예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up fridges when starting application. Must call after LoadItems().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fridges"> List of all stored fridges</param>
        /// <param name="storageCells">List of all stored storage cells.</param>
        /// <param name="items">List of all stored items.</param>
        public static void LoadFridges(List <Fridge> fridges, List <StorageCell> storageCells, List <Item> items)
            foreach (Fridge fridge in fridges)
                ContentManager.FridgeMetaBase.Add(fridge.Name, fridge);
                // Set the cabinet's grid
                Grid fridgeMainGrid = new Grid()
                    RowSpacing = 0, ColumnSpacing = 0
                Grid fridgeLeftGrid = new Grid()
                    RowSpacing = 0, ColumnSpacing = 0
                Grid fridgeRightGrid = new Grid()
                    RowSpacing = 0, ColumnSpacing = 0
                fridge.SetFridge(fridge.Name, fridgeMainGrid, fridgeLeftGrid, fridgeRightGrid, fridge.ID);

                // Record cabinet ID
                IDGenerator.SkipID(ContentManager.fridgeEditIdGenerator, fridge.ID);

                foreach (StorageCell cell in storageCells)
                    // Record cell ID.
                    IDGenerator.SkipID(ContentManager.storageCellIdGenerator, cell.MetaID);
                    // Check if cell belongs to the given cabinet
                    if (cell.StorageName == fridge.Name)
                        IDGenerator.SkipID(fridge.Name, cell.MetaID);
                        Grid cellParentGrid = cell.GridType == "Left" ? fridgeLeftGrid : cell.GridType == "Right" ? fridgeRightGrid : fridgeMainGrid;
                        cell.SetStorageCell(new Vector2D <int>(cell.X, cell.Y), cell.Index, cell.StorageName, cellParentGrid, cell.GridType, cell.ColumnSpan, cell.RowSpan);

                        // Add cell to storage children dictionary
                        fridge.AddGridCell(cell.Index, cell);

                        List <View> cellChildren = new List <View>();
                        // Add items to gridcells
                        foreach (Item item in items)
                            //  Console.WriteLine("ContentLoader 78 item storage: " + item.StorageName);
                            // Check if item belongs to both the storage and the cell
                            if (item.StorageName == fridge.Name && item.StorageCellIndex == cell.Index)
                                // Adds to the list of children, will be used to populate grid later.
                                ItemLayout itemLayout = new ItemLayout(100, ContentManager.item_layout_size, item).AddMainImage()
                        fridge.AddGridItems(cell.Index, cellChildren);

                        // set UI for each cell
                        Image background = new Image()
                            Source = ContentManager.fridgeIcon, Aspect = Aspect.Fill
                        ImageButton transparentButton = new ImageButton()
                            Source = ContentManager.transIcon, BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent, Aspect = Aspect.Fill
                        fridge.AddGridCellUI(cell.Index, background, transparentButton);

                        // Set row and column span of cell
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up cabinets when starting application. Must be called after LoadItems().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cabinets">All cabinets.</param>
        /// <param name="storageCells">All storage cells.</param>
        /// <param name="items">All items.</param>
        public static void LoadCabinets(List <Cabinet> cabinets, List <StorageCell> storageCells, List <Item> items)
            foreach (Cabinet cabinet in cabinets)
                Console.WriteLine("Content Loader 58 cabinet ID = " + "[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]" + cabinet.ID);
                ContentManager.CabinetMetaBase.Add(cabinet.Name, cabinet);
                // Set the cabinet's grid
                Grid cabinetGrid = new Grid()
                    RowSpacing = 0, ColumnSpacing = 0
                cabinet.SetCabinet(cabinet.Name, cabinetGrid, cabinet.ID);

                // Record cabinet ID
                IDGenerator.SkipID(ContentManager.cabinetEditIdGenerator, cabinet.ID);

                foreach (StorageCell cell in storageCells)
                    // Record cell ID.
                    IDGenerator.SkipID(ContentManager.storageCellIdGenerator, cell.MetaID);
                    // Check if cell belongs to the given cabinet
                    if (cell.StorageName == cabinet.Name)
                        IDGenerator.SkipID(cabinet.Name, cell.Index);
                        cell.SetStorageCell(new Vector2D <int>(cell.X, cell.Y), cell.Index, cell.StorageName, cabinetGrid, "", cell.ColumnSpan, cell.RowSpan);

                        Console.WriteLine("ContentLoader 78 cabinet name: " + cabinet.Name + " cell storage: " + cell.StorageName + " cell index: " + cell.Index);
                        // Add cell to storage children dictionary
                        cabinet.AddGridCell(cell.Index, cell);

                        List <View> cellChildren = new List <View>();
                        // Add items to gridcells
                        foreach (Item item in items)
                            //  Console.WriteLine("ContentLoader 78 item storage: " + item.StorageName);
                            // Check if item belongs to both the storage and the cell
                            if (item.StorageName == cabinet.Name && item.StorageCellIndex == cell.Index)
                                // Adds to the list of children, will be used to populate grid later.
                                ItemLayout itemLayout = new ItemLayout(ContentManager.item_layout_size, ContentManager.item_layout_size, item).AddMainImage()
                        cabinet.AddGridItems(cell.Index, cellChildren);

                        // set UI for each cell
                        Image background = new Image()
                            Source = ContentManager.cabinetCellIcon, Aspect = Aspect.Fill
                        ImageButton transparentButton = new ImageButton()
                            Source = ContentManager.transIcon, BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent, Aspect = Aspect.Fill
                        cabinet.AddGridCellUI(cell.Index, background, transparentButton);

                        // Set row and column span of cell
예제 #3
        public static async void InitializeApp()
            item_layout_size = screenWidth / 4;

            // Initialize ID Groups
            LocalStorageController.ResetDatabase(); // WARNING: FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY

            // Initialize Important Grids
            GridManager.InitializeGrid(metaGridName, 9, 4, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star);
            GridManager.InitializeGrid(unplacedGridName, 0, 4, GridLength.Star, GridLength.Star);

            Console.WriteLine("ContentManger 75 is user new -=================================================================== " + ContentManager.isUserNew + ContentManager.isLocal);
            // Load saved data
            if (!isUserNew)
                List <Cabinet> localCabinets = await LocalStorageController.GetTableListAsync <Cabinet>();

                List <Fridge> localFridges = await LocalStorageController.GetTableListAsync <Fridge>();

                List <StorageCell> localStorageCells = await LocalStorageController.GetTableListAsync <StorageCell>();

                List <Item> localItems = await LocalStorageController.GetTableListAsync <Item>();

                List <Cabinet>     baseCabinets     = new List <Cabinet>();
                List <Fridge>      baseFridges      = new List <Fridge>();
                List <StorageCell> baseStorageCells = new List <StorageCell>();
                List <Item>        baseItems        = new List <Item>();

                if (!isLocal)
                    // Populating list with firebase
                    baseCabinets     = (await FireBaseController.GetCabinets()).ToList().ConvertAll(o => o.Object);
                    baseFridges      = (await FireBaseController.GetFridges()).ToList().ConvertAll(o => o.Object);
                    baseItems        = (await FireBaseController.GetItems()).ToList().ConvertAll(o => o.Object);
                    baseStorageCells = (await FireBaseController.GetStorageCells());

                    // Load with cloud data
                    ContentLoader.LoadCabinets(baseCabinets, baseStorageCells, baseItems);
                    ContentLoader.LoadFridges(baseFridges, baseStorageCells, baseItems);
                    // Load with local data
                    ContentLoader.LoadCabinets(localCabinets, localStorageCells, localItems);
                    ContentLoader.LoadFridges(localFridges, localStorageCells, localItems);

            if (Xamarin.Essentials.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Xamarin.Essentials.NetworkAccess.Internet)
                Console.WriteLine("Contentmanager 135 User Has Internet :)");
                Console.WriteLine("Contentmanager 138 User Has No Internet :<(");

            // start UI sequence