예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a car code by raw index (not ID).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index within the table.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetCarLabelByIndex(int index)
            int carLabelCount = GetLabelCountForTable(SpecDBTables.GENERIC_CAR);

            if (carLabelCount > -1 && index < carLabelCount)
                //idi = MSpecDB::GetIDITableByIndex(pMVar2, 0);
                IDI        idTable = Fixed_Tables[(int)SpecDBTables.GENERIC_CAR].IDI;
                SpanReader sr      = new SpanReader(idTable.Buffer);

                // buf = buf + *(int*)(buf + param_1 * 8 + 0x10) + *(int*)(buf + 4) * 8 + 0x12;
                sr.Position = IDI.HeaderSize + (index * 8);
                int strOffset = sr.ReadInt32();

                sr.Position = 4;
                int entryCount = sr.ReadInt32();

                sr.Position  = IDI.HeaderSize + (entryCount * 8) + strOffset; // str map offset + strOffset
                sr.Position += 2;                                             // Ignore string size as per original implementation

                /* Original Returns the length of the string (pointer) and the buffer
                 * strncpy(strOut, buf, strBufLen);
                 * strOut[strBufLen + -1] = '\0';
                 * iVar1 = strlen(strOut, (char*)buf);
                 * return iVar1; */

                return(sr.ReadString0()); // Null-Terminated

예제 #2
        public void ReadIDIMapOffsets(SpecDB specDb)
            //if (TableName.Equals("CAR_NAME_"))
            //    TableName += specDb.LocaleName;

            var        buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(specDb.FolderName, TableName) + ".idi");
            SpanReader sr     = new SpanReader(buffer);

            var magic = sr.ReadStringRaw(4);

            if (magic != "GTID")
                throw new InvalidDataException("IDI Table had invalid magic.");

            Endian endian = sr.ReadByte() != 0 ? Endian.Little : Endian.Big;

            IDI         = new IDI(buffer, endian);
            sr.Endian   = endian;
            sr.Position = 0x0C;
            TableID     = sr.ReadInt32();
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the offset of the string key for a row code in the IDI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">Table to look at.</param>
        /// <param name="code">Code of the row.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetLabelOffsetByIDFromTable(SpecDBTables table, int code)
            SpecDBTable sTable = Fixed_Tables[(int)table];
            IDI         idi    = sTable.IDI;

            SpanReader sr = new SpanReader(idi.Buffer);

            sr.Position = 4;
            int entryCount = sr.ReadInt32();

            // "original" implementation had one while and one do loop, probably decompiler that just failed
            for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
                sr.Position = IDI.HeaderSize + (i * 8) + 4;
                int entryCode = sr.ReadInt32();
                if (entryCode == code)
                    // Original: return (char*)(idiFile + index * 8 + *(int*)(iVar3 * 8 + idiFile + 0x10) + 0x12);

                    // *(int*)(iVar3 * 8 + idiFile + 0x10)
                    int entryPos = IDI.HeaderSize + (i * 8);
                    sr.Position = entryPos;
                    int stringOffset = sr.ReadInt32();

                    // idiFile + index * 8 (go to the beginning of the second table)
                    sr.Position = IDI.HeaderSize + entryCount * 8; // Header is added due to below

                    // Add the two
                    sr.Position += stringOffset;

                    //0x12 is just the base header + the string length as short, optimized
                    return(sr.Position + 2);

            return(-1); // NULL
예제 #4
        public int GetLabelCountForTable(SpecDBTables table)
            IDI idTable = Fixed_Tables[(int)table].IDI;

예제 #5
        public int GetCarLabelCount()
            IDI idTable = Fixed_Tables[(int)SpecDBTables.GENERIC_CAR].IDI;

예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the ID/Code of a label.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="label">Label name.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int GetIDOfLabel(string label)
 => IDI.SearchLabelID(label);