); // default jump and mark speed : 100mm/s rtc.CtlDelay(10, 100, 200, 200, 0); // scanner and laser delays #endregion this.siriusEditorForm1.Rtc = rtc; #region 레이저 소스 초기화 var laser = new LaserVirtual(0, "virtual", 20); // virtual laser source with max 20W power (최대 출력 20W 의 가상 레이저 소스 생성) //var laser = new IPGYLP(0, "IPG YLP", 1, 20); //var laser = new JPTTypeE(0, "JPT Type E", 1, 20); //var laser = new SPIG4(0, "SPI G3/4", 1, 20); //var laser = new PhotonicsIndustryDX(0, "PI", 1, 20); //var laser = new AdvancedOptoWaveFotia(0, "Fotia", 1, 20); //var laser = new CoherentAviaLX(0, "Avia LX", 1, 20); laser.Rtc = rtc; laser.Initialize(); laser.CtlPower(2); #endregion this.siriusEditorForm1.Laser = laser; #region 마커 지정 var marker = new MarkerDefault(0); #endregion this.siriusEditorForm1.Marker = marker; #region RTC 확장 IO this.RtcExt1DInput = new RtcDInput(rtc, 0, "DIN RTC EXT1"); this.RtcExt1DInput.Initialize(); this.RtcExt1DOutput = new RtcDOutputExt1(rtc, 0, "DOUT RTC EXT1"); this.RtcExt1DOutput.Initialize(); this.RtcExt2DOutput = new RtcDOutputExt2(rtc, 0, "DIN RTC EXT2"); this.RtcExt2DOutput.Initialize(); this.siriusEditorForm1.RtcExtension1Input = this.RtcExt1DInput; this.siriusEditorForm1.RtcExtension1Output = this.RtcExt1DOutput; this.siriusEditorForm1.RtcExtension2Output = this.RtcExt2DOutput; #endregion }